
Ghost of Britannia

Reincarnated after suffering a heart attack and being forced to gain power in another world in order to serve the god who granted him reincarnation, though it ends up being easier than he thought.

DaoistPFH6zu · Fantasy
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57 Chs

A rank

We all gather around the two A rank adventurers and wait for our results.

"Out of all thirty three of you, only seven was able to pass at higher than F rank! We will begin in order starting from the lowest ranks to the higher ranks!"

Magiya calls out thirty one names and gives them their ranks, the highest of which being D rank.

"Maria Cruenta, C rank!"

This caused quite a stir among the onlookers, this is quite a high rank to get right off the bat.

"Leon Laconia, A rank!"

This causes even more of a shock as I got given the highest rank you can achieve through normal means straight away.

I was expecting a high rank but not this.

I can feel my heart swell with pride.

If those bastards back in Graecia could see this, they would take me back in a heartbeat, I'm sure of it.

"If you could all go and see the receptionist to get issued your guild cards you will be able to start taking quests that fit your rank straight away."

Everybody makes their way back into the hall and forms a line to be issued their guild cards.

The murmurs of experienced adventurers can be heard around us.

"Hey, which do you reckon will die first."

"Probably that Grecian, I can't feel any presence from him at all."

They're betting on who'll die first. Well I suppose it makes sense, a lot of adventurers get overconfident and try to take on fights that they have no chance of winning.

I'm issued my guild card, it's a plain white piece of metal with my rank and name across the front.

"Welcome to the adventurers guild. The quest board is right over there."

The receptionist points to a large bulletin board with requests for people to do jobs posted over it.

I'll take one on tomorrow, I have a silver coin left, I'll go and find myself an inn before it gets too late.

I can't believe it, I'm only C rank.

Me, they'd never voice it but I'm sure my family would be ashamed. Afterall it's the reason why I left, I was too weak.

It's not like they didn't care for me, they did. I chose to leave due to my own inadequacy, this only confirms it.

I lost to humans, of all intelligent races in this world, I lost to the weakest one.

Well I better find a place to stay if I don't want to end up sleeping under bridge.

I exit the guild and begin to wander through the town in search of an inn that isn't full.

I arrive at the fifth inn I've tried to find a place to stay.

The stench of cheap booze fills the air around me. This is the last place in town, I better hope they have room.

I approach the man behind the bar.

"Do you have a room I can spend the night inn?"

"Sorry the last one just got booked by some Grecian. Though I reckon a young lass like yourself could… convince him to share."

Well I don't have a choice, and besides I'm not so weak the average human can beat me.

"I think I'll do just that."

"It's the last door on the left."

I turn to leave to the room.

"Hey, wait a minute, what about payment?"

"The rooms already been paid for, you don't need more money."

I arrive outside the room and knock on the door.

I'd just checked into an inn when someone knocks on the door to my room.

I go to open the door just to be pushed aside by someone in a cloak who walks in and deposited their things on the table.

"Uhm, what are you doing?"

"There's no other rooms so I came to this one."

They say it as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Yes, I'm supposed to know you came here because you couldn't get yourself a room.

"So, who are you?"

The person sighed.

"You really can't remember, it's only been a few hours, Leon Laconia."

"Wait, are you that weird blood magic girl, uhm, Maria Cruenta."

"Yes, and I'm staying here for the night."

She takes off her cloak to reveal pale skin and raven black hair that extends down to her shoulders. Her eyes are bejewelled on her face like a pair of rubies.

She was adorned in a crimson tunic with a black chest plate over the top made of what appears to be black scales. The plate had coat tails which parted around the front and seemed to reach the knees. There was a crimson belt with gold highlights around her waist and a pair of black leather trousers made from the same black scales. On her feet were a pair of crimson leather walking boots that seemed brand new.

But even through all that armour she couldn't cover up her best feature, her absolutely massive tits.

"You know I can sense the flow of blood through someone's body, right?"

I feel my face flush.

"I can't help it. It's a natural reaction."

"Well I'm hungry, can I get something to eat?"

"Sure I think-"

Before I can finish my sentence, she grabs me and sinks her teeth into my neck and sucks the blood out.

After a few seconds she pulls away. Blood still trickling down her lips.

"Thanks, its been months since I've had a good meal, not since I left Transylvania."

Hold on did she say Transylvania?

She smiles revealing a pair of glistening white fangs.

"Wait so then you're a vampire."

"My aren't you perceptive. And lucky. I'm tired, We can talk more of this in the morning. I'm taking the bed so you can sleep on the floor."

She climbs into the bed and gets under the covers.

I paid for the fucking room, I should be the one who gets to sleep in the bed.

I sigh and take my shirt off and go to sleep.