

The ruler of underworld, a powerful being that can kill immortals and god.

The Ghost Emperor has been ruling the underworld for thousands of years with no match.

One day, on the day of hell break, a human trespassed into the underworld to steal the core of rebirth.

The core of rebirth give immorality and undying body.


With cries of spirit and undead, a man wearing black hood appear in the mortal world.

??? : "Ghost Emperor Du, this is the mortal world after two thousand years. "

Ghost Emperor Du: "When you want something done right, do it yourself. My dark phantom self has gone mad. Foolish humans, wanting the power of rebirth core. "

??? : "Your majesty, are you going to be okay? All your power is in rebirth core, since that human stole. "

??? : "Ging! Enough, don't question his majesty. "

??? : " Ghost Emperor, why did you bring them along? Just me and you are enough. "

Ghost Emperor Du: "My spirit body has been seal, although I still have my blood Lord power, it won't be enough. "

The crowd of human stare at them, "hey check out that guy, that is a nice vampire costume. "

Now most of the humans turn their attention to them. "I like that girl sexy ghost outfit."

A guy with a black mask said, " I thought my outfit was good, now I realize it's really shabby. "

Ghost Emperor Du: "Do you know what these humans are talking about? "

Ring: "Your majesty, I think they are mistaking you for what humans call vampire, a being that suck blood. "

Jing: "Humph, how dare they. "

Dragon king: "Alright everyone, quiet down, take out the tracking device and locate the rebirth core. "

Ghost Emperor Du: "Ging! "

They all turn to Ging, then Ging took out a ancient looking compass.

Ging: "Your majesty, it seem to be in the northern direction. "

Then they all vanish as they move in high speed.


Dark Ghost Emperor: "Hahaha! These human spirits are tasty. I shall devour them all, my power shall rise!!! That foolish human thought he could control me with the rebirth core? Did he mistaken me for a weak Phantom? "

On top of a skyscraper, a woman with black robe watch as the dark ghost emperor devour spirits and creating many evil spirit that went on a rampage to catch more spirits.

Su Ying: "What a powerful ghost, where did it come from? If not stopped now, by tomorrow the world will be plunge into darkness full of evil spirit. "


In a dark alley, a crunch could be heard, the sound of teeth tearing into flesh. "What a good day to feast, these humans taste so good. "

Then a fireball descend on him as he became ash.

Rein: "What a weak werewolf, I wonder if Su Ying is doing alright. "


Crossing thousands of miles, the ghost emperor finally saw him. A terrifying phantom that look like him self sucking out everyone spirit.

Many human bodies lay on the ground as if they all lost their soul. A crowd of panic human talking on the phone calling for police.

Dragon King: "What a disaster, can we even defeat him? He has all the power of ghost emperor after all. "

Ghost Emperor Du: "No, that is me... Just that my consciousness no longer controlled it. Think of it as an insane version of me. "

Dragon King: "What's the plan? " Looking around as if someone here have a plan.

Ghost Emperor Du: "Well we all rushed here in a hurry when I found out the rebirth core has been stolen. "

Dragon King: "What you are saying is there is no plan? "

Ghost Emperor Du: "Exactly."

A streak of wind blew past them as silence descend.

Dragon King lift up his fist as he punch the building next to them. The building lower floor shattered into fragments on impact.

Jing: "Lord please calm down, if we team up, it's not impossible to defeat him. "

Ghost Emperor Du: "Someone is approaching us from above. "

Su Ying: "What do we have here? A zombie, a vampire, a phantom, and a humanoid lizard.

Ring: " Who are you calling a zombie?! I'm clearly a Immortal Death Lord, to compare me to such inferior species. "

Meanwhile, dragon king is breaking down. 'To think, I the great dragon king, the strongest war god in the underworld, have been insulted and mistaken as a lizard. '

Ging: "Calm down Ring, and who may you be miss?"

Su Ying: "I am the strongest Demon Slayer, Ash Bringer! "

They all turn to each other. Then a telepathic voice was transmitted into Ghost Emperor mind, "Your majesty, Demon Slayers are a group of Special human that hunt demons and monsters. "

Ghost Emperor Du: "Jing, tell me everything you know. "

Jing: "Yes. Demon slayers appear 600 years ago and kill evil demons that terrorize mortals. They all have special ability, such as controlling the elements, healing, and summoning. Some of them are half human and half demons. "

Ghost Emperor Du: "Tell me about how strong they are. "

Jing: " They have the ranking of elites, masters, grand masters, and Specialists. Elites are strong as normal demon, masters are strong as high rank demons, grand masters are strong as one of your elite soldiers. As for specialists, your majesty can judge. "

Ghost Emperor Du: "As the strongest specialists, her power is decent, to be able to sense us, her sense is very sharp. However, not enough for a shadow Lord such as Jing. Maybe we can use her. "

Actually Ghost Emperor is over thinking it, Su Ying was attracted by the shattered building caused by the dragon king.

After sizing them up, she went to talk to them because they seem harmless and doesn't give off a evil stench.

How could a mere mortal feel the power level of one of the strongest in the underworld?

As for the dragon king, he didn't use much strength to shatter the lower floor of the building.

Although it was an impressive show of strength, to Su Ying, it's not much.

The reason Su Ying came to meet them was because she wanted to tell them to get in her ways.

Who know what they might do?

Suddenly the dragon king vanish and held the girl up.

Dragon King: "Stupid girl, how dare you call me a lizard! "

As the strongest war god, no one has been his match. All that serve him fear him. Usually he is cold and calm. However, for a mere mortal to insult him. How could he stand for this?

Su Ying: 'How could this be? I didn't even see him move. Not even the strongest werebeast can escape my heaven eye! '

Ghost Emperor Du: "Long Shen, let her go. "

Dragon King suddenly shuddered from the cold voice behind him.

Ghost Emperor Du and Dragon King had been friends since they were soldiers in the previous Ruler of the Underworld army.

While his friend succeed the thorn to be the next Emperor. While Long Shen rule the clan of dragons.

Ghost Emperor Du: "This is the mortal world, we shouldn't interfere too much. Killing her will definitely cause that old man to come visit me. Also, I have uses for her. "

Dragon King: "Fine, but I don't see how this mortal can help us. Her soul will instantly be destroyed in the presence of Dark Ghost Emperor. "