
Ghost Castle

NEVER CALL AN UNKNOWN NUMBER !! I SAID NEVER !! What if someday you are just calling a random number and it turns out to be your death ? Davy is a 16 year old boy who is a adventure seeker and loves thrills and mystery. He has a group of 8 friends named Ghost Hunters. One day they dialed a number and what they hear was a death notice. EVERYONE OF YOU WHO IS LISTENING TO THIS WILL DIE !!! They searched for the location of the number and find it near their city and reached at the 'Ghost Castle'. 365 days Ghost Adventure has came to your Home Horror x Thrill x Mystery x Suspense Updated every Wednesday and Saturday

RawkRed · Horror
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4 Chs

Character Profiles


Davy Markle is a sixteen years old boy who loves adventures, mysteries and Thrill-seeking. He always has a shine on his face and he looks super handsome with his white hair and blue eyes. His father, Evan Markle is a Top-notch businessman of Divine City and his mother, Laura Jones is a housewife. Davy Markle studies in the country's top-most prestigious school that is 'Alpha School'. He is ranked the Number One student of his school due to his top grades and good behavior. He is the top student both in studies and other extra-curricular activities.

2. KAI and 3. KEN

Kai Sen and Ken Sen are twin brothers, They are both sixteen years old and born with blue hair which makes them different from others. Their father, Smith Sen is a businessman and are friends with Evan Markle which makes the two families closer. Their mother is Skyler Ander who works in an NGO.

Kai Sen is good in Studies and is a top student of his Class 'Study-B' of Alpha School, he has reddish brown eyes and blue hairs, he loves studies very much, he looks super handsome but girls are afraid of Kai because of his Stern face and strict attitude, due to his stern look he is also called by the nickname of Stern-faced CEO, he is easy going with his close friends. He loves study and care for his brother Ken the most. Whatever Ken says is a order for Kai.

Ken Sen is good in Sports and is a top student of Class 'Sports-A' of the same Alpha School, he is very cute with a friendly nature, he has full brown eyes and with his blue hair combo he looks so cute, all the girls are madly in love with Ken and he is usually surrounded by a lot of students. He is also called by the nickname 'Sports God' among the students. He loves sports and his brother Kai very much because he usually saves him when he is jumbled up.

4. RAY

Ray Glazer is the best friend of Davy with the same age as his. He loves playing games too much and loves thrills, action and adventure. His father Rook Glazer is the manager in Markle Company and his mother Emily Mill is a housewife. He looks super cool and loves flirting. He wants to be a Game Developer that's why he studies in 'Web and Game Designing' class in Alpha School. He is talented in cracking passwords and hacking small devices. He is also ranked No. 1 in all the gaming competitions held in the school.


Stella Joy is a fifteen plus girl from Study-A class of Alpha School. She is super cute without makeup and looks very beautiful and stunning with makeup on, that's what we call natural beauty. She is the face of Alpha School, she is on the cover of school magazines and the leader of cheerleading girls. She also studies hard and acknowledged as the second top student of the school after Davy. She is also known by the name of 'Goddess'. Her father James Joy is the Director of the school and her mother is a top actress in the Entertainment Industry. She has a good adapting skills and can adjust anywhere in very less time.


Celicia Ai is a beautiful and shy girl, she likes to wear glasses. She has a habit of talking while looking at the ground. She is from class 'Animation Designing' because she is interested in comics and Animations. "Being Shy doesn't make you less strong" that's what she always says. Read Novel for more Information about this character...


This Character is MYSTERIOUS. Character Profile is Hidden... Read the novel for more Information.


This Character is MYSTERIOUS. Character Profile is Hidden... Read the novel for more Information.