
Ghost Adventures

An average high school student with a strong interest in the paranormal died an untimely death. However, death wasn't the end. He woke up in a home he didn't recognize with a system that feeds off of fear. With a new lease on life, he uses it to discover the truth of life after death and help many beings, dead and alive. His Ghost Adventures are just getting started. Extra tags: #Ghosts #Investigations #Spirits ......................................................... A/n: New synopsis, I think it's much better. Please let me know what you think.

OvaLism · Fantasy
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65 Chs

12 - Fears

After thinking for 10 minutes about what to do tomorrow, Jack still couldn't think of anything other than what he has been doing these past few days.

After he died and woke up here, he had just been living day by day with no real plan. He doesn't know what to do in this new life. He could try and attach himself to someone or something and leave the property but what then?

At the very least he knows he's safe here for now. Who knows what kind of dangerous things are out there? He doesn't know if this is his original world and even if it was he wouldn't dare say he knew what the afterlife of his world is like.

He could potentially run into some kind of real monster and have his soul devoured for all he knew about this for all intent and purposes, new world. Even if it is his original world it might as well be a new world because of this unknown afterlife.

Jack who had enough of all these depressing thoughts slapped his cheeks to cheer himself up.

'Get yourself together and focus on the real problems, Jack.' He scolded himself in his thoughts.

He went back to thinking about a game plan and eventually made a list.

The first priority is to get stronger to survive in this new world.

The second is to learn more about this afterlife.

The third is to seriously get a friend whether dead or alive because he feels like he's gonna go crazy being alone in his thoughts most of the time with no one to talk to.

Unfortunately right now the second and third are hard to solve. There's not much he can learn here and he doesn't think he is strong enough at a mere LVL 2 to survive anything out there.

Making a friend isn't easy either. it's not like he can just stumble upon another decent dead person in this house. Unless of course, he kills one of the family here, but he's not that desperate just yet.

Making a living friend is even harder considering he can't easily communicate. He thought about making friends with Angelica but he was almost an adult when he was alive.

He could make friends with the couple but he needs them to fear him. He supposes he can try but even if they accepted him the experience would get lower because you become less afraid of something you understand.


The next morning the couple got up together and as Sarah was making breakfast David was at the table thinking about the seance last night.

"Well we know that there is one ghost here, his name is Jack he died by a truck a few days ago and wants closure. now, what do we do? What can we do? How do we get him to move on and stop haunting us?" David held his chin with his right hand with his elbow on the table and spoke to his wife about the situation while leaving out the Angelica remark.

"Maybe we can ask Rodriguez what else we can do?" Sarah suggested as she used a spatula to flip an egg in the pan.

"I don't know... But what else can we do? Another seance and hope for more information?" David suggested hesitantly not wanting to contact it again and make a mistake that makes it worse.

"Maybe we can find a professional in this field like that medium from that show. " Sarah suggested remembering a show they saw about a medium who helped people contact dead relatives as she transferred the egg and bacon from the pan to a plate and set it in front of David.

"Good idea! A medium would be able to give us professional guidance on how to help this spirit move on!" David said as he waited for his wife to get her plate of food before he started to eat.

"But where do we find someone like that?" Sarah asked, then sat down with her plate, and started eating.

"I don't know, maybe you can look around while I'm at work. You only have to pick up Angelica from school later today." David requested his wife as he thought about how angelica is going to school with her friend since she slept over there last night.

"I guess I could even though I'm nervous about staying here alone." Sarah said shivering when she thought about being alone here.

"Don't worry it hasn't been physically violent so just try and stay calm when something strange happens. " David consoled his wife as he reached over the table to gently hold her hand.

Jack who heard this conversation walked behind David and focused on his hand, then patted David's shoulder.

'Don't worry my friend, I'll take good care of your wife when you're gone.' Jack happily thought.

David felt someone touch his shoulder and he stiffened in shock. He creakily turned his head to look behind his shoulder that got touched but saw nothing.

"What's wrong dear?" Sarah saw his weird actions and asked him.

"Nothing, everything is fine." David smiled shakily at his wife attempting to assure her.

"If you say so." Sarah suspiciously accepted his answer while she finished her breakfast.

After breakfast, Sarah cleaned up the dishes and made David's lunchbox

Sarah then gave David his lunch box and watched as he made his way out to work leaving Sarah alone.

Jack then watched curiously as Sarah came back from sending David off and searched for any local mediums. Jack honestly hoped that he could try and see any information that may be different from what he knew for any clues about this world.

Unfortunately, Jack didn't see any differences.

After looking for a while Sarah found a relatively well-reviewed medium and decided to talk about it to David later tonight and see if she can schedule him to come tomorrow.

The only issue is Angelica. She can't just make her stay away from the house all the time while they deal with this spirit. Angelica is gonna have to just be here and be put into her room she supposed.

Another chapter today.

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