
Ghost - A Naruto Fanfic

Follow the journey of a young man who suddenly finds himself transported into the mystical world of Naruto. But as he navigates this new and unfamiliar world, he begins to realize that things are not quite as they seem. As he struggles to find his place in this mystical realm, he is faced with a series of challenges that test his mettle and his resolve. But with each new obstacle, he also discovers new opportunities and potential within himself, as he delves deeper into the secrets of chakra. As he grapples with the darkness that lurks around every corner, he must also confront his own inner demons and fears. Will he be able to resist the pull of the dark side, or will he succumb to its seductive power? ________________________________ This Naruto fan-fiction offers a more realistic portrayal of a person transported into the Naruto world. The protagonist doesn't become overpowered too quickly and doesn't kill hundreds of people with ease. Instead, the story delves into Jutsu creation and fuinjutsu, providing technical information that adds depth to the narrative. The story isn't a harem novel, and while there may be love interests, the focus is more on the adventure and exploration of the Naruto world. Please give this novel a chance and i sincerely believe that it will offer a unique and refreshing take on the Naruto world. There may be instances of graphic violence, blood, and gore in the story. I advise readers who may be sensitive to such content to approach the novel with caution. _________________________________ You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon: www.patreon.com/MoneyBall683 ____________________________________ DISCLAIMER: I do not claim ownership over any of the characters in this Fan-fic other than my OC's. The cover pic is also not mine.

MoneyBall · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

The Art of Playing with Shadows

You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patréon:


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With a razor-sharp focus on his chakra, Rai deftly maneuvered through his taijutsu katas, meticulously maintaining his hold on the three leaves that were delicately attached to his hands and forehead. He executed each move with finesse and accuracy, fluidly transitioning from one technique to the next.

Rai was acutely aware of the presence of the leaves, yet their weight and touch seemed to guide him into a deeper level of concentration. Each movement felt more deliberate and controlled, as if he were tapping into a hidden reserve of energy and precision.

Through the subtle feedback of the leaves, Rai became more in tune with his own body, honing his senses to a razor's edge. As he moved through the katas with ease, he could feel his chakra flowing through his body like a river.

As Rai continued with his practice, Shikaku observed him with a keen eye, taking note of his progress. With a satisfied nod, he walked over to Rai and patted him on the back.

"I believe you are now prepared for the next phase of your training," Shikaku stated, a smile of approval on his face.

He paused, then asked Rai a question, "Do you recall our discussion about the twelve different hand seals?"

Rai responded confidently, "Yes, Dad, I remember."

"As you recall, the hand seals serve as a tool to manipulate and direct chakra flow. It's crucial to understand the mechanism behind it.

To master the art of jutsu, you must understand that hand seals are not simply a matter of waving your hands around. Rather, they are intricate patterns of chakra flow that operate much like electrical circuits."

He continued, "Each hand seal represents a specific circuit, and when combined in a certain sequence, they can produce a variety of effects. The mastery of hand seals is critical in the manipulation of chakra, as it enables the user to harness their power to a greater extent and perform more advanced techniques.

The initial handseals used in a jutsu are typically designed to draw chakra and create a specific pattern of chakra flow. The subsequent handseals are then used to further manipulate and control the chakra, and the final handseal is often used to release or direct the chakra towards a specific point.

The mastery of handseals demands not only the memorization of their sequence but also precise control of chakra. To achieve the intended outcome, each handseal must be performed with an accurate amount of chakra and coordinated precisely with the rest of the sequence.

Executing a jutsu requires molding the chakra within the body and performing a sequence of handseals in a precise and timed manner to control and direct the chakra towards a specific outcome. It involves a profound comprehension of chakra manipulation and the ability to exert precise control over one's own chakra. The effectiveness of a jutsu is dependent on the shinobi's skill level, as well as the combination of handseals utilized.

While some jutsus may only require a single handseal, it is still essential to maintain proper control and manipulation of one's chakra. More complex jutsus, on the other hand, demand a swift and precise execution of multiple handseals in a specific sequence.

Achieving such proficiency requires an exceptional level of skill and control over one's chakra flow. Ultimately, the success of a jutsu hinges on the accuracy of the handseals, as well as the capability of the user to harness their chakra.

To become a proficient practitioner of Ninjutsu, it is crucial to master handseals and chakra control. This is why we needed to ensure that you had developed a basic level of chakra control before we could progress to the next phase of your training," explained Shikaku as he paused to gather his thoughts.

"Now that we have covered the fundamentals of handseals and chakra control, it's time to move on to the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu.

The Shadow Paralysis Jutsu belongs to our clan's repertoire of Shadow Jutsus, and is considered the most elementary technique in this category.

As the name implies, the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu enables the user to render their opponent immobile by paralyzing their muscles through their shadow. The technique requires the user to focus their chakra into their shadow and then extend it towards the target's shadow.

The connection between the two shadows is vital in order for the jutsu to work effectively. Once the connection is established, the user can paralyze their target by immobilizing their muscles through their shadow. It's important to note that the user must maintain the jutsu while using it, which can limit their own movements.

Originally created to assist the clan's hunters in capturing prey, the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu gradually revealed its potential for use in combat situations. As the technique evolved, it became clear that its ability to immobilize opponents could be a valuable asset on the battlefield.

The Shadow Paralysis Jutsu is considered a secret technique of the Nara clan, only passed down to its members. As a result, it is forbidden for anyone outside the clan to use it. Before a shinobi can even attempt to use the technique, they must meet two prerequisites:

1. Having a yin affinity, which is a rare and specialized chakra nature.

2. Using a special medicine.

The medicine required to use the Shadow techniques is a closely guarded secret, consisting of rare herbs and other ingredients that enhance a shinobi's connection to their shadow. It is only through the use of this special concoction that the Nara clan has been able to maintain their dominance over the Shadow techniques. The recipe for this medicine is known only by the head of the Nara clan, and its secrecy has ensured that the Shadow techniques remain exclusive to the Nara clan.

After consuming the medicine and possessing a yin affinity, a shinobi is eligible to start training the Shadow Paralysis jutsu. It's important to note that the medicine is not a shortcut to success, as it only serves to amplify a shinobi's inherent abilities, and not to replace the necessity of proper training and hard work.

The effects of the medicine are limited and temporary, lasting for only about three hours. If a shinobi is unable to utilize the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu during this time, they will need to consume another dose of the medicine.

However, it is important to keep in mind that the medicine can only be used twice in a shinobi's lifetime, as excessive use can result in permanent damage to the body. Hence, it is crucial that the user masters the Shadow Jutsu within the given timeframe."

Shikaku retrieved a small vial of transparent liquid from his pouch, which he then passed to Rai. "Before we can proceed with Shadow Jutsu training, you must consume this medicine," he said.

As Rai ingested the medicine, he detected a hint of bitterness on his tongue. It was not unpleasant, but it was definitely a unique flavor that he had not experienced before. He sensed the liquid traveling down his throat and into his stomach, followed by a prickling sensation that swept throughout his body, invigorating and sharpening his senses.

Initially, Rai was uncertain of what sensation he was supposed to experience after drinking the medicine. He closed his eyes and concentrated on his chakra, and soon enough, a heightened sense of perception dawned upon him. He became more attuned to his environment, discerning the faintest sounds of rustling leaves and the soft vibrations emanating from the trees.

The presence of his father beside him became more palpable, and he even sensed the minuscule movements of insects crawling on the surface of a nearby tree. It was as if a veil had been lifted, allowing him to see the world more vividly.

But it wasn't just his vision that had improved. Rai was now keenly aware of the presence of his chakra, as if it had been elevated to a new level of potency. He could feel it circulating through his system, surging with power and energy. His awareness of his own body had become heightened, as if he was attuned to every aspect of his being. Above all, he could sense the subtle movements of his own shadow, as if it were an extension of himself.

"I can sense my shadow," Rai announced as soon as he was aware of its presence.

"Very well, Rai. Begin by molding your chakra, and once you have done so, form the Ne (rat) handseal. This will direct your chakra towards your shadow, enabling you to extend it further. Concentrate on controlling the flow of chakra and visualizing the extension of your shadow." Shikaku instructed with a composed tone.

Rai nodded, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes, centering his mind and turning his focus inward to mold his chakra. With deft hand movements, he quickly formed the Ne handseal, feeling a rush of chakra flow towards his shadow.

He focused intently on his shadow, visualizing it extending towards the nearby tree. However, to his frustration, nothing happened - his shadow remained as still as ever.

Rai took a deep breath and molded his chakra once more. He performed the Ne handseal, and this time he poured even more chakra into the technique. Yet, his shadow remained stubbornly still. He continued to repeat the process, each time adjusting the amount of chakra and the way he visualized his shadow extending towards the tree. Despite his efforts, Rai couldn't seem to get the jutsu to work.

Shikaku observed his son's struggle, recognizing that it was important for Rai to discover the appropriate amount of chakra needed through experimentation. "Keep at it, Rai," he advised.

"Concentrate your chakra towards your shadow and carefully adjust the quantity you use. It's all about finding the optimal balance."

Rai nodded in agreement, feeling a little disheartened but also determined to master the technique. He continued to make the rat handseal and concentrate his chakra towards his shadow, but his shadow still wouldn't extend.

Shikaku observed Rai's repeated attempts, patiently waiting for his son to find the right balance of chakra. After a while, he yawned and stretched, feeling a bit tired from the training session.

"I think it's time for me to rest for a bit, Rai," he said. "You should keep practicing for another hour or so, and then take some time to rest and replenish your chakra."

Shikaku waited for a few more seconds before he turned around and walked away. His mind was preoccupied with his thoughts about his son's progress when he suddenly felt an unyielding force grip his body. His feet were rooted to the ground, and his arms felt like they were being held in place by some invisible restraint. It was an unnerving sensation, as if he had been captured by an unknown force.

"What the...?" Shikaku muttered, feeling a surge of panic rising within him.

Meanwhile, Rai watched in amazement as he successfully connected his shadow to his father's. As he focused on maintaining the jutsu, he quickly realized that it was quite taxing on his chakra reserves. He felt his chakra draining rapidly, and he knew that he couldn't sustain the jutsu for long.

"I did it!" Rai exclaimed

Just as he was reveling in his achievement, the connection between the shadows suddenly dissipated, and Shikaku was able to move freely again.

Shikaku was in awe and surprise as he turned to face Rai. He couldn't believe what had just happened. "That was unexpected," he muttered, still in disbelief. His expression showed a mixture of shock and awe as he gazed at Rai. "I'm impressed, Rai. You managed to connect your shadow to mine in such a short amount of time."

Shikaku had been training Rai for only a brief period, yet the boy had already demonstrated remarkable natural talent for the Shadow Jutsu. Shikaku had never seen such skill in someone so young.

He had always known that Rai was special, but this display of skill was beyond anything he could have imagined. Shikaku's heart swelled with a mix of emotions - pride for his son's achievement, amazement at how much he had grown, and a tinge of worry for the responsibilities that lay ahead.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia, realizing that his little boy had grown up so quickly and was now capable of performing such advanced techniques. As he looked at Rai, Shikaku realized that he was no longer a child, but a young man with a promising future ahead of him.

After a brief moment of silence, Shikaku stared at his son, "Rai," he said, his voice thick with emotion, "that was incredible. I am very proud of you." He stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. "You need to work on controlling your chakra flow more accurately. Don't waste your energy by forcing too much chakra into your shadow. It's crucial to find the right balance."

Although Shikaku sounded serious, the pride in his voice was undeniable. Rai's success had impressed him and exceeded his expectations. He was confident that with practice and time, Rai could surpass all previous Nara clan members and become one of the most accomplished ones.

He walked back over to Rai, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Let's take a break for now. We can resume training later when you've had some time to rest and reflect on what you've learned."


A/N: Just wanted to give you all a heads-up that the first chapter of the second arc is now live on my patréon! For those who've been wondering about the super-detailed descriptions spanning multiple chapters, they're going to wind down around Chapter 26. Don't worry, there'll still be details, but they won't stretch on for so many chapters. I'm aiming to pack them into a single chapter or even half a chapter when it's needed.

The focus for the second arc will be more on the storyline itself. Also, if you've got a moment, please leave a review for the story. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks a ton!