
Ghost - A Naruto Fanfic

Follow the journey of a young man who suddenly finds himself transported into the mystical world of Naruto. But as he navigates this new and unfamiliar world, he begins to realize that things are not quite as they seem. As he struggles to find his place in this mystical realm, he is faced with a series of challenges that test his mettle and his resolve. But with each new obstacle, he also discovers new opportunities and potential within himself, as he delves deeper into the secrets of chakra. As he grapples with the darkness that lurks around every corner, he must also confront his own inner demons and fears. Will he be able to resist the pull of the dark side, or will he succumb to its seductive power? ________________________________ This Naruto fan-fiction offers a more realistic portrayal of a person transported into the Naruto world. The protagonist doesn't become overpowered too quickly and doesn't kill hundreds of people with ease. Instead, the story delves into Jutsu creation and fuinjutsu, providing technical information that adds depth to the narrative. The story isn't a harem novel, and while there may be love interests, the focus is more on the adventure and exploration of the Naruto world. Please give this novel a chance and i sincerely believe that it will offer a unique and refreshing take on the Naruto world. There may be instances of graphic violence, blood, and gore in the story. I advise readers who may be sensitive to such content to approach the novel with caution. _________________________________ You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon: www.patreon.com/MoneyBall683 ____________________________________ DISCLAIMER: I do not claim ownership over any of the characters in this Fan-fic other than my OC's. The cover pic is also not mine.

MoneyBall · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs


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Rai stood in the middle of the training field, surrounded by trees and the sound of rushing water from a nearby stream. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, clearing his mind of all distractions. Then, he began to move.

He started with the basic stances of the Water Flow Kata, his movements slow and deliberate. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, his hands flowing through the air in graceful arcs. With each movement, he focused on his breathing, inhaling deeply as he extended his arms and exhaling as he retracted them.

As he progressed through the kata, his movements became faster and more fluid. He moved from one stance to the next, his body twisting and turning in perfect synchronization. With each movement, he could feel his muscles straining, the exertion pushing him to his limits.

But he didn't stop there. As he continued with the kata, he also began to practice the Leaf Concentration Exercise for chakra control. He picked up a few leaves, closed his eyes and focused his attention on attaching the leaves to his fingers and forehead. He took deep breaths and cleared his mind, centering himself on the task at hand.

With his fingers and hands in various positions Rai began to glide through the Water Flow Kata. As he navigated through the different stances and forms, he kept a firm focus on the leaves and their locations. He visualized the flow of chakra from his core to his fingertips, ensuring that his control over it remained steady as he transferred his weight from foot to foot, executing each technique with precision and grace.

With each movement, Rai could feel the leaves on his fingers and forehead shifting ever so slightly, testing his concentration and chakra control. He had to ensure that the leaves remained attached to his fingers and forehead throughout the entire kata, without falling off or losing their position. As he reached the end of the kata, Rai took a deep breath and paused for a moment to steady himself.

He looked at the leaves on his fingers, which remained perfectly still despite his movements. Rai dropped the leaves from his fingers and let out a deep breath, feeling the strain of the training session in his muscles. He knew that rest and recovery were just as important as training, and he needed to give his body time to heal and rebuild.

With a deep breath, he turned to head home. As he walked, he couldn't help but think about what Gai had said. He knew that he needed to work on his stamina if he wanted to succeed in the academy and become a great shinobi.

As he walked through the streets of his village, he felt the warmth of the sun on his skin and heard the sound of people going about their daily lives. He greeted a few people he knew along the way and smiled at the children playing in the streets.

Upon reaching his home, he stepped inside and made his way to his room. Drawing a deep breath, he stretched his weary muscles, sensing the tightness and discomfort gradually dissipating.

Swiftly discarding his workout attire, Rai moved towards the washroom and ran a hot bath. The sensation of warm water enveloping his body brought immediate relief, aiding in easing his strained muscles and providing a sense of relaxation.

After basking in the therapeutic warmth for a good while, Rai emerged from the bath, patting himself dry. Slipping into clean attire, he made his way to the kitchen in search of a quick snack. A quick scan of the pantry rewarded him with a selection of dried fruits and nuts, which he proceeded to arrange in a bowl.

Balancing the bowl of snacks in one hand, Rai navigated his way to the study room. His gaze swept across the multitude of scrolls stacked on the bookshelf before he decided on two titled "Chakra Mastery: Techniques for Control and Manipulation I and II," authored by the venerable Misaki Nara.

Known for her profound insight and understanding of chakra, Misaki devoted the majority of her life to studying and decoding the enigma of chakra control. However, her untimely demise came just prior to Tobirama Senju's appointment as the Second Hokage, a loss that sent ripples of grief through the Nara clan. She was revered not only for her scholarly contributions but also for the warmth and affection she embodied as a clan member.

The scrolls offered an extensive range of chakra control methods, meticulously arranged in ascending order of complexity. At the beginner's level, the techniques focused on rudimentary chakra control and the art of chakra visualization. As the complexity escalated, the techniques demanded a more profound mastery over chakra manipulation.

Yoshino had observed Rai's difficulties with chakra control and recommended he utilize these scrolls as a means of enhancement. Nevertheless, he was granted access solely to the initial two segments of the scroll, as his mother insisted that he first master the rudimentary techniques before delving into the more complex ones.

The initial section of the scroll delved into an exhaustive explanation of the Leaf Concentration Exercise, along with multiple variations and adjustments to increase its difficulty. The scroll offered guidance and techniques to augment focus and concentration, in addition to methods for assessing progress and monitoring improvements.

Rai had devoted numerous hours to practicing the exercises within this section of the scroll, and he had successfully mastered the Leaf Concentration Exercise.

Having mastered the Leaf Concentration Exercise, Rai had acquired enhanced control over his chakra and refined his skills in focus and concentration. He could now effortlessly attach a leaf to each of his fingers and forehead, and even sustain his concentration while executing basic taijutsu maneuvers.

Nevertheless, despite his advancements, Rai was aware that there was still room for improvement. He was only able to hold his mother immobilized with the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu for a span of 25 seconds before his chakra reserves were exhausted.

With his limitations in mind, Rai decided to move on to the second scroll. He unfurled the second scroll eagerly, keen to discover new methods to enhance his chakra control. Nevertheless, the scroll opened with a warning, urging that the exercises within should only be undertaken by those who had already mastered the fundamentals of chakra control and manipulation, as outlined in the first scroll.

The scroll further clarified that chakra inherently possessed three properties: attraction, neutrality, and repulsion. Rai had mastered the Leaf Concentration Exercise, which utilized the attractive property of chakra, allowing him to control and manipulate small objects such as leaves. Many of the more sophisticated chakra control exercises also employed the attractive property, albeit in more intricate ways.

It was to be noted that the neutral property of chakra was an advanced topic that was beyond the scope of the scroll, and that it would not be covered in detail. However, it was briefly mentioned that genjutsu and ninjutsu techniques required the user to manipulate the neutral property of chakra in order to achieve their desired effect.

It was further explained that the repulsion property of chakra often played a critical role in taijutsu techniques, enabling shinobi to deflect assaults or amplify the force of their physical blows. Moreover, this property also found use in specific chakra control exercises.

It was important to note that a shinobi's body would subconsciously utilize all three properties of chakra, depending on the technique being used. There was no method to intentionally isolate and use a single chakra property, as the body would automatically adjust to use the necessary property corresponding to the performed technique.

In essence, there was no requirement for shinobi to dedicate specific training to each chakra property in isolation, as their body would instinctively transition between these properties based on the nature of the technique employed. However, a comprehensive understanding of the chakra properties could be instrumental in devising new techniques or enhancing current ones.

The chakra control exercise outlined in this scroll made use of the chakra's repulsion property. The exercise, known as the Feather Floatation Exercise, entailed manipulating the chakra flow within the body to keep a feather suspended in mid-air. Precise control and expert manipulation of chakra were crucial in this exercise, as even the most minor variances in chakra flow could affect the feather's levitation.

In order to perform the Feather Floatation Exercise, a shinobi would need to hold a feather in between their fingers, with their hand in a cupped shape. They would then have to release just the right amount of chakra from their fingertips to float the feather in the air. This required a great deal of precision and control, as too much or too little chakra could cause the feather to either drop or fly away uncontrollably.

The user would also need to release an equal amount of chakra from each of their fingers, as this was crucial for maintaining balance and stability in the exercise. It was essential to maintain a constant and even flow of chakra through each finger, as any imbalance could cause the feather to tilt or spin out of control.

As the Feather Floatation Exercise progressed to more advanced levels, practitioners would employ both hands to suspend a feather in each palm. This heightened the demand for control and precision over the chakra flow, as the two feathers had to remain in harmony while being independently manipulated.

The final step in mastering the Feather Floatation Exercise was to add rotation to the feathers. This involved controlling the flow of chakra in a circular pattern, causing the feathers to spin in the air. The technique required a combination of precise control, manipulation, and timing to keep the feathers in sync and maintain the rotation.

The scroll concluded by emphasizing the importance of mastering the Feather Floatation Exercise before attempting more advanced chakra control techniques. The user must be able to perform the exercise with perfect precision, control, and timing. It was also advised that before moving on to the third scroll, the user start to focus on strengthening their core.

Rai took a deep breath and closed the scroll, feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information he had just absorbed. He took a moment to contemplate on what he had read, visualizing the exercises and techniques in his mind.

As he delved deeper into the realm of chakra, Rai's awareness of his own limitations grew. Despite his accomplishments and mastery of the Leaf Concentration Exercise, he recognized the vastness of his ignorance. The more he learned, the more he realized the vast expanse of knowledge that lay before him, humbling him in the face of the vastness of chakra's mysteries.

However, Rai couldn't ignore the allure of becoming a true shinobi, capable of harnessing the power of ninjutsu or genjutsu. The idea of wielding mystical abilities and having the strength to move mountains was an irresistible dream. He was willing to put in an enormous amount of work and practice to achieve his goals. After all, what man hasn't dreamt of being able to use magic or becoming powerful enough to split stones?

While it might seem like mere fantasy to others, Rai was resolute in his determination to turn it into reality. To him, chakra was his own form of magic, and he was fervently committed to unlocking its boundless potential through tireless effort and unwavering practice. The pursuit of his dreams drove him forward, propelling him to explore the depths of his abilities and ascend to new heights.