
Ghost - A Naruto Fanfic

Follow the journey of a young man who suddenly finds himself transported into the mystical world of Naruto. But as he navigates this new and unfamiliar world, he begins to realize that things are not quite as they seem. As he struggles to find his place in this mystical realm, he is faced with a series of challenges that test his mettle and his resolve. But with each new obstacle, he also discovers new opportunities and potential within himself, as he delves deeper into the secrets of chakra. As he grapples with the darkness that lurks around every corner, he must also confront his own inner demons and fears. Will he be able to resist the pull of the dark side, or will he succumb to its seductive power? ________________________________ This Naruto fan-fiction offers a more realistic portrayal of a person transported into the Naruto world. The protagonist doesn't become overpowered too quickly and doesn't kill hundreds of people with ease. Instead, the story delves into Jutsu creation and fuinjutsu, providing technical information that adds depth to the narrative. The story isn't a harem novel, and while there may be love interests, the focus is more on the adventure and exploration of the Naruto world. Please give this novel a chance and i sincerely believe that it will offer a unique and refreshing take on the Naruto world. There may be instances of graphic violence, blood, and gore in the story. I advise readers who may be sensitive to such content to approach the novel with caution. _________________________________ You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon: www.patreon.com/MoneyBall683 ____________________________________ DISCLAIMER: I do not claim ownership over any of the characters in this Fan-fic other than my OC's. The cover pic is also not mine.

MoneyBall · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Harnessing the Power Within

You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patréon:


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Three days had passed since Shikaku revealed his intentions to teach Rai the hidden techniques of their clan. Having already completed his morning endurance training, Rai stood alongside his father in the confines of their own backyard.

Rai felt a growing sense of anticipation as he realized that the day had finally arrived for him to commence his training in the special techniques of the Nara clan. He glanced at his father, who had been lost in contemplation, and waited eagerly for him to begin their session.

Shikaku drew in a deep breath, his gaze fixed on Rai, as he began to recount the history of their clan. "Our clan's roots lie in medicine and the healing arts, where we were once known for our expertise. However, as time passed, our clan evolved and developed a unique set of abilities called the Shadow manipulation Techniques. This rare technique allow us to control shadows and manipulate them for various purposes, making us one of the most formidable clans in the shinobi world."

Our abilities were not always used for peaceful purposes," Shikaku continued, his voice growing somber "In the past, our clan was often called upon to participate in battles and wars. The Shadow Techniques proved to be valuable in immobilizing and controlling enemies, but that alone was not enough.

In contrast to the Uchiha and Senju clans, who were renowned for their formidable powers and abilities, the Nara clan did not possess such strength. Instead, they had honed their Shadow Techniques as a means of adapting to the changing world and ensuring their survival.

In a world fraught with warfare, the Nara clan suffered immense losses and realized the importance of forming alliances to ensure their survival. It was during this time that the Ino-Shika-Cho alliance was forged, bringing together the Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi clans.

The Ino-Shika-Cho alliance is not merely a political or strategic arrangement between clans," Shikaku continued, "but rather a close bond between families built on the foundation of trust and mutual respect. The alliance allowed us to fight together in battles and share our resources and knowledge, making it a strong and beneficial partnership that had proven to be advantageous over the years.

It is actually a tradition for a member of the Ino-shika-Cho alliance to be paired up with someone their age from one of the other two clans. However, at the moment, there is no one around your age in the other two clans, so you would have to learn the techniques on your own for now.

But before we begin, I need you to fully comprehend the significance of what you are about to learn. The Shadow Techniques are not to be taken lightly, and they require a deep understanding of not only their technicalities but also the responsibility that comes with them. You must promise me that you will use your abilities only for the greater good."

Rai nodded solemnly, fully comprehending the weight of his father's words.

"Good," Shikaku said.

"The Shadow Techniques are exclusive to the Nara clan and cannot be learned or performed by anyone outside of our bloodline. I need you to understand that this knowledge must not be shared with anyone, no matter the circumstance." Shikaku's tone was stern as he emphasized the gravity of what he was about to teach.

"More on that later," Shikaku said, "but for now, let's focus on the basics. I'm sure your mother has already informed you about the three fundamental aspects of a shinobi; Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Genjutsu.

The Shadow Manipulation Techniques utilized by the Nara clan are essentially a type of ninjutsu, a skillset that involves manipulating chakra to perform various techniques, including combat and non-combat abilities.

In order to use ninjutsu, a shinobi must have the ability to manipulate their chakra, and to manipulate chakra, they must use handseals.

Just like ninjutsu is a fundamental aspect of a shinobi, handseals are a fundamental aspect of ninjutsu. Handseals are a crucial part of a shinobi's arsenal, allowing them to perform various techniques by manipulating the flow of chakra in their body through a series of hand movements. This technique requires a great deal of focus and skill, as different handseals can create vastly different effects, making it a vital aspect of a shinobi's training.

To perform a technique, a shinobi must first mold their chakra and then perform a specific sequence of handseals, often accompanied by verbal incantations. Each hand seal is linked to a distinct aspect of the technique being executed, such as the structure, motion, or concentration of the chakra.

Different techniques require different sequences of handseals, and the number and complexity of the seals can vary greatly depending on the technique being performed."

He paused, looking at Rai to ensure he was following along. "There are twelve basic handseals, which are the foundation for all other handseals:

1. Ne (Rat) - represents opportunity and the ability to seize.

2. Ushi (Ox) - represents strength and stability.

3. Tora (Tiger) - represents power and courage.

4. U (Hare) - represents agility and quickness.

5. Tatsu (Dragon) - represents wisdom and insight.

6. Mi (Snake) - represents flexibility and adaptability.

7. Uma (Horse) - represents speed and endurance.

8. Hitsuji (Ram) - represents determination and perseverance.

9. Saru (Monkey) - represents intelligence and creativity.

10. Tori (Bird) - represents freedom and adaptability.

11. Inu (Dog) - represents loyalty and obedience.

12. I (Boar) - represents courage and honesty.

Shikaku then demonstrated each of the twelve basic handseals, explaining the purpose and significance of each one. "For example, the tiger handseal is used for creating powerful offensive techniques while the rat handseal is used for techniques that require a swift and precise movements. Understanding the purpose of each handseal is key to being able to perform techniques effectively.

The various handseals are essential for executing different ninjutsu techniques. The combination of handseals and chakra manipulation enables a shinobi to perform a wide range of abilities.

Shikaku paused for a moment, making sure Rai was following along. "To use ninjutsu, you need to be able to control your chakra. Chakra is created and manipulated by vital organs such as the heart and circulates throughout the body via a network called the Chakra Pathway System.

The abdomen has the highest concentration of chakra pathways, making it the most crucial area for chakra control and manipulation.

Now, There are two methods to unlock one's chakra. The first method is to do it independently through intensive training and meditation.

You have been meditating for over a year now. Did you ever feel some sort of pulling sensation from your abdomen while meditating?

"No, I don't think so," answered Rai.

"I see," said Shikaku.

"Under normal circumstances, a shinobi who has been meditating for at least three months should be able to unlock their chakra. But since you've been meditating for over a year and haven't experienced any pulling sensation from your abdomen, it's possible that you may require external help to unlock your chakra."

Both methods of unlocking chakra, either through self-training or external assistance, are equally valid and effective. Remember, there is no one "better" way to unlock chakra and that it ultimately depends on the individual's abilities and circumstances."

Rai looked at his father with curiosity and asked, "Dad, can you explain what it means to unlock your chakra? Will my body start producing chakra or is there something else to it?"

Shikaku smiled and patiently replied, "No, son, your body is already producing a small amount of chakra naturally. Unlocking your chakra means gaining the ability to control the chakra within your body. To achieve that, you need to first learn how to sense the chakra flowing within you. And that's what I'm going to teach you."

Shikaku guided Rai to lie down on his back and directed him to focus on his breath. He then placed his hands on Rai's abdomen, just below his navel. Rai followed his instructions and closed his eyes, trying to calm his mind and body.

With his eyes closed, Shikaku began to focus his own chakra. He drew from his inner reserves and directed it into Rai's body through his hands. As he did so, he sensed the subtle movements of Rai's own chakra responding and synchronizing with his own, like a gentle stream merging with a larger river.

Rai could feel a warm sensation emanating from his abdomen as Shikaku channeled his chakra into his body. He concentrated on the area where Shikaku's hand was positioned, trying to sense the flow of chakra within his body. Gradually, he sensed a faint stirring deep inside him, as if something within him was awakening from a long slumber.

"Focus all of your attention on the warmth you feel in your abdomen, Rai. Try to become aware of the subtle movements of the chakra within you. Visualize it as a stream flowing through your body, like a river," directed Shikaku. He continued to channel his own chakra into Rai's body, guiding him towards the sensation of his own chakra flow.

Rai followed his father's instructions and focused his attention on sensing the chakra flowing within his body, visualizing it as a steady stream. Initially, he couldn't feel anything unusual, but as he concentrated more, he started to perceive a sensation of energy.

He noticed a slight buzzing sensation originating from within him. He put in more effort into focusing on the sensation, and it grew stronger. With time, he began to feel a distinct movement within his body, almost like a subtle energy was flowing through him.

Rai was taken aback as he sensed the chakra within him, but quickly regained his composure. "I can feel it, dad," he said in amazement.

Shikaku gave him an encouraging smile. "Good job, Rai. Now, try to control the flow. See if you can guide it through your whole body."

Rai closed his eyes and concentrated on his own chakra, feeling its weak and uncontrolled flow in his body. He started by focusing on the chakra in his abdomen, visualizing it as a luminous ball of energy. Then, he imagined a slender stream of chakra emerging from the ball and spreading into his limbs, gradually moving through every part of his body.

As Rai persisted in his concentration, he could sense the chakra within him growing more potent and fluid. He steered the flow of energy towards his arms, feeling the pulsing sensation in his muscles. Next, he directed the chakra towards his legs, perceiving the surge of power coursing through his veins.

Rai paid close attention to his breathing as he continued to move his chakra throughout his body. He took deep, slow breaths through his nose and exhaled through his mouth, which helped to clear his mind and increase his concentration. By doing so, he was able to feel the flow of chakra becoming more and more controlled and steady. Rai's movements became more precise as he continued to circulate his chakra.

He kept up this process for several minutes and by the end, Rai could feel an unprecedented sense of control and power.

Satisfied with his progress, Rai opened his eyes and looked over at Shikaku, a newfound sense of confidence radiating from his body.

"Great job, Rai," Shikaku praised, "You have unlocked your chakra. Now, see if you can keep circulating it on your own."

Rai took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to calm his body and mind. He concentrated on his chakra and visualized it as a glowing ball of energy in his abdomen. Initially, he found it challenging to feel the flow of his chakra without his father's guidance. It felt like trying to catch something slippery and elusive with his bare hands.

Despite the initial difficulty, Rai didn't give up and kept focusing on his chakra. Gradually, he sensed a tingling sensation within him, a sign that his chakra was starting to respond to his command. Bolstered by this progress, Rai persisted in circulating his chakra.

After several attempts, Rai started to feel more connected to his own chakra, as if he had gained a deeper understanding of its flow and nature.

Shikaku looked at Rai with a smile of approval. "Congratulations, Rai. You have successfully completed the first significant milestone in your journey to becoming a shinobi. From this point on, your true training will begin."