

A young man with super natural abilities tries to live a normal life in a town where some people are afraid of his abilities

Larry_Moore_9883 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


As three gangsters roll dice in an alley, a man in a black hoodie starts walking towards them. One of the gangsters notices this and points him out to the rest of his gang. The hooded figure stands in front of them.

"You lost or something, dick head?" One of them ask.

The hooded figure doesn't answer the question and just smiles. One of the gangsters then pull out a gun and points it at the mystery man, who continues to smile.

"I don't like the way he's looking at us. What the hell are you doing here, you creepy bastard?"

The mystery man's smile gets even bigger.

"It's simple." He says.

His hand grows in size, turns red, and he squashes the gangsters head against the wall. The two gangsters start to back away in fear. The man's eyes start to glow red, as blood is splattered all over his face.

"Show- Me- Your- BLOOD!"

He then launches at the two gangsters, as screams are heard in the alley.

Meanwhile, As Tj walks through the hall, he runs into Rachel and causes her to drop her books. Before they hit the ground, he uses his powers to levitate them back into her arms. Rachel is surprised by this, but smiles.

"Thanks. That's a neat trick." Rachel says.

Tj chuckles

"Yeah well, you should see me pull a rabbit out of a hat."

The two share a laugh together.

"I'm Rachel." She says, offering her hand.

"I know- not in a creepy, stalker way- we've had the same classes for- awhile. I'm Tj." He says, shaking her hand.

Rachel chuckles.

"I know. You've been talked about a lot around here." She says.

"Oh yeah, anything nice?"

Rachel makes a very hesitant face.

"I don't think you want me to answer that."

Tj smirks.

"Yeah, you're probably right."

Rachel then notices a somber look on Tj's face.

"You know, if it helps any. You don't seem like the bad guy, everyone makes you out to be."

Tj looks at her and smiles when she says this.

"Thank you. That- means alot to me."

As the two smile at each other, Tommy pushes Tj into the lockers.

"What the hell are you doing with my girl, freak?" He asks.

Rachel then steps in front of Tommy.

"Tommy, stop. He was just helping me pick up my books, leave him alone."

Tommy stares down To, as he wraps his arm around Rachel and they walk away. Tj let's out a sigh while watching Rachel leave with him. Cassandra then approaches him, catching the tail end of what just happened.

"You ok?" she asks.

Tj doesn't answer and just slides his back down the lockers and sits on the floor. Cassandra doesn't say another word, just sits next to him and lays her head on his shoulder. Tj smiles as the two stay there for a moment.

Later that night, Rachel and Tommy stand in the school parking lot. As Tommy goes for a kiss, Rachel pulls away, confusing him.

"Did I do something?" he asks.

Rachel folds her arms at him.

"I don't like how you treated To earlier."

Tommy chuckles.

"You mean that unnatural freak? Look, I was just trying to protect you." Tommy argues.

Rachel scoffs at the response.

"Just because he's an unnatural, doesn't make him dangerous. He's actually a nice guy."

Tommy starts getting annoyed.

"You heard what he did to his grandfather and a whole city block, right? Don't let him fool you, he's a time bomb waiting to happen."

He then puts his hand on her face.

"I'm always gonna be here to protect you. No matter what."

The two of them start to kiss, but as they do, Rachel notices something. She stops for a moment and looks closer to see a hooded figure with a smile.

"Tommy, who's that?"

Tommy looks back and tries to laugh it off.

"It's probably just a bum trying to scare us out of money. I'll take care of it."

Tommy starts to walk forward.

"Hey buddy, you're scarring my girl, so why don't you get out of here."

The hooded figure doesn't respond and just chuckles. This frustrates Tommy.

"Is something funny? What the hell is your problem?"

The mystery figures smile gets even bigger.

"It's simple. I haven't had enough blood."

His body starts to contort, scarring Rachel and Tommy. He then starts to grow in size, his skin changes to bright red. A red monster with large muscles and veins stand in front of them.

"Show me your BLOOD!"

As Rachel tries to hide behind Tommy, he takes off running in the other direction, knocking her over to the ground. Bloodlust then charges at Rachel as she cowers in fear. A blue flash then appears. Tj comes out of nowhere and moves her out of the way of the attack surprising Bloodlust and Rachel.