
Getting summoned by the demon lord

A hero summoning but reversed. Instead of human and god summoning someone form a different world to help them defeat the demon lord, the demon this time are the one summoning someone form another world for help. To help them out and conquer the world.

Innocent_000 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

[in a ally way]

"Is he the person?" Said a men dressed in a suit asking his men.

"Yes, he the guys, sir "

Walking up to a men who looks like he in his mid 30s look all beat up. His body all bruised up with blood leaking out his nose and mouth. Leg looking like he has been ran over by something.

If one person were to say that this dude was right close to death door, they wouldn't be wrong because the way he is looking, he might as well be dead, almost looking like a zombie straight out of a horror movie.

Crouching right in front of the men and the men I. The suit grab the dude head by the hair and pull him up to his head level.


screaming can be heard as his hair was being pull by the men in suit, causing great pain to his already bruised up head.



Slapping sound can be heard as the men in suit can be seen slapping him.

"Hey, oh your finally awake, good"

"I I heard that you own me some money and you have paid yet and I wanna know the reason why"he said

*whoosh* Another slap can be heard as he slap him another time.

"Hey?!, Hey?!, you there?" Taking a closer look, the men in suit frown.

"Oh, man, dude just died, just when I was about to have some fun, oh well" Standing up and also letting go of the hair, causing the head to fall and make a loud sound.

"Alright, clean this mess up"

"Yes, sir" two men can be seen walking up to the guys is is layed out dead on the ground and looking all bloody.

Walking up to the car that was park at the end of the alley way that lead to a road, There was also another men that was walking close to right behind him. Opening the door for him the men in the suit get inside a car that was full on black with a person in the driver sit. After helping opening him the door the guy went to help out the other two men, who were cleaning up the mess.


The engine of the car can he heard Turing on and staring moving.

After a while of sitting in the full on black car the men look out the widow to admire the beautiful city. With tall buildings and light shining bright and people walking around, talking with each other.


Picking up the phone and answering it.

"Hey, Alex" a voice can be heard, coming from the phone the men who had just answered.

"Oh, Adam what up"

"Nothing, just wan-"

Before the person could finish his word, out of no where a two car comes coming out of nowhere moving randomly as if the diver had lost control.



The two car can be seen crashing against the full on black car.

. . .

(Alex POV)



Opening my eyes and look where I have been wounded, my hands can feel some kind of liquid. Looking at it I can see blood leaking of out my stomach.


The cause of the bleeding was me getting stabbed by a nigh chuck of a broken car window and also some some car broken piece that where piercing some of my other body part"

"I guess this is it, huh, dame, well I don't really have much regrets so ye-"

. . .