
Getting reborn with 7 wishes.

Elizabeth dies due to the scme of her elder sister,but instead of dying she got sent into the void,and after getting 7 wishes granted,she went back to 10 years before,but the story doesn't end there as she and her husband,along with their twins will travel to different anime worlds.

rosemoon · Fantasy
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26 Chs

There's no plot in the apocalypse(9)

Everyone who knew of the upcoming apocalypse was busy making their own preparations, Crystal cleanly broke of her relationship with both of her parents, as she hated mike, and to her, Stella was only a burden, at first she planned to get some money from mike but learned that Mr.Parker had fired him causing a change in her plans as she knows mike doesn't have a habit of saving money and couldn't provide her with much

On the second week, while shopping, crystal came across jack, and the spiritual energy that was accidentally released by him was felt by her causing her to hide from him and observe after she saw his eyes that were looking at people as though they were dead, she felt as though he sound also be reborn when she saw him looking at some places him in his past life visited with beth with such familiarity, she was scared and ran away from where she saw him

Although superpowers of higher levels tend to give an air of oppression to those of lower levels, as long as the person retracts his flowing spiritual energy, a person of lower level will not be able to tell what level they're on, or if you're more powerful than them, jack as an original powerhouse, had already engraved in his bone the process of gathering his excess spiritual energy, the only reason crystal was lucky enough to feel it was because coming to this city brought back many old memories of jack that he is now trying to forget causing a spike in his emotions making him leak out his powers

Not that it matters, as currently besides the moore, hallow, spears, and crystal who have awakened their power, no other humans have awakened their superpower yet, and regular people are unable to sense the spiritual energy that superpowered people release.

The reason crystal ran away was due to fear of jack killing her, due to there being no Elizabeth outside like in the new story, she wasn't able to realize that jack currently has no hatred for her as he still thinks beth was the cause of his death, due to this, and unwillingness to die when she had just been reborn(not due to guilt) she ran away before she suffers any losses, she was only willing to come out of her newly bought/gifted house three days later when jack had left the city, during the three days jack was here, beth monitored him through ivy, she was excited to see him doing so well, and sad that she couldn't go see him right now as he was still misunderstanding who caused his death, she could have ivy just show him what happened, but she first wants to determine her husband's thoughts once he saw her before doing so.

Although she misses him and wants to see him very much, she doesn't want to create a conflict in his thoughts, especially when they were so close to the apocalypse. After all, what if her dear husband was too distracted by her and didn't get to fully prepare himself for the upcoming apocalypse, as for crystal, she planned to let her husband deal with her, because knowing her husband, he held more hate for crystal than she did, of course, she also hates crystal very much but she knows it can't be compared to the hate her husband has for her

Meanwhile jake was in a low mood as memories of the past kept flooding in his head, he wasn't sure if he should smile or cry tears at this moment, should he be grateful to that woman for teaching not to trust anyone and giving him the chance to be reborn, or should he hate her because his life was originally good till that point and there were no regrets till that moment, along with these two feelings, there was also a feeling of disbelief, he knew her too well for her to do something so scheming, so unless she's been acting from the moment they met, and could keep this act on 24 hours a day, then there were many facts in his head that told him it couldn't be her, but the voice sounded just like her,and the figure had many similarities with her

This confusion and unsureness made him furrow his brows making beth wish she was in front of him to tell him the truth, ut she knew she had to hold back, even if she told him right now, it won't be of much help, because it'll make his hatred for crystal even stronger than before like the time in the 'past' when he found out how much crystal had tried to frame her, and with her husbands personality, he'll try his best to get rid of crystal, of course she supports her husband in doing so, but they currently still live in a governed society, of course the government still existed in the apocalypse, but it was a different situation from their current society

She knows how uncomfortable her husband will be when he has a deep desire to kill someone but can't because there are people and rules in his way, so rather than torturing him with the truth now when he can't do anything about it, she might as well wait till the apocalypse to tell him, that way no matter what her husband does, it's very easy to cover up and he doesn't have to hold his hatred in him for a while before he can release it, Ivy questioned it's host since it could read her thoughts when she allows it

Ivy:"but doesn't master has a lot of hate in him for the host right now?"

Beth:"no, he's conflicted on whether to hate me, to be grateful to me, to confront meor to ignore me, but he certainly doesn't hate me"

Ivy:"but his conflicting feelings towards the host is blocking how fastly he can improve his powers"

Beth:"I know, but there's nothing I can do about it for now, besides, my husband is still so strong his weakest skill is already at level 5, and that's his space which he's least familiar with, in addition, if I tell him after the apocalypse, the release of spiritual energy and release of the past in his heart combined will give him multiple breakthroughs at the same time, If i tell him now, although he'll be able to upgrade faster, he'll at most upgrade by 3 levels, but if I tell him after the apocalypse, he'll at least upgrade by 4 levels and at most by 12 levels"

Ivy:"oh, I see, by the way host, your mother is calling you"

Elizabeth:"oh okay"

saying so she went out of the space and reappeared in front of her mother

Angela:"you really need to stop popping out of nowhere sweetie"

Angie:"for real, you almost gave me a heart attack"

Elizabeth just rolled her eyes at her best friends exaggeration earning a laugh from angela and harmony

Elizabeth:"why did you call me mom?"

Harmony:"we want to ask what the final indication for the beginning of the apocalypse, we know exactly what day can be considered to be day 1 on the apocalyptic calendar, but was there a final sign like in novels where there's a meteor shower or something?"

Due to facing the sudden news of a zombie outbreak which in turn broke their three views, everyone has been more focused on reading novels, mainly super power and apocalyptic based novel, seeing her family like this gave elizabeth an Idea, she knows and accepts that she's not a nice person, as long as her husband and family are safe, she doesn't mind hiding things from others if it can guarantee their safety, so she naturally had no plans of warning people, and even if she was, she planned to do it in a way where nothing can be tracked back to her, so since a week ago, she, with the help of Ivy, wrote a fraction of details about the apocalypse starting from year 1, day 5 on the apocalyptic calendar till about two years later, the book was completed just yesterday, and she asked Ivy to make sure it was posted on all sites

Elizabeth:"hmm...there was nothing like a meteor shower, but the moon the night before was a very unusual yellow and very gentle too, I mean the moon is usually very pretty, but that night, it was a brilliant warm yellow and brought a lot of comfort, it also induced people to sleep, and the weirdest part about it was that it was a worldwide thing"

Angela:"was this a one time thing?"

Elizabeth:"no, but the ones after it weren't for zombies and humans, it instead brought changes to the weather"

Angie:"how?and when?"

Elizabeth:"there was one every year after the night of the apocalypse, the first one after that made the originally hot weather cold, the one after that brought fall, and the one following brought spring, which was also the year when humans rose the most, because the plants grew the most then,and since they were helpful rather than harmful, many people survived in the year of spring and it was also the year when many bases arouse at one time"

Caleb:"does it follow that pattern?"

Originally, the guys (caleb,parker,and lucas) were outside adding some last minute touches to a few of the things they had personally collected, they came in when harmony was half way through her question

Parker:"you're brother is trying to ask if the four seasons stretch out to a year instead,but is still repetitive?"

Elizabeth:"sadly no"

Lucas:"if not, then what happens after spring"

Elizabeth:"I'm first going to name the ten years I was in the apocalypse, and if you guys don't understand from the name, you can ask me"

Everyone nodded their head in agreement to let elizabeth continue

Beth:"year 1, the year of summer, year 2, the year of winter, year 3, the year of autumn, year 4, the year of spring, year 5, the year of ocean, year 6, the year of desert, year 7, the year of mountain, year 8, the year of forest, year 9, the year of sky, and year 10, the year of earth"

Angie:"girl, you are going to have to elaborate, I understand, but I don't understand"

Everyone nodded their head in agreement, they had a basic understanding of what the years were just by their names,especially the first four, but they were a bit confused about the next four, and totally lost on the last two

Caleb:"you don't have to explain the first four since you already did, and also because they're pretty self explanatory"

Beth:"year 5 is when water was most abundant,and seafood, which lucky most of them didn't transform was most abundant, it's similar to fishing season, and as long as a person didn't met dolphins,sharks,and whales, then they were still normal animals now healthier and could help in regaining lost spiritual power, year 6 is when sand was the most abundant, luckily there was no quicksand, but if one wasn't careful they might fall to a place because they didn't realized that there was something underneath the sand, year 7 is when rocks became abundant, and many mountains became taller, this was one of the relatively worse years because in this year, animals living on mountains had the best conditions and so more muted mountain animals were born, year 8 is similar to year 4,the main difference is that year 4 had more flowers and fruits covering our need for food, while year 8 had more trees that came in a variety and helped cover our need for building material, but just like year four, it was one of the more easy years, year 9 is when the weather went through most changes, especially the color of the sky, in that year, it wasn't weird to wake up and see a green sky with pink clouds, luckily that year didn't affect humans much, but it would sometimes aggravate the animals, and finally year 10 which was the year where the earth went through most changes, everything from trees to soil changed colors and once every three days at that, luckily it didn't change the purpose of the items just because their colors changed, but it was one of the more hard years, because no one dared to play with their lives and eat a purple banana when they weren't sure if it was poisonous or not"

There was a few moments of silence as her family took time to absorb this information

Angela:"since the moon seems to be the cause in year changes, doesn't that mean as long as we don't solve the problem from the moon, the odd weather will still continue even after all the zombies have disappeared?"

when she asked this, everyone turned to look at elizabeth with worry in their eyes

Elizabeth:"don't worry mom, the vaccine we came up with needs to be distributed from the moon, at level 24, a space powered person can do something similar to teleportation, we discovered at that time that this 'teleportation' could allow us to go to the moon, though we could only stay there for five minutes without dying of lack of air, or of out power deleapting, and since I'm one level 25 in space power,we don't have to worry about this issue, let alone five minutes,even a single minute is enough for me to land a drop on the moon"

Parker:"do you have to take the risk"

Elizabeth:"of course not dad, we don't have to solve the weather problem if we don't want to, as long as we inject the vaccine into the zombie emperor, all the other zombies and mutated creatures will turn back to their original forms as well, and the apocalypse can be considered to be over then, because even though the weather kept changing, it never had a direct impact on humans such as making our powers grow or anything like that, so if you don't mind having yearly seasons and possibly seeing green skies, then of course we don't have to solve the problem from the moon, and i case any of you are curious, if we solve the problem directly from the moon, then everything from the weather to the mutated creatures will be solve, but if we solve it from the zombie emperor, then we still need to solve the moon for the weather condition"

Angie:"since you look and sound confident,I know that going to the moon for a minute won't bring you any harm, so I vote we solve it from the moon, because I don't think I can handle a green sky, or a yellow, or a pink one, actually I don't think I can handle any sky color that isn't blue, if it's the color of a cloud, I'll of course find it beautiful and want to take pictures, but if it's the color of the sky itself, I don't think I can handle it"

Angela:"how confident are you in solving the issue from the moon?"

Elizabeth:"since my space is different from others,naturally so is my ability, currently with my space, I can spend a full hour at the moon with no effects on me what so ever, and spend a full day on the moon and come back needing a days rest to completely regain my former power"

Parker:"that's good, that's good"

Everyone else also smiled in relief knowing that she'd be perfectly fine to solve the issue from the moon, after all, if it brought harm to her, they'd rather wake up to a pink sky and brown clouds than to let her suffer, knowing now that she doesn't have to suffer and the weather can return to normal, they naturally agree with what angie said, meanwhile Ivy on the other hand was twitching it's none existent mouth

Ivy's thoughts:"you guys certainly don't have to worry about the host, if not for the fact that she's strong, then for the fact that the master also has space power and will certainly not let the host go, and if the host insists, then he'll go with her, two such powered people appearing on the moon, if not for knowing they'll go there to heal the moon, I'd think they're going there to destroy it"

Luckily or maybe not, nobody heard ivy's thoughts meanwhile jake on the other hand who was also explaining in more detail when the apocalypse will happen, it's signs and such to his family suddenly paused in his speech because he felt that someone was talking about him

Lola:"are you okay brother?"

Lucy:"is everything alright?, why did you suddenly pause?"

Jason:"if you're tired, you can just write it down, you don't have to explain in such detail either"

Jake:"I'm fine, I was just trying to remember if I forgot anything, after all, ten years of memories aren't something I can finish talking about with just two weeks"