
A Monkey With A Laser Gun

"Something on the island is causing the production of mana in such a high quantity that the equipment capable of seeing it shows us as a pulsar star due to the planet's rotation. That means we're constantly sending a beacon telling anyone else that's capable of detecting it that 'WE ARE HERE'. The only question that remains, now, is how fast is the beacon traveling through the cosmos?" As Dr. Hawking said that, the screen behind him zoomed out until the entire planet was visible, then zoomed out again until it was the size of a marble. The still image on the screen began to move, the flashing light of mana flickering on and off like someone who knows nothing about Morse code playing with a light switch. From the side, it almost appeared that Earth was a dying pulsar star, ejecting the last of its mass before it goes supercritical and explodes in a last, desperate act of wholesale self-.

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