
Get Back to You

NOTE: Get Back To you is an LGBT novel series. Synopsis: She is back? Giselle is back! And she didn’t want me to know! Lillian Grey’s life went pretty wild without Giselle. She dated people to her wish and broke up with them to her comfort until a young model called Lucy came close to capturing her heart. Anna waited as Lillian stumped upon hearing the familiar name she had desperately searched for several years. And it came with a stab. “If you want, I can deliver a message,” Anna proposed after hearing Lillian become speechless in their phone call. Knowing well how she had come out to spend time with Lucy, Lillian refused to respond when confessed to such shocking news. Nevertheless, later to her own dismay, she delivered her message to her good friend, Anna, hoping that it would reach Giselle somehow. ******************** “Giselle, I’m glad to hear that you’re back. I hope you’re in good health. Well, I heard about your party and that you have invited Anna and not me, which is surprising news to learn. It’s alright. Things are different now for you, I guess. But here’s my message in case you even care: Don’t ever show yourself in front of me. Ever again. Why? Because I know I cannot stop myself from choosing you if I ever see your face again. What you gave me is irreplaceable. I still have it in my heart. It didn’t let me live my life in peace. However, I’ve decided to take a chance without your memories this one time. So, let me be. And congratulations on your marriage and your kid. I pray for your happiness. You know, I do. Take care. Love you, evermore.” - Lillian Grey ******************* Follow the incredible story of Lillian Grey and Giselle: Two souls bonded by love yet, pulled apart by the external forces. The two women meet years later to find out the subtle fire still tingling inside, allowing them to reconcile. But the question is: Will they accept it or not? A Message from the Author: Hey guys, 'Get Back To You' is very special because it is my first novel and a bold choice, I would say. The once short story showed a lot of potential for a perfect novel, and the characters had a depth to them and an unheard voice, for which I wanted to bring justice by exploring and writing. I hope that my efforts reap when the readers enjoy the tale as they travel through this journey. UPDATE!! I am so proud to announce that I will be self-publishing ‘Get Back To You’ as series. I plan to do an eBook series first before paperback. And right now, Volume 1: A Message to Her is available on Amazon Kindle Store. After four years of writing this series, I finally chose to publish it. The published eBook/paperback is going to be even better version and professionally edited for enhanced reading experience. So, grab a copy today and have fun reading! To follow my writing journey and learning updates about my books, do follow and subscribe to MY WEBSITE: https://www.ljackace.com/ I post blogs about writing updates, personal updates, reading lists, writing tips, etc. Newsletter is on the way, so stay tuned! **** Apart from reading my novel here, you can always extend your support through these mediums: You can buy me a coffee@: ko-fi.com/ljackace Read special chapters and short stories on: patreon.com/LjackAce **** Follow me on my Instagram! I share all the references and some cute moments of the characters from the story: instagram/ljackace Another great place to find my inspiration is on Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/ljackace/ **** I'm deeply grateful for having an opportunity to share the story here and for all the love I've received thus far and in the future. Thank you very much for enjoying 'Get Back to You!' And on that note, I have more stories to write for you guys, so follow me to get all the titbits. With love, L’Jack Ace

ljack_ace · LGBT+
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453 Chs

Christmas Eve - Part 1

The day of Christmas Eve arrived merrily to spread prosperity.

It was another cold morning with people busily packing the street with last-minute shopping. Holiday markets are a popular spot during this heat of a moment.

Although the celebration brought families to spend time together, there were still people who were working diligently. Businesses ran despite the holidays, and people spent time away from their families to earn income.

However, Shane Ricardo made sure that not all of his employees get stuck inside the company during Christmas. He made sure that all his employees completed their assignments on time to celebrate.

Having given his employees a rest for the holidays, Shane himself took a break from work to enjoy the festival. Dressed up in his winter casuals, Shane left his house in the morning to drive to a special place.

The sun was up, yet it remained hidden behind the clouds, sharing its mild warmth across the city. Disrupting the slight heat is the dancing breeze carrying over the winter wilderness. People got dressed in their cozy gears to carry out their missions outside.

Upon reaching, Shane glanced out to find the place jammed with groups of people.

Shane arrived at the famous holiday market at Bryant Park.

Located in midtown Manhattan, a place he's familiar with, Shane parked his car nearby to get down and begin walking.

The market is a short walk from Times Square, and it includes a variety of attractions for people to admire. Usually, the market gets packed during the evening. However, since it is the day before Christmas, the place got crowded even in the morning. People busily stormed this hotspot to seize holiday sales. Despite the numerous heads, the atmosphere was calm and festive. Shane appeared comfortable as he walked out of the parking lot. He kept moving forward until a voice broke his attention from the front. He kept overhearing his name again and again. Shane spun his head around to find where the voice emerged. Soon to his shock, Shane's gaze struck a face that wrapped him in for a surprise.

"Oh!" Lillian marks Shane from a reach.

Shane could faintly discern her silhouette from a distance, and it instantly threw him in a state of disbelief.

"Thank god, you came! I kept worrying if you would show up or not," Lillian groaned.

"What in the world are you doing here?" Shane asked.

Lillian caught that her friend appeared unhappy. She looked around in awe, answering how she was waiting for him all this time.

Shane noticed Lillian's skin grew ashen from idling outside for a long time.

"Did you wait that long?" he inquired.

"Yes. But it's okay. I stopped by to get a hotdog. Shane, it's so good. They sell this foot-long hotdog with crispy onion and stout sauce!" Lillian gasped to share her bite. But Shane blandly refused.

"Again! Why- are you here? For real?" he asked.

Lillian took two large bites to finish the hotdog hurriedly. She was getting ready to explain the reason for her sudden visit.

"I came here to tag along," Lillian proudly announced.

Just then, people brushed past her in groups. Them standing near the entrance blocked the path for strangers to enter. Hence, Shane and Lillian signaled each other to move along and not interrupt the others.

Shane let Lillian tag along with him as the two approached the park. It was overflowing with people going from one stall to another, busily chatting as they spent their time engaged in this European inspired open-air market.

The winter village at Bryant Park is probably one of the best holiday markets in all of New York, attracting both locals and even tourists to gather during holidays. Featuring local crafts to exquisite gifts, the ground houses around numerous shopping and food kiosks, custom-designed to look like a jewel box. The park also features the free, 17000 square feet ice-skating rink and the rinkside pop-up restaurant called The Lodge Deck, featuring a cocktail bar and hearty food.

As Shane and Lillian entered the park, they lost the privacy to walk freely due to the bustling crowd. As a result, both kept an eye on each other, moving together to avoid getting separated. Despite this ongoing hassle, Shane's mind revolved around to know why Lillian Grey joined him today.

"Why?" he asked again.

"I know you come here every year on the day before Christmas to shop, so I wanted to join-" Lillian explained from seeing him still confused.

"Yeah, I understand. I come here every year to shop alone, but- again, why? Why do you want to tag along?" Shane insisted on knowing.

Lillian smiled weakly to inform Diego's invitation to dine with his parents.

"I can't go with empty hands," she added to continue.

"And then, I thought who in the whole world would go out for some serious shopping right now, and your face popped to the picture. So I came to tag along. Please help me find something good, Shane. It's been a while since I met Donna, and let me tell you- she belongs to the same category as my father. I can't buy any sleazy presents for her. I need to get her something unique and useful-"

Lillian almost ran out of breath while pouring out her thoughts.

"Alright! I get it. But-"

"Diego invited you?" Shane asked again, in doubt.

Lillian vigorously nodded her head to prove while covering her exposed neck with a scarf.

"Why?" Shane demanded.

"What do you mean why? He just invited because he knew I'm not going home this year-" Lillian delayed her answer, slightly feeling sad on behalf of her father.

"But he never did this before!" Shane remarked.

Alarmed by his observation, Lillian returned from feeling blameworthy about disobeying Anna's advice. Instead, she considered Shane's criticism to be unfair.

"You're making it sound weird, Shane," Lillian chuckled playfully.

"It does sound weird!" Shane raged against his own opinion.

"But, wait a minute, what about Giselle? You're not going to be with her for Christmas?"

Lillian's face changed to solemn.

"She is spending Christmas with her parents. I saw her father invite Lia's father too," Lillian whined.

"Lia's father's here?" Shane is hearing it for the first time, so it did startle him.

"Oh, I didn't tell you? I'm sorry-"

Lillian replied to stretch her limbs from fatigue, still matching Shane's pace as they walked together.

"I am so tired this year- I'm sorry I didn't get to tell you-" she confessed.

"That's fine. So, that guy was?"

"Ethan!" Lillian declared the name.


Shane recalled the photographs to wonder who this new guy was, and now, he got the answer. He remembered the features prominently.

"He does seem like a decent guy! Did you meet him?" he asked.


"How did it go? Did you perhaps try to bully him?" Shane assumed.

"Who do you think I am?"

"You're a crazy woman, Lillian. So, how did it go? Meeting with him?" he was waiting for juicy details, but Lillian had already gone silent.

Lillian thought about it for a while before admitting it to Shane.

If Anna is the person who stood by Lillian's side from the point of time when she developed feeling for Giselle, then Shane is someone who saw Lillian in her rebellious state, being harsh and unfriendly to anyone. He is someone who took the effort to befriend Lillian at her worst time.

With Anna, Lillian always worried about not adding more trouble to her friend. There were times when Lillian refused to confide despite Anna reaching out to her. When it comes to Diego, Lillian slips her truth frequently while sometimes holding back without reason. Still, she couldn't comprehend how easily she could share her feelings with him and also hide her emotions seldom.

However, with Shane, Lillian tends to express herself honestly. Maybe, it's because he found her when she got heartbroken and hurt. Shane was still willing to reach out to her and was there always present. With him, Lillian never had the intention to hide. Hence the warning that Ethan gave, which she hid from both, Anna and Diego Lillian finally shared it with Shane. She admitted how it continues to worry her that everything must work out well this time.

"Wow- what a guy!" Shane praised.

"Excuse me-"

Lillian's worry turned to boil.

"It seems he does know everything about Giselle- Wait- does this mean that Giselle still has feeling for you-"

Lillian stopped walking abruptly, letting the words Shane uttered to sink into her head. Suddenly, her eyes bulged to realize. It could be true since Ethan never said that Lillian should stay away from Giselle. The depth of his words never hinted that Giselle's forgotten about Lillian either. Instead, he almost made it sound that Lillian is allowed to pursue Giselle, which validates Shane's point.

This realization made Lillian speechless as she began to falter her breathing. Shane came to rescue her.

"Okay, let's not die before Christmas, alright?" he helped by supporting and held her close as the two continued to walk into the park, exploring kiosks after kiosks.

Soon, Lillian returned normal. She pushed aside the thoughts of Giselle and focused on assisting Shane with his shopping.


Shane explored the shops with attention. He sometimes would pause to check out in detail if anything grabs his interest. If something does impress him, he buys it. Lillian also kept an eye out while accompanying him, trying to pick a unique gift for visiting Diego's parents.

"Did you get presents for everyone?" Shane inquired in-between.


"What- When did you do it? You always tell me when you go Christmas shopping- you didn't inform me this as well!" Shane accused Lillian as a suspect.

"Aren't you hiding too many things from me?" he added in doubt.

However, it soon got cleared when Lillian revealed the truth. Shane finally got to know what precisely happened on that day. After attending the school festival to watch Lia's performance, Lillian invited Giselle for an evening date. Shane didn't bother with the details and ignored diving deep into it. It became pointless to ask anything to Lillian. Hence, he moved on to focus on his shopping. He already bought a few from spending almost an hour. Most of his interests inclined with art and decor, which let him be selective about choosing. Meanwhile, Lillian picked up a perfect gift for Diego's parents. Since she already got everyone's Christmas presents, Lillian quickly finished her shopping and enjoyed the remaining time assisting Shane.


It was still morning, but the crowd only grew over the passing time. Shane and Lillian had to walk closely to avoid getting lost in the mass.

During the time they spent here, the two often took short breaks to re-energize themselves with beverages and fill their tummies with little snack bites. Just like that, when they decided to take another one of those breaks at this beautiful crepe cafe, Lillian stumbled upon a familiar face. She shrieked as soon as recognizing the silhouette from behind and called out the name immediately.



Lillian yelled against the bustling crowd's murmuring noise.

Jenna responded by turning back to answer the ringing call. She noticed Lillian Grey from far, walking along with Shane Ricardo.

"It is you, Jenna!" Lillian exclaimed, rejoicing by waving her hands in the air.

Shane regarded Jenna from far as well. He spotted her accurately as soon as Lillian raised her voice and gave a simple nod upon meeting her gaze. As for Jenna, she grew dumbfounded from meeting both her boss and her managing author.

"Ms. Grey?"

"Mr. Ricardo!"

Ignoring somebody, Shane inquired if Jenna came here to shop as well.

She admitted.

And the two continued to reject Lillian, who was dramatically expressing her joy in meeting with her editor.

Shane continued to ask if Jenna came here often since he never recalls meeting her previously in this location. Although it is natural to miss someone we knew in this big crowd, Shane doesn't recognize Jenna being a regular visitor to this holiday fair, especially the day before Christmas.

Jenna agreed, answering how she came to visit this place because of her aunt.

The mention of the title instantly made Lillian drop her dramatic gestures and join in their conversation.

"You did say you got invited to spend Christmas with your eldest aunt's family. Are you running errands for her already? You are the guest, Jenna!" Lillian interrupted all of a sudden.

"No, Ms. Grey. I'm here along with my aunt. I insisted that I'd join her to help," Jenna explained, making Lillian stop assuming.

"Wow, isn't she an angel?" Lillian remarked to turn and face Shane, who brushed off with a short smile, agreeing.

"Are you both here to shop as well?" Jenna asked.

"Yes!! We are,"


Both replied at the same time to startle the third. Jenna only nodded, not knowing how to react. She never expected to meet the two at this place. If it were only Lillian, Jenna would have let loose herself. However, having Shane, along with Lillian, made Jenna be at a constant alarm. She responded to every question with a courteous attitude and maintained that level of respect.

"Join us, Jenna."

Lillian's voice came out of nowhere.

Both Shane and Jenna got surprised that their faces froze.

"She said she is here with her aunt!" Shane reminded.

"Where? I don't see an aunt!" Lillian exclaimed.

"Well, that's because she told me to get-"

Jenna tried to explain, but Lillian already dragged her closer to join their snack break. Jenna insisted on leaving, but Lillian didn't let go of her. Shane tried his way with his friend, but it failed as well.

Eventually, Jenna had to make a call to her aunt, informing her about the unexpected meeting. She requested to spend some time with them and promised to get things done soon before returning.

Jenna's eldest aunt gave her time to spare, allowing her to chat with her colleagues freely. The aunt also informed Jenna to arrive at the ice-skating rink once done meeting her friends.

Lillian was eavesdropping the call to listen and celebrated as soon as the aunt sent a positive sign. She rejoiced to finish her crepe and drinks.


The three began to roam together now. Lillian and Jenna only followed while Shane actually spent time buying things.

Lillian kept Jenna company, and at one point where Shane took a long time to decide, the other two excused themselves to wander around. Shane warned them not to get away farther and only stay around his vicinity.

Lillian neglected his nagging to drag away Jenna to the next kiosk.

Nothing seemed to impress there, so they moved to the next. Surprisingly, it was a pop-up store selling various scented candles. Lillian and Jenna tested a few and kept exploring the scents when Jenna suddenly got an idea. She discussed it with Lillian, who seemed to appreciate it.


Time flew before Shane realized that the two were gone for too long. He worried if they got lost and went missing in this crowd. If it were the case, he would dread it because searching for someone in this mass would be impossible. Nevertheless, carrying two large bags full of his shopped goodies, Shane left in search of them. He explored the following kiosks to find no trace of Lillian or Jenna. His worry grew with every passing minute. Shortly after roaming around a few stalls, Shane's gaze met with the silhouette of a woman wearing her navy blue trench coat. Shane recognized it was Lillian, and since her back faced him, he chose to approach her.

"Why did you guys go so far?" Shane charged.

Lillian was the first one to turn and acknowledge Shane in shock.

"What?" Shane asked, puzzled by her reaction.


"Where's Jenna?" Shane inquired.

"She is-" Lillian paused to search and then answered, "there!"

Shane looked sideways to see Jenna approaching them hastily.

"I told you two to stay closer!" Shane erupted from getting worried.

Jenna returned to join Lillian's side as both silently stared as if they misbehaved in the absence of an adult. Shane felt sounding a little harsh, so he calmed down to change his tone.

"Let's finds a place to sit down first!" he remarked and led the way ahead.

As someone who came here every year, Shane knew his way around and guided the other two to the rinkside restaurant. He chose the spot for Jenna's sake as it will be easier for her to meet up with her aunt.

They all sat down after placing their order. Lillian asked if Shane finished with his purchase. Shane admitted, revealing that most of his shopping is over. However, he is curious to look around for more. Meanwhile, Jenna announced that she would like to take leave after this break.

Although a bit disappointed, Lillian allowed.

Their orders arrive in a jiff, and they began to enjoy little snacks along with the refreshments.

It was a short break, but it ended quickly before the three finished their food without leaving a crumb.

As it was time to separate, Lillian nudged Jenna, giving the signal to commence her plan.

Jenna agreed silently to act. She presented a tote bag to her boss, who sat facing Lillian in confusion.

"What's this?" Shane asked.

"What do you think it is?" Lillian urged him to take a peek inside.

Shane hesitated but accepted the tote bag. It was made out of linen material and had handcraft designs of cute cat faces sewn on it. Shane looked up at Lillian for a clue, but all he witnessed was a bright, beaming face full of anticipation. He knew right away that Lillian positively played her part in this.

The more Shane stared at the bag, the more it made Lillian grew impatient. She finally yelled at him to look inside.

Startled, Shane agreed, thanking Jenan to get her permission before taking revealing it.

Jenna supported.

Nervously, Shane opened the tote bag. To his surprise, there were two items in it. He glances over at both women sitting in front to meet with their eager eyes expecting to catch his reaction. Shane returned to look inside the tote bad.

"This is-" Shane paused.

"It's Jenna's Christmas gift for you!" Lillian proudly uttered.

There was a package of thick scented candles, and Shane read it to have rosemary aroma. The other one was a book. Upon a glimpse, it seemed like an appealing storybook, but Shane read the title to learn that it was a cookbook featuring numerous recipes for beginners to ace home cooking.

"You rarely eat at home, Mr. Ricardo, and because of your work, most of the time, you only eat outside food. Since it's a surprise meeting you outside work- and since it's Christmas tomorrow, I thought of presenting you with something- useful!"

Jenna appealed how it is not exactly a present to meet Shane Ricardo's caliber. She is not in a position to give gifts to her boss. However, she wished to express her care and only considered it to be showing her token of gratefulness.

Lillian was brimming with joy, proud of Jenna, while Shane remained speechless.

"I'm hoping to see such passion in my Christmas present, Jenna," Lillian added in the heat of the moment.

Jenna reassured that Lillian's gift clearly has more thoughts poured into it.

"So mine has less passion compared to Lillian's?" Shane exclaimed.

His stiff face finally loosened to a relaxed smile as he pulled a harsh statement, instantly driving Jenna to dread.

"I'm kidding!" Shane broke out a smile.

"Thank you so much for the gift, Jenna," he praised.

Jenna openly heaved a sigh.

"That's it! Were you not surprised?" Lillian interrupted to ask.

Shane admits to getting surprised, but there was something else that dropped his excitement along the way. He bent down to reach his large bags, going through its content, and soon fished out a basket. It was neither big nor small but average-sized and packed with chocolates, cheeses, meats, nuts, cakes, and flowers.

Shane presented it to Jenna.

Lillian felt someone gouging her eyeballs out as she watched this scene unfold in front of her.

"I apologize if it makes you uncomfortable. But, as you said, since tomorrow's Christmas, I cannot let my employee walk out with empty hands, especially after meeting me. It's nothing huge, please consider it a form of recognition, and it definitely has passion in it. However, after receiving yours, I feel like I should have had put more effort into mine. Honestly, I was buying this for a friend, but- anyway, I hope you'll like it, Jenna."

Rather than a superior at work, as Lillian's friend, Shane expressed his gratitude to Jenna. He commended her for putting up with Lillian until now and in the future.

Shane's gift did arouse embarrassment on both sides since the two unexpectedly picked up presents for each other. However, the one who got most astonished by this turn of events was none other than Lillian Grey. She sat like a statue for some time now.

Shortly after exchanging gifts, Jenna bid her farewell and departed hurriedly to meet with her aunt. Seeing her leave prompted Shane and Lillian to follow as well. They left the restaurant to roam about another full hour before Shane finally suggested retiring.

For three consecutive days, Lillian wore herself out with outside visits and today's morning visit to the market also did the same. She said her goodbyes to Shane and quickly left, hoping to catch some rest before meeting Diego's parents for Christmas Eve dinner.

On the other hand, Shane returned home to organize his shopping goodies and wrapped them to mail to friends and family. In between his work, he took a break to lit up a rosemary-scented candle. It did relax his mood and made him feel calm. Also, Shane picked up the cookbook to flip through the pages. The inside of the book was colorful, filled with pictures of the food along with simple instructions. As Shane kept studying, he found himself swayed to at least try out a few recipes.

To start on a good note, he chose to make a simple Christmas eve dinner for himself instead of ordering outside from a restaurant.

Jenna's plan worked as Shane made a bold decision to eat home-cooked food. However, Shane worried if he has all the essential ingredients to do the cooking. Even if not, he chose to do grocery shopping later to make sure he tried a couple of recipes from the book.

It could be a fruitful time spent on Christmas Eve.

Shane made sure to bookmark the pages before setting them aside and resume to wrap the presents.

Outside, it was still midday. The sun continued to cover behind the clouds, making it appear light while drawing a silver-white picture, bringing a warm palette to the view. The Big Apple remained festive and energetic, looking forward to the glamourous dusk when the celebration will officially commence and continue until the dawn of Christmas.

Wishing everyone and your respective families, friends, a very happy New Year.

Happy 2021!!!

I pray all of us are safe and sound.

I pray for all of our happiness.

I wish that we all work hard to see the success of our dreams.

Let's be more kind, considerate, and respectful towards everyone equally.

Let's take care of this planet for the future, for our future!

I wish everyone to have a wonderful year ahead!!

ljack_acecreators' thoughts