
First encounter


I heard a voice calling me,I turned around to see my friend,Nia

Me and Nia have been friends ever since I entered high school,she approached me first, complimenting me and asked me if it was fine if we'd be friends.

"Hi Hanin!"

"Hello Nia"

"Did you make your homework?"

"Of course haha,you?"

Nia looked at me with a cute look on her face,she was pouting too,how cute I thought.

"ugh okay fine here's my homework"

Nia then hugged me and kissed my cheek,

"Thank you God for giving me a friend that's pretty and smart!!!!!"

"Hey shut up, you're so embarrassing Nia"

We both giggled and went to class,as usual people in the hallways greeted me,

People have been giving me different privileges because I was "smart and pretty" and some people hated me as they envied me,if I'm being honest I would switch lives with someone right now,as soon as possible, everything that I'm doing right now is so that I could live,my parents abandoned me a long time ago,so I need high grades to remain being a scholar student.


Everyone cleaned their desks and stood up to go home,I also hurried because I don't wanna be late for my job.

Ever since my parents abandoned me,I lived by myself in a small condo,since no one from my family even bothered to ask me if I was fine I knew I needed to work for myself so then I work from 6:00 in the night to 12:00 midnight,after school,thankfully my job pays well.

*At the store*

"Welcome sir ho-"

Why is this bastard here,

"Long time no see,SISTER"

"what do you want"

"Oh,am I not allowed to visit my lovely sister"

"Shut up Don"

"Get out please"

"Is that how you treat your costumers?Hanin."

I don't know why this girl is here but I'm sure she's looking for trouble.

"Hey you know what Hanin,ugh even saying your name disgusts me"


"Mom broke up with dad"

"What does that have to do with me"

"Come home"

"No thanks Don"

"Pathetic as ever huh you filth"

I turned around and didn't mind Don,I continued doing my job,she was blabbing about a lot of stuff,not until one of my co workers went up to her saying

"How may I help you?"

Don looked at my co worker and responded to him

"This girl,Hanin,is very rude to your costumers"

"Ma'am there must be a misunderstanding"

"No. She's just rude"

"But it doesn't seek like it"

"HUH?!!?!?!what do you mean?"

"Ma'am please take your leave"

"Oh my- how rude"


Don turned her back and proceeded to get out of the store.

"Ron,thank you"

"Make sure you know how to defend yourself"

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be"

Ron may be always helping me but, HE'S SO COLD TO ME,why can't this guy atleast treat me better,but it doesn't matter cause he helps me whenever I need help.

Ugh back with his cold attitude,he thinks he's cool with that huh.


I left the store already and walked home.


As I was walking home I heard footsteps as it was trying to match my walking rhythm so that I won't notice it,well,sucks for you stalker,I noticed you. I turned around to check if there was someone and



huh?this voice is unfamiliar,this wasn't who I expected it to be

"Who are you"

"Figure it out...Hanin"

"How'd you know my name"

"You're popular you know"

"I'm not Hanin!leave me alone"

"Oh, really?"

"I'm being serious,I'm not Hanin"

"Hanin....you may be pretty and smart but you are veeeeeerrrryyyy bad in acting"

"ugh whatever,creep"

I started walking faster to reach my condo,that guy sure was creepy, luckily the guy didn't follow me.

Things gotten weirder and I'm so freaked out to see my front door,it was a note saying

"Hi,make sure to eat what I prepared for you,I love you Hanin"

I took out my phone as soon as I saw the note and called Nia

-on the phone-


-What is it Hanin,it's literally 12

-i think I have a stalker

-huh?what do you mean?

-I never told anyone my address

-yea? and?

-there's a note here

-oh,must be the bills

-no,it's not Nia,I'm being serious right now

-yea okay,what does it say?

-im gonna send you a picture okay?

-oh okay




-Should I come over or something?

-no need,I just told you that I think I have a stalker lmao

-as expected from ms.Hanin

-well anyways if anything is getting serious,I'm gonna call the cops

-okay okay,are you sure you're okay?

-yes yes

-if you say so

-end of phone call-

This day is weird af,I was followed earlier and now someone left a note on my door. I opened my door and sighed

"had a tough day?"

WHAT, my eyes widened as I heard the voice of the guy that followed me earlier.

"I prepared you dinner,Hanin"


"You are the guy that- and-"

"Yep haha, surprised?"

My legs felt week,I can't feel my hands,why can't I move? what's happening?

I was shivering in fear.

"No!don't be afraid!"


I don't remember anything else that happened but I fainted.

*The next day*

Oml,what I weird dream,I deep sighed and went to my kitchen to prepare food for my breakfast.

*yawning person*

"Good morning Hanin"

I screamed in terror,I was so afraid that my stalker was inside my condo,I rushed to my room to get my phone and dialed 911 asap.

Not long after the call the cops arrived,just when they arrived,I went outside my room and told them everything that happened.

The cops told me to get out of my condo so that they can check my condo.


"Ma'am,are you drumk last night?"


"We don't see any signs of a guy being here right now"


"Well then,we could've check the cctv cameras but they aren't working anymore"


"Can you tell us what the guy looked like?"

"Oh!!he was about 5'11,pale skin and average looking face,I guess?"

"What exactly are his face features?"

"Not so emphasized jawline,eyes are monolid,nose looked like it went through surgery and I can't remember anything else"



"Well then,give us a call if this guy comes back"


Life,fucked up.

If they could've caught the guy,he would've be arrested for trespassing too.