

What on earth. Well it all started like this I when I was reading a book called " Favourable Love" just when I gave away a million coins to motivate the author to finish is book I suddenly got a crash accident and died. Then suddenly woke up as five year old Li Ming. Why am I so unlucky. Why couldn't the author just make me the female protagonist.

Well at least I was some daughter of a wealthy family and I was five years old with great and loving brothers and haven't done anything bad yet. Maybe when I sleep and wake up this will all be a dream, yes that's right. Just as I was about to sleep the door suddenly opened. It was Li Ming's older brother Li Hua. "Little Ming'er are you still feeling unwell."

It turns out this is the part where Li Ming fell into the lake. Great this way I can just pretend that I lost my memories. It's time to put my acting skills into good use. I pretended to look confused and frightened. " Who are you? Ahh I even have a babyish voice." Li Hua looked at her and said " Little Ming'er did I do something wrong to make you angry, you can tell big brother."

Let's just continue with the act. "Are you my big browther?" Li Hua looked at her "Do you remember anything." Out of all of Li Ming's five brothers Li Hua was the most gentle and easiest to talk to. Let's just shake our head. Li Hua looked shocked. "Wait for a moment."

Oh no I bet he's going to tell the rest of the family. I'm not ready yet. I got up and started running after Li Hua but just when I was running after him I suddenly tripped on my own foot and fell. Curse this week body. "Big browther" I said softly. Suddenly I saw two figures, did I really hit my head that hard that now I even started hallucinating.

I looked up with an aggrieved expression. " Big brother why did you suddenly leave, I was so scared." I looked up and saw two Li Hua's. I blinked. "Big browther, why are there twoo of you." One of the Li Hua's chuckled "It seems like she has truly lost her memories." I blinked. I looked at them and then remembered that in the novel Li Hua had a twin brother, Li Hualing.

Li Hualing picked me up from the ground. The I felt something tickling on my leg. It seemed that Li Hualing also noticed it because when he looked at my leg he said " She is bleeding tell everyone to come over now" I looked at Li Hualing and pinched his cheeks. "Are you my big browther too." I laughed. He nodded as he put me on my bed. I wanted to act cute and so I said " Yay, I have twoo big browthers"

As I was speaking the door suddenly burst open. And suddenly for people came in. I was frightened by the noise and quickly hid in Li Hualing's arms. "Big browther, I'm scared." Li Hualing shot the others a glare then he took the tissue from their hands and started wiping the blood on my knee. Lin Hualing looked up at me and said "Does it hurt?"

New book hope you love it. Please don’t mind the names of the characters. Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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