
Gensokyo's Chainsaw Devil

A boy was injured by yokai, when he thought that it was the end for him, a voice echoed inside his head "Do you want to live? Are you willing to give up everything just to live?" The boy who have nothing to lose accepted the offer, and that moment. Is the moment that the chainsaw devil fully manifested into Gensokyo. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a Touhou fanfic if you somehow don't realize. The chainsaw devil is not pochita by the way. It's someone else. Multiple grammar mistake. Slow update. I need feedback to fix grammar and and to update more frequently. So there is that.

TheRandomCrit · Video Games
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2 Chs

Chapter 1(Rewritten)

Rewritten mid way so it might look a bit weird.

Anyways, I believe that this will be a better version :)


Kuro's POV

"Your 'mother' was worried sick when she brought you here, this place is the Eientei" Eirin said.

"She isn't my mother" Kuro replied. His face shows slight frustration. "A teacher is the most she can be"

"Hmp. She was the one who raised you to this day and at least you should respect her as a mother"

'She is right. At least that was what she said combine your memories. She was there in one of your earliest memory. And is still there until this very day.. Or yesterday'

"But talking about family problems wasn't the reason of this conversation" Eirin said. Her eyes filled with seriousness that made Kuro tense up "Keine is my friend. And Kuro is important to her more than Kuro himself could ever imagine"

"Eirin-san.. I am right here.. Why are you saying like I am not here?" Kuro said with deadpanned expression. 'She knows'

"Only if you are still Kuro, then that would be correct" Eirin said. "But I have a reason to believe that a person in front of me may not be Kuro himself, but the parasite taken form of his heart."

*Gulp* "Wha-What?"

"Yes. I am saying that you might not be Kuro himself. If that turns out to be true, no amount of trying to hold him hostage will save you as I am one of the greatest doctor in Gensokyo"

"Eirin-san.. This is all a misunderstanding. I am completely fine!"

Eirin let out a sinister smile. "I know that, and that's the point. You are NOT suppose to be fine AS a human. But for a yokai, these wounds are nothing. Yet, you recovered beyond normal human. Your body did not have any problem despite your blood lost. I have checked many place you know? Checked every part to make sure that you are okay"

Kuro's face went pale at her last sentence.

'That sounds wrong'

"Ahem.. ALMOST. Almost every part." Eirin replied. "Still, I know what human heart look like, one look into the wound is all it takes to know. Your heart should have been destroyed from the attack, yet, it is still there in a different shape with a wire emerging from the center."

But as Kuro was about to ask questions, his body refused to move. He recognized this feeling immediately. 'You-!'

'We have a contract. And you cannot break it. No matter what'

"Eirin-san. It was indeed a misunderstanding, I can remember the moment that attack struck. The strike did not make it to the heart which I presumed to be blocked by my rib cage"

Eirin made the 'what the f*ck' expression. "Now I am confused. I wasn't completely right, but I wasn't completely wrong either. You, parasite, is indeed in control."

"Aw.." Kuro sounds disappointed. 'YOU MESSED UP!'

"Why? You seems to be in control, and yet, just now, was the first time you appear to be controlling Kuro's body." Eirin questioned "You could have ran away when I treated the wounds! Oh!"

Eirin took a step back. Her face morphed into an expression of fear. "What if you try to silent me?! What can a helpless nurse like me do against a yokai like you?!"

"Do not take me for a fool" 'Huh?'

"Ara.. I wished for you to take the bait, it would have been enough as a reason to get rid of you immediately." Eirin said. "Still, I do not know what else you can do to Kuro, you doesn't seems to be in full control, but what if one day you completely eat away his body and take over?"

"Heh. Then there is nothing you can do, after all, I am a devil. And devil's contract are absolutely unbreakable" '....'

"Kuro, you poor kid.. Tch.. Devil.. You waited for him to be at his lowest to take away everything for free.." Eirin shows slight disgust.

"Correct. Technically, this is now my body. But I did not get it for free." The self proclaimed devil said. "In returns, I have to make sure that he will live a happy life"

"?" Eirin didn't say anything.

'...She is genuinely confused.. She did not show any doubt because she wanted to know how far I would take my explanation.' 'Yeah sure. But give me my body back! I am going crazy with my body moving on its own! My brain is frying!"

Kuro regained control. "....."

"Hm?" Eirin stared into his eyes. "Oh, Kuro"

"....." Kuro didn't respond. Now that he's here. He realized that he is in a position worse than he thought. "Uh.."

"I will consider that statement of yours. But I won't be making the decision, if your purpose was to make him live his life happily, then I am sure that your.. That Keine will be interested"

"You're going to tell her about this?" 'I believe that it is okay. After all, she is Keine Kimishirasawa'

"It's better to let her know of your existence. I doubt you can stay completely hidden to her, and don't forget, she's been there your entire life. She will immediately know if you are hiding something. On top of that, she.." Eirin explanation was brought to a stop.

"Eirin-san?" Kuro asked, but then realize that he couldn't move his body.


"Oh, you.."

It was the devil. "On top of what?"

"Knowing it will only make it worse, you won't be able to do anything about it"

'Kuro. What are things that you know about.. Keine, that others do not know?' 'Am I supposed to know more? She isn't someone who would hide herself'

"Ah, I asked Kuro. And checked his memory, let's keep it this way for now. He should not know this, at least not yet" 'Not again.. You are hiding everything from me.. And then proceed to reveal them at the most random opportunity ever!'

"I am glad that you manage to catch on quickly. Either way, I think that you are free to go now. You are fine after all. But I will need someone to escort you out if here, it's called 'bamboo forest of the lost' for a reason."

"We are free now? You won't try to do anything?"

"Keine will decide your fate, and it's not like I can break a devil's contract without Kuro suffering from some sort of penalties. For now, stay here"

"I can protect him just fine. I can make sure that will not smell like a human while I make my way out" 'How would that even work? And what kind of penalties is she talking about?'

"...." Eirin stared at him. "..Ah, Reisen will escort you out. She still has medicine to sell at the village, I will go get her for you.

Oh, And don't try to run. You won't make it out."

"I can try" 'Stupid devil. Now give my body back'

Kuro's regained control. 'If I was in a better shape, I would have made it back to the village before she even manage to blink once'

"Ara, It won't be good for your heart. Do. Not. Try" Eirin then proceed to leave the room.

'Bruh' 'What?' 'Nothing'


Now what?


'Oh hell-' Kuro body start moving on its own again'

"I would like to explore this place"

'Kuro' then walk out the door. "Let's head for the exit" 'What?! I don't wanna be beaten! Don't go!'

But the devil ignored him and continue to walk, luckily, he hasn't run into anyone yet.

"Surprisingly quiet.. Where did Eirin even go?" 'How did you even know? Have you been here before?'

'I was awake before you. I was awake the entire time. Oh.. Right.. The procedure that she performed on you ended 6 minutes before you woke up.. It was a painfully long procedure' 'So you messed up that quickly? I thought you were smarter than this'

The devil ignored and continue to walk, finally reaching a bigger hallways. "This should be it" 'Oi, don't try- Are you smiling? What is this sensation I am feeling.. Why do I feel excited?'

'Hmp. It is better if you see it fo-' An arrow flew passed his face, and at that moment, Kuro felt as if the whole world slowed down.

'He wasn't kidding'

The arrow snapped in two before Kuro can even register his arm moving. "Eirin-san, pleas don't be like that. I merely wish to for a walk"

"Why can't you wait? I doubt you can even remember the direction of the village"

Then, a familiar bnnuy appeared. But now in a different clothing with a hat that cover her bunny ears. "That's right! Don't underestimate bamboo forest of the lost! A mere human will surely get lost in it!"


'Hmm.. She does not know. Kuro, take the spot, act natura- I mean, do whatever you want'

Kuro then gets his control over his body back, his mind is really overloading. Having his body moving on its own go against everything his brain have been learning his entire life.

'By the way, why do I feel like you're acting a bit weird compare to when I woke up?'

"Reisen is right, it is better to let her guide you out. Unless you wish get lost in the forest" Eirin added.

'I WANNA GET LOST. I WANNA GET LOST. I WANNA-' WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU were fine just a few minutes ago. Now you're completely unreasonable, why?'

"Hey, you okay there?" Reisen asked.

"Huh? Yeah. Totally fine, let's leave, you're ready right?" Kuro asked.


"Oh, Kuro. Be sure to remove that bandage once you get home" Eirin said.

"Understood" Kuro said.

"Alright! Let's go! by the way, don't mention the fact that I am a rabbit to anyone. Oh, and call me Reisen"

"Uh.. Yes.. 'Reisen'"

"Reisen, don't forget about your duty." Eirin said.

"Ye-Yes!" Reisen then turn toward Kuro "Let us go then"

With that, Kuro followed Reisen to the exit.

"Ugh, I will need to pull this cart around.. It's bigger than usual too because I couldn't sell the last one! I blame you for this!" Reisen pointed at Kuro.

"Eh? Oh.. Sorry?" 'Pleas don't ask me to help her pull that thing around'

"Hmp!" Reisen just goes back to pulling the cart full of medicine.

'I wonder if woman are always like this..' 'Anyone can get frustrated when they are told to work even harder as a punishment for trying to help others'

That made Kuro sad. 'Should I help her? It's partially my fault that she's in this situation.. I still blame that Marisa girl for being the reason I was in the forest though.'

'Do whatever you want, but it won't be so effective with your current body. And for Marisa, She shouldn't be taken as an example, but her hard work and dedication to learning magic is respectable'

'You even know Marisa? What is she like? A magician?'

But his thoughts were interrupted by a voice. "Are we going or not?! Stop standing there and move!"

Reisen seems to be in a hurry.



A few minutes later.

Kuro is currently resisting his 'masculine urge' to help Reisen pull the cart. He's the man here! Why is he letting a girl doing the physical work?

'Keep it's this way, Kuro. Your body is weaker than her in this state'

'Don't I get anything with a yokai heart?'

'You did, but I am NOT a Yokai, there is a difference. But I am a devil, and they called me chainsaw devil..?'

"Chenso?" Kuro muttered.

Reisen turned to face him, which he respond by acting dumbfounded as if nothing happened.

"???" Reisen get confused but didn't paid much attention so she just turned back and continue to walk.

'Chainsaw, a saw. It's.. It doesn't exist here? Well, just imagine it as a normal blade. It is my weapon'

'I can't imagine fighting with sword while everyone else use range attack. How would you even win?'

But something caught Kuro attention.

"Is she lost too?" "Huh?"

In front of them is a white haired girl with white shirt and red pants.


"What? I ain't lost, I live here" The girl responded which surprised Kuro because her way of her of speaking doesn't match her face at all.

'You judge people base on their looks?'

"Oh, Kuro, that.. is Mokou. She is an.. A girl who live here. In the bamboo forest, don't worry, she's really friendly with human!" Reisen explained to Kuro.

"Is she not one?" Kuro asked.

"Ah- Well.. She is! Obviously.. It's just that human and yokai can be hard to differentiate for human like you." Reisen hurriedly replied.

"Wait.. Kuro? Like.. Keine's son?" The girl, 'Mokou' asked.

"She's not my mom! She's like.. A sister..? A teacher, that's all! Why do people think I am her child?!" Kuro said with frustration.

'Out of all the 4 woman you have met since you woke up, half of them called Keine your mother. Just accept it, Kuro. Even if it doesn't feel that way"

"Keine told me the opposite though, she always refer to you as her son. She talks about her teaching you to become a great man in the future.. I thought you would be better than this" Mokou said.

"Well, she f*cked up obviously" Kuro let out a sarcastic grin after that. 'Kuro, it would be a better idea not to let emotions control you'

'Well f*ck you too' '.....'

"Hey! I might not be there but I'm sure as heck she worked hard to teach you. She worked hard to teach during class almost an entire day and then instead of resting, she lectured you so that yo-" Mokou didn't get to finish her sentence.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU?!" Kuro yelled. 'Kuro, yo- oh.. I see. I understand now, scream at them all you want, but it will not change the reality'

That speech from the devil stopped him. "Tch.."

'Just shut up already'

'....' And he did

"The heck? Did I say something wrong? Wait.." Mokou brought her hand up to her chin "Is Keine somehow.. Abusive?"

"Hell no. She's far from that. But she's stupid" Kuro frowned at that.

"I.. think that there is some problems going on between you and Keine. Or.. is there something that.. she didn't understand? Oh, you wanted her to understand something but she didn't? Is that why you called her stupid?"

Kuro's mouth gaped open for a moment, before closing as he looked down in shame. "..Yeah"

"Wanna open up? This feels like something Keine should know. I understand that Keine has a habit of a teacher, after all, she is one" Mokou said.

And to her surprise, Kuro stared at her in awe. "That's.. That's literally it.."

"Huh" Mokou was confused " Pff.. She acted like a teacher too much ain't it?"

Kuro stared at her with deadpanned expression. "I just wanted her to-"

"Hey! I need to sell the medicines! Eirin-san won't let me go back until I sell enough medicine! I don't want to sleep by the street!" Reisen interrupted.


To Kuro, it appear to him as if she was on fire.

"Hah?! I have my own business to do too! I have to get him back to the village and then I can sell the medicines! I don't want to waste more time!" Reisen shouted back.

"Tch.. Ya know what? I'll do it. I'll escort him out of the forest, so you can go ahead and sell your medicine" Mokou replied, seemingly annoyed by Reisen's presence.

Kuro watched nervously, these girl argued because of him, should he be worry?

"Oh yeah? Good! Hope that I never run into you ever again, Kuro. You brought so many bad things to me already" Reisen scoffed before pulling the cart at high speed, Kuro finally realized that this whole time she had to hold back because of him.

'Oh, I guess you were right about her strength' '....'

"Well? You are going back to the village right? We can talk while we walk now that she's gone. Seriously, why can't she understands the situation? Anyways, what were you trying to say again?"

Kuro flinched. "We- Well... She acted like a teacher in class.. and also when we are alone.."

"Yep.. Keine's a good teacher, but maybe she works a bit TOO much"

"Yeah.. She wasn't like this when I was younger.. She was.." Kuro suddenly started crying.

"Woah hey, you okay? Oh you're not.. Sorry." Mokou then walk over to him and proceeded to hug him. "Come on, cheer up. She might get many things wrong but she worked hard with good intentions. We all make mistakes right?"

"*Sniff* Yeah.." Kuro returned the hug.


"So.. You're gonna let go now? We need to get you back home safely, remember?"

"Just a bit more.." 'Kuro, keep hugging' '??'

Kuro was confused by the devil's request, but he then he realize his feeling. Happiness.

'So.. Hugs are like a fuel to you?' '....'

Still, Kuro continue to hug her. Kuro already stopped crying but he continued to hug her.

"Man.. Keine doesn't seems to hug you a lot is it?" Mokou said, patting his head.

"She used to.. But she doesn't do it anymore.. That day she told me that she will stop treating me as a kid because she wanted me to be independent.. But this is just too much!" Kuro hugged her even tighter.

But then "Kuro, I sensed strange energy in the air, it could be dangerous and it's heading out way."

"Eh? Wha-?!" Kuro finally let go of Mokou and start looking around frantically.

"Come on, don't be shy, everyone deserves to be love.. With some exceptions.. Either way, you don't need to by ashamed from a hug! Uh.." Mokou finally realized what was going on.

A mist start to cover the area, but strangely enough, the mist is red and tinge with orange, a scarlet mist, or so to speak.

"Kuro, be careful. The mist might be dangerous, don't inhale.. Tch. This isn't good, it covered the whole area.. Kuro, get on my back."

"WHAT?!" Kuro was confused. Why is a girl asking him to get on her back? This is a second test of manliness for him today!

"We need to get out of here. Back to the village, you will be safer there"

"But... Fine!"

Mokou crouched down and let Kuro climb on her back. "I am not too heavy am I?"

"This is nothing, hold on tight!" Mokou shouted as her feet lift off the ground.

"Uh.. Mokou-san? Don't tell me that y-AHH"

Mokou flew upward at incredible speed, Kuro hold on even tighter. "AHHH... Uh.."

They are flying. "Woah.."

"Pretty cool ain't it? You gotta learn this one day.. Kuro?! Are you afraid of height? Why are you crying again?" Mokou can hear a quiet sniffles behind her.

"It's just.. My mo- Keine-san.. She used to fly me around when I was younger.. I used to be able to call her mom but I already forgot how it feels.."

"*Sigh*" Mokou sounded disappointed. "Keine turns out to be more dense than I thought."

Mokou looked forward. "We should be there soon. Let's meet her together, she probably know about this weird scarlet coloured mist more than us"


'This mist feels like magic. Someone is creating this mist'

'Who could that be?'

'I do not know. I am very new to concept of magic. I can only feel it, not differentiating traits of different type of magic. You do not possess knowledge of magic either, so I cannot do much'

'What will Keine-san know anyways.. She's probably as lost as we do. But I can't tell Mokou-san, I want her to meet with.. 'mom'. I won't be able to tell her on my own..'

'Don't worry. I will always be there beside you. And you will always be beside me. You do not need to feel lonely.. Anymore.'

Kuro smiled 'Thank you'


1 rewrite. 1 half rewrite. 4500 words go poof.

Anyways. Polls.

Should Kuro be participating in the incident?

Keep in mind that Kuro is a normal boy but I will feel a bit guilty if I just skip the whole incident as it's one of the most loved one.



🍔 <------- random borgar as an apology for not updating, I am really paranoid of making mistake.(Take a bite before Yuyugo found out!!)< p>

Still, feel free to criticize. It's better for me as an inexperienced writer.