
Genshin: The Journey Within

It was never a story about ascending, nor was it a story about the past. It was the story of discovering who he was in an entirely new world. In this new world, he who was lost would find the meaning to his life. With guidance of the Crimson Moon and many more, he shall learn to live. Welcome to Teyvat, new traveler.

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Ode to the Wind [2]

"You won't run away, would you?"

Outside the town of Yilong Wharf, the Knave and Lukas stopped and talked.

Faced with the Knave's question, Lukas shook his head and looked at her with an innocent look.

"Of course not, do I look like the sort of person?"

"...alright." Receiving Lukas' reply, the Knave nodded her head in approval. She then continued, "I have a couple of businesses to take care of here. As such, for the time being, you shall be on your own."

"You will be able to look out for yourself, yes?"

"Although I'm physically weak, I can take care of myself. I—" Lukas nodded his head at her words, however, he was about to continue when he suddenly felt something.

- Grr...


Hearing the rumbling that originated from within Lukas' stomach, the Knave paused for a moment and stared at him with her crossed eyes.


As for Lukas, he quickly tried to compose himself and made an excuse for his stomach's growling. "I'm sorry... I still haven't eaten yet, you see..."

"Yes, I seem to have forgotten about it..." Surprisingly, the Knave also admitted her mistake. She then walked over to Lukas and stood facing him. "Apologies, child."

Looking up at the Knave due to their height difference, Lukas' thoughts swirled inside his mind. 'Woah... so she does admit her mistakes. I thought she was the cold stoic type who'd never do that...'

'No, more than that, she...' Recalling the Knave's words, Lukas could only lampoon inwardly. 'She really likes calling me a child... And to be honest it's growing on me...'

'...but I'm not a child though...'

Although Lukas admits that his timid appearance makes it seem like he is short, it is actually just because of his posture. In truth, he was of average height at his age.

Looking back at the Knave, Lukas saw her take out a black card. Afterward, she handed it to Lukas. "Here take this."

"If you want to buy something, just tell the seller that the Northland Bank has you covered and show them this card." The Knave explained with her usual indifferent expression and tone.

'A premium VIP black card?!' With his eyes wide open, he carefully received the black card from the Knave and tried his best to not drop it.

The card wasn't simple in the slightest. It had a glossy texture and an unknown insignia was imprinted on top of it. Wherever Lukas faced it, it always shined a pristine glow.

'No matter how I look at it, this is a VIP card.' Still stunned at the Knave's possession of such a thing, Lukas rubbed his eyes in disbelief. 'She was this rich?!'

Looking at Lukas' reaction over what she just gave, the Knave paused for a moment before explaining. "This is something that... a colleague... of mine gave to me. He just happens to also be the Head of the Northland Bank scattered in each nation."

In the middle of her sentence, when she mentioned her colleague, Lukas noticed a subtle drop in her tone as if she was displeased just by mentioning her colleague.

"It should have enough balance to... do a lot of things." The Knave vaguely said as she continued to look at Lukas' bewildered face. She then continued, "Buy yourself a meal with this, child."

"W-Wait, hold on a second..." Holding the important card, Lukas looked at the Knave and asked, "I have so many questions, but... Are you fine with leaving me with something like this?"

The Knave paused and looked at Lukas for a moment. She then extended her arm and placed it atop Lukas' hair.

With the same indifferent tone and expression, she spoke. "It's not my money in the first place. Use it as you wish."

With that said, the Knave parted her hand from Lukas' hair and turned around. She then started walking away, leaving Lukas on his own devices.

"Let us meet by the docks near noon, child."

Lukas watched as the Knave walked off into the distance, gradually assimilating into the crowd of people present in the vicinity.

Holding tightly to the black card given to him, Lukas couldn't help but lampoon. "Seriously... Giving this to someone you barely know..."

"Just what churns inside her head to have that much trust in me...?"

Lukas found it odd since the beginning. The Knave had no reason other than the fact that she found him to continue keeping him by her side.

'Unless... She plans to bring me into her orphanage?' Remembering the Knave's occupation, Lukas' mind fell into contemplation. 'That... might not be so bad.'

'...if not for the fact that she has a mysterious background.' Lukas always found it odd how such a woman so frightening and powerful would work in an orphanage. 'She claims she works for an orphanage, yet she also mentioned that her colleague is the Head of an International bank...'

'How very sus.'

Lukas was sure of it now. The Knave was surely someone with no ordinary background. She has too many qualities that a normal person couldn't possibly possess.

'Although finding out her true motives for trying to take me in takes high priority...'

- Growl...

Once more, his stomach growled due to the hunger that had accumulated from not eating since last night.

Looking at the black card in his hands, he placed his other hand on his stomach. 'Let's go eat something first. An empty stomach is not suitable for pondering after all.'

Nudging his glasses, Lukas started walking to find a restaurant or stall to buy food.


"Greetings, Father."

In an inconspicuous teahouse in Yilong Wharf, two figures wearing masks appeared and bowed to a figure sitting down.

The figure, who was quietly sitting down, nodded their head. "Report."

"Yes." The two figures spoke in unison. They then raised their heads and looked at the figure.

One of them then took out an elegant letter before speaking, "Lord Harbinger Regrator sends his regards and sent a letter."

"Mhm." The figure took the letter and opened it by burning off the elegant envelope in which it was encased.

The figure read it in silence for a few moments before closing their eyes. Soon, flames emerged from the fingertips of her dark hands and the whole letter turned to embers in a few seconds.

"It seems like his peripheral plans with Liyue got sabotaged..." The figure commented after reading the letter. "With the involvement of that Traveler..."

"Well, this is as far as we go. We've done our part, and now, it's his problem."

Closing their eyes, the figure shook their head. The person then looked at the two masked people. "Any other report?"

"None, father." One of the masked people answered. "All assignments have been completed."

"Good." The figure nodded its head. They then stood up and looked out the window. "Then let us withdraw to Fontaine immediately."

"Yes, father." The two masked people answered in unison.

"Also..." Just then, the figure turned around and looked at them. "I picked up another child. He shall accompany me back."

"You two can go back by yourselves."

After the figure said this, they opened the balcony doors and stepped out, revealing their appearance.

A familiar silver hair and infernal red crossed eyes came into view. It was none other than the Knave.

Looking out the balcony, the Knave spoke as she stared at the horizon. "Understood?"

"Yes... Father."


Meanwhile, in the plaza of Yilong Wharf, a commotion was going on.

A crowd of people had gathered, watching a strange performance by two people up in the air.

"Look lively, friend!" A bard said as he leaped up in the air with the help of the wind. "Come on! Sing out your heart to the wind!"

Floating right next to him, Lukas, who was holding a wooden lyre, only smiled at the bard.

'...this wasn't... part of my plan...'