
Genshin: New Life, New Hype

I died by a missile, which is very strange. I was transported in Genshin Impact but the world is not what I expected it to be. The world is bigger than the game. So I decided to live in this New Life. _________________ Support me on patrêon.com/KyuNova Buymêacoffēe.com/kyuto If you want to access all advanced chapters.

Kyu_To · Video Games
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72 Chs

Eula 2*

"I will do it." With her cheeks and ears turning red. Eula said.

My mind blanked for a second before the corner of my lips lifted into a grin. Eula giving me a head.

How exciting!

Eula separates from me. She kneeled at the side. She put her hands on her skirt, then pulled the fabric up. Undressing her negligee.

She throws the fabric on the floor.

My heart cannot take it anymore, I feel my nose bleeding from the sight.

Eula without her negligee is in her underwear. She's wearing dark blue sexy underwear. Her bra pushes her breast making it even more erotic.

I gulped my saliva. Despite the lack of pleasure techniques, this world has a sense of fashion.

"What are you looking at." Feeling ashamed from being stared at. Eula beckoned.

"You're beautiful," I said honestly.

It's really hard to put into words. It's just divine. Her body is perfect, just my type.

Skin is so smooth and fit. Her chest is about E cup or more. She has a curvy waist. What's striking is, her thighs and butt. I love it.

It's the thighs man. I tell you.

My little bro is so eager that he threatens to make a hole in my shorts.

Without further ado. I pulled my shorts down with my underwear in one motion. I also undress my shirt.

My stick proudly stood like a dragon. It may not be big but it's not small either. It's normal, about 7-8 inches. What's important is not the size but the girth, it's about 2 inches.

Eula's eyes shook as she stared at my stick. It was the first time she saw a man's private part.

"So this is a man's... Do I have to put this in my mouth? Why?" Eula who doesn't know the act of giving a head asked. According to her studies when she was a noble lady, this act was not written in the book.

"Well, how do I say this? It makes me happy?" I explained simply to her. No man cannot feel joy when their woman gives him a head.

"Strange way to make you happy." She said plainly. "But, I never thought your thing was this big."

She slowly moves between my legs. Her arm stretches to touch the tip with her finger. "Amazing."

"Nn" I jolted, excitement filled my body when she touched the tip.

"Do you like it?" She noticed me letting out a groan. She smiled as if she found something interesting. Slowly move her hand down, grabbing the body of my stick.

"Yeah, can you move your hand up and down?"

She motioned her hands just as I asked. Getting a handjob from Eula.

"Ah, it twitches. It's also getting harder and hotter. What a fascinating organ." Eula was astonished by the new knowledge and became even more curious.

Stroking my stick up and down. Precum started to come out. Eula touched the precum with her finger. "Is this a sperm?"

"No, it's called a precum. It's a slimy liquid that helps the dry part not get rashed. Use that to cover my c*ck to make it more efficient. "

"C*ck?" Eula tilted her head.

"I mean my Pen*s," I explained.

"Hmm, that's what it's called." She nodded in understanding.

My precum keeps dripping. But Eula scoops some of it as she wraps her hand around my c*ck. Letting out a wet slimy noise as she moved her hand.

I leaned my back on the headrest while Eula was giving me a hand. As she keeps stroking my c*ck, I feel the urge to let out. I was already so excited, it can't be helped.

"Eula, can you do it?" I asked.

Eula stopped her movements. She was observing the changes on my c*ck intently. I guess she got curious about new things. I can't wait to teach her some.

"Before you do it. Can I see your boobs?"

"You are a straightforward man. Huh?" Eula rebuked me, but on the contrary, she reached out the clasp of her braiser at the back.

She pulls the straps on her shoulder slowly. She was doing it very erotically. My face heated up.

Eula was also embarrassed. Finally, she removed her bra.

The sight before me is making me feel lightheaded. My mouth gaped open.

Her boobs were firm and youthful. The cherries on top were pink and puffy. I can see her chest heaved up and down, showing how nervous Eula is.

"Can I touch?" I asked.

"Do what you will." She said turning her eyes to the side.

I reached out my hands to her boobs. When my hands touches the flesh of her boobs, it wasn't what I expected. It looked firm but when I touched it, it was very soft like a marshmallow.

Kneading her flesh mounds in round motions. Eula grabs my wrists. An erotic moan escaped her lips. Her body is trembling.

"Aaahn~ What is this? How does touching my breast makes me feel so good."

Eula's eyes turned hazy from the pleasure she received. The lower part of her body dampened. It made her cheeks even redder.

She didn't dare to say it.

As I continued to grope her boobs. I could feel two hard points on my palm. Her cherries hardened. She's turned on.

I stopped.

"Why did you stop?" Eula asked unconsciously.

"It's your turn." I pointed my c*ck.

"Okay." She kneeled down, bringing her face next to my c*ck. Her hot breath landed on it making me shiver.

She brought her lips above the glans where the precum continiously drips. Her lips touch glans making me even more shiver. She did not put in her mouth immediately, she's giving it kisses from the top to the bottom.

"Can I lick?" Eula asked me as her eyes was looking at me from below. The look on her face was so lascivious.

I nods.

She grab the base of my c*ck with her hand. Taking out her tongue out, she lick the base part from below to the top. When she licked the glans, I quivered.

She smiled naughtily when she realized.

Her movement became faster. I combed her hair as she licks me. Not long after, Eula has gotten used to it. She then place her mouth above the tip of my c*ck. She slowly put my c*ck in her mouth. Her tongue licking around the glans.

Since it's her first time. She couldn't put everything all the way. But it's already amazing she can do this.

After getting used to the size in her mouth. Eula move her head in an up and down movement.

I let out a groaned.

"Ah, that's it Eula. Good. Suck it more." I said while combing her hair.

When she gets tired using her mouth, she would stop and lick again with her hand doing the job. After resting she would put in her mouth again.

Eula, I'm so happy. I thought.

After sometime, the already ready to burst orgasm is already waiting for release.

"Eula, I'm going to cum." I grab her head as I gently synchronized the movement with her head with my hips.

"Eula take this." My c*ck shootout a sticky substance into her mouth. I took out my cock mid orgasm as I stroke it with my hand and giving her facial.

Eula stuck out her tongue out with semen inside her mouth. She closed her eyes as my semen shoots near her eyes. She was breathing roughly.

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