
Genshin Isekai But We Screwed Up The Plot

"I opened my eyes on that beach, the one I remember having seen before when I started playing, but the memories were gone, coming back only after I was done with main events. Strangely enough, I had some strong hunches that lingered about as warnings. The rest is history. This story... even my wildest dreams couldn't have prepared me."

TQXP · Video Games
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38 Chs

Stealing Back What Is Ours

They make their way to the tavern, walking together through the silent atmosphere of Mondstadt. Nightfall brought about more silence than one would have expected. Mark catches a few glimpses of some knights still working dutifully, standing by the gates.

"They sure are disciplined," said Mark, earning a scoff from Diluc.

"If you consider that to be disciplined, then I have bad news for you. The way they are standing is sluggish, and they're barely keeping themselves awake."

Mark sighs, noticing that Jean is rather annoyed by his statement.

"Ok, Diluc, maybe you should put aside the feud you have with the Knights of Favonius."

Mark's gaze grew somewhat stern, confusing Diluc for a moment.

"Don't mix personal feelings with work, Diluc. One's choice to do something should be accepted, even if there are ways to avoid it. No use in dwelling on the past."

Diluc felt his mind drown in thoughts, some of them darker than he would have liked. He chose to remain silent, simply focusing on clearing his mind.

The rest of the walk was silent, with Mark walking alone ahead of the two of them.

He entered the tavern first, meeting eyes with Aether, Paimon, and a little silly-looking man, a girlish face that Mark could barely see through.

"Had I not known better, I might have mistook you for a girl," chuckled Mark, meeting the bard's gaze.

Jean and Diluc walked in as well, and Jean couldn't help but stare at Aether for a bit before glancing over at the bard.

"So, it seems that our Honorary Knight is in on this as well," remarked Jean, a slightly surprised expression on her face.

Diluc cleared his throat before speaking, facing Aether and the bard.

"Well, first of all, I contacted more than one person. Second of all, she's here as Jean, not as the Acting Grandmaster. A Jean you wouldn't see even as the Honorary Knight."

Mark coughs, but it was obvious that he faked it, wanting Diluc to talk about him as well.

Diluc glanced at him with reluctance, motioning at him with a lazy hand.

"I think you already know him. He was there as well, so I had no choice but to take him as well."

Mark chuckled, seemingly enjoying seeing Diluc slightly annoyed by his presence.

"I have heard about the Holy Lyre, but I never suspected it was you," said Jean, resting her hands on her hips.

"So, the sound of the Holy Lyre can purify Stormterror and return it to normal... Is that true?"

Venti laughed impishly.

"That's right! Aether is putting himself on the front line to try and resolve this Stormterror issue."

His eagerness was clear in the way he spoke.

"Now that's the hotshot of the Knights of Favonius I'm talking about."

"Ahem, let's go back to the main details. I don't feel like wasting time, and I think a certain Sir Diluc is on the same page as me."

Diluc glanced at Mark, somehow finding himself agreeing with his words.

"I agree, but I think we'll have to persuade-" 

"I believe you."

"To persuade our stubborn comman- Wait what?"

"I can't think of any reason for Dvalin's betrayal, given it was once one of The Four Winds."

She looks rather saddened as she speaks.

"However, if it was poisoned in the battle over Mondstadt all those years ago... And then corrupted by the Abyss Mage after it woke up — we can't really blame it."

She seemed to kick back into her usual serious attitude.

"But as Acting Grand Master I obviously cannot make such a statement publicly. Diplomatic pressure from the Fatui makes it hard for us to seek a peaceful resolution to the Stormterror issue. People would think I've lost grip on the gravity of the situation. That's why I can only do this in private."

Mark chuckled. 

"Basically, we go, steal back the Lyre, then have our little bard here sing a song that can make even Stormterror remember the good old times."

Mark looked over at the bard.

"Right, Venti? I'm sure you know what I mean."

For a second, Aether thought he saw something different in Venti's gaze, but it was gone before he could even blink.

"That's right. My songs are just that good," chuckled the bard, meerily motioning around with his arms.

"So, Diluc, kick into gear with what you know. I'm sure you have some disguises ready, right? We can't barge in looking like this, since we still need to keep up the diplomatic act."

Both Diluc and Jean were at a loss for words, looking at Mark with a certain suspicion.

"Come on now; I think you're getting used to this by now. So, master Diluc—as I think they call you—shall we proceed?"

Diluc let out a heavy breath before taking out their disguises, giving Aether and Mark a mask each, keeping one for himself before handing Paimon an even smaller one.

"Let's do this, then," said Mark, putting on the mask before leaving the tavern, walking in the blissful embrace of the silent night.

It took them a while to reach the spot—a hidden entrance to what seemed to be a cave. Diluc went in first, with both Aether and Mark following closely behind, while Paimon floated silently. Inside, they found that more monsters were roaming the place than expected.

"Stay vigilant, everyone."

Diluc prepared his claymore,while Mark and Aether had their swords prepared. In the blink of an eye, Diluc swung around a flaming claymore, cutting down slimes and hilichurls alike.

Mark almost whisteled, amazed at the display of skill and Pyro mastery.

"Damn, remind me not to mess with him," whispered Mark, to which Aether simply nodded.

Diluc motioned for them to follow, which they did, only to find themselves in a large room, face to face with a lone, scared Fatui guard.

"No, NO! Don't eat me! Ah? You're... You're human?" 

The guard was pointing a sword at them, his hand shaking as he held it.

"The entire floor's defenses... have been broken. I thought it was the Abyss Order attacking..." 

"We've come for the Holy Lyre der Himmel," said Aether, speaking in a calming tone, trying to reassure the guard.

"H— How did you guys know the lyre's here? The place it's being kept is locked up tight. If you're after the key, keep going further into the ruins, but d—don't come after me!"

Paimon pointed a finger at him.

"This guy looks like he's about to wet himself."

The guard tried to retaliate, but to no avail.

"Y—You just worry about yourselves! One of the Harbingers is already in Mondstadt. Signora. When she gets her hands on you, she's going to string you up and torture you. When that time comes, don't you dare say a word about me."

"We'll keep our lips sealed. We're humans, after all. We understand. Not everyone is doing evil things because they want to. Some people are forced into it by circumstances beyond their control."

Mark patted him lightly on the shoulder before walking ahead, deeper within their hideout.

"So, Signora, 8th of the Harbringers, right?"

Diluc nodded, his face hidden beneath his mask.

"You sure are a knowledgeable one. I just wonder who you truly are."

Mark laughed slightly, walking with one hand on the hilt of his sword.

"I'm a mere human; don't mind me. I just like to know things."

Diluc left it at that, despite wanting to press a bit into the matter.

They make their way deeper within the stone encampment, slaying monsters along the way and questioning more guards that they found. In the end, Diluc pulled out a key from a well-hidden chest, which he used to unlock a weird device that then opened the door to the last room.

"This is it. We're finally close to getting it," said Mark, taking his sword out before walking inside.

"The last guy's mine. I want to practice a bit."

He walked in, sword prepared, unshaken, as a large cage fell around the lyre, a single Fatui member stepping before him.

"Let's dance." 

The fatui member swung a pair of daggers at Mark, moving fast, nearly cutting Mark as he dodged, striking back with a rapid swing, imbuing it with anemo to increase the sword's speed.

"Let's see how you like this!"

All of a sudden, the wind seemed to pick up inside the room, with Mark at the very center. He began moving rapidly, his moves like lightning, the wind dancing along him.

The Fatui assassin had no choice but to dodge Mark's strikes, expecting only sword slashes.

"It's on you for not being careful!"

Mark leapt forward, keeping himself just within reach, betting on the daggers being shorter than his sword. He kept thrusting and swinging, hitting from multiple angles, taking quick steps forward, striding towards his enemy with a flury of blows.

"Well, you sure are a resilient one. Ok, I give up. Time to switch to something else."

The Fatui agent could only watch as a strong anemo current sent him flying into the wall. Meanwhile, Diluc figured out how to lift the cage, going for the lyre, while Mark ended the battle.

"Heh, I still need to train...a lot..." 

Mark fell to his knees, Aether jumping to his side.

"Mark, are you alright?"

Despite obviously being tired, Mark smirked, sitting back up on his feet.

"I'm fine, thanks. I need to catch up with everyone else, so I'm pushing myself a bit."

Diluc came back with the lyre, noticing that Paimon was looking towards the wall, seeing no trace of the Fatui member.

"Signora is going to end you. The songs bards sing of your demise will be so terrifying—the people of Mondstadt will never sleep again for the nightmares they give them." spoke an unseen, terrifying voice.

"Big talk for a guy who still ran off in the end... Chicken," said Paimon, seeming as laidback as possible.

"Let's head back now," said Diluc, unphased by the eerie message.

They made their way out, vanishing in the night.

Heya people, TQXP here once more. If you're reading this, congrats! If you feel like it, write a quick comment to let me know what you think. Remember to check my instagram account, tqxp.m and see you later. Deus vult, peace out!

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