
*FF16 Yu-Gi-Oh cards

A/N:I was recently reading a Yu-Gi-Oh fanfic and then I suddenly thought "What if I made the Eikons into Yu-Gi-Oh cards?", and so i did this. Took me a while but I had fun writing it.

Hmmm perhaps I should make a Yu-Gi-Oh fanfic where the MC'S deck is full of characters from animes and videogames?

Sounds fun

(P.S. Insomnia hit me again so I wrote this to tire the fuck out my mind. Do expect the grammar to be worse than usual as I'm working with a half dead brain)

(P.S.S. It's 1:11 for me)


<[<strong >Bahamut-Eikon of Light/Level:10/Element:Light/Type: Dragon, Divine-Spirit/



-Description: Need's three monster cards to be sacrificed for summoning or through special methods.


@1: Megaflare- each turn, Bahamut can attack all of the enemies' monsters and including the enemy duelist with a volley of light missiles worth an initial 100 damage. For each passing turn it increases by 100

@2: Satellite- Allows you to summon two summons(tokens) with 200 ATK and 1500 DEF. When bahamut attacks, the satellite summons will attack the same monster, adding to the damage taken by the enemy monster.

@3:Bahamut Lost- When defeated in battle, Bahamut can enter his "Lost" form and stay on the field for one more turn, his ATK and DEF will be increased by 1000 points. Bahamut can also attack that same turn he is defeated in.]>

<[<strong >Odin-Eikon of Darkness/Level:8/Element:Dark/Type:Magical Knight, Divine-Spirit, Warrior/



-Description: Need's three monster cards to be sacrificed for summoning or through special methods.


@1:Zantetsuken- For every monster defeated by Odin with his blade, the zen meter bar will be filled by one point. Three stacks can instakill any monster with 3000 DEF or ATK and lower. Five stacks can instakill any monster. Special effects, trap cards, and spell cards cannot stop the attack as they will be cut down as well.

@2:Creeping Darkness-When summoned to the field, all enemy monsters will be inflicted with "Creeping Darkness". When applied, the enemy monster will have their ATK and DEF lowered by 100 for each star level they have(For example level 8 monsters will have a debuff of 800 points to their ATK and DEF)

@3:Selpnir-You can summon Odin's loyal horse, Selpnir when being attacked. Selpnir can raise Odin's ATK and DEF by 200 for a single turn. Can only be used again after two turns.]>

<[<strong >Leviathan-Eikon of Water/Level:10/Element:Water/Type:Sea Serpent/



-Description: Need's three monster cards to be sacrificed for summoning or through special methods.


@1:Typhoon: When summoned, protect all of your monsters with an impenetrable tornado of water. Can cancel all attacks for 2 turns. But your monsters can't attack neither.

@2:Tsunami-When summoned, send a tsunami of water towards the enemy field, pushing back all cards of the enemy back to his hands

@3:Bubble- Create a prison of water around an enemy monster, stopping them from attacking for 1 turn. It can be used every 3 turns.]>

<[<strong >Garuda-Eikon of Wind/Level:7/Element:Wind/Type: Winged Beast, Divine-Spirit/



-Description: Need's two monster cards to be sacrificed for summoning or through special methods.


@1:Tornado-When on the field, the enemy duelist takes damage with 100 life points each turn.

@2:Gouge-When summoned, Garuda shreds all the monster cards on the field with her claws, lowering def by 1000. for every monster gouged, Garuda gains 500 ATK points.

@3:Suparna and Chirada-Summon two wind, winged beasts, summon tokens; Suparna and Chirada onto the field. if all the spots in the monster field are full, Chirada and Suparna can fly over an ally monster and defend them. both have 1000 ATK and DEF and you will not take damage when they are eliminated.]>

<[<strong >Titan-Eikon of Earth/Level:8/Element:Earth/Type: Rock, Divine-Spirit/



-Description: Need's three monster cards to be sacrificed for summoning or through special methods.


@1:Earthen Wall-When in play, for every start of your turn, Titan gains 100 DEF.

@2:Titan's will-If defeated by a spell or trap card, Titan will be sent back to your hand instead of the graveyard.

@3:Titan Lost-When defeated, Titan will enter is "lost" form. For the next two turns Titan can only exist in defensive position and can cover all allie monsters, protecting every moster completeley. When "lost" form ends, the card goes to the graveyard.]>

<[<strong >Shiva-Eikon of Ice/Level:7/Element:Ice/Type: Fairy, Divine-Spirit/



Description: Need's two monster cards to be sacrificed for summoning or through special methods.


@1:Time Freeze-Before being attacked, you can freeze your opponent's time for one turn. You can bypass all monsters in the field and attack your opponent's life points directly. Shiva can't attack while time is frozen.

@2:Ice Shard-When defeated, Shiva will leave behind an Ice shard with 500 ATK, for every turn that it remains on the field it will gain 500 more ATK. will explode when it reaches its 3000 ATK cap or when defeated.]>

<[<strong >Ramuh-Eikon of Lightning/Level:7/Element:Thunder/ Type:Magician, Divine-Spirit/

-ATK: 2500


-Description:Need's two monster cards to be sacrificed for summoning or through special methods.


@1:Thunder Clap-All enemy monsters will have their ATK or DEF lowered by 350, flip a coin for each. Heads is ATK and tails is DEF

@2:Ligthning chain-When a monster had been killed on the field while Ramuh was on the field, you will be able to roll a die and if it lands on a 6 or a 3 you will be able to turn into lightning and dodge any attack next turn.]>

<[<strong >Phoenix-Eikon of Fire(Creation)/Level:9/Element:Fire/Type: Winged Beast, Divine-Spirit/



-Description:Need's three monster cards to be sacrificed for summoning or through special methods.


@1:Rebirth-When summoned, you can return one card from your graveyard back into your hand.

@2:Embers Protection: For every card in your hand, Phenex gains 250 ATK. For every monster card on your field, Phoenix will gain 250 DEF points.]>

<[<strong >Ifrit-Eikon of Flames(Destruction)/Level:10/Element:Fire/Type:Lizard, Divine-Spirit/



-Description:Need's three monster cards to be sacrificed for summoning or through special methods.


@1-Fires Will-For every moster card In your graveyard, Ifrit will gain 200 ATK each. This ability can only be used once unless this card is summoned again.

@2-Dwindling Flame: In exchange for such strong starting stats, ifrit loses 500 ATK and DEF each passing turn.]>

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