
Quest Complete

To be honest, I wasn't expecting this story to be that appealing, but I guess I was wrong. Anyway, thanks for the support! Before this chapter kicks off though, just saying that the update schedule for this story is pretty random, it could be daily, every two days, or whatever.

Aside from that, do recommend some things for me to add to the list of contents, I already have a few in consideration, but I want to hear your suggestions as well!


'How did this happen?'

Kyuren wasn't entirely sure why he was being questioned so extensively right now, actually he kinda did, but he was more confused by the fact that it was such an extensive questioning. He was currently seated back at his outside desk as two females were standing in front of him.

These two girls were strangers to him though, he recognised them as two of the playable characters from the game. The first was Keqing, the Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing. Beside her was none other than Ganyu, the half-adeptus who worked as the general secretary for the qixing.

After the viewing for the Overwatch cinematic had ended, people didn't immediately leave, and all remained while excitedly talking to one another about what they had just seen. He expected them to show some immediate interest, just not to such an incredible extent.

A lot of them had surrounded him, trying to get their questions regarding the cinematic answered. He was thankfully to the two in front of him, it was because of their positions that the crowd who surrounded him were so easily dismissed despite how eager they were.

"I see, so the location they were in was based on a city called Tokyo?" Keqing, who had been questioning Kyuren just now held her chin in thought as he eyes narrowed slightly in curiosity. "I can't say that I've heard of such a place, though it sounds Inazuman."

"Your name is Kyuren, correct?" Ganyu, who had been standing beside Keqing, had also been asking a few questions every now and then. Unlike Keqing, she hadn't been machine gunning the young man with questions left and right. "Although its a unique name, are you perhaps from Inazuma?"

'Inazuma, that's the nation under the rule of the Raiden Shogun. If I'm not mistaken, it's based on Japan during the Edo period.' If Kyuren was correct in his recollection, this should be the case. "Despite my name, I am not. I just lived in a nation very similar to Inazuma."

Kyuren knew lying was going to bite him in the ass later, he knew the feeling very well. Karma could be a serious bitch. He was kinda taking a gamble here too, though he doubted either of these two were confident enough to say with chest that they knew about every single location across the world.

Ganyu merely nodded to the response. "Then what brings you here to Liyue?"

"Just business really." Kyuren replied with a small wave of his hand. Like hell was he about to reveal some ridiculous secret of his, they'd think he was insane. "I just left my home to do business, which I'm sure you can already guess what it is."

"Then that must mean you have merchandise similar to what you have just shown." Keqing quickly added upon hearing Kyuren's words. Kyuren merely nodded his head in response. "Interesting, then did you perhaps have that little showing as a way to advertise your works?"

"Of course, I have to gain traction somehow."

Keqing and Ganyu weren't surprised by this, a number of merchants have tried similar methods to advertise their items. However, the method that Kyuren had used was far more impactful compared to anything the merchants have done, and the uniqueness to what the citizens had been shown was also a major booster.

"I must admit, your business does interest me." Keqing spoke while maintaining direct eye contact with Kyuren. Kyuren, in response, just stared back without flinching. "Unfortunately, I must ask that you move where you do business. Having the main street constantly packed like today is bothersome."

"I can understand that." Kyuren hadn't really thought about it until after the showing. The number of people who were blocking the street was honestly suffocating, though the main reason why he even chose this place was because of the number of people that kept passing through. "Do you perhaps know a place here with a lot of people, preferably an open area?"

"If we're considering those conditions... the northern section of Chihu Rock may satisfy you." Ganyu seemed to suggest after a moment of thinking. "There is a relatively large open space, and with it being the lower-class area, a majority of the citizens are usually found within that district."

Hearing this, Kyuren fell into thought. If he remembered correctly, the Chihu Rock area was a place you could see from a number of areas within Liyue Harbor. Also true to Ganyu's words, there were definitely more lower-class than there were higher-class.

He wasn't doing business to entertain the rich, he was wanting to provide entertainment for the masses.


After talking about it with the two Liyue Qixing members, they had come to the agreement of letting Kyuren continue his business in Chihu Rock. Previously he was going to do business in the main street area of Feiyun Slope, but that obviously had its own issues.

Anyway, he had quickly made his way over to the area he was given and had to say that it was much better than he expected. He had seen it while playing the game in the past, but it was definitely much bigger compared to the game variation, the whole city was in fact.

With him having gained permission from both Ganyu and Keqing, he could do his showings here without disturbance. Business would be done here, and he could go back to the building back in Feiyun Slope the system provided him with to sleep and do whatever else he wanted that wasn't related to business.

Speaking of which though, Kyuren leaned against the wooden railings as he stared out towards the ocean. He was currently thinking about how he wanted to go about showing his content, he wanted to think of some kind of schedule for when and what to play.

'I only have Dragons right now, so I should probably only play it at most three times a day until I get something new to show.' Kyuren thought to himself as he turned around and rested his back slightly over the rails. 'One time in the morning, afternoon, and then maybe in the evening. Until I get something new to show, that's probably for the best.'

Despite how good something may be, if exposed to enough, you will eventually completely lose interest, if not outright despising it. He didn't want that to happen, so he wasn't just going to have the same cinematic playing every single minute of the damn day.

Regarding the cinematic, the progress on the quest was pretty decent for the first showing.

Opening up his laptop, Kyuren clicked onto the quest.


『Current Quest - The Shimada Dragons』

● Objective: Have the mini movie 'Overwatch: Dragons' viewed at least 300 times - (Progress: 132/300)


● 100,000 Mora

● Synchronizer - Genji

● Synchronizer - Hanzo


He doubted that the number of views counted into the progress bar would include people who have simply glanced before leaving, it probably only counted those who have stayed and watched the entire thing through and through, otherwise the quest would be ridiculously easy to complete.

For the first showing, he had already managed to fill the bar almost until it was half-way completed. It was going to be the evening soon, so he was probably going to play the cinematic again here at Chihu Rock in the next hour or two.

Hopefully, with the number of people here, the quest will be completed.

Kyuren really wanted to get the rewards, he was in some serious need of Mora. The system was kind enough to provide him with some supplies inside the house it gave him, but it wouldn't last him forever, probably not even over a week.

Along with that, the synchronisers with both Genji and Hanzo would come to be extremely handy. Considering the type of world he was in, he needed a way to protect himself, and along with that, he may be able to make some Mora if he really needed to by taking on some commissions from the guild.

For now though, he was going to focus on the quest.


After just relaxing and walking around for the next few hours, it was finally time for the next showing of the cinematic. It turns out that the evening was probably the best when it came to getting a larger audience, which made some sense considering people would usually be off work at this time of day.

He had to seriously thank both Keqing and Ganyu, this area in Chihu Rock was not only much bigger and open compared to the main street in Feiyun Slope, but also had quite a lot more people who tended to roam around in comparison.

Because of the open space, it wasn't hard to fit a larger audience, and many people were able to watch the screen without any difficulty from multiple angles within the district. Kyuren was actually seated on the ledge of an elevated section near the given area, he was watching as a large crowd of people were staring at the screen with undivided attention.

He obviously didn't remember all the faces that had come to watch the first time around, but he could swear that he recognised a few of them from before. Despite having already seen the showing previously, it seemed that it was interesting enough that they had come to view it again.

"Jeez, this crowd is probably twice, if not three times, as big as the first crowd." Kyuren whistled slightly while gazing down from his position. The scene of both Genji and Hanzo summoning forth their dragon sprits had then just caused the crowd to go into an uproar. "Lively too.

"Greetings, Kyuren."

"Hm?" Kyuren suddenly heard a familiar voice speak as he turned his head back to see who had called out to him. When he did, he saw none other than Ganyu walking over. "Oh, Ganyu. Nice to see you again, is there something I can help you with?"

"Not necessarily, I was merely curious about all the noise." Ganyu responded simply as she walked up beside Kyuren before looking down towards the gathering crowd. "It's incredible how well your business is doing despite having only started today."

"It was more thank to you and Keqing. Thanks for the suggestion to use this area by the way, I'll pay back both of your generosity somehow in the future."

"There is no need." Ganyu quickly spoke up. "To be honest, we're both quite interested to see what your business has to offer. Just looking at the people below, I'm sure all of them are also looking forward to seeing what else you have in store."

"Then I'll try my best to meet expectations." Kyuren chuckled a bit before responding. 'Speaking of business, how should I even run it? As of right now, I'm no different from a portable theatre. Maybe with an upgrade to the system it'll give me a way to properly run some kind of business, otherwise it's just going to be a big mess.'

He was obviously looking to make some Mora from sharing the contents, that was the whole point of a business after all. The issue was that there was no process set in stone of how his business will be run. At this point, he'd be taking money and playing the video whenever the person asked, which was not at all ideal.

Kyuren would consider himself an organised individual, he liked to stick to a set plan and schedule. Perhaps with a system upgrade and with more content to show, he could run something akin to how television worked with how they had different shows to be played at different scheduled times.

Until then though, he could focus on gaining a fan base for the business, so to speak.

"I shall excuse myself then, Kyuren. I have some unfinished work that I must attend to. It was a pleasure speaking with you, and I wish you the best with your business."

"Very well, good luck." Kyuren nodded after hearing the words, though he then quickly turned back as the half-adeptus was already walking away. "Oh, make sure to get some sleep! You're looking pretty damn tired there, don't overwork yourself!"

Ganyu turned to look back with a look of surprise on her face, but she then smiled before nodding. "I will, there's no need for concern."

'Yeah, I wonder about that. If I'm not wrong, that girl works overtime pretty much all the time.' Kyuren stared at Ganyu's retreating figure for a bit before sighing as he turned to look back down at the crowd, whom were all now watching the ending sequence of the cinematic. "Nice, this should be enough now."

With a smile, Kyuren summoned forth the laptop before quickly opening it up.


『Quest Complete - The Shimada Dragons』

● Objective: Have the mini movie 'Overwatch: Dragons' viewed at least 300 times - (Progress: 300/300)


● 100,000 Mora

● Synchronizer - Genji

● Synchronizer - Hanzo

Next chapter