
Genshin Impact: Pokemon Invades, I, Arceus In My Previous Life

A shop opened on Liyue Street, popularizing the magical creatures called "Pokémon". The owner, Su Yan, can not only control various Pokémon that surpass the power of immortals and gods, but he himself is mysterious and unpredictable. Sometimes, Pokémon will call him "Lord Arceus". One day, when "Pokémon" and "Genshin Impact" merged, this world was completely turned upside down. Lugia came to Guyun Pavilion: You are the only one called the Whirlpool Demon God? Groudon: Sky-Swallowing Whale? You look like an old friend of mine. Don't say anything. Come, take my Precipice Blades first. Ying: This Poké Ball is so magical, Paimon, do you want to live in it? Fu Kalos: Huh? My plan that took hundreds of years was solved by Su Yan just like that? Doesn't this make me look stupid? No matter what, you have to take full responsibility! Zhongli: According to common sense, how can there be no super beasts with Rock and * Attributes? What do you think, Nashida? Yulongdu: No, we agreed on Pokémon.. (''THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE , JUST UPLOAD FOR FUN'')

Spector_51 · Anime & Comics
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004: Keqing: What Kind Of Weird Moves Are These?!

It was night.The night sky of Liyue was so beautiful.The lights of thousands of houses illuminated the entire city of Liyue.In a mansion somewhere.This place was obviously a place where people with status and position could live.That's right.It was Keqing's home.Since she left Su Yan's shop in the afternoon, her eyes had almost never left Tan Xiaoshi.Even when enjoying dinner, Keqing was eating with it at the same table.I saw Tan Xiaoshi sitting on the dining table, holding a strange cube in his hand, biting it one bite at a time, with a look of enjoyment on his face.It was an energy cube given by Su Yan.At that time, I explained to Keqing that this thing was food for Pokémon, which could not only fill their stomachs, but also make them grow.However, this fiery red energy cube had no concept at all in the world of Teyvat.This made Keqing very curious..."Tan Xiaoshi, is your square thing delicious?""Tan!"Tan Xiaoshi nodded repeatedly, and then held it in front of Keqing.It seems like... he is asking, "Do you want to try it?""Ah?"Keqing understood it in a second, and quickly shook her head and said with a smile: "Thank you for your kindness, Tanshi, I'm full."She likes it, but Keqing doesn't dare to try something as strange as [Energy Cube]."Tan, Tan."Tanshi didn't force it, and immediately started to chew the energy cube again.At this moment.Keqing's hands on the table supported her face, her eyes full of doting.There is no way...Who made Tanshi so cute when eating?This is hard to bear."If such a cute Pokémon is cultivated, can it really have the ability to destroy Liyue with one blow?"Su Yan said this when they were in the store.Keqing didn't care much at that time.Now looking at Tanshi's cute appearance, she can't imagine whether there is such power in this small body?Or... this is just a gimmick of the Pokémon house?And what is the 'evolution' that Su Yan said?How can I make Tanshi evolve... and so on.Keqing had so many questions when she first met Pokémon.Seeing that the energy cube in Tanshi's hand had been almost eaten.At this moment, Keqing suddenly asked: "Tanshi, after eating, can you show me some fighting moves?"As soon as the voice fell."Tan?"Tanshi quickly stuffed the remaining energy cube into his mouth.Then, it stood up from the table and hit its two round fists against each other."Tan!"Suddenly, flames burst out from Tanshi's body, and its eyes were full of fighting spirit.There is no doubt that this action is like a response to Keqing's request.Seeing this...Keqing's eyes flashed with a bright light."Ah, the table is burning!"That's right.The bright light was the reflection of the wooden dining table burning with the flames on Tanshi's body...In the courtyard at night.Because Liyue is close to the sea, you can hear the sound of the sea breeze and feel the damp coolness.However, whenever Keqing stood next to Tan Xiaoshi, the damp and cold feeling would disappear completely, as if it had been completely evaporated."Tan Xiaoshi, wait a minute, let me check the Pokédex..."In order to verify Tan Xiaoshi's moves, Keqing quickly took out the Pokémon Pokédex from her body."Let me see, the boss taught me during the day, I remember checking the information here.""Beep!"As Keqing pressed the button, the Pokémon Pokédex made a mechanical sound.[Charcoal][Gender: Female][Attribute: Fire][Ability: Flash Fire][Level: 5][Skills: Leer, Ember, Astonish, Disable, Spite, Destiny Bond][Charcoal is a Pokémon whose life resides on burning Charcoal. It likes to eat tree fruits with high oil content. Even when facing a strong enemy, it will fight with burning fighting spirit. Once it enters the battle Contest Condition, its firepower will rise to 1000 degrees Celsius]Looking at the information on the Pokédex, Keqing realized that she seemed to have thought too simply before, and the skills marked on the Pokédex were also very strange.She turned her head slightly, and her gentle eyes fell on Charcoal."Got it, got it, Charcoal, let's try your first move, Leer. The Pokédex shows that it seems to be a skill that can reduce Rival's defense.""Charcoal?"Charcoal scratched his head.Leer is a skill that it can use, but...There is no way.Since Keqing asked, it must satisfy her.I saw that Tan Shi immediately moved his eyes to Keqing, and the two looked at each other. Then Keqing saw that Tan Shi's eyes were wide open.So fierce...Keqing: "Ah?"That's it?Is this Leer used to be cute?Although it is very cute...But what is the lowering of defense in Pokédex?Is it to make the enemy careless by being cute?Looking at Tan Shi's eyes wide open, Keqing naturally would not say what she was thinking, but only coughed twice to hide her disappointment."Ahem, okay, Tan Shi, let's try another move next, let's try the 'Astonish' move.""Tan."Tan Shi immediately restrained his fierce eyes and walked to Keqing's side.And then...it used a big move.I saw it suddenly jumped up, don't say it, it jumped quite high, and it actually jumped to the same level as Keqing's head.Then, the little charcoal servant made a grimace and a sharp growl."Charcoal!!"Watching its actions, Keqing's eyes suddenly blinked, and she reacted after a moment."... Did you, did you just want to scare me?"Sure enough.The little charcoal servant nodded: "Charcoal, charcoal."After all, Keqing is its master now, and its sharp growl is actually very restrained, just like a "wow".But Keqing didn't know this."..."At this moment, her eyes have narrowed into a line.Her face is full of helplessness.No, what kind of weird skills and moves are these?Keqing is quite puzzled.It's true that the little charcoal servant is very cute, and she doesn't regret spending tens of millions.But what?Based on the performance of the little charcoal servant, it is a far cry from what Su Yan said, right?Keqing asked with a wry smile: "What about Ember?"From the sound, she almost gave up."Charcoal." The little charcoal servant nodded heavily at this time.Suddenly, it rubbed its palm, and the whole momentum became different..."Huh."Keqing also noticed this.She had already given up hope, and even decided in her heart that she would keep Tan Xiaoshi as a real pet in the future.But now...Bang! ! !Tan Xiaoshi was aroused by strong flames all over his body.The hot temperature instantly made Keqing take two steps back.Then...Tan Xiaoshi took a breath suddenly, and the fiery red elements were like the Milky Way in the night, and the stars were taken into Tan Xiaoshi's mouth.The next second!"Tan!!!"Tan Xiaoshi opened his mouth and spit out a fireball as big as several fists.Bang! ! ! !In a blink of an eye, a green tree in the distance responded.When Keqing reacted, the tree was already full of flames and was engulfed by the raging fire.The thick smoke was facing the wind and scattered in the air.Seeing this scene...Keqing's face suddenly showed surprise and joy."Wow, so awesome!!!"Completely different from the previous two cute moves.Ember, although not very powerful, is really powerful enough.At this moment, Tan Shi received praise and touched the back of his head a little embarrassedly."Tan, Tan."Keqing even picked it up and held it high."Tan Shi, I didn't expect you to be able to absorb fire elemental power. When you grow up, you may be able to practice with me in the future."However, as soon as these words came out.Now it was Tan Shi's turn to be confused."Practice?!"But Keqing didn't notice Tan Shi's surprise, but a playful smile crossed her lips."It just so happens that I have an appointment with Ningguang tomorrow morning. If she sees you, hehe... I haven't seen her look shocked for a long time.""I'm looking forward to it."