
Genshin Impact: Pokemon Invades, I, Arceus In My Previous Life

A shop opened on Liyue Street, popularizing the magical creatures called "Pokémon". The owner, Su Yan, can not only control various Pokémon that surpass the power of immortals and gods, but he himself is mysterious and unpredictable. Sometimes, Pokémon will call him "Lord Arceus". One day, when "Pokémon" and "Genshin Impact" merged, this world was completely turned upside down. Lugia came to Guyun Pavilion: You are the only one called the Whirlpool Demon God? Groudon: Sky-Swallowing Whale? You look like an old friend of mine. Don't say anything. Come, take my Precipice Blades first. Ying: This Poké Ball is so magical, Paimon, do you want to live in it? Fu Kalos: Huh? My plan that took hundreds of years was solved by Su Yan just like that? Doesn't this make me look stupid? No matter what, you have to take full responsibility! Zhongli: According to common sense, how can there be no super beasts with Rock and * Attributes? What do you think, Nashida? Yulongdu: No, we agreed on Pokémon.. (''THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE , JUST UPLOAD FOR FUN'')

Spector_51 · Anime & Comics
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184 Chs

002: Shocking Keqing’S Three Perspectives!

"Can I, can I have this cat... No, can I have Mew?"Keqing pointed at Mew floating next to Su Yan.She was frightened by Mew when she first entered the door.Even after listening to Su Yan's explanation, Keqing still regarded Pokémon as a pet.As for the idea that one blow could destroy Liyue...She didn't believe it at all.Even so, no girl could refuse Mew's cute appearance, no!"Do you want Mew?"After hearing Keqing speak, Su Yan was stunned at first, and then he suddenly laughed."Ms. Keqing, forgive me for being blunt, you can't control Mew."Su Yan had just finished speaking.Mew next to him put her hands on her waist, her face full of pride."Not everyone can get this Mew."Looking at the big and small ones who both looked amazing...Keqing muttered: "Well, how do you know if you haven't tried it?""Hehe, Mew is my partner, Miss Keqing, don't think about it."After that, Su Yan suddenly turned around and shouted: "Rotom, get to work."The voice fell."Here it comes!"A red machine-like thing suddenly flew out from the room behind the store."Beep, beep, Su Yan, Su Yan, are you finally here for business?"However, the sudden appearance of Rotom refreshed Keqing's eyes again."The machine, the machine is talking?!"If the previous Mew's voice seemed to appear in the mind, then the machine in front of him was actually making a sound.There is no such high-tech thing in Teyvat.What's more...Su Yan smiled and explained: "Miss Keqing, this machine is called Pokémon Pokédex, Rotom is a Ghost Pokémon, it likes to hide in various electrical appliances, making the machines seem alive, and at the same time it can enhance the functions of the machines.""You told me this is a Ghost?"After entering this store, Keqing seemed to have entered a whole new world.A cat that can fly without wings?A Ghost that can hide in a machine?Looking closely at the Rotom Pokédex, there are two blue eyes on the top of the machine, and a blue magnifying glass watermarked screen in the middle.It is indeed something I have never seen before.Of course, Su Yan did not explain too much, but gestured to Keqing."Next, various Pokémon pictures will flash quickly on Rotom's screen. When you say 'stop', you can choose to buy the Pokémon that appears on it.""I need to explain here that our store will charge a certain fee for each draw, and each person can draw a maximum of five times a day.""Of course, since Miss Keqing is a first-time customer of our store, you will not be charged for the first draw."Despite Su Yan's explanation, Keqing was still confused."Okay, I know."But she still nodded, after all, she heard one sentence clearly...free for the first time.At this time, Su Ye nodded to Rotom: "Let's start.""Got it!"The screen in the middle of Rotom Pokédex suddenly appeared with various pictures.And then...the pictures flashed quickly.The speed of dozens or even hundreds of pictures per second was dazzling.Even if Keqing stared at the screen closely...her head had begun to become dizzy, and she couldn't see what kind of pictures were on the screen at all."No, I can't see it clearly."In desperation, Keqing could only obey her heart and shouted: "Stop!""Beep beep!"At the moment Keqing shouted 'Stop', the picture on the Rotom Pokédex stopped rotating at the same time.At this moment, Keqing hurriedly stared at the screen.The Pokémon that appeared on it was a little guy who looked a bit like a burning charcoal.It had a flaming braid on its head and a flaming coat on its body. It might not be as cute as Mew, but it gave people the impression of being more heroic and high-spirited.At this moment, Su Yan also took a look, and a moment of surprise flashed in his eyes."Oh, Miss Keqing is lucky. She actually drew [Tan Shi] for the first time.""Tan Shi?"Although Keqing didn't understand Pokémon, from Su Yan's expression and words, she could also hear that the other party seemed to have a high opinion of this Pokémon.Sure enough, Su Yan nodded and then explained."Yes, Tan-chan is a fire-type Pokémon with extraordinary potential. In the future, it will have two forms of evolution, one that is good at using artillery and the other that is good at using dual swords. It is a knight-type Pokémon."Keqing didn't quite understand what the evolutionary form was.But when she heard the word "knight", her eyes suddenly lit up."Knight? Is it the same knight as the Knights of Favonius?"Su Yan pointed at her face with his fingertips and smiled, "This... may be much more handsome than you think.""Even more handsome?"Keqing blinked, and because Su Yan was explaining it, she looked at the picture of Tan-chan in the Pokédex.At this moment, she liked it more and more.Cute?Handsome?Girls like this type.What's more, Tan-chan has both types.After only a moment of consideration, Keqing immediately said, "Boss, I want this Tan-chan."Su Yan smiled and nodded."Okay, then... Tan-shi is a rare Pokémon, and the price is 50 million Mora."When Su Yan just quoted the price..."Mr. Duo?"Keqing was completely stunned.50 million Mora?Is this price too much for her?It's really not much.After all, as one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, she can afford even a few hundred million Mora, let alone tens of millions of Mora.But this is not a matter of money. In Keqing's opinion, a pet actually costs this much?This is simply outrageous!And Su Yan seemed to see through Keqing's thoughts at a glance.He said: "Miss Keqing, Tan-shi is definitely worth this price. I won't ask for too much. Besides, the Pokémon outside the world is the only one in Teyvat.""... You, what you said makes sense."Keqing exhaled lightly.Although Su Yan's words were unpleasant to hear, if it was just used as a pet, 50 million was indeed not worth it.But the four words "outside the world" were no longer something Mora could measure."Okay, 50 million Mora, Boss Su Yan, I want this charcoal servant."