
Genshin Impact: Multiverse Q&A System

● TAGS: Genshin Impact, Harem ● Pairing: Male OC x Barbara/Yunjin/Ayaka/Nilou/Lynette . . . Kaito was no stranger to the spotlight. After all, being one of, if not, the greatest musician of his time despite his young age was more than enough to prove this. From a very young age, the spotlight was all that Kaito came to embrace as he found himself performing worldwide at the mere tender age of seventeen. However, good things aren't always as great as they seem. With fame came responsibility, and with responsibility came expectations, and with expectations came endless stress. By some miraculous turn of events, Kaito finds himself thrown into a world unlike his own. Full of mysteries you could only hope to find in fantasies, and perhaps, just perhaps, this was the opportunity he needed to rest and enjoy the peaceful times in life. Though, that may be more difficult than he first believed, especially considering the dangers of this world. If only it were like those novels, just where was his special power? 『...』 『Multiverse Q&A System has been activated』

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Q&A System

When you have the time to relax, cherish every single second of it.

That's exactly what Kaito was doing at this very moment, leaning back and staring up at the sky as both of his arms supported him. From the looks of it, he was currently sitting on the edge of what appeared to be a simple-looking fountain in a rather large plaza area.

Kaito had no idea how or why he had gotten sent here in this strange new world, but at this very moment, he honestly didn't really want to care. With how peaceful and calming the winds of this new medieval city were, all of his cares and worries were washed away.

He did notice a few people giving him strange looks as they walked by, but he didn't pay them any mind. He could understand why they were staring though, his form of attire wasn't at all similar to theirs, but it really did make him stand out amongst the crowd.

Kaito was a young man no older than seventeen, with a lean physique and slightly pale skin. This pale complexion contrasted well with his midnight black hair, which was matched with a pair of relatively sharp orange-gold pearls that were his eyes.

His clothing was the main thing though, he was still in his concert uniform he had just recently finished performing in not long before being transported here. It was really no form of attire that was suited for casual wear.

The outfit consisted of a black body-tight black shirt with a white open short-sleeved jacket over the top with a high-collar and rimmed with linings of shining gold. His legs were covered by a pair of sleek long black pants, which went well with his tall rounded white boots that shared a similar design pattern to his jacket.

Around his neck was a pale transparent yellow scarf, one that looked to obviously be made of some kind of fine silk-like material. Finally, on both of his arms were white gauntlets that with golden patterns similar to that of circuitry lines, and finishing with a single large earpiece designed like a white and gold wing attached to his right ear.

"Mondstadt, huh..."

Kaito muttered to himself as used one finger to pull down the part of his scarf that was covering his mouth, and after doing so, he gave a small sigh before turning his attention down to look at the people walking by.

No matter how many different comparisons he tried to come up with in his head, he could only really compare this city to those belonging to video games and fictional novels. The streets were incredibly clean, and the atmosphere and nature of the people were like those from fantasy worlds.

The only reason he actually managed to find out the name of this place was because of the guards at the front gate. He hadn't appeared in the city, but a few good meters away in the bushes on the outskirts of this place.

From what he had learnt, this city was called the City of Mondstadt, otherwise known as the City of Freedom. For whatever the reasons for that were, Kaito had no freaking clue. But that didn't really matter, he needed to think of his next move.

"I guess I need to find a place to rest, but I don't have any money on me. And I don't even know what currency they use here..." Kaito kept muttering while holding his chin. After a few moments, he just gave a small sigh. "My head hurts..."

『Host detected』


『Multiverse Q&A System has been activated』


Confused, Kaito blinked his eyes as he looked up slightly to see a strange blue holographic screen appearing in front of him. Staring at it in silence for a few moments, Kaito narrowed his eyes suspiciously as the sudden emergence of the screen caught him a bit off guard.

"The hell..." Kaito glanced around him to see people walking by as if nothing was wrong, which seem to suggest that he himself was the only one who could see this thing. 'That... or these people are blind. In any case, what is this?'

『Gathering host information』


『Name: Kasuga Kaito』

『Nationality: Japanese/American』

『Age: 17』

『Marital Status: Single』

'Wow, thanks for pointing that out...' Kaito thought to himself dryly as he saw the last thing. 'Was that really necessary? I mean, I know I have literally no experience whatsoever when it comes to romance, but fuck man...'

『Preparations complete』

『Displaying system information now...』


『Multiverse Q&A System』

● A Q&A system that connects individuals from all over the continent of Teyvat, allowing them to participate in a series of questions regarding scenes from across all creation

● Depending on the nations currently accessible to the session, only individuals currently standing within the borders of those nations listed will be able to participate in the Q&A sessions, anyone entering the nations mid-session will only be invited during the next session

● A total of two Q&A sessions will be held each day, one during the morning and another at dawn

● Depending on the answers selected by the participants, the top three individuals from the VIP and Common branches will receive a reward

● During each session, three participants will be selected from the VIP branch at random, and those individuals will have the opportunity to earn greater rewards per question but will receive heavier penalties for each question incorrectly answered


Kaito kept his eyes narrowed as his pupils darted across the various pieces of information, and after a bit of reading, he got the general gist of what this system was all about. It was pretty much a question and answers game show.

He wasn't entirely unfamiliar with the idea of systems, they were a common trope in novels after all. He hadn't read many, but the ones he have read usually had the main characters acquire some kind of cheat-like system.

The problem was that he had never even seen a novel with this kind of system, it was just bizarre.

'Continent of Teyvat? Is that where I am?' While it wasn't much information, it was still something, any piece of information about this new world was precious to him. 'I should see if I can find a library or something... for now, let's see here.'


『Multiverse Q&A System』

● Start Q&A Session - [Available]

● Inventory

● Current Mission


Kaito didn't immediately click on the first option, it'd be best to see what the other things had for him before he continued on with the main stuff. He first checked the [Inventory], but was rather disappointed to see that it was empty.

Since it was empty, he quickly closed it down using mental commands as he then switched over to the [Current Mission] menu. He was pleasantly surprised to see that this menu did indeed have something for him to look at.


『Current Mission』

● Objective: Complete your first Q&A session here in Teyvat!


● 300,000 Mora

● Random Vision


'Pretty standard mission, but what the hell is a Vision?'

Kaito understood the dictionary definition of the word 'Vision', but it seemed to be implying that a Vision was perhaps some kind of object or maybe power. Whatever the case, thinking about it was a waste of time, he wouldn't get anything.

He also didn't know what the hell Mora was, though considering it was one of the two rewards, it was probably something pretty significant. Moving back to the main menu, Kaito quickly clicked on the [Start Q&A Session] option.


『Start Q&A Session』

● Available Audiences: [Mondstadt]

● Completed Sessions: 0

● Correct Answers: 0

● Incorrect Answers: 0

[Start Session Now]


'Wow, it even keeps score just so I can see how much I suck ass at answering questions?' Kaito scoffed a bit as this thought passed through his head. 'So if I get a bunch of wrong answers, I get to look at my shame every time I want to start a session... great.'

Without further ado, Kaito mentally clicked on the bottom button.

『Starting session now』

『Please standby』


『VIP invitations sent』

『Common invitations sent』

"Wh-What is this?!"

"Does anyone see this thing...?"

"What is going on?!"

Kaito turned his head up immediately after hearing the shouts, and when he did, he saw pretty much every single person around him all looking at their own respective holographic screens that had just appeared in front of them.

He wasn't surprised to see that everyone was now panicking in both confusion as well as concern, seeing a random screen appear in front of your face tends to cause some pretty high levels of confusion in a person.

『VIP』-『Kaito has joined the Q&A』

『VIP』-『Aether has joined the Q&A』

『VIP』-『Paimon has joined the Q&A』


『VIP』-『Jean has joined the Q&A』

『VIP』-『Venti has joined the Q&A』

『VIP』-『Amber has joined the Q&A』


『VIP』-『Kaeya has joined the Q&A』

『VIP』-『Diluc has joined the Q&A』

『VIP』-『Barbara has joined the Q&A』

Kaito watched in silence as the constant flow of notifications of people joining the room were all piling up one after another, and he was honestly surprised by the number of people who were in the VIP area, he hadn't expected so fucking many of them.

From the looks of it as well, he too was counted as a VIP member, which wasn't anything surprising considering he was the literal owner of the damn system. However, the fact that he himself was invited obviously meant he too was participating.

As expected, the system was a neutral entity, even the host was not going to be spared.

It took a while, but eventually, the number of notifications in regard to people joining the room began to slow down. Kaito could easily see that there were thousands of people here, which obviously included both the VIP and Common areas.

"Hm? A topic?"

Soon after, Kaito was met with a choice.


『Please choose a topic for this session』

● Knights of the Round Table

● Majin Buu

● Arisato Minato
