
Genshin Impact: Legacy Of Storms; The Hunt System, But it Evolved!

The Clan head of the Kayuta Clan of Inazuma dies after an conflict breaks out between the remaining soldiers of Orobashi and the Shogunate Samurai. His son and the clan heir, Indra. Gets exiled because of the events that follow. find out more by reading this. Will Have Smut later on. System.

sPenK_XD · Video Games
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11 Chs

Chapter 3

Indra reached the researcher camp, a dark blue giant tent where two women were writing while seated on a bench, a man marked places on a map of Watatsumi, and a man and woman talked to some warriors, mainly consisting of ronins and samurai. "Listen, sir! The monster you hunted wasn't the one we wanted you to hunt," said the man. "What?! So you ain't gonna give me my mora even when I killed that big monster?" said a tall samurai. "Sorry, sir. I know your success in hunting that monster was impressive, but it isn't the one we offered you to pay for," explained the man.

The samurai roared in anger and tackled the man. Indra observed in curiosity, the woman near the man screamed and said, "Someone! Help! Whoever beats that samurai, I'll give them 10,000 mora!" She shrieked in terror as the samurai attempted to kill the man. Before the samurai could fulfill his objective, Indra kicked him off and unsheathed his sword, pointing it towards the samurai. "Stand down," ordered Indra, ready to strike if necessary.

The samurai, in shock, decided not to resist. Indra then turned his gaze to the woman. "Mora."

The woman stuttered, confused. "Huh?" Indra sighed in annoyance, "I did as you said and took down the samurai. Now, I want my mora, or I won't stop him anymore."

The woman quickly retrieved a bag of mora from her pockets and handed it to Indra. He took the bag and directed his attention to her. "I heard you were hiring warriors to hunt down monsters, is that right?"

Nervously, the woman nodded. "Y-yes... Do you want to take on the job?" she asked, a mixture of nervousness and hope in her voice.

Indra nodded, and the woman pointed to the man near the map, who was now observing the scene with curiosity. Indra approached him, "I would like to take on the highest-paid job you have available."

The man looked at him in interest. "Hmm... But it is a quite dangerous one; are you sure? The pay is 85,000 mora. The monster is quite dangerous, I must say."

Indra merely nodded. "Tell me its location. I am more than ready." The man shrugged and pointed to a circle marked on the map. "It was last spotted three miles south from here. We believe that the cave four miles southeast from here is its habitat. There you can find it."

Indra turned and left the tent, looking toward the southeast direction. "This could be a fine opportunity to test out my new electro and cryo abilities."

Indra then starts running towards the direction, after some time, he reaches a cave and enters it.

The cave was buzzing with electro energy, the walls were mostly covered in purple gems which radiated electro, the cave was deep and Indra kept on walking.

After some time, Indra heard a growl in the ceiling of the cave, he quickly looked up and saw a strange creature, it was hanging from the wall, it was like a mixture of a giant bird and a bat, it had 4 legs and two wings, it had dark purple feathers and it's skin was void black, it had three eyes and it's mouth was like that of a spider, on it's head were two strange antenas like that of a grasshopper.

The creature that was hanging from the ceiling opened its eyes and screeched and leapt towards Indra.

Indra moved in time to dodge the attack, but suddenly, a blue screen appeared over the creature.

Terror Bat - LvL 21 - HP : 100%

Indra looked at the screen with confusion and then rubbed his eyes but the screen was still, regardless, the creature dashed towards Indra, electro shooting out of it's mouth.

Indra quickly unsheated his sword and moved aside to dodge the attack and concentrated cryo in the blade of his sword very intensely and dashed towards the creature at lightning like speed leaving behind a trail of lightning.

Once he was close enough, he stabbed the creature in its neck. The creature roared in pain and tried to swat Indra away who jumped in time to dodge. The wound started to bleed heavily, the creature then shrieked and opened it's mouth wide and suddenly various lightning bolts shot out from its, Indra tried to jump away to dodge but he was not fast enough and one bolt hit his abdomen, another bolt moved towards him and in instinct, Indra held up his sword covered in cryo which barely managed to block the lightning bolt.

His abdomen had a deep wound now and it was bleeding badly, he would probably die if he didn't stop the bleeding in two minutes and the creature was yet to be defeated but it too was badly wounded and was once in a weakened state.

If another lightning bolt hit him, he would have no chance to survive, the blow would simply be too much, plus, his senses were also clouded by pain as most of the skin in his abdomen region was burnt badly, he didn't have time to waste, he had to finish quickly.

'If i don't finish it quickly, I am dead.' Thought Indra and quickly concentrated cryo on the wound lessening the pain and bleeding and soothing the burns.

The creature roared and raged on towards Indra, Indra got into the standard samurai stance as his hand rippled with lightning and his sword was still covered in cryo although ice formed on the edge of the sword making it even sharper.

As the creature tried to bite off Indra's head, Indra sliced at lightning speed and cleaved the monster's head off as it fell to the ground.

Indra quickly pulled out some bandages and dressing cloth that he kept with himself and quickly covered the wound preventing anymore blood loss.

"What an thrilling battle, it was truly a fight of life and death, had I been even a millisecond late than i would be dead." Indra said while smirking looking at the dead monster.

Indra then quickly lifted it's head and started dragging the rest of the body towards the research camp.

At some point he got tired of dragging and lifted the body above his head and put the head on top of it and started running.

With his fast pace, about 3 minutes later, he arrived at the camp. He quickly threw down the body of the monster outside the camp and entered the camp covered in blood.

The man who near him shrieked and passed out while the other women screamed in horror, the man from before who was attacked by the samurai yelled in horror and shock and the man who gave him the location looked at the scene in horror.

Indra walked up to the man, "I brought the monster which you asked for, Now give me my mora." While saying this, he winced in pain restraining himself from screaming from the intense pain in his abdomen, the cryo energy had done it's part and had soothed the burns but it still hurt like a bitch. He was gonna directly go to the hospital after this.

He also remembered that after he killed the monster, another screen had appeared beside him, he ignored it up until now, it said:

Killed Terror Bat - LvL 21. Claim the rewards.

The "claim rewards" Part was in green, Indra out of curiosity, clicked the green option and suddenly a whole bunch of things rushed into him.

Ding! 1078 EXP Gained!

Ding! Random Electro Technique Scroll Spin Obtained!

Ding! Health recovered!

His body suddenly felt much better and his wound had healed a bit already and miraculously, the slight bleeding had also stopped.

He looked on at the screen, 'What the fuck?' He thought in confusion. As the man returned with mora, Indra looked at him and said, "Hey! Look at this strange blue screen beside me, what is it?! Do you know anything?!" Indra questioned the man.

The man's face got a quizzical expression and he raised his eyebrows, "What screen? I see nothing there. Are you sure that you are okay? Do you need help?" The man asked in concern looking at Indra.

Indra snarled in annoyance, "What? You mean to tell me you can't seriously see this?" He said while pointing at the screen and then looked at the other man, "You see this right?".

The man still in shock shaked his head and looked at him with a confused expression, " what are you talking about kid? How did you even kill that monster? You must be like 12 or 13!"

Indra nearly growled in anger and in frustration, looked at the other women, "at least you women see this right? Right?!" He shouted in frustration.

The woman who had just woken up after being passed out shrieked and fainted again, the other woman who was trying to help her shrunk back in fear. The woman standing beside her just shaked her head.

Indra grunted in frustration, 'Just what the fuck is happening?'


Yo! How was the twist? I decided to give him a system since I thought that the original element users in the game were just too weak and too plain, the only ones who aren't are some big figures like government heads, harbingers and of course non humans, only exceptions are possibly Kaeya and Diluc and Alhaitham (Diluc is considered to be the strongest in Mondstadt and Alhaitham is considered as >=Cyno.) Besides, this takes place in a time period where the effects of the archon war are still very fresh and War is still continuing among many nations and many powerful gods and warriors are still alive.

Cya! Leave some suggestions in the comments.