
Genshin Impact: Inazuma's Eternity

(Headcanon Warning) (Plot Divergence) (Not 100% Canon Compliant) An unchanging eternity of the people of Inazuma. What will Jason's adventure lead him to? Except for OC characters, everything else is the property of Genshin Impact and Mihoyo. This story is not intended for commercial purposes or to make money. Writing this cause it's fun and enjoyable :D This is headcanon, and there may be several inconsistencies from Genshin Impact's Story. Mihoyo has put such an amazing effort into developing the storyline that I doubt I can fully write one that does not contradict what is already in game. Plus I'm not a heavy player soooo ....

ShibasandTango · Video Games
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33 Chs

Sara's Sorrow*

"You're awake."

A soothing voice greeted Jason as he opened his eyes.

He found himself lying on a makeshift bed of straw. A bandage was wrapped across his torso, covering a deep gash that he had sustained in his fight against Beidou. His sword was by his side, and so was the geo vision that he had obtained.

The moment he woke up, it seemed like all the information regarding his new powers had flowed into him effortlessly. The vision was like an extension of himself. He was already itching to test them out.

However, there was something else more pressing.

Jason eyed the figure before him, scrutinizing it. A solitary horn adorned the figure's forehead, regal and unyielding, but its counterpart was conspicuously absent. The girl was wearing a mask, preventing him from seeing her features.

"Thank you for saving me." 

He bowed his head. It was clear the Oni before him had saved his life.

"It's fine. It's been a long time … since I had company." the girl responded in a gentle, sweet tone. "I don't have much here, so you'll have to make do with this food."

A single arm carrying a plate of tricolor dango extended towards him where there should have been two.

Jason was curious. But this wasn't the right time to enquire. Something tragic probably happened for her to lose her right arm and horn.

"Where … are we?" he accepted the meal with thanks and started eating.

"In a forest deep within Kannazuka. In your state, you'll probably will need a few days to heal." she stood up. "Rest well. I have some hunting to do."

He watched the enigmatic figure step out of the hut.

Many questions were on his mind. But for now, he would just focus on the food before him.

The textures and flavors of the tricolor dango were simply out of this world - the best he'd ever tasted in his life. 

How did the girl get so good at making those? Calling it good was already an understatement.


Kujou Encampment.

Inside a meeting. The mood was solemn as the surviving officers had gathered to discuss the aftermath.

"... and that was what happened." 

One of the weary officers had just finished explaining the battle. 

With Great General Yoshihiro dead, the highest rank amongst them was Sara, who naturally took charge of the situation.

"I see. Where is Officer Jason? I don't see him around."

Sara finally asked the most burning question in her heart. The question, seemingly casual, disguised the underlying worry that pulsed through her. She kept her voice as steady as she could.

"He's … dead."

Time seemed to stop.

"Dead?" Sara whispered, her mind struggling to process the words. She mustered every strength she could to fight back the tears. "How? What happened?"

"It's the truth. Huge cheers were coming from the rebel army. Our scouts reported hearing something along the lines of how the Hero of Yatari had been killed. We've already sent search parties, but found nothing."

"No. There's no way he's dead."

"He fought the Slayer of Haishan. I'm not optimistic about the odds. The Haishan is a creature that even the swords saints who dwell within Holy Teshukaku couldn't defeat, and Jason had to fight someone who slew that monstrous beast." Another officer shook his head. "Liyue will have to answer for this. We'll have to trouble you to bring this up with the Tenryou Commissioner, General Sara."

"Y-yes. I'm sorry, please excuse me."

Sara turned and left the meeting, retracing her steps back to her room as she closed the door behind her, shutting out the world.

With slow, deliberate movement, she lowered herself on the bed. Sara lay there and stared at the ceiling, a lone solitary tear traced a path down her cheek.

She had only ever cried twice in her life. Once for the man who took care of him as a child in the forest, the other now for Jason.

Before she met Jason. Her only purpose in life was to serve and worship the Almighty Raiden Shogun. That was her greatest joy. However, as she spent time with him, Sara found another reason for joy too. 

Now all that remained was her loyalty and faith towards the Electro Archon.

Another tear trickled down as Sara's thoughts wandered to the possibilities that she could have with Jason. 

Her hand reached gently for the hairpin on her head, brushing it as she sobbed 

Her mind began to wander, imagining if she had been bold enough to confess to the man, they would have kissed and gone so much further. Her imagination grew wilder by the minute and Sara started stripping off her clothes until she was left in only her lacey black panties. She moved a hand to her breast, massaging it. Sara brought one of the fingers up to her tongue and sucked it slowly.

Sara began running her hands over her breast, squeezing and molding it as though Jason was the one doing it. 

At least she would get to imagine her moment of bliss with Jason that would never happen. She dreamt of the man running her hands all over her, teasing her.

Sara moved one of her hands over her nipple, gripping at it viciously as she could no longer contain her moans. The other hand flicked and rubbed her taut nipples until they were shuddering from pain.

"I-It feels so good."

For the proud and reserved Kujou Sara, doing such a lewd and depraved act was probably something unimaginable by anyone who knew her.

She proceeded to spread her thighs and stuck a finger in between her pussy, imagining that it was Jason's tongue that was licking and kissing it. Her fingers continued to work in and out of her cunt, drawing wet juices with every thrust.

Sara closed her eyes and covered her mouth with her free hand, her body arching upwards as the sensations overwhelmed her. Her legs trembled at the extreme satisfaction she got from rubbing her desperate cunt.

Soon, she could feel juices gushing out from between her legs and her panties getting completely soaked. 

The waves of the orgasm faded away and Sara lay on the bed, her thoughts blank.

The man was gone, gone forever. She should have been bold, and taken the initiative. Only when she lost him did the general realize how important the person was to her.

She glanced down to look at herself, her breasts exposed to the air, her nipples as stiff as pebbles. Beneath them, her lacey black panties were completely stuck to her soaked pussy and there was a puddle of liquid beneath her.

Lifting a drenched finger from between her legs and into her mouth, Sara began to slowly suck on it.

She imagined what it would be like if somebody caught her right now. The famous general of Inazuma with her tits on full display, her wet pussy covered by a piece of black fabric while she pleasured herself. 

As a dignified, proud member of the Kujou Clan, she knew she shouldn't be doing something like that. But Sara wanted to be selfish for once and do what she wanted without a care in the world, the man she loved was gone, and it felt like a portion of her was gone with it.

Another soft moan escaped her mouth as she dipped her finger again into her soaking wet hole.

The sounds of footsteps getting louder broke her fantasy. Sara had to force herself to stop the act. She jolted upright and clipped back her black bra, then cupped and squeezed her breasts a few more times.

There was a knock on the door.

"General Sara" A voice came from outside the door. "The clan head wishes to see you. Please return to Inazuma City at once."

"Right away."

She replied as calmly as possible and began to dress up, but opted not to change for a new set of underwear. Upon tidying up her appearance and ensuring it was prim and proper, she walked out, sticky wetness in her panties. Her pussy was still aroused, throbbing, crying out for her to dip her fingers into it.

If by some miracle the man was alive, she swore that she would not let him go until she was satisfied.

Her subordinates would have never imagined in their wildest dreams that beneath the seemingly proud, aloof, and cold Kujou Sara hid such a longing. Jason's death had unlocked a lewd, perverted dark side of the general that she had never known until now.

"Jason, I will avenge you. In the name of the Raiden Shogun." The sadness in Sara's beautiful eyes was replaced with a fierce determination admist the grief. 

"It must be lonely for you … Jason. I will send a mountain of rebel army corpses to accompany you in the afterlife. I swear on it."