
Genshin Impact: Inazuma's Eternity

(Headcanon Warning) (Plot Divergence) (Not 100% Canon Compliant) An unchanging eternity of the people of Inazuma. What will Jason's adventure lead him to? Except for OC characters, everything else is the property of Genshin Impact and Mihoyo. This story is not intended for commercial purposes or to make money. Writing this cause it's fun and enjoyable :D This is headcanon, and there may be several inconsistencies from Genshin Impact's Story. Mihoyo has put such an amazing effort into developing the storyline that I doubt I can fully write one that does not contradict what is already in game. Plus I'm not a heavy player soooo ....

ShibasandTango · Video Games
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33 Chs

Chiyo's Promise to Ei

The air was cold.

Drops of water coalesced, becoming hydro bullets swirling menacingly around each of the Mirror Maidens.

The temperature dropped even further as even more hydro bullets continued to be formed.

At Nathan's command, the entirety of all the Fatui Mirror Maidens hidden over Inazuma had been summoned to his call. 

It was a last resort item that the Harbinger, Pierro, had given Nathan before embarking on his mission. It was to be used if he ever found himself confronting an impossible enemy.

Meanwhile, facing the Fatui down was the Oni and Jason. Jason eye's reflected a supernatural calmness even as he faced the terrifying scenario that would have caused any ordinary person to despair.

From the memories, Rex Lapis had fought and taken attacks from creatures of horrifying strength and emerged unscathed.

Such a weak attack wasn't even worth worrying over. 

"Lady Chi. Leave this to me." Jason stretched forth his hand. "Solidify."

A radiant, crystallized barrier materialized almost instantly, encasing both him and Lady Chi separately within it. Intricate patterns could be seen on it as it radiated a yellow glow. 

Chi had a look of awe on her face as she looked at the glowing faint shield that had encased around them.

Jason was beginning to understand just how strong the Geo Archon exactly was. This was just one of the weakest defensive skills that Rex Lapis had used.

"Feel proud that you forced me, Nathan, a loyal subordinate of the Lord Harbinger to use this. Your fate is sealed, attack!" The Fatui raised his right hand, fingers extended, and then thrust his arm downwards.

The Fatui Maidens launched their assault. Their hydro bullets surging forward like a torrential tsunami. 

The water bullets slammed hard into the geo shield and the noise from the impact reverberated through the air.

But Jason's defense stood strong. There was no way a Geo Archon's shield would defeated by such a mediocre attack.

The mist cleared from the barrage. He still stood there, staring back at his foes. 

"Is that all?" He looked back at the panicking Fatui.

"N-no way!"

"They're still standing?


"Who .. just who are you!" Nathan's mouth had opened so wide that it could fit an egg. The confidence and arrogance earlier had completely vanished from his voice. "Attack! A-attack! Don't any of your DARE STOP!"

The Fatui Maidens continued their frenzy of onslaught.

Some of them shot water bullets into the air, which then plummeted toward the ground and left small craters in their areas of impact.

Other summoned mirror shards around Jason and the Oni that exploded.

A few called forth water wheels from the skies which hurtled themselves at their foes.

'Although their attacks are useless … that's because I'm their opponent' Jason watched the futile attempts at breaking his shield. 'Snezhnaya is not a nation to be underestimated if they can afford to deploy such military power outside their borders.'

A huge mirror materialized in front of him as he was lost in thought.

"This could be interesting." Jason stared into it; something was trying to suck him in. 

He relented and decided to see what the Fatui were up to.

As he let himself be caught in the illusion, the scenery changed into an opulent room.

Jason found himself sitting on a chair.

In front of him was his disciple, Akane, her long flowy black hair touching the floor.

The girl's fiery red eyes that stared back at him were mesmerizing.

A/N: Here is what Akane looks like.

She was dressed in a see-through dress, her lacey white lingerie complemented by her white stockings on full display; flaunting her curvaceous body before him.

"Master." she was on all fours as she crawled towards him "Please, allow your disciple to serve you."

"I see. Hmm," Jason said. "Serve me then."

"With what, Master?"

"Your mouth."

"Yes, Master!" she scurried excitedly over to him on her knees. The girl unbuckled Jason's pants and stripped down his undergarments.

Akane eyes widened as she focused on the 'prize' that was before her. At once, she got to work. 

Jason watched the seductive girl take his manhood into her mouth. Akane's throat was nice and tight, and the feeling of it gliding over his rigid shaft could not be put into words.

His manhood was fully engulfed by Akane's mouth. As he hardened in her throat, Jason could feel her disciple's tongue hungrily work its way through every crook and nanny of his 'excalibur'. All while her scarlet eyes looked up at him, filled with longing and desire as she worshipped his throbbing hardness fervently.

Jason knew from the start that all this was just a trick. He simply went along as it was a good opportunity to find out more about the capabilities of the Fatui Maidens.

'I've seen enough.' He snapped himself out of the false scenery with a thought. 

Akane was his disciple. 

She's off-limits. Right?

'I suppose lust is one of my flaws I have to work on.' he pondered 'I wonder if Rex Lapis would be upset if I became a Geo Archon who went around picking up chicks in Liyue.'

Having thought of this, Jason's thoughts wandered for a few seconds as he indulged in his fantasy before he pulled himself back once more.

'I`m sure all the other archons are dignified, awe-inspiring, and exemplary figures who command great respect in their nation.' Jason nodded at himself. 'I have to maintain the dignity of a Geo Archon!'

He had to live up to the expectations placed upon him. It was a pity that Rex Lapis only gave Jason a portion of his memories. He couldn't help but wonder what the other archons were like.

"How …" One of the Fatui Maiden's voices drew his attention. "That's meant to bring out a person's deepest desires, you can't have broken away from that so soon!"

"Did you think an illusion of that level could trap me?" Jason folded his hands. "If it was a real person it might have worked. Ahem. It's my turn now."

The atmosphere quivered as the ground trembled in response to the sheer magnitude of his control over the Geo Element. All around him, fragments began emerging from the earth as they heeded his call as the Lord of Geo. 

One, two, three …

The number was too innumerable to count as they floated behind his head. Each of them exuded a faint yellow glow, and they were akin to the shimmering stars one would see at night.

The crystal gems were arranged in a formation, gleaming with a potent energy that caused even the air to become heavy.

"For your crime of genocide against the Inazuma people." He spoke calmly. "Your punishment shall be …"


The glittering gems launched themselves at the Mirror Maiden and Fatui. Every single one of them finding their target. 

Mad screams and cries followed. Many of Fatui were still standing after being hit by the initial strikes. 

But the barrage did not end.

His foes, no longer able to withstand any more of the onslaught, burst into mists of red one after another. The battlefield was a whirlwind of dust and debris with explosions continuously ringing out.

Eventually, all that was left was the remaining Nathan whose knees were already worshipping the floor, and another Mirror Maiden that Jason had deliberately kept alive. 

The Mirror Maiden was on the ground, unconscious.

'She so tall … are women in Snezhnaya all like that?' Jason thought about it as he studied her. 'Those are some huge thighs …' 

'This isn't the time for such thoughts!' Shaking his head, he moved towards the other trembling Fatui.

They were valuable sources of intel. He was going to capture the two of them alive and hand them to the Shogunate.

The acts by the Fatui were tantamount to a declaration of war by Snezhnaya against Inazuma.

Jason leisurely walked towards Nathan, hands behind his back.

 "S-stay away! Y-you monster!" The whimpering Fatui let out a scream of terror. "Eeeeeeeeek!"

The man had fainted.

"..." Seeing Nathan's reaction, Jason was at a loss for words.

Was he really that scary? 

He was already using the weakest offensive skill he had as an Archon. 

To avoid attracting attention, he probably should use only defensive skills or his Geo Vision skills instead of the Archon Skills.

'Imagine if that Fatui saw me summoning a meteor ….' Jason made a mental note to himself to remember to hold back as much as he could for future fights.


Just then, he heard the sound of something hitting the ground. He turned behind and saw that the Oni had collapsed.

"Lady Chi!" Jason rushed towards her.

Purple veins could be seen all over her once flawless and pale face which had lost its luster. 

"The corruption of the abyss has finally caught up with me." the Oni spoke. "It seems I can no longer suppress it."

"We can talk later. Let's get you to a doctor, right now!" He carefully carried the Oni up with his hands.

Lady Chi's body was cold, almost as if she was a walking corpse.

"It's useless. I know it myself." The oni gently placed her hand on his. "As you've heard from the Fatui. My name is … Mikoshi Chiyo. At the height of the Cataclysm, I was swallowed by a Beast of Sin and fought against it in its belly for 3 days and nights." 

"Although I defeated it, I was tainted by its corruption and turned my blade against Ei," Chiyo said, deep sadness reflected in her eyes. "It's my greatest sin, for which I must suffer the greatest punishment."

"Who exactly is this Ei?" Jason asked.

"She is known as the Raiden Shogun. Ei was a very dear and precious friend of mine." Chiyo continued speaking. "I still owe that silly girl a reward for beating me in a duel during a picnic we had long ago …"

"W-wait. The Almighty Raiden Shogun, Her Eternal Excellency?" Hearing her words, Jason was momentarily stunned.

He didn't know which was more shocking. The identity of Ei or the fact that Chiyo just casually called the God of Thunder, the Narukami Ogosho ... a silly girl. 

"Yes. As a reward for beating me, I promised I would find her a partne-" She coughed.

There was a faint glow of light, and the Oni pulled out a beautiful purple talisman and pressed it into his hands. "This is my gift for you."

"Do not be blinded Do not waver. Keep walking the path that you believe in." Chiyo's voice was faint. "Pass these words on my behalf to Ei. I believe if Saiguu and Sasayuri were alive, they would have said the same thing."

"I entrust Ei and Inazuma into your hands." Chiyo's voice was almost inaudible "I`m glad I was able to meet you before my time was up."

"Tell Ei too, that I'm sorry for what happened back then."

"Farewell …"

Her body slowly decayed bit by bit, until it was completely gone.

All that was left were the black ashes on the ground.