
Genshin Impact: Inazuma's Eternity

(Headcanon Warning) (Plot Divergence) (Not 100% Canon Compliant) An unchanging eternity of the people of Inazuma. What will Jason's adventure lead him to? Except for OC characters, everything else is the property of Genshin Impact and Mihoyo. This story is not intended for commercial purposes or to make money. Writing this cause it's fun and enjoyable :D This is headcanon, and there may be several inconsistencies from Genshin Impact's Story. Mihoyo has put such an amazing effort into developing the storyline that I doubt I can fully write one that does not contradict what is already in game. Plus I'm not a heavy player soooo ....

ShibasandTango · Video Games
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33 Chs

Beidou, Queen of the Crux Fleet

Under the cover of trees, Jason continued to flee from the battlefield. His once-shining blade was now dulled and stained with the blood of countless foes.

After he had deemed to have brought enough time for his allies to retreat, Jason himself had withdrawn from the battlefield as well. 

While his offensive capabilities were strong, his greatest weakness lay in his defense and stamina. The consecutive uses of the Sun Breathing Techniques had taken a toll on him. The weight of exhaustion pressed upon him like a leaden cloak, and his limbs, once swift and precise, pushed to their limits by the battle earlier, moved wearily.

He navigated the winding paths of the forest, whose towering trees loomed like silent sentinels, seemingly offering a temporary sanctuary.

Or not.

The sound of rustling leaves and snapping twigs were getting louder and a sense of danger loomed large over him.

Anyone skilled enough to keep up with him could not be underestimated.

"You can't escape!"

A loud commanding voice boomed through the forest. The tranquility was abruptly shattered as a formidable figure descended from the sky with a thunderous impact. Her landing sent shockwaves through the earth, the air around resonating with her power.

The force of the impact rippled through its surroundings, causing trees to sway violently, and leaves and branches to be torn asunder.

In the middle of the impact, there was a large crater left in its aftermath. Jason eyed the huge claymore held by the broad woman who stood before him. Crackles of purple sparks still visible on the weapon.

An Electro Vision Holder …

He wasn't getting out of this without a fight.

"Jason of the Inazuma Shogunate." He pointed his blade at the woman. "Name yourself."

"Beidou, Queen of the Crux Fleet. Haha! I can't wait to get a taste of your skills, boy. You killed hundreds of soldiers by yourself. Don't disappoint me!"

Jason recalled a book he had read about the peak-level vision holders in Inzuma. The woman who stood before him was one of those. Beidou, a legendary pirate captain who accomplished innumerable feats and defeated an incredible monster.

He was also taken aback by the bold attire worn by her enemy. She was wearing a sleeveless qipao with side slits on her hips. If one were to flick that up, the only clothing that stood between her legs and his eyes would be the leotard she wore beneath.

The qipao also wrapped tightly around her voluptuous chest that was pushing hard against it, as if to signify their grandeur.

The attire was quite sexy, was she here for a fight or to seduce him? Or maybe that was the plan, to distract her male enemies. Every advantage counts in a fight.

"I see. So you're the Legendary Haishan Slayer." Jason took his stance.

Beidou's laughter, a hearty and boisterous sound, echoed through the forest. "Don't you dare die without giving me a taste of your skills!"

The clash began, as both of them charged at each other. Their weapons met with a symphony of steel that echoed through the forest. The woman met every single of of his strikes with unmatched precision.

Despite the huge size of Beidou's claymore, Jason couldn't help but be left in awe by the fluidity of her swings.

"Impressive, That's quite a heavy weapon you're handling so deftly."

Beidou chuckled mid-swing. "Weight means nothing in the hands of someone who knows how to handle it. But I've yet to see the full extent of your skill."

In response to her words, Jason widened the distance between them and took a deep breath.

As he prepared to unleash a Sun Breathing Technique, he noticed a surging power emanating from Beidou.

Beidou's weapon was warped in a brilliant display of electric purple, enveloping her form in a dazzling aura that flickered with the might of the tides as she raised her claymore in front of her and assumed a poised stance. 

The air around her began to crackle, as the surge of electro elements that had gathered around her was unmistakable.

Jason frowned. What a strange stance. It was a defensive one judging from the way Beidou had held up the claymore in front of her to act as a shield. 

"Let's see if you can handle the storm, Jason."

He leaped and unleashed the sunflower thrust technique in a single, fluid strike. 

The instant his sword found its target, Jason utilized his movement skill. 

"Sun Breathing: Fake Rainbow."

He barely avoided a fatal counterattack that was so quick, it defied logic.

Was that one of Beidou's Vision skills? Be it Taheiji or General Sara, the skills of peak-level vision bearers were each heaven-defying in their own right.

Beidou's one seemed to be a type of skill that unleashed a counterattack once the wielder was attacked.

"Good one! You're the first man I ever met that dodged that." Beidou smiled, her eyes gleaming in awe. "Your talents are wasted with Shogunate. Come and join me in the Crux Fleet, Jason! I`ll make you my right-hand man."

"I`m afraid I have to decline that offer. I have sworn my loyalty to the Narukami Ogoshi alone. A man has to keep his word."


A firework in the form of a jellyfish illuminated the sky not far from him.

Jason stared at the sight in the sky. It was from the direction of the battlefield earlier. Most likely a signal from the rebel army.

"What a person of honor you are. Your response makes me want to get you even more. You're the first man I've taken a liking to … A pity. It all ends now. Looks like The Divine Priestess wants us to fall back." Beidou looked in the direction of the firework, then shook her head and sighed softly.

The sky above Beidou darkened as ominous clouds gathered overhead, swirling with an electric charge. It was a swirling maelstrom of thunder and lightning that threatened to engulf the entire forest. Beidou raised her imposing claymore high above her head, her body was enveloped in a swirling tempest of electric energy.

"Power that ended Haishan!" Beidou declared. "Stormbreaker!"

As Beidou's claymore slammed into the ground, an electrifying surge pulsed outward from the point of impact, the earth quivering beneath the might of the skill. Lightning crackled and danced around Beidou, as her imposing figure locked gazes with him.

Jason could help but be impressed. Stormbreaker was it? That was truly an impressive elemental skill. It was the strongest he had faced so far. He wouldn't expect anything less of a skill that killed the Legendary Beas-


He barely managed to raise his sword in time to block Beidou's attack that had slammed into him. The force of the impact sent him crashing backward.

It wasn't just the power, Beidou's speed had increased manifold.

Elemental skills had weaknesses. Surely she couldn't stay in this form forever. Drag out the fight? He'd be lucky if he could even escape.

"Tch." Jason spat out a mouthful of blood as he quickly got to his feet and leaped high into the air.

"Sun breathing, Beneficent … Radiance!"

Jason spiraled downwards through the air, his sword gleaming with flames of golden light.

"Impressive, Jason! But the storm's fury knows no equal!" Beidou met his attack head-on. Their weapons crossed each other, but it was Jason's blade that found its mark.

His blade drew a beautiful arc around Beidou, engulfing her in flames.

Unfortunately, the fight was not over.

Jason watched in horror as the flames evaporated, revealing a ragged Beidou. She stood tall, but parts of her clothes were burnt. Near her voluptuous chest, a few holes could be seen, revealing the perky flesh beneath.

This was bad. It seemed that Stormbreaker not only granted Beidou increased speed, and power, but defensive power as well. The attack connected, but it wasn't enough to finish her.

He would have to-

"Argh!" Jason felt numbness stinging through his body.

"Did you think you could get near me in this state without paying a price?" Beidou smirked.

"I-I see. On top of boosting your Speed, Defense and Attack, anyone who gets too close to you takes electro damage as well. A truly terrifying skill." He said, struggling to maintain his stance.

"Correct. You've deduced the effect of my skill in just such a short exchange, impressive. Join me, Jason. You're the best fighter I have met so far. I promise you, that we will make a name for ourselves across the seven nations." She shot him a playful wink, the underlying meaning clear. "If you perform well, I do not mind giving you some … Rewards. I'm a generous captain."

Jason found his eyes fixed again on the two well-rounded perky curves that were practically begging to be squeezed by someone. 

Whoever in the future would get to feel it, lucky them …

The woman did not shy away from flaunting her assets - they probably played a huge role in recruiting men for her fleet. Who wouldn't want to serve under a captain like her?

"Think of it, Jason. Sailing the seas, facing formidable foes, and being part of a crew that knows no equal." Beidou heaved, her chest bouncing up and down. 

"Perhaps if I have met you first. I would have agreed." He stood, his sword raised high. "However my answer is the same. My loyalty is to the Ruler of the Violet Throne, Her Eternal Excellency of Inazuma, the Raiden Shogun. I have sworn when I joined the army, and I will keep my word. Prepare yourself!"

Jason leaped high, twisting and turning his body once more as he sought to unleash another form of fire breathing. His blade spun with unprecedented speed, leaving behind a whirling vortex of flame-like arcs as he sliced through the air toward Beidou.

He could feel that the technique was not as fluid as he hoped it would be. The stinging numbness was affecting his execution. 

But that didn't mean he was giving up. He poured all he had into this final attack.

"Sun breathing … Dragon Sun Halo Dance!"

Mid-Air, his blade danced with an otherworldly grace, as the trail of golden flames left in its path burned brighter and began to take the shape of a dragon's body. The tip of his sword became a manifestation of a sun dragon's head, barreling with a scorching vengeance towards his fore.

Beidou, with her crimson hair flowing like a fiery banner, raised her claymore high above her head with both hands. A surge of electro elements enveloped her and the weapon, crackling and sparking.

"Come! Jason!" the captain bellowed "To Ashes!"

Beidou's Claymore matched his attack this time and slammed into his sword hard. The collision was a dazzling spectacle. Lightning crackled against flames, as the battlefield was painted in a chaotic dance of purple and gold.

However, Jason knew he had lost. He was out of strength.

In the end, for a non-vision bearer like him to go up against peak vision bearers. It was too much.

He was thrown backward by the collision and off a cliff.

'So this is … huh."

The world spun around him, a blur of sky and earth, as the wind whistled past his ears in a chaotic symphony.

As he felt his consciousness fading, he saw a yellowish vision flying towards him …


Meanwhile in Liyue

In the serene confines of the Wangshu Inn. A certain figure was perched at a wooden table overlooking the breathtaking scenery of the city. He poured himself a cup of tea, its aroma wafting gently through the air.

"Seems I have a successor. How unexpected." he turned in the direction of Inazuma. "I wonder who is next Geo Archon ..."

A/N: I've decided. The story will be a harem. Too much 'potential' in Genshin Impact to be wasted.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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