
Genshin Impact: I Open Manga Store in Teyvat

Transmigration to the World of Teyvat, Takarou acquired the Divine-level Manga Store System. By serving a certain number of customers, exclusive rewards can be obtained. Paimon: I really want that Doraemon foodie tablecloth! Noelle: A maid should have a Gundam! Tartaglia: Why do others get strong Pokémon while mine is just Psyduck? Lumine: If I can improve my abilities simply by visiting the manga store every day and reading manga, then why should I bother looking for my brother?

Otaku_Weaboo · Video Games
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59 Chs

Lumine obtains the black ball Digimon

Moreover, should the comic store also hire an employee? In that case, with an employee, they can attend to customers while they can relax. As long as they have enough customers, they can receive a reward.

Hmm, this idea is really good. Before long, the lady finally finished reading Doraemon. She came to Takarou's side.

"I've finished reading the comic. What's my reward?"

[Customer Rosalyne Kruzchka Lohefalter, after reading Doraemon, receives: Chameleon Tea.]

"Your reward is Chameleon Tea."

"After drinking this Chameleon Tea, if you tightly press your body against a tree or a rock, not only can you change the color of your body, but even transform into a tree or a stone. You can transform into anything, but it can only last for 15 minutes."

"Chameleon Tea?"

After listening to Takarou's explanation, the lady was very disappointed with this reward. After all, this thing was completely useless.

"Owner, Jean from the Knights of Favonius can get something similar to a fairy for flying. Why do I only get this?"

"I already told you earlier, the rewards you get depend on your luck."

"Luck? Hmph."

The lady was not satisfied with Takarou's explanation. She even suspected that the Owner intentionally gave her this item because her subordinates had offended her earlier.

However, she came to Mondstadt this time for the Heart of the Deity.

And it seemed that the Owner was quite powerful. It was not worth making an enemy out of a fool.


With that in mind, the lady snorted lightly and left the New Century Comic Store. Takarou smiled as he watched the lady walk away. Although the lady was very arrogant in Mondstadt and even had a bad attitude towards Childe, in Inazuma, she would be her next destination.

Speaking of Inazuma, Takarou thought of Raiden Shogun. I wonder if I can see her in my shop in the future? And meet the thoughtless swordsman? But all of that was something that would happen in the future.

"Hi, Owner!" Not long after the lady left, Lumine and Paimon arrived at the store.

"Oh, it's Lumine and Paimon."

"Hehe, Owner, we're here to read comics again."

"The comics are over there."

"By the way, Owner, do you know what we did last night?"

"Oh, what did you do?"

"Hehe, last night, Lumine and I did something very important. We investigated the identity of the Darknight Hero!"

After saying that, Paimon looked proud.

"All those things were done by me. Paimon, you were just watching."

Lumine retorted.

"Hey, I'm your guide after all. We're partners, so it's normal for me to get a little credit, right?"

"By the way, Owner, do you know who the Darknight Hero is?"

"The Darknight Hero? Yes, I know."


Paimon thought Takarou didn't know, and after she revealed the identity of the Darknight Hero, she expected This owner comic store of this to be very surprised.

But she didn't expect that Owner actually knew who the Darknight Hero was?

"Hmph, I don't believe it. Owner, you definitely don't know. If you really know, then tell me the true identity of the Darknight Hero!"

"The Darknight Hero is none other than Diluc, the owner of the Winery owner."


"Wow, Lumine, Owner actually knows."

Lumine was also surprised. Did this Owner know everything?

With that in mind, Lumine looked at Takarou and asked, "Owner, since when did you know that Diluc was the Darknight Hero?"

"I knew it from the beginning."

Takarou smiled faintly. He had played the game before, so he definitely knew who the Darknight Hero was.

"If I knew Owner knew, we shouldn't have asked those passersby. We should have just asked Owner."

Paimon sighed. If they had known this would be the case, they wouldn't have worked so hard.

"Owner, since you know that Mr. Diluc is the Darknight Hero, do you know any news about my brother?"

"Yes, yes, Lumine embarked on a journey to find her brother. Owner, do you know any news about Lumine's brother?"

Lumine and Paimon both looked at Takarou with anticipation.

"Your brother?"

"You will meet him soon."


"Of course, after you deal with the Stormterror, go to Liyue, and you will have a chance to meet your brother."

"My brother, is he in Liyue?"

"Owner, do you have more information? Tell us everything."

Paimon said excitedly.

Takarou shook his head with a smile.

"Time will reveal the answers for you. Maybe after you travel through all seven nations, your brother will be waiting for you at the end of the journey."

"The end of the journey?"

"Owner, thank you for telling me all this."

"This is the payment for Lumine and Paimon today for reading comics."

Lumine took out twenty thousand Mora.

Although Owner didn't explicitly say it, Lumine understood that as long as they resolved the Stormterror issue and went to Liyue, there would be a chance to meet her brother.

At least they had a clue now. Before coming, Lumine and Paimon had already discussed it. Lumine would read Digimon while Paimon read Doraemon.

This way, they could receive rewards from both comics. Lumine held the Digimon while Paimon held Doraemon and began reading. Paimon had always been obsessed with the gourmet tablecloth in Doraemon.

After finishing the comics, Lumine and Paimon put the books back and approached Takarou.

[Customer Lumine, after reading Digimon, receives: Botamon.]

[Customer Paimon, after reading Doraemon, receives: Human Kite.]

"Lumine, you received Botamon."

"Paimon, you received Human Kite."

A completely black ball appeared in front of Lumine.

Looking at the black ball in front of her, hmm, it was indeed quite black...

"Owner, how strong is this Botamon of mine?"

"At the beginning, this Botamon's strength is not that great."

"It has an evolution process."

"Its evolution line is: Botamon → Koromon → Agumon → Greymon → MetalGreymon→ WarGreymon or BlitzGreymon → Omnimon "

"So many evolutions?"

"How many times has Jean's Pixie Fairy evolved?"

"Jean's Pixie Fairy has evolved three times."

"And your Botamon hasn't gone through a single evolution yet." It had to be said that Lumine's first Digimon was at the initial stage. It also indicated that Lumine's luck today was not that good.

After all, both Jean and Noelle received forms that had evolved several times.

"So, Owner, how can I improve the strength of my Botamon? And is it powerful when it evolves into Omnimon?" Lumine asked two questions in one breath.


"Your Botamon can evolve through Slime Fluid or battle experience, as for the Digimon world, it belongs to the top tier, In other words, your Digimon is much more powerful than Jean's Pixie Fairy . As for how powerful it is exactly, you can test it out in the future."

Takarou told Lumine all of this.

"I see, thank you, Owner."

"Lumine, are you done with your questions? It's my turn now."

"I'm done, Paimon, it's your turn."

"Owner, what does it mean by 'Human Kite'?"

"Does it mean you can fly people up into the sky?"

Paimon's little head was filled with confusion.

"Yes, just as you thought. You put the kite on the ground, hold onto the kite string, and then you can fly into the Air."

"Paimon, you should try it!"

Lumine became interested as soon as she heard that.

"Why? Why should I try it? Can't you try it yourself?"

"Besides, I can already fly!"

Paimon stomped her feet in Aether in a hurry, looking angry as she looked at Lumine.

"But this is the reward Paimon received. It wouldn't make sense for you not to play with it and let me play instead, right?"

"Hmph, I can fly anyway. I don't need to be flown by a kite. But you, hehe."

"Lumine, how about I fly you into the Air?"

"Don't forget, I obtained the Wind Glider as soon as I arrived in Mondstadt."

"But your Wind Glider can only glide. It can't fly up into the Air."

"Ah, right..."

Lumine had indeed forgotten about that.

"Hehe, well then, let's go and try it?"


"That's fine. Let's go outside and give it a try."

"Owner, are you coming?"

"Of course. You're the 'Flying Champion' of Mondstadt for three consecutive years."


Hearing Takarou's praise, Lumine felt a little embarrassed.

"Owner, we tested the Human Kite outside, and then Amber caught us and said flying is prohibited in Mondstadt."

"I'm not going."

Takarou shook his head and smiled. He wasn't interested in the Human Kite. What interested him was when his shop would reach ten customers so that he could get rewards.

Since Owner wasn't going, then let's go ourselves.

"Botamon, come with me."

After Lumine said that, she left the New Century Comic Store with Paimon and Botamon.Botamon hopped along since it was still small, resembling a slime. Except its appearance was black.

"Lumine, where should we test it?"

"Well, let's go outside the city. There are too many people inside."

"Okay, let's go outside."

Paimon was also very interested. If Lumine used the Human Kite on the ground, wouldn't that mean she was the one flying Lumine?

Hehe, just thinking about it was very interesting. The two of them soon arrived outside the gates of Mondstadt. They found a spot, and then Paimon held the kite while Lumine held the string attached to the kite. As a gust of wind blew, Lumine's body gradually began ascending into the Air.

She was really flying!

"Lumine, you're really flying!"

Lumine looked at her body slowly flying into the Aether and was quite surprised. Then she saw the people on the ground getting smaller and smaller. Her body also flew higher and higher. The feeling was really great!

"Who is flying up there? Come down immediately!"

Just as Lumine was experiencing it for a while, a girl with fiery red hair stood on the city wall of Mondstadt and shouted at Lumine.

Hearing the familiar voice, there was no need to guess. It was clearly Amber.

Lumine quickly let go of the kite string and flew down with the Wind Glider.

Seeing someone flying down from the Aether, Amber also jumped down from the city wall.

"So it's you. I thought it was someone else. How dare you fly in Mondstadt?"

"Amber, is flying prohibited near Mondstadt?"

"Yes, flying is prohibited within Mondstadt."

"I was just about to find you when I saw a figure in the air. It was only when I came closer that I realized it was you."

"Lumine, I saw that you didn't seem to use the Wind Glider earlier. How did you suddenly start flying?"

"It's because Paimon received a reward called the Human Kite. As long as someone holds the kite string, they can be flown."

Lumine explained.

"A reward? You mean the reward you obtained from that New Century Comic Store?"

"That's right, it's from that store. Amber, have you been there? What reward did you get?"

"Well... I haven't been there yet."

"Hey, Lumine, why didn't you help me put away the Human Kite?"

"Huh, Amber, what are you doing here?"

At this moment, Paimon arrived with the Human Kite and Botamon.

"Paimon, be careful, there's a slime!"

"A slime? Where? Where?"

As soon as she heard there was a slime, Paimon flew behind Lumine in fright.

Then she saw Amber pointing at Botamon, which clearly resembled a slime.

Seeing that Amber was about to take action, Lumine quickly stopped her.

Just kidding, this was the reward she obtained. Although Botamon's current strength was weak and anyone could bully it, if Amber were to defeat her Botamon, it wouldn't be good.

Lumine quickly stood in front of Amber.

"Amber, you misunderstood. This isn't a slime, it's the reward I obtained called Botamon."

"Botamon? But it clearly looks like a slime, and I haven't seen a completely black slime before."

"Really, Amber? This is indeed the reward Lumine obtained from the comic store. If you don't believe it, you can come with us to find Owner. Owner can testify for us."

"It's really not a slime? Well, since both Lumine and Paimon say so, I'll believe you."

"Jean obtained a Pixie Fairy from the New Century Comic Store, and Lumine, you also obtained a Botamon from the same store. Did you both read the same book?"

"Yes, Amber. Are you interested? Should we go there now?"

"Right now?"

"There's still plenty of time. That's good. I'll go with you."

Amber looked at the weather and realized there was still plenty of time. They could indeed go and take a look.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the comic store.

Amber looked at the store.

"I heard about this comic store a few days ago, but it got delayed due to some things. I didn't expect to finally come here today."

"I wonder what rewards I can obtain from this comic store."

Amber was very excited about it.

"Owner, we're back."

"Oh, Lumine, Paimon, you're back so soon?"

"And you brought Amber, the Scout Captain, with you?"

"Do you know me, sir?"

"Of course. You're the reigning 'Flying Champion' of Mondstadt."


Upon hearing Takarou's praise, Amber felt a little embarrassed.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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