
Genshin Impact: Game Box System

Tales speak of a mysterious shop with an owner just as mysterious, if not even more so, than the shop itself. A scam they called it, but those who know the true value of the items and abilities held within those simple yet deceptive boxes on the shelves know just how terrifying the owner of this shop must be. A weapon that cuts through space. The ability to live eternally. Even the blood of gods. However, those are mere but common items in the owner's eyes, the real treasures exist behind the walls of the Diamond Box. You can't just buy it though, no amount of Mora in the world will make the owner stir, you just need to beat him in a game. Sounds easy... right? . . . Pairing: Male OC x Lumine/Keqing/Ganyu Word Goal: 2000-3000+ Words/chp

AntiUniverse · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

A Bite Too Big

"Keqing... this is?"

Ningguang wasn't entirely sure what it was she was looking at right now, but it sure as hell did give her countless questions. The main ones being what the heck it was she was looking at, where did it come from, and how Keqing got her hands on it.

She was curious since Keqing had requested an immediate audience with her, and while this didn't sound like anything too special, for Keqing to be the one to actively call out to her to speak about something aside from Liyue's business affairs was incredibly rare.

What was confusing Ningguang at this time was none other than Keqing's starskiff that she had gotten from Isamu's blind boxes. They were currently standing on the edge of the Jade Chamber as they stared at the hovering vehicle that was parked right along the edge where they stood.

Keqing, prior to this meeting with Ningguang, had attempted to operate the starskiff. Of course, she made sure to do so in an area out in the wilderness where she couldn't potentially put someone in danger of malfunctions in regards to the vehicle.

While she didn't like to brag, she was without a doubt one of the most intelligent people here in Liyue. However, even for someone like her, it took quite some time to understand the mechanics behind the starskiff.

She meant this as in she could understand how to finally operate it, how it functioned internally was still a massive mystery to her. This was the second reason for calling this meeting with Ningguang, perhaps she could help in understanding its works.

"You called this... a starskiff?" Ningguang muttered with clear interest as she approached the vehicle before lightly tapping on the frame of the starskiff. Despite its obvious wood exterior, it felt as if she was tapping on something as hard as steel. "How does this work?"

"I would assume it has to do with that mechanical core it has, though I could be mistaken." Keqing commented. When she piloted the vehicle, she did notice the core inside of it. "From what I can tell, it doesn't seem to require a fuel source."

Hearing this, Ningguang's eyes widened a bit as she cast her gaze over the entire body of the starskiff. If what Keqing had told her about this thing so far was true, she could see the incredible uses they could utilize the starskiff for.

Ningguang saw Keqing riding the starskiff over prior to the meeting, so she had witnessed just how fast it could go. However, no matter how she looked at it right now, the only thing present aside from the wooden exterior was the mechanical parts.

When she first saw it, she assumed it could've been made in a similar fashion to her Jade Chamber, utilizing Sunset Vemillionite to allow it to hover. On top of that, both Wonder Cores and Adepti Sigils were needed for her to control the Jade Chamber's movements.

Naturally, with how rare and limited such resources were, the price of it all was astronomical, that's they Ningguang was so proud of her Jade Chamber. However, none of those aspects were seen within the starskiff, the only explanation for its capabilities seemed to lie within the mechanical core inside it.

Ningguang was very tempted to try and dismantle it as to find out its true inner workings, but she knew that doing so was very risky considering how very little she knew about it already. If she couldn't put it back together afterward, it'd be an unfortunate loss.

The only option...

"Keqing, you said you got this from opening blind boxes?"

"That's correct." Keqing nodded. "From a shop located in Chihu Rock, it's not too far from Wanmin Restaurant. As for the owner, his name is Isamu."

"Isamu?" Ningguang muttered as her eyes showed a hint of curiosity. "That name should mean that the owner is most likely a former resident of Inazuma. Perhaps he's an escapee... very well, I think I should pay him a visit myself."

If Keqing truly did acquire the starskiff from this Isamu individual, then perhaps there could be some incredible business opportunities if she were to communicate with him. Vehicles that could take to the sky and travel at incredible speeds, there was great potential in this!

"You said you opened more than one, correct? What else did you get?"


As Keqing began to describe the things she had obtained from the boxes, including what Hu Tao had also gotten, Ningguang's gaze could only grow more and more intrigued after each word. Eventually, she could only gaze silently into the distance with a complicated look on her face.

Every Keqing described to her was unbelievable in their own right, especially about the supposed power of Aeons. She found the idea utterly nonsense, but considering it was Keqing who told her this... perhaps it held some truth.

"Isamu, just who are you?"

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

While Keqing and Ningguang were busy talking with each other, Isamu had woken up quite early so that he could go into the wilderness before it was time to open shop. His reason for leaving the harbor was to nurture his new abilities.

He was familiar with the Genome Tree, it was a simple power yet held incredible potential, which could only be realised if given the right circumstances. It was a power that allowed him to gain certain powers based on the animals he builds a bond with.

This was the world of Genshin Impact, and while it couldn't hold a candle to the Mondaiji verse, it also held its own incredible supernatural beings. For example, there were the adepti roaming about in Liyue, and not to mention the gods across all of Teyvat.

While it'd certainly be a challenge, perhaps he could eventually grow some bonds together with some of the adepti, who knows what powers he could inherit from each of them. The adepti umbrella consisted of various different races, which meant many potential powers to obtain.

Maybe he was being ambitious, but maybe getting closer to Zhongli would also grant him incredible power, the dude was without a doubt one of, if not, the strongest of the Archons. At present time, they could only be considered acquaintances though.

In any case, thoughts for the future.

[Thank you, mister! Come by anytime you wish!]

"No worries, stay safe now."

Isamu smiled as he looked at the small family of foxes that were gathered in front of him, he had just assisted them in gathering some food. Giving them a small wave, they quickly dashed off, though not before giving him a wave back in return.

The Genome Tree pendant didn't only allow him to gain powers from other animals, but even communicate as if they were speaking the same language. Considering the main purpose behind the Genome Tree, perhaps giving the ability to communicate with animals was essential.

He had to admit, talking to animals just like he did with other humans was pretty fun, it was interesting to be able to properly communicate with them. Foxes may not be the strongest of animals, but they did at least improve his overall strength, even if by a very small margin.

This was the Genome Tree's third effect, he'd receive an immediate permanent boost of power whenever he befriended an animal. The degree of the boost entirely depended on how strong that animal is, so you could imagine the boost if he befriended the adepti.

So far, he had managed to befriend a total of three animals, at least to the point that they actually granted him an arsenal of new powers. Although simple powers, they were quite useful in their own rights.

First off, the foxes he had just waved off, granted him their unique characteristics of being able to produce retractable claws.

Secondly, a school of fish he managed to befriend gave him the ability to breathe underwater.

Finally, a snake he befriended gave him its striking capabilities. While he couldn't produce any venom, the capability allowed him to instantaneously deliver a strike many times faster than normal, along with giving him incredible grip strength.

If Isamu were to say one bad thing about the Genome Tree, it'd be that each power had to be activated manually. Meaning each power from each animal the pendant has recorded couldn't be used simultaneously nor automatically, he could only use one animal's power at a time and at manual command.

"What time is it...?" Isamu looked up from his position to see that the sun had only just begun to truly welcome in the next day. "Guess I should head back, shouldn't be long before everyone in the harbor begins to wake up."

With that, Isamu nodded to himself before quickly making his way back to Liyue Harbor. While hard to notice, Isamu did realise the slight increase in physical power after befriending those three. Nothing too noteworthy, but it was still an increase nonetheless.

It shouldn't take long for him to get back either, he didn't go out too far after all. Even with the Genome Tree right now, he was barely stronger than the average male human his age, so being out here for too long was quite risky.

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

After returning to his shop, Isamu was greeted by a rather unexpected sight.

Before he could even enter his shop, he had noticed the figures of certain individuals standing out in the front. From the looks of it, they had probably just arrived since one of the people there raised their hand to knock on the door.

However, that person stopped their actions upon noticing Isamu walking over toward them. Blinking in surprise, the person gave a small cough as they stepped forward to greet Isamu, who had now just arrived before stopping himself.

"Greetings, Keqing. You certainly are here early this morning."

"Indeed, but I found it important to introduce you to a colleague of mine as soon as possible." Keqing nodded her head before gesturing to the white-haired beauty standing beside her. "This here is Ningguang, the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing."

"It is an honor to meet you, Lady Ningguang." Isamu was obviously very familiar with this individual, she was essentially the highest mortal power here in Liyue, and without a doubt the richest possibly across all seven nations. "I welcome you to my store."

"It is my pleasure to meet you, Boss Isamu. Keqing here has told me much about you."

Ningguang spoke as she gave Isamu a curious look. Aside from having good looks, she couldn't see or sense anything else about him that'd label him as special, aside from his clothes that is. He didn't look to have a Vision either.

"From what I've been told, Keqing's starskiff originated from your shop, correct?"

"Originated? No, that's incorrect. She did, however, receive it from my shop." Isamu responded calmly as he pocketed one of his hands while the other rested by his side. "Am I bold enough to assume that you're not just here to question me about the starskiff?"

"That is indeed the case. I have gained quite a lot of interest in these blind boxes you have, it makes me wonder just who it is you really are. To be able to give away such a prized object for so little, and even the power of a being... beyond the archons. I'm very curious, these boxes are quite cheap after all."

"Who knows?" Isamu merely chuckled before walking past the two. He then opened the door before motioning for them to come inside, a small smile on his face as he did so. "Curiosity kills the cat, but sometimes such a risk is in due for great rewards. After all, mysteries only stay mysteries until they're explored."

With that, Isamu walked inside as both Keqing and Ningguang stared at him, Ningguang, in particular, narrowing her eyes as her lips curled up a bit. This didn't go unnoticed by Keqing as the Yuheng gave her a curious look herself.

"How interesting..."


"I wasn't able to gain any true ground from that exchange just now. He didn't allow any information to leak, at least nothing too significant that he most likely didn't purposely let slide. Along with what he said last... how very interesting."

"The last thing?"

"His last words just now were his way of telling me that although the boxes may be cheap in our eyes, it's not a guaranteed profit to buy them. However, they can also bring you great fortune. It's whether or not you're willing to take that gamble of a step."

"And when he said that mysteries remain mysteries only until they're explored, he was..."

"Inviting me to open the boxes. He knows how interested I am in them, there's no doubt about that, so he's welcoming me to unravel their contents. He set out the trap and laid down the bait, and from the looks of things... I've taken the bait."

Ningguang had to admit, she hadn't expected such an individual when she came to the store. She wasn't at all disappointed by her lack of gains from that conversation, if anything, she was quite joyful. She liked people like this, they were the ones that interested her the most.

"I must say, he's very intelligent."

"You're not wrong..."

Keqing grumbled a bit as she recalled her previous game with him, Ningguang couldn't help but glance at her curiously before making her way inside. The first thing Ningguang did was look around, the design of the building and its interior were nothing like she was used to.

This only further increased her curiosity about Isamu, there were just so many mysteries about him that she wanted to know, but she would be a fool to think that'd it end up being easy. In fact, it may prove to be a task more arduous than gaining the title of Tianquan.

After some quick explanations, Ningguang looked at the boxes lined up along the walls before making her decision.

"I'll take five Gold Boxes for now." Ningguang made her decision as she placed the mora down on the desk. From her point of view, the most expensive one was probably the most rich in rewards. No point in taking the other two. "I heard that the director from the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor even gained an elixir to preserve her youthfulness. I certainly hope you treat me well."

"..." Isamu blinked as a look of confusion flashed across his face, he then glanced at Keqing soon after. 'Did she not tell her that Hu Tao got it from the Bronze Box?'

"Ah..." Keqing seemed to realise this after noticing Isamu's look. She then turned to Ningguang with a slightly embarrassed look on her face, and the actions of both Isamu and Keqing confused Ningguang. "I seem to have forgotten to mention this. Although the Eternal Youth Elixir is incredible, Hu Tao managed to gain it from the Bronze Box."

Ningguang went completely silent after hearing this, and she could only stare at Keqing silently as this information was processed. The room was silent enough that even a tiny pin would be heard clearly if dropped.

"That... doesn't sound right. An elixir capable of preserving youth until death, that would at least sell in the tens of millions." Ningguang muttered in a tone of absolute disbelief. "Are you sure you're not mistaken?"

"I'm not joking." Keqing sighed as she responded. She too couldn't believe her ears when she first heard it, she still found it hard to comprehend why Isamu would sell something so incredibly valuable at such a low possible price. "You can ask Isamu yourself."

"..." Ningguang looked at Isamu, to which the male merely shrugged his shoulders in response. This response made Ningguang lightly laugh as her eyes narrowed a bit. "You are interesting me more and more."

"I'd recommend we start opening your boxes now, otherwise you two may not be able to return for a while." Isamu spoke as he pointed behind them. Confused, the two females looked behind them to see what it was he was pointing at. "It seems a crowd has started to form."

True to these words, there was a gathering crowd starting to form outside of the shop. Ningguang could only feel her lips twitch a bit at this sight, she wasn't entirely unfamiliar with it though. Her presence anywhere in Liyue seemed to garner a lot of attention, this scene wasn't the first time she's seen it.

"Then if you would, Boss Isamu."


With a wave of his hand, five Gold Boxes quickly flew over before landing in front of Ningguang. Without wasting any time, Ningguang quickly opened all five of the boxes at the same time, to which all five items soon materialized.

"A Senzu Bean..." Keqing muttered in surprise as she saw the familiar item floating amongst the five. "That in itself is already an incredible profit."

Ningguang agreed wholeheartedly with that, Keqing had already informed her of the details regarding the simple-looking bean. She had come to the same conclusions about its potential uses in all kinds of fields and situations as Keqing did.

"Since you're familiar with the Senzu Bean, I'll explain the other four." Isamu was honestly a bit shocked, there were potentially trillions of items, yet Ningguang managed to score an item that Keqing got yesterday. "First off, these are Gale-Force Reading Glasses, they essentially allow you to absorb written information at a rapid speed."

Ningguang picked up the glasses curiously as she inspected them, they didn't look like anything special, but she was going to trust Isamu's words on the matter. She'd just have to put them to the test later, and if they worked, it'd definitely prove very useful for the future.

"Hm? Oh, Zhongli!"

"Greetings, Isamu."

Isamu's voice made both Keqing and Ningguang turn their heads, only to see none other than Zhongli himself walking over. Isamu also saw that the crowd behind the door was still present, though they have calmed down much more and were just observing curiously.

Isamu then noticed the look of intrigue on Zhongli's rather hard-to-read expression as he glanced around the building.

"After our prior exchange, I found it necessary for me to pay a visit to you." Zhongli nodded as he said this. He then gave a curious glance to the other two individuals present in the room. "This is a rather grand gathering. Two distinguished members of the Liyue Qixing."

"It's a pleasure to see you, Zhongli."

"Please, the pleasure is all mine."

While Ningguan didn't have anything against the consultant of the funeral parlor, her lack of information that she could use against such a person made it hard for her to not be slightly on guard against him. Zhongli was incredibly knowledgeable though, that was an undeniable fact.

Keqing, while she didn't give a verbal greeting, did give a small respectful nod toward the man. She didn't have much prior interaction with the man, but his vast knowledge was enough to earn some rather high respect from her. The only thing was... he was too old school for her.

"Do you know Isamu, Zhongli?" Keqing quickly asked upon realising Zhongli's previous words. "You speak as if you've already met."

Since Zhongli was a very knowledgeable individual, perhaps he could give them some insight on just who Isamu was! What better place to find information on someone than a potential friend of theirs? Ningguang seemed to also realise Keqing's intentions as she looked at Zhongli.

"Hm? We are indeed acquainted." Zhongli nodded his head. "We met one another over at Third-Round-Knockout. We had a pleasant exchange of words with one another."

Zhongli noticed the hidden looks of expectation in their eyes, so he was naturally curious as to what it was that interested them so much that they'd want to know about his relationship with Isamu. Seeing this scene unfold, Isamu could only inwardly give an amused scoff.

"It seems that I might be disturbing something. A rather peculiar situation this looks to be." Zhongli added as he looked past them to see the items on the desk. His eyes widened for a moment before speaking again. "May I ask what the situation is?"

"We're just conducting business."

Isamu took the initiative to speak as he began explaining the simple operations behind his shop, and each word seemed to gain Zhongli's interest as the man held his chin in thought as he stared down at the items on the desk.

After hearing all of the necessary details, Zhongli decided to stay for now as he observed the situation unfold. No one seemed to mind as their previous procedures continued, now with Isamu introducing the second item on the agenda.

"The second item is something you might be familiar with, it's a stone known as Dragonfall."

"Dragonfall..." Ningguan muttered as she heard the name. "If I'm not mistaken, it is a rare ore treasured by blacksmiths. Formed from elemental reactions."

"They are also incredibly valuable no matter the profession." Keqing added. Just like Ningguan, she was no master when it came to rocks and blacksmithing, but even she had heard of this rare stone. "If placed on the market, it could sell for millions..."

Zhongli then added his own little bit of information. "Indeed. However, the deposits of Dragonfall have long since been mined into obscurity."

Zhongli stared at the stone with a look of hidden surprise, he had seen many pieces of Dragonfall in the past. In fact, the first-ever records of Dragonfall were due to his battle with Azhdaha. However, the difference between that Dragonfall and this one was their purity.

Never in his thousands of years had he ever seen a deposit of Dragonfall so pure of elemental energy. He had to disagree with Keqing on this, Dragonfall of this quality could not only sell for millions but tens of millions.

Although Dragonfall was very well-known amongst blacksmiths, the ability to acquire it had long since been impossible. It was an incredible material for forging, so as far as they were aware, there wasn't any recorded traces of Dragonfall left in this world.

That begged the question, where did Isamu get it?

Ningguang picked up the rather large chunk of Dragonfall, which appeared as a blocky golden ore radiating a faint orange aura, it was quite beautiful to look at. While she wasn't interested in having anything forged, such an immensely rare stone would fit perfectly in her collection.

"Please introduce the next item, Isamu." Ningguang spoke as she placed the chunk of Dragonfall into her Vision's pocket space. "Is it an elixir similar to what the director of the funeral parlor obtained?"

"Not exactly. The third item is a Fire Resistance Potion, which upon drinking, grants the consumer immunity to any fire for a temporary amount of time. You can even swim in magma if you so wish. This potion, in particular, will give you this effect for a minute."

Upon hearing this, Ningguang could see its value instantly before placing it away into her pocket space. Although very precious in its own right, it wasn't too crazy of an item worth talking about for too long, its effect was very straightforward.

While Keqing and Ningguang dismissed it pretty quickly, Zhongli gave it a bit more thought. He couldn't help but wonder about the limits of such a potion, could it grant someone immunity even to the fires of the Pyro Archon?

"This final item..."

Isamu's eyes narrowed a bit as he read over the information, Ningguang, Keqing, and Zhongli gave him curious looks seeing his change expression. This last item was something truly miraculous, although not powerful in the destructive sense, and definitely has the capability of doing something similar.

It didn't look like anything special, just a metal ball with intricate glowing white lines covering its entire surface area. The white lines didn't always glow the same intensity, instead


『Chronos Retracer』

● Origin: N/A

● Grade: Gold

● Description: Upon being crushed, time will automatically rewind itself until five minutes prior to the present when the item was crushed. The individual who used this item will retain all of their memories prior to the time retracement. This item also possesses a barrier of parallel absolute temporal stability, this means that any changes to the item across time and space will cause the same changes to occur to all other versions of this specific item. However, the versions affected and the one being changed are all within the five-minute time window, all other versions are outside of the changes


The potential uses of such an item were not few, this device could literally be the ave and grace from potential extinction. While he doubted such an event would occur here, this device could be the literal lifeline if it ever did happen.

"This... is a Chronos Retracer." Isamu opened his eyes before crossing his arms. Hearing this, they all gave him confused looks. "To put it simply, shattering this device will allow you to rewind time by five minutes."

Hearing this, not only the two females, but even Zhongli could only stare at him in shock. Isamu couldn't blame them, time manipulation was no regular feat, it was literally the manipulation of an extremely complex and fragile concept.

"P-Please explain, Isamu!" Keqing exclaimed with a small stutter. "This device can manipulate time?!"

"To a degree, yes. However, its only use is to rewind time by five minutes." Isamu answered calmly, their reactions were expected. "If my own understanding of it is correct, it can only be used once. Though, when used, the person who used it still retains their original memories prior to being rewinded. Anyone else, will not."

"Can only be used once..." Ningguang muttered. She wasn't disappointed by that fact, though it did confuse her a bit. "You said that it rewinds time, but wouldn't that mean the device would still exist in the time that the user returns to?"

"That's where things get more complex, it involves both the space-time continuum as well as the idea of parallel absolute temporal stability. Even I don't know everything about this device, just know that it shouldn't be used unless in dire circumstances. I'll write you a document about everything I know about it later, give it a read when you can."

"Of course, thank you."

Ningguang took this situation very seriously, such a simple-looking device held such incredible power. She was no fool, she saw just how precious this item was, especially since it can be the one thing that would save them should they encounter an undesirable circumstance that couldn't be resolved during the present.

Without a doubt, this item was the most precious one she had received out of the five golden boxes. Something of this caliber... she honestly wasn't even sure if she, one of the absolute richest people in all of Teyvat, would be able to afford it should it be given a valued price.

Zhongli stared at the Chronos Retracer with a narrowed gaze, he could understand why Ningguang and Keqing questioned him about his relationship with Isamu. They wanted to know more about Isamu, and now, he too wanted to know more.

The only one he was aware of that could manipulate time was Istaroth, otherwise known by many other aliases such as Kairos, the Thousand Winds, and many more. However, she had long since vanished from the face of Teyvat centuries ago.

With that in mind, Zhongli glanced up at Isamu. When he first met the young man, he didn't think much, but he also knew there was more to Isamu than meets the eye. You could call it intuition if you wish. Though, who was Isamu that he could sell something capable of time manipulation?

'Isamu... is he possibly related to Istaroth? I don't recall any mention of him at all.' Zhongli wasn't one to forget, of course, unless it was something related to bringing mora that is. In any other instance, Zhongli made sure to treasure any and all memories. Bad or good. 'Hm...'

"What's this, Isamu?" Keqing was the first to snap out of her thoughts as she noticed a peculiar item on the desk. "Ningguang already got her five items, didn't she?"

Zhongli was surprised, Keqing seemed to have adapted to the news of the Chronos Retracer much faster than both he and Ningguang. If only he knew just what Keqing had already experienced, then he'd understand why Keqing wasn't as phased as Ningguang and him.

"It's the Game Pass, it dropped from the fifth box."

Ningguang had already put away the Chronos Retracer before placing her attention on the black and gold ticket that was laying flat on the desk. Picking it up, she stared at it with a curious look, she already knew of it thanks to Keqing.

"You mean the pass to challenge you to a game!"

"A game?"

"It's a special opportunity of sorts, Zhongli." Keqing explained after noticing Zhongli's confusion. "If you manage to defeat Isamu in a game he decides, then you'll be rewarded with a Game Box. Essentially, Game Boxes contain rewards greater than the Gold Boxes."

Zhongli wasn't sure what to think of that, the Chronos Retracer was already outrageous enough, yet that had come out of the Gold Box from what he could tell. He could only imagine what miraculous items could be laying in wait inside such a box.

"What about you two?" Isamu voiced as he turned his attention to Zhongli and Keqing, Ningguang was still thinking as she held the pass. "Are you both looking into buying some boxes today?"

"I'll buy the remaining Bronze and Silver Boxes that I can purchase for the week." Keqing responded after giving a nod to the question. "Nine-hundred thousand mora, correct? There should be enough here."

"Unfortunately, it would seem that I've forgotten to bring any mora. Could you send the bill to the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor?"

"Sorry, I can only accept direct payments."

"I see, then I shall return at a later date."

After receiving Keqing's payment, he waved over the boxes as Keqing quickly opened each and every one. Most of the items she got were very ordinary, ranging from food to various tools and such. She did get a few more interesting items, though nothing of note.

"It's rather unfortunate, but I guess luck isn't always on your side." Keqing sighed after opening up the boxes. This time was definitely a loss for her, though the previous time certainly at least made up for it. "Are you going to use the pass, Ningguang?"

"Hmm... I think I will." Ningguang nodded. While Keqing opened the boxes, Ningguang had silently been thinking over this decision. She saw no reason to delay, from what Keqing told her, there weren't any penalties for losing a game. "I would like to issue a challenge, Boss Isamu."

True to Ningguang's thoughts, there weren't any penalties for losing a game, it was either you win something or get nothing. After all, the games were tests for the people who won the chance to challenge him, it was a test for them and not for him.

Whether or not he loses or wins, he doesn't gain anything, at least in regard to the contract scroll of the game. Whether or not the system would reward him personally for winning the established game was to be determined.

"Since you have a Game Pass, I see no reason to refuse. What difficulty of a game would you like?"

Ningguang looked up at the words behind Isamu's desk, Zhongli and Keqing did the same as they saw the information about the Game Box rules. Ningguang wasn't ashamed to admit that she could be a greedy person, so the greater reward was naturally what she wanted the most.

"I'll choose a hard game."

"You sure?" Isamu smirked slightly as he heard this. In a way, he kind of expected this. "I'll tell you now that the chances of you completing such a game are quite low, at least in my opinion. Shouldn't you try an easy game to test the waters?"

The term 'easy' in this situation was a bit loose, to be honest, it was called easy because the game would be much easier compared to the other two difficulties. If we're talking about the grand scheme of things, an easy game couldn't really be called easy.

"It's fine. Let me tell you something, Boss Isamu. I can be a greedy person, I'll bite down on the biggest reward if it attracts me enough. After seeing what could be rewarded from the Gold Boxes, I can't help but feel compelled to take those Game Boxes."

"I can see where you're coming from! Very well, a hard game it will be."

Isamu laughed a bit as he heard this, bigger rewards always are more attractive. Isamu then stopped his laughing before narrowing his eyes, his lips curling up at the corners as he gave Ningguang a challenging look.

"Though let me tell you something as well, never bite off more than you can chew."