
Genshin Impact: Fire Dragon God's Successor [Dropped]

Defeated by an Unknown God who also took his sister, Aether woke up 500 years later in the world of Teyvat. However, unknown to him, a certain Dragon God gained interest. xXxXxX I'm new to writing so don't expect much, my english is mid and my humour sucks. (Cover Art does not belong to me) Disclaimers: The updates would be inconsistent since I'm lazy. This novel is just made for fun, I did not really put any thought on this. All the things you see in this novel are inspired by other animes and novels.

Alanor · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 12: Stormterror Attacks Part 2

Stormterror charged towards Aether and Satomi, destroying every obstacle in his way as he moves.


Stormterror was caught off guard when his foot was suddenly covered in ice. It glared at the Lawrence who made the ice appear on his foot, Eula's right hand touched the ground, the trail of ice that went towards Stormterror's foot still visible.



Aether slashed Stormterror's head twice before flying away as Satomi delivered a punch on his jaw.

"RRAAAAHHH!!" Stormterror roared in irritation and anger before it broke through the ice.


Stormterror slammed his head into Satomi, launching her several feet in the air.

"Satomi!" Aether shouted in worry, before being force to dodge Stormterror's attack.



Satomi slammed through a building making a loud crashing and slamming noise.

"Don't worry about Satomi, she can take that kind of attack!" Eula shouted as she tried to cover Stormterror's foot with ice again.

Unfortunately, Stormterror was smart enough to fly slightly above the ground before charging at the Lawrence.

"Shit!" Eula cursed, as she prepared to block or even counter the dragon, a bolt of lighting hit the dragon's wings.

Stormterror growled in irritation, this puny insects were annoying to deal with. A flaming arrow flew and almost hit his eyes before he was hit by several icicles on his back.

When he looked at the ones who attacked him, a vortex of wind from a blonde woman hit his body. Although it barely did anything, it was still irritating for him.


A ball of fire hit the ground below Stormterror, creating an explosion and covering him in smoke.

Stormterror flapped his wings, making the smoke disappear. As he felt someone below him, he gazed at it intensely. Below him, was the woman who he slammed through the building. But something felt different.


Before he knew it, he felt a powerful punch on his body. An attack that knocked him back several feet away and had hurt him.

Satomi stood before him, her hair flowing with the wind. Her white hair now has teal colored streaks running through it, and a few teal colored feathers appeared on her forearms.

"Hey!" Aether shouted as he appeared behind the dragon, surprising even the dragon due to how sneaky he is.

He ignited both his katana on fire, before he began to spin. Creating a vortex of fire that flew towards the dragon's face.


The explosion caused a smoke, blinding him temporarily. Before a vortex of wind from the same blond man hit his body.

"What the- he can use two elements!?" Jean blurted out from atop a building.

I fucking new it. Satomi thought to herself as she grinned widely. She always had this feeling that the blond was special, both of them are the same afterall... but she can't shake off the feeling that the other was more special than she is.

"To think that something like this is even possible." Kaeya muttered in bewilderment, he had never seen something so absurd that goes againt's the rules of Teyvat, even though they have grown accustomed to Satomi being able to use an Element without a vision. Finding someone being able to use two made him wonder if the world has more surprises to come.

"The cutie is more interesting than I thought ~." Lisa whispered quitely, instinctively licking her lips.

This is unbelievable. Eula stared wide eyed at Aether as he landed on the ground. So cool! Amber thought with stars in her eyes.

Aether shuddered after dodging a slash from the dragon, he felt that something/someone dangerous had taken an interest in him.

Satomi opened her palm before a giant ball of wind appeared, the ball of wind flew towards the dragon hitting its jaw.


The ball of wind exploded as the dragon's head went up. Shaking his head in irritation, Stormterror flew up in the sky.

"Hey, I have a plan!" Aether shouted as everyone's eyes are now on him. "Satomi, since you're the strongest here at the moment, I asked for you to take care of the dragon for now. As for everyone, please charge your strongest attack while Satomi distracts the dragon."

All of them thought for a moment before nodding at the plan, however, a particular ice user wanted to compete.

"I'm taking my vengeance againts the dragon!" Shouted a light blue haired woman, "Vision Break!"

Giant ice spikes enveloped Eula's body as they started to glow, the ice started to slowly crack before exploding into several pieces.

Eula stood gripping her claymore tightly as ice covered some of her face, her heaband was replace by a small ice tiara and she now wore a cape made of ice that somehow flew with the wind, the symbol of cryo vision appeared between her chest.

(Just wanted to add a mechanic called a Vision break, gonna explain the detail about it in the next chap along with Satomi's transformation.)

Ice began to appear on her foot as they guided her towards the dragon, matching the flying Satomi's speed who clicked her tounge in annoyance.

"Aways wanting to challenge Satomi." Aether heard Jean muttered on top of the roof, before going into her own "Vision break" state. She seemed to tap into that state almost instantly.

(Just imagine her outfit being like Artoria (Lancer) not the one covered in armor, she also has the symbol of the anemo vision between her chest.)

Ok... I guess She is the strongest at the moment? Aether thought. "So, you ready?" Asked Kaeya who went behind him, he look different somehow. His eyepatch now being replaced by ice, ice spikes were visible on his forearms, and he wore an icy cape just like Eula's, he also has the symbol of the cryo element between his chest.

"Yep, I'm in my "Vision break" state." Kaeya confirmed with a shrugg. Looking around, Aether noticed Amber and Lisa charging their attack, they are not in that state like the others. He has a feeling that Amber does not know how to do it yet and Lisa is just too lazy.

"Yeah, ready when you are." Aether replied to the man. He gripped his Katanas tightly as he ignited it in flames before making the flames bigger using his anemo element.

Kaeya chuckled before putting his sword before him, before his sword started to glow a light blue color. Cold temperature started to come out of his sword as it seems to meet the heat that is coming out of Aether's katanas.

Gripping her sword tightly, Jean's weapon started to glow as it seem to become bigger by the minute. Anemo particles began to sorround her, seemingly strengthening her weapon even more.




The two women battled the dragon, making sure to distance themselves from him. Satomi seems to appear behind the dragon before punching him after Eula successfully distracts Stormterror by throwing some sword made out of ice towards him.

For someone that hate each other. They work pretty well. Aether thought as he watched the two women's battle.

Several minutes later, an arrow that was 3x bigger than a regular one, flew towards the dragon. Noticing these, the two women quickly flew/skated away from the dragon.


The giant arrow exploded, creating a giant explosion which resulted in a giant smoke covering the dragon. Before he could even recovered, several bolts of lightning hit his back making him roar in anger and pain.



A slash of wind from the Acting grandmaster flew towards the dragon, hitting his right arm. The dragon's scale slightly cracked. Several blades of ice from the Lawrence and wind blades that were aimed towards the dragon's cracked scale, hit him.

Irritated, annoyed, and most importantly slightly hurt. Stormterror decided to fly away, knowing that the puny humans were teaming up againts him and were coordinated greatly. Before he could do that, a giant icicle hit his cracked scale, irritating him further.

Before he could shake it off, two sharpened blade quickly pierced through his cracked scales. "GGRRRUAAAAGGG!!" Stormterror roared in pain as the two katanas pierced his right arm. Furious, he quickly turned around and shot several anemo orbs from its mouth towards the blond human who threw the blades towards him. Before quickly flying away from the scene. Atleast it killed one of them.




Those orbs hit Aether several times, the explosion through Kaeya away from him. While Aether was able to protect his body from the attack from some time. It was too much, even for him.

As the attacks finally stopped, Aether stood there as blood poured from his body. He fell on the ground as he felt his consciousness slowly fade away. As the words from the people around him slowly became more inaudible. His consciousness completely faded after he heard someone running towards him.