
Genshin Impact: Fate Intertwined with Heroines

After enduring a sorrowful life confined to hospitals, Kurogane Kaito passes from this world at the age of eighteen. However, instead of finding rest, a mysterious goddess from the realm beyond presents him a singular opportunity. He may reinhabit a new land of his choosing, endowed with certain "cheats." Kaito selects the world of Teyvat, setting of the game Genshin Impact. What he knows not is the goddess' blessing includes sway over time's manipulation. Reborn in Mondstadt, he must discern his uncommon powers and acclimate to this novel existence. Yet soon he discovers Teyvat's true nature proves far more intricate than initially perceived. In this new beginning, he decides to live freely under his own volition. ××× Join my Patreon to read advanced chapters. Patreon.com/OlwinMoriarty ××× Hello everyone! My name is OlwinMoriarty and I welcome you to my story. First of all, I want to say that English is not my native language, so please excuse me if I make any mistakes. I will do my best to communicate clearly. I hope you can join me on this journey as I develop the plot and characters. I promise to do my best to entertain you. I would be very grateful to read your comments and suggestions. I hope you enjoy the reading very much. ××× This work is a fiction created for entertainment purposes. It has no purpose other than to entertain. The characters, settings, and other recognizable parts of Genshin Impact are owned by them.

OlwinMoriarty · Video Games
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21 Chs

Chapter 12: Inn

If we reach 100 power stones there will be an extra chapter <3< p>


After walking for a while, a sign with unfamiliar characters appeared before me. Although I couldn't read it, the crescent logo reminded me of a certain shit resin from Genshin. The two-story building in front of me was made primarily of brick and concrete.

Stepping through the wooden double doors, I scanned the interior with my eyes. The first floor appeared to function as a kind of restaurant, with a counter on the right-hand side and a wavy staircase on the left leading up to the floor above.

"Welcome to the Lunar Resin Inn, are you looking for some food or a room for the night?"

The girl behind the counter asked me. Her brown hair pulled back in a ponytail and plain face made her look about twenty years old.

"Yes, I'd like to stay the night, how much is it?"

"700 Mora with food included in the morning and evening. Ah, payment is in advance."

700 Mora.... I wasn't sure if it was expensive or cheap. But I remembered trading a pigeon for 250 Mora each just a few hours ago, so I didn't think it was that much. And if I needed more, I could always go out and farm additional pigeons.

"So how about if I stay for a full month?"

I didn't want to seem too suspicious by asking calendar details, so I went for the long term.

"How many you say... That's 21,000 Mora."

"I see."

The look on the innkeeper's face seemed to be accusing me 'Don't you know how to do basic math?' Well, in my defense, I'm new to this world...

Although this world could be on the other side of a galaxy or even in another universe, it still followed a calendar with approximately 30 days per month. Who knows, perhaps it was the Goddess or the game creators themselves who implemented the same calendar.

"So, have you decided?"

Taking out 7,000 Mora from my adventurer's card, I placed them on the counter. The innkeeper's eyes twitched again, as if thinking, 'First you ask for a month, and then you only ask for 10 days...'

"Umu. I would like to stay for ten days, for the time being."

"That I can see."

Come on, woman, don't be so obvious with your dislike!

"Well, ten days it is. With Stormterror's recent presence, we haven't had many customers, so I appreciate the accommodation."

There's that name again... According to what Amber told me, before Stormterror started attacking, Mondstadt used to be vibrant and bustling. Bards from distant lands, travelers from other nations, and even merchants... The streets were always lively.

But since the panic began to spread, hardly anyone dared to come near. Even certain products became scarce due to disrupted trade routes caused by the unchecked increase of monsters.

The girl retrieved some sheets from under the counter. Apparently, it was the lodging's logbook. She opened it and placed the pen and inkwell in front of me.

"Please sign here."

"Ah, I'm sorry. I don't recognize these characters. Could you write it down for me?"

Damn it... In her eyes, at first I couldn't do math, and now I couldn't write. She's probably wondering if I'm a dummy or something.

"... I see. And your name is...?"

After providing her with my name, she reached for something else at the bottom of the counter before pulling it out.

"Here's your room key. Remember not to lose it. The location is on the second floor, the last room. It has a bathroom and a bathtub inside. As for meals, you can find them here on the first floor."

"Got it."

"Right, it's getting dark... Would you like some dinner?"

I had already eaten, but since the stay included meals, I happily agreed. "Why not."

"Dinner will be ready in a couple of hours, at nine o'clock. Come down again at that time."

"By the way, will there be any training camp nearby?"

"Training camp? The only one available is for the Knights of Favonius. If you want to go, you'll have to ask for permission. But for light training, we have a small backyard you can use."

I wasn't in the mood for the Knights' Headquarters, so I told her I would use the backyard, assuring her that my training would cause no problems.

After chatting for a while, I went upstairs and opened the last door on the second floor. The room was of average size, with a desk, chair, closet, a neatly tucked-in bed, bathroom and a bathtub door inside. Opening the front window, I could see the front courtyard of Goth Grand Hotel.

The view was pleasant, except for a certain woman who was also looking out of her window. Although she appeared menacing, I greeted her with good humor, unsure if she had noticed me. I walked out, closing the door, and headed straight to the backyard for a quick workout before dinner.

"It's time for 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10km run. Got it, master!"


Give me some power stones so the story can move up in the rankings and get more people to read it! I would also really appreciate it if you could leave some comments to improve the story or a review to increase my motivation <3< p>

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