
Genshin Impact: Fate Intertwined with Heroines

After enduring a sorrowful life confined to hospitals, Kurogane Kaito passes from this world at the age of eighteen. However, instead of finding rest, a mysterious goddess from the realm beyond presents him a singular opportunity. He may reinhabit a new land of his choosing, endowed with certain "cheats." Kaito selects the world of Teyvat, setting of the game Genshin Impact. What he knows not is the goddess' blessing includes sway over time's manipulation. Reborn in Mondstadt, he must discern his uncommon powers and acclimate to this novel existence. Yet soon he discovers Teyvat's true nature proves far more intricate than initially perceived. In this new beginning, he decides to live freely under his own volition. ××× Join my Patreon to read advanced chapters. Patreon.com/OlwinMoriarty ××× Hello everyone! My name is OlwinMoriarty and I welcome you to my story. First of all, I want to say that English is not my native language, so please excuse me if I make any mistakes. I will do my best to communicate clearly. I hope you can join me on this journey as I develop the plot and characters. I promise to do my best to entertain you. I would be very grateful to read your comments and suggestions. I hope you enjoy the reading very much. ××× This work is a fiction created for entertainment purposes. It has no purpose other than to entertain. The characters, settings, and other recognizable parts of Genshin Impact are owned by them.

OlwinMoriarty · Video Games
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21 Chs

Chapter 10: Infusing Anemo into Weapon

I'm really sorry. Yesterday I couldn't upload the extra chapter but here it is. In a few minutes I will upload the other chapter.

If we reach 100 power stones there will be an extra chapter <3< p>

Join my Patreon to read advanced chapters.



As I walked out of the city wall and headed back to the bridge, I couldn't stop staring at the spear I held in my hands. I still had some pigeons to catch, but first, I wanted to try something with my new spear.

Amber had told me that if I wanted to infuse Anemo into a weapon, similar to how she did with her arrows to set them on fire with Pyro, I had to cover the entire spear with my elemental energy and then transform it using a Vision. But it sounded really hard! Besides, I don't have a Vision!

While it's true that I had already infused my own body with the Anemo element, it was much easier, as I could feel the energy flowing directly inside me.

But imbuing a spear would be very different. Being an object separate from my body, I wouldn't be able to feel the energy in the same way. I would have to project my elemental energy independently and ensure that I enveloped it evenly without it fading.

Although it sounded quite challenging, I decided to give it a try anyway. After all, I had to challenge myself to make progress.

"Hey, spear. I know we just met, but I trust we can work together from here on out. Are you ready to receive my magic power?"

Spear didn't respond, of course, but I could swear I felt its enthusiasm! I could also feel the strange look trying to penetrate me from behind my back. Maybe she wondered if I had gone mad.

Ignoring that, first, I closed my eyes and concentrated on feeling my elemental energy flowing within me. I visualized that energy gently spreading from inside me to my hands.

Then, I imagined that energy slowly spilling over the entire surface of the spear. At first, it was just a thin layer, but I continued to infuse more and more energy until the spear was completely covered by my energy.

Finally, I used my mind to "mold" that energy and transform it into an Anemo aura that swirled around the weapon.

At that moment, I felt a strong wind blowing around me. When I opened my eyes, I saw the spear glowing with a blue spiral light. I had done it.

"You're really strange, you know that?" When I deactivated my ability, Amber looked at me with pursed lips. "It would take most people weeks to master their elemental energy and imbue it into a weapon! Even for me, it took a few days. Besides, you mentioned having a Vision recently. I really don't know how you master your elemental energy. You must have a pretty high Elemental Mastery!"

I turned my head to look at Amber, who was walking beside me. She was almost glued to me, looking at me with her big golden eyes as she bowed in an incredibly cute way. For a moment, I was distracted, thinking about how short she was compared to my new body, which was about 185cm.

"Ah, someone told me I could do these things."

"And who is that person?"

"A goddess, of course!"

I wondered how she would react if I actually said something like that. She'd probably just think I was joking.

In the end, I decided not to bother her. "It's someone I knew."

"Really?" She looked me straight in the face, narrowed her eyes, folded her arms, and pouted.

Amber regarded me with increasing suspicion. I let out a sigh and reluctantly shrugged my shoulders, wondering what I had done to arouse her suspicions.

"Amber, not that I mind your company, but... shouldn't you be on a mission as a Knight of Favonius?"

"I-it's not that!" Perhaps caught off guard, she quickly replied, her cheeks slightly tinged with a blush. "It's just that I want to make sure you're not going to cause trouble! Besides, I promised to take you to Headquarters as a reward for helping me with those Hilichurls!"

Hm, going to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters, huh? Truth be told, I wasn't interested in getting too involved with the Knights so soon. They seemed harmless, but there was nothing about them that piqued my curiosity. For now, I just wanted to explore this new world at my own pace.

With a sigh, I gave Amber a half smile. "Okay, I'll play along. But first, let's kill some pigeons. I need money to get a room at an inn."

"Ah, about that!" Amber suddenly exclaimed as if remembering something. "I think the other reward will solve your problem."

"Another reward?" I asked, arching an eyebrow. Just then, Amber stopped dead in front of me, blocking my path with her fists on her hips.

"Get out your Adventurer's Card."

Clearly, I wasn't going to take no for an answer. I thought for a moment about feigning insanity, but I knew it would do no good against someone as stubborn as she was.

I let out a heavy sigh. "Okay, okay, okay, what do you plan to do with it?"

She pulled out her own Card when I pulled out mine.

"I'm also a Guild Adventurer when I'm off duty," she explained, guessing my next question. "So we can embark on adventures together from time to time!"

She placed her Card over mine. After a few seconds of intense light, both stopped glowing.

"Look at your card now."

Although the letters were unfamiliar to me, I instantly understood the meaning of the numbers; they were actually the same as in my previous world.

[Mora: 30,000]

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. Mora was clearly the universal currency of this world, and I had just received a tidy sum!

Considering that she had a large sum of money, I wasn't embarrassed that a girl would give me money. Instead, I smiled sincerely at Amber.

"Thank you. This is quite useful."

She gave me a sidelong glance. "Are you happier about the Mora than you are about the privilege of visiting the Headquarters? I remind you that it was part of my reward as well..."

"Priorities change when one doesn't have a sovereign in one's pocket. As for the Headquarters... being accompanied by you is more interesting than being with other knights."

Amber pretended to be offended, but her cheeks were a little red.

As we reached our destination, I slowed my steps and looked straight ahead. As I expected, a group of pigeons pecked absently at the concrete of the bridge, occasionally casting glances in our direction to check our proximity.

I glanced at the spot where Timmie used to be, but there was no sign of the boy. Well, at least I wouldn't have to endure his complaints about pigeons this time.

I infused my spear with Anemo element. However, the faint current that formed didn't entirely convince me. It seemed to lack something.

If wind represents energy in motion, why not channel my own energy through the spear?

I closed my eyes and envisioned the energy circulating in spirals around the surface of the weapon, focusing particularly on the tip. Gradually, it began to radiate a brilliant sky-blue hue and spin at the tip like a drill, initially slow but gaining speed with each rotation.

This should do the trick...

With Amber observing my movements closely, I tightly grasped the spear. Assuming a throwing stance, I gazed straight ahead. After taking a deep breath, I stepped forward in unison, propelling my weight as I released the weapon.

The spear shot out at a much more astonishing velocity than I anticipated, slicing through the air with a swoosh. The pigeons, alerted by the rapidly approaching projectile, swiftly took flight.

However, upon embedding itself in the concrete, the Anemo element expanded in circular swirls before forcefully compressing once more. In doing so, instead of driving them away, it drew the unsuspecting birds towards its center. Their bodies fell lifeless to the ground.



Give me some power stones so the story can move up in the rankings and get more people to read it! I would also really appreciate it if you could leave some comments to improve the story or a review to increase my motivation <3< p>