
Genshin Impact: Emmy in Teyvat

The world of Teyvat housed many secrets within its numerous corners yet none are capable of uncovering these mysteries and returning to tell the tale. Emmy was a normal kid who lived her days in Mondstadt until one day she had contact with an ancient artifact that completely changed her life. Granting her powers of old and awakened something within her that she never thought she had. Watch as she goes on a journey to document, adventure, and investigate her world's mysteries while making friends and foes along the way. "I shall scale the mountains and cliffs, Fly in the sky and battle against thunderstorms and even time shall not make me yield, I am the one who will seek the truth of this world" - Emmy Edgar Not my photo by the way.

Guardian_Loli · Video Games
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105 Chs

Chapter 98: The Southern Coast Alliance.

2 Years Ago.

During the beginning stages of Inazuma's rebirth, a very important person contacted Emmy. The implications of the partnership that would result from her coming into contact with this person would resound all over Teyvat for many years to come.

"Boss. There is someone that wishes to build a partnership with you," Someone in a Sunsettia Inc, uniform told Emmy as she was sitting in her office.

"Who is it?" Emmy didn't look up as she was signing papers but the rate at which she did them was not ordinary. The secretary couldn't even see the girl's hand. Not to mention she was signing ten other papers at once; all of which were floating in the air.

The lady in the uniform had purple eyes and her hair was black, just like Emmy's but with silver highlights at the ends instead of Emmy's golden blue.

"Ninguang has requested a call with you boss."

"Hmm... Ninguang huh?" Emmy lifted her head to take a look at the secretary. She wasn't some extraordinary beauty but she exuded the charm Inazuman women were born and raised to portray.

"Well then bring it to me Aiya, I want to get back to my papers quickly," Emmy said with a faint smile.

Aiya couldn't be certain about what was on the boss's mind at this time, but it must be something extraordinary.

"Yes, boss I'll get the [Eye] set up quickly."

Something amazing might happen soon.

The secretary didn't take long with what she had to do, the [Eye] Sunsettia Corp had created was somewhat of an oddball creation. It was the greatest communication device ever created.

It utilized a very complicated network that made it possible to communicate with anyone from mostly anywhere in Teyvat. It had a screen similar to the system that allowed one to even see the face of the person they were talking to.

Emmy didn't particularly know how she thought of this miraculous idea for what she now called a video chat. All she knew was that she wanted to see how her mom and dad were doing even if she couldn't come on adventures with them.

Thus the [Eye of the Scry] was created.

It possessed several features. You could even send messages to other people in the form of Emails or Eye-Mail if one wanted to say the longer name.

"It's ready now isn't it?" Emmy said as she cracked her neck and stretched.

She had quite a massive job to do now huh?

'I will succeed.'

"Yes, I'm taking my leave now boss," Aiya bowed before she moved toward the door with haste, her heels were silent as she began to leave the room.

"Yeah," Emmy smiled, "Don't trip on the way out."

Aiya huffed finding what her boss said ridiculous, even as she nearly tripped when she stepped out the door and she heard the cheerful laughter behind her. She never once turned back.

Her face burned.

Emmy stopped laughing and looked at the small rotating cube on her desk, it had a ball in the center. That ball also had a small pinhole inside that was currently projecting a virtual screen that read:

[Admin Eye Communication Device

Contacts: 875

Messages: 367

Pending Calls: 1

Accept Call: Y/N]

"Accept the call."

Emmy placed her head on her hand as she leaned comfortably in her seat. Immediately the screen expanded and two people came into view, and the beauty of these two could only be called otherworldly.

One of them is Ganyu, the secretary of Liyue Quixin. The governing body was second in authority to Rex Lapis himself. Her blue hair was kept in a straight tail-like hairstyle that went all the way down to her hips. She possessed quite an exquisite body type, for someone who said they only ate the flower equivalent of grass.

The other was a woman with white hair but not of old age as her visage was youthful yet ripe in its maturity. Her gold eyes shone like gold, likely her favorite object if only her profession was taken into account. They shone with cunning.

{N: Good morning Emmy.}

{G: Good morning Miss Edgar.}

"Good morning to you all."

Emmy suppressed a smile as she thought of what Ningguang was going to ask her today, was it a favor or to propose something? As a businesswoman, Ningguang wouldn't look to waste another's time.

At least Emmy didn't think she would like to waste the time of others and her own in a fruitless endeavor.

"I see the Jade Chamber is as luxurious as usual," Emmy complimented as she gathered all her papers and placed them on her desk. With all that done, she clasped her hands together and looked back at the screen.

{N: I try to keep it in line with my vision for my future.}

"Would that luxurious future happen to include me and Inazuma? Or did Miss Ningguang seek this little girl for her to talk about how to manage her money? Either is fine."

{N: Straight to the point as usual. I heard a rumor that the 'Child of Thunder' made a nice little trinket that allowed her to disperse an entire thunderstorm and stop a Tier 5 Hurricane.}

"That rumor seems to be quite a stretch. It was far from a Tier 5 Hurricane, more along the lines of a tropical storm if anything. Though, I am surprised. I thought rumors were supposed to be less detailed?"

{N: Rumors tend to differ if they are from another place don't you think? But I see that you wish not to waste time, and so do I. I'll say it plainly. I wish for whatever tactical and strategic artifact, is strictly in the weapon category. Both defensive and offensive, if you don't mind.}

"Ningguang, I'm sure you understand that these things cannot come cheap if I am willing to sell them at all. Are you willing to sacrifice many things for these weapons? If not I advise you to pull back such statements."

Ninguang raised a brow and she chuckled.

{N: You don't want to make money off of me Emmy? As a partner, it makes me flattered but as a person of the same trade...? There must be some reason other than a fondness or friendship to say such things.}

"While there may be some sentimental feelings behind my warning, it is more my belief that you would not like the price."

{N: I see. There are currencies in this world other than Mora girl. Would be interested in signing a contract with me? There must be something of interest that I possess to your desire?}

Emmy sat back in her chair as she drummed her fingers along her desk. Her thoughts were crisp and clear, moving along efficiently unlike the years before. Her high [intelligence] made sure that she was always clear-minded and ready to win mental battles.

This then brought on the confusion she was now enclosed in. Her thoughts could not sense any urge to fight mental battles with Ningguang. She would usually get a heads-up whenever she came into contact with the woman as she loved to play mind games to get what she wanted.

Emmy had won and lost numerous battles with her, which was why she wondered why the woman didn't trigger her mental defenses.

'Maybe... She doesn't want to fight? But that's impossible, right? '

Emmy had learned that nothing was impossible if one had the will to make it happen. So she didn't rule out the possibility of Ningguang coming here to engage in peaceful interactions with her. She could believe such a notion.

Turn off her brain, like all those fools in the past who went against Ningguang in business deals thinking they could challenge her.

Then lost grievously.

This was Ningguang, there was no way she acted without an agenda. However, it had to be known that not all agendas were to produce a negative outcome for someone else for one's benefit. An agenda could also benefit the target.

'Collaboration. I see so that's what she wants.'

If so then Emmy brought her mind into overdrive and sought immediately a plan to grant Inazuma the most benefit possible from this deal. This was a deal that would most likely accelerate Inazuma's rebirth and change the political landscape in Teyvat.

Emmy leaned forward in her chair, and she opened her mouth to speak. The words she ran in her mind a thousand times came out of them fluidly as she seized the initiative.

"Sure, let us hash out the terms for the contract right now."

The two smiled as Ganyu who was standing earlier found a nice place to sit as she watch the two previously calm individuals begin to speak as if they went crazy.


Ganyu slept.

3 hours had passed since the two figureheads began to make a contract with one another, both having their will stretched to an inhumane amount. But finally, it had come to a close. The two smiled as they came to a satisfactory agreement.

A long-term one that outweighed their initial want of weaponry and money. What had begun as a business deal swiftly changed into one of political benefit and safety against common enemies. It was the beginning of a strong military and economic alliance.

[That escalated very quickly.]

Emmy ignored the system's rambling even though what it said was the truth. It happened so fast that she had to wonder if that was Ningguang's goal from the start. Emmy didn't reject the help though, that would be impolite.

"Now we are almost done. Though I would like to propose we include Mondstadt in this alliance of ours as well. We would benefit greatly from their help in fighting against the abyss and growing as individual nations."

{N: Reason being?}

"Location," Emmy placed the camera further away and conjured a screen from her fingertips, showing the entire map of Teyvat while marking spots with "X's" and circling others.

"Mondstadt, also known as the [Crown of the North] is the entryway into one of the harshest regions in Teyvat, the north. It is also the entryway into the Fatui's main base. Mondstat also seems to have quite a formidable intelligence network and close relations to many ancient civilizations of importance.

"In short, any relevant future events concerning Teyvat will either take place in that region or have a connection to it. Which would include the abyss, our main enemy."

{N: I see your point, but I do not possess the means to contact Jean at this point. Are you able to?}

Emmy smiled and pulled up her contacts. The artifact had a unique serial number inside of each one and a code on the inside that could be scanned by someone with another of the same artifact.

It could only be done with the owner's permission though, so it was impossible to get someone's number without their authorization.

Ningguang placed her hands on her desk as she asked curiously. She thought about it for a moment before giving Emmy her seal of approval, seeing no problem with this proposal.

The girl began to work with haste calling up Jean and so, another round of discussion took place between the women. Though one of them was only 11 years old. The people of Teyvat cared little about one's age if they possessed the skill.

When Ganyu woke up another 2 hours later, the number of people on the call had expanded from its earlier two to nearly two dozen. Many of which she noted, were members of the Liyue Qixing, Tri-Commision, and Knights of Favonius.

It would take another 5 hours before the details were ironed out and the various individuals were left satisfied with the results. Though being called up to take part in such an important meeting at the last-minute left most disgruntled, the result had long dispersed their displeasure.

It was an unexpected boon to be in such an alliance. Though most still wondered how this meeting came about when their schedules were clear for that specific period and they were readily available to accept calls.

How strange.

Also, thanks to the artifacts given by Emmy that allowed one to communicate from miles away, such meetings could be held with haste. They could only silently marvel as they looked at the young girl in front of them.

Was this the reason she had gifted them these priceless gadgets in the past years? If so, then she had this planned from the very beginning.

The prospect of them being manipulated left some a bit angry but others were somewhat relieved. After all this person was now an ally and as long as they played their cards right, she would not become an enemy.

It was as they said. A pig-like teammate left one dissatisfied and in fear, but a God-like teammate left one relieved.

This meeting left the people of the other two nations to believe that Inazuma was not a pig teammate but one who would grow into a God-like ally.


Emmy sighed as she bid farewell to the last of those officials.

[The Host is cunning. In one move she has secured the funds, manpower, and information needed for Inazuma's revival. The future is bright it seems.]

"I wouldn't call it one move. Though it may appear so, I have been setting up these cards and laying them on the side for some time now. This call was just an opportunity granted to me, had I not been prepared it would have slipped by me."

Emmy looked at the paper in her hand, on it was a set of terms that had been proposed during the meeting. Of course, this one paper could not hold all the terms and conditions of what this Alliance could entail. Rules, regulations, and all other things could not be immediately formed in this single day.

But a hole had been punched through Inazuma's problems and if she had to help a few nations evolve with her, what was the problem?

"This paper makes me giggle in excitement."

The things written on the paper roughly came up to this:


-Aid in any effort to protect the member states.

-Obligated to aid with matters of military, commerce, and social structure.

-All citizens of member states will obtain the right to be registered for full citizenship to all other member states. No matter their status or previous occupation.

-All trade taken between member states will have reduced tax rates, reduced prices for citizens, and better protection for visiting merchants and convoys along both sea and land.

-Greater access to the products of Sunsettia Inc. New technology benefitting all sectors excluding warfare will be shared and distributed across member states.

-Trade of Military grade artifacts will not be disclosed and will be kept secret. Allies have greater access to Military grade artifacts.

-Weaponry prices will be reduced.

-Member states have a right to engage in the problems plaguing another member state, but they must permission from the government beforehand.


This was merely a rough draft of what would soon turn into several articles with detailed means of punishment for all who go against its policies.

Inazuma provided Education, Weaponry, and Ocean products. Mondstadt Information and geographic advantages. Liyue provided money and manpower with their superior population and economy.

That was it. Well, the most important pieces to the puzzle.

'From here it doesn't get any easier does it?'


Emmy placed her head in her hands and dragged her shaking hands across her skin. Her purple-black gloves with black feather patterns saved her skin from being damaged by the force.

'Is it too late to go on a vacation,' Emmy asked in the direction of the shogun's abode, even though she had no intention of going on a vacation.

She had time for such a thing. It was a luxury she couldn't have. But even without that Emmy was happy.

She lifted a finger tower the shogun's estate and then pointed in the direction of every southern nation in Teyvat. She grinned.

'The Southern Coast Alliance is now in the game. Beware Fatui, soon there will be a military force that will combat your blatant acts of terrorism. Oh, how I long for the day.'


A/N: Damn what is the author doing. Cringe. Bro does not know how an alliance is formed, what are those bullshit terms, bro. Plot armor, mary sue ass character.

I know, I know. But! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. It isn't a masterpiece of unparalleled writing skill and knowledge but it provided some positivity. I'm happy. If it didn't do well, Skill issue.

Next Time: Idk. I really don't know bro.

Time to read the blue lock U20 arc for the 60th time again.