
Genshin Impact: Emmy in Teyvat

The world of Teyvat housed many secrets within its numerous corners yet none are capable of uncovering these mysteries and returning to tell the tale. Emmy was a normal kid who lived her days in Mondstadt until one day she had contact with an ancient artifact that completely changed her life. Granting her powers of old and awakened something within her that she never thought she had. Watch as she goes on a journey to document, adventure, and investigate her world's mysteries while making friends and foes along the way. "I shall scale the mountains and cliffs, Fly in the sky and battle against thunderstorms and even time shall not make me yield, I am the one who will seek the truth of this world" - Emmy Edgar Not my photo by the way.

Guardian_Loli · Video Games
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105 Chs

Chapter 89: Scorching Forest - Part 2.

Joane was a hunter who lived in Springvale, he made traps, fixed traps, and got his loot from traps. Everything he had, even his life, was gotten from those traps.

And now those traps were gone.

It was turning out to be a fairly normal morning, he was just about to go into the nearby forest of Wolfendom to get his loot for the day. Although people said it was dangerous, he still went. He had kids to feed and it worked out well so far.

Since the place he hunted in was dangerous with there being wolves, monsters, and other harmful entities, there weren't many people that were able to compete with him and he usually went deep into the forest where they were festering like ants.

There were a lot of animals to hunt in the, basically untouched forestry. So, one of the only hunters going into the place, he was basically the hunter equivalent of a gold miner who found a mine in the middle of the street that nobody wanted to explore but everyone desired.

'It was supposed to be a normal day.'

So he woke up early and began his routine, then was ready to go check the traps he placed yesterday for any boars or rabbits. It was the usual procedure that he did hundreds of times, so for all intents and purposes, it should have gone according to plan.

After all, he was just a hunter, other than monsters, storms, and other natural disasters, what was going to happen?

It always went according to plan for him.

Until it didn't.

That morning all his plans of getting some premium boar meat to sell to the market went up in smoke, literally. All of his traps, whether new or old, went up in flames, were buried under charcoal, or turned to ash.

He didn't see it happen, but it most likely did. The forest was quite literally on fire, it didn't take a genius to figure out that a couple of traps wouldn't fair well.

"Hmm, so you're assuming that your life is going to be over," the young girl with black hair and blue eyes said to him and he nodded.

"I mean, the stuff I use for a living is probably, most likely ash at this moment and I can't imagine any animals with the desire to stay in a place that is on fire right now, or in the near future. I wouldn't," Joane awkwardly laughed as he looked at the burning forest nervously.

Even now as the time flew by the fire didn't let up in the slightest and the looks on the children's faces grew tense, the girl at the front waved her hand and they began to move toward the forest. Joane didn't stop them, that badge that they had on their clothes was a sign of their prowess.

"Thank you for the information sir," The girl bowed lightly and departed.

"Yeah, stay safe out there!" Joane shouted out, the girl waved and then ran along with her friends into the forest. All of them now use some clothing to cover their faces.

"Papa!" A load suddenly appeared on his back and he grinned grabbing the small girl into his arms and nuzzling her face with his own. He held her and looked at all the Adventurers that were in the village.

"There will be more to come," Joane said, whether he was talking about the reinforcements or disasters, even he didn't know. But he only knew that this feeling in his heart, it's palpitations, it told him so.

"Hmm, Papa?"

"Nothing darling," Joane smiled, it was a bit strained as he gazed at the ever-growing blaze that seemed to be getting closer to the edges.

"Nothing at all."



The sound of the bushes behind brushed aside and swept in the wind ran through the greenery of the forest as a group of children, now turned full-fledged adventurers, sprinted through the forest with their masks on.

It was a purple and black mask, a sign of who made it. With speed not possible for most their age the group charged into the unknown world known as Wolfendom, the forest that was, for some reason unknown, on fire.

'Not much smoke at the edges of the forest, but the wind seems to be carrying more over to this direction,' Emmy thought as she looked up, Her eyes pierced through the leaves as she looked for one of the pillars of smoke.

"East, 2 o'clock," Fischl said, her face was a bit more serious than usual and she abandoned her special speech patterns in favor of more fluid communication, as much as she like to roleplay.

Now wasn't the time to. Her friends could be in danger because of mistranslation. She couldn't take that risk.

Emmy smiled then waved her hand, "You heard her, let's go!" She changed her direction and immediately followed where Fischl told her to go. The others followed suit.

Emmy ran while she pushed down the unease she felt in her heart, something about this entire situation was just strange. She could swear she saw large amounts of smoke at the edges of this forest and yet, such smoke was nowhere to be seen.

'It was the same with the flames, there are not many hotspots for fire here and I only saw a few but those aren't enough nor are they large enough to generate that much smoke. Is it a natural fire or one which was made? And if so, who did it?'

It took them a while to approach where they were supposed to go, often times, they got lost in the copious amount of smoke that suddenly assaulted them as they approached what was to them, a halfway point.

They pressed on though, they didn't want to lag behind so they used some of their water and applied it to their masks for them to breathe easier.

'It does come at a cost though, ash would stick to our masks more easily thus in the long run we would sacrifice our ability to breathe. But we should have enough masks to replace the ones we used,' Emmy thought, as she expertly navigated through the shrubbery.

She never went here before but she did practice in simulations, many of them being in forests like this one. She continued to run for a while before they broke through the treeline and entered what appeared to be a large flat land.

Something about the land struck her as strange, for one there was little to no fire here but when she looked around there still seemed to be a lot of burning trees in the distance. How could the fire take up the forest over there but not spread to here?

How come it isn't burning the grass yet? Was it just slow, or is something else going on?

Was it real or was it an illusion? What was the purpose of this?

The smoke let up more and so they slightly removed their masks to take a mild breather, but then Emmy saw a red, glowing ball that was floating in the distance. It had purple letters floating around it and seemed to be talking to the group of Hilichurls there.

The area they occupied seemed to be located near a ruined building, so Emmy wasn't able to tell how many Hilichurls there were in total.

"Hey, is that...?" Emmy squinted, bringing the group's attention to her and Aries gasped when he saw the creature, he backed away slowly.

"Hey, you know what that is? I can't seem to place it, it's on the tip of my tongue," Emmy tapped her lip, "It was a "mage" something. Apple mage? abdominals mage?"

"Abyss mage," Aries said, his arms trembling as he slowly placed his mask back on his face and he slowly turned to Emmy, "It's an Abyss mage."

"Haha, yeah that's it. An abyss... mage..." Slowly the reality of their situation dawned on the leader and she slowly turned to the spot where the Abyss mage and the Hilichurls were. Only to find that...

It was gone.

Not only that, the Hilichurls and Mitachurls were now aware of the several children staring at them, they roared and charged. The building opened up to reveal several hundred Hilichurls of many types including but not limited to, Hilichurl [Fighters], [Guards], and [Shooters].


"Fight," Emmy suddenly said shocking the group.

"Boss, what do you mean! Don't you see all those Hilichurls?" Aries thought he was going crazy, he peeked at the massive army heading their way and saw a few Electro Shooters among them.

"We can't run, we can't hide, so we can only fight," Emmy said, watching as the boy deflated as she presented him with the simple reality.

"Don't worry," Emmy turned to them with a bright smile not noticing the horrified faces on her teammates, "As long as I'm here not even that Abyss mage can—"

She stopped now taking in the terrified faces of her team and despite the sudden heat that she felt at her back, a chill went up her spine.

"How curious," A grating voice said.

"Fuck," Emmy cursed.


A/N: This is today's chapter. :). Abyssmage-chan is here. Our favorite mob. I personally appreciate the Fatui enemies but I can see myself conversing with someone who is interested in the Abyssal taste of the fandom.

Good day.