
Genshin Impact: Emmy in Teyvat

The world of Teyvat housed many secrets within its numerous corners yet none are capable of uncovering these mysteries and returning to tell the tale. Emmy was a normal kid who lived her days in Mondstadt until one day she had contact with an ancient artifact that completely changed her life. Granting her powers of old and awakened something within her that she never thought she had. Watch as she goes on a journey to document, adventure, and investigate her world's mysteries while making friends and foes along the way. "I shall scale the mountains and cliffs, Fly in the sky and battle against thunderstorms and even time shall not make me yield, I am the one who will seek the truth of this world" - Emmy Edgar Not my photo by the way.

Guardian_Loli · Video Games
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105 Chs

Chapter 22: Harlin and His... Little Sister?

"Man I look handsome!" Andre said as he did different poses in the mirror, the other boys giving him dull gazes.

"Narcissistic, I can't believe I'm your twin," Aries said looking up at the sky in mock despair, "Lord Barbatos take me now."

"You actually have a sense of humor? I thought you were made by Morax himself," Sebastian immediately started firing shots.

Ansgar just watched the chaos silently unfold. He watched Andre start arguing with his brother, who started ignoring him. Aries started picking his ears and shook his hand in his brother's direction, shooing him away.

Ansgar fixed his little bow tie, and went into the mirror to look at himself, he was wearing a black sleeveless suit jacket and black shorts along with his grey bow tie. He wore some black brogues and had striped socks, the color being black-grey.

"Man, I do look handsome, not going to lie," Ansgar checked himself out, he now could understand why Andre acted that way earlier.

This confidence was addicting.

"Can we all just calm down? Stop fighting you two! We're not little kids," Sebastian stopped, shifting his eyes away from the look everyone gave him, "Well we're not normal kids, we follow the Boss, and wouldn't she be ashamed to see us like this? Conduct yourselves."

The twins released their grip on each other and Ansgar fixed his tie once again. They all took the time to relax, with the twins fixing up their suits and Sebastian going to pick a book from Emmy's collection.

"The Boss is a monster, at this age, she reads [World Politics] we didn't choose wrongly," Sebastian said flipping through the book, "She even reached the ninth chapter! Even I haven't gotten there yet."

"Is it that amazing?" Andre said as he finished fixing his suit, "I mean Aries is also on the ninth chapter."

Aries glared at his brother and huffed but he couldn't help feeling a little proud, seeing as he had a small smirk on his lips.

"Tsk! Tsk! We are fortunate to act this quickly, who knows how many people would want to follow the boss in the future, we better work hard!" Ansgar said as he stretched his body, "Shouldn't it be about time we left the room, the Boss and Fischl also have to come to dress you know."

"Hah~ I guess we do, but the boss's room is a bit bland I might say." Andre said as he spun around, "It's nothing like the other girls in Mondstadt, well those that I've seen anyway."

"Boss probably just likes this color or she probably doesn't like toys," Ansgar said theorizing, "Maybe they aren't even in this room, I mean she confidently told us to come up here as if she had nothing to hide or... what she wanted to be hidden already was."

"Let's go out before we get any dangerous and preposterous ideas," Sebastion said going toward the door after placing the book away in its exact spot with not a single inch off, " I would rather not break the trust of the one who is in charge of us and would be our friend."

"I for one am all for getting out of the boss's room," Aries said walking away as well, "Who knows what I might catch if I stay in the boss's room."

"Hah~, Let's just go we need to hurry and get to Harlin's already, though I do wonder how the girls will react when they find out about Harlin's little sis," Ansgar followed behind them.

"He has a little sister!" Andre asked, shocked but was ignored and he chased after all the others.


Emmy looked at herself in the mirror as she and Fischl were now dressed and ready. She wore her signature white color but with a green tinge, it being a dress and some white flats, she couldn't use heels but might learn in the future.

She looked at Fischl, her friend had a really happy expression. Probably because she was going out with friends. She wore a purple dress with black accents and a jacket of similar color. She had a basket with small flowers in her hand.

"You ready?" Emmy asked and seeing her friend nod she took her and went out of the door, locking the room behind her.

They walked down the stairs and basked in the gazes of the boys below them, Andre even started clapping with the rest of the boys following his example. Aries followed quite reluctantly and had a slightly suspicious gaze as if he was seeing something.

Emmy shook her head of idle thoughts.

"How do we look?" She asked as she twirled around.

"Amazing!" Andre said, clapping his hands.

"It brings out your character," Sebastian said with a smile on his face.

"It's not bad," Aries said, noticing the looks he was getting from his brother he added, "It looks really good on you all, nice."


"It's well made, clearly the tailer knew what they were doing and..." Ansgar stopped, looking at everyone then coughed, whispering "It looks good on you, really brings out your uh... figure?"

Everyone deadpanned.

What figure would a 7-year-old have?

"One is pleased by the multitude of crows dancing in joy at the mention of the Prinzsessins arrival," Fischl broke the silence continuing she said, "Should we not journey forth toward the land of the giant's domain?"

"Hah~ If everyone is ready we should go now, I believe that our hosts might be waiting," Emmy said as she resisted the urge to scratch her hair, it was made and she didn't want to ruin it.

The group stepped forward into action as everyone went out of the door with Emmy being the last one, looking into the house she said something;

"I'll be out for a bit yeah."

Then she closed the door.


Ansgar looked at the piece of paper Emmy passed over to him and the other boys, his green eyes marked with confusion. Questions flew across his mind as he looked at the oblivious Fischl who walked ahead of them, and Emmy who winked at them before returning but not before leaving a message.

"Don't tell Fischl, yeah."

Ansgar nodded as he looked at Emmy. Just what was the boss planning and what was in this letter, he peaked at the others seeing Andre going to open it before Aries stopped him.

"Let's not be hasty, we'll open it later," Aries said as he grabbed the letter and placed it in his brother's suit jacket.

After that debacle, the boys rapidly caught up to the two girls ahead of them. They naturally caught attention as the group of kids looked physically well off.

And by physically it meant genetics.

They were cute kids and Andre being the person he is, naturally started doing his thing.

He started acting up.

He winked and held a serious face, unlike his usual one, acting as if he were some serious person out on a mission. Andre envisioned the ladies crowding him, calling him cute and handsome but alas it was not meant to last.

All shall wake up to reality.

"No ladies are looking at you Andre, nor do they think that you are handsome. They are most likely curious people," Aries ruthlessly broke the dreams of his twin brother.

"Don't be too hard on him, people are allowed to dream," Ansgar said as he patted Andres's shoulder, missing when Fischl jolted at his words.

"It's harmful and could affect his entire lif-" Aries wanted to continue but Emmy looked at him, and she stared blankly.

She nudged her head at Fischl who looked a bit down and Aries sighed.

"Hah~ But it's not bad to dream, however, if you dare to dream at least make it a reality, it wouldn't be a dream then would it," He adjusted his previous statement and Fischl stood a bit straighter.

'Troublesome,' Aries thought as he looked at Fischl, scratching his head as he looked around, bored.

"Dreams are merely idle thoughts, while a plan is active on a paper. You should make a plan," Sebastian said sagely drawing nods from the others.

"Would you look at them, they look so cute!" A lady said as she passed by.

"I want to grab one home with me, can I? Can I?" A young woman said as the gang was nearing Harlin's house.

"Don't even think about it!" Aries said, sharply looking at all the passersby.

It was a few minutes later that the kids arrived at Harlin's house. They were about to be freed from the eyes of the pedestrians and meet their friend now. So, they fixed themselves up and knocked on the door.

Knock! Knock!

Emmy knocked on the door and waited for Harlin to come out and greet them. Instead what she was greeted with was a little girl with lavender hair and green eyes who came to answer the door, she blinked up at them innocently and spoke.

"Are you the friends of Big Brother Harlin?" The girl asked, looking at Emmy and co.

"Yes, and you are?" Emmy said, unknown to the looks the boys were having behind her back.

"Thank you for looking after my Big Brother..." the girl said, "My name is Noelle, pleased to meet you." The girl, Noelle opened the door and bowed exposing her maid uniform of some kind.

"Welcome to this residence, I hope you enjoy your time here."

Emmy blinked.

Fischl Blinked.

Meanwhile, the boys finally couldn't hold it anymore and started laughing. Even Aries cracked a smile as he saw Emmy and Fischl's confused expressions.

"This..." Sebastian said gesturing toward the girls as he stifled a laugh, "This will never get old."

I like writing character interactions.

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