
Genshin Impact: Astral Experience

Ever having since found himself on one of the flagships of the Xianzhou Alliance, Xingfu had long since gotten used to his new life aboard the Luofu. Having integrated himself into becoming one of the greatest diviners within the Divination Commission. However, one event lead to another as he now finds himself once again spiralling and thrown into yet another familiar yet so distant land. Now residing within the merchant city of Liyue, his life takes an unexpected turn once more when a strange system presents itself to him. With it, it was time to show the people of Teyvat just how vast the world they live in really is. The Archons and Celestia? What ants they are in front of Aeons! Strangely though, the experience was going to be shown in the form of a simulated world. "Are you ready, Trailblazers? May this journey lead us starward." . . . PAIRING: Male OC x Ganyu/Keqing/Fu Xuan TAGS: Male OC, Powerful OC, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Small Harem, No NSFW WORD GOALS: 1500-3000 Words/chp

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Link Start

Xingfu stepped back and watched with a hint of amusement on his face as both Ganyu and Keqing seemed completely engrossed in the video that was currently playing. This wasn't surprising though, there was a lot to take in, in regards to the trailer.

Back when he was still alive back in his original world prior to having reincarnated, he'd definitely have to place 'Interstellar Journey' as one of his favourite trailers, perhaps even one of his favourites across any other game he'd seen and/or played.

Not only was the music very good, but the visuals were quite stunning in his opinion.

Xingfu didn't speak during this time as he wanted them to pay complete attention to the trailer, and it seems that his choice to show them it was proving to be the correct one. Not only were their attentions completely held, but he was pretty certain neither of them had blinked the entire time.

Looking up at the screen, the current timeframe within the trailer was at the scene where various characters from the game were currently facing down Cocolia herself. Even through the screen, a sense of oppression couldn't help but leak out.

『One! Stop staying within the lines』

『Two! We always align』

This sense of pressure was especially prominent when Ganyu felt it, it was comparable if not surpassing that of Rex Lapis himself. After all, after Cocolia assimilated with the Stellaron she possessed power comparable to that of a Doomsday Beast.

Although he himself didn't know how powerful a Doomsday Beast was outside of the original game, he was pretty certain that given enough time, it could certainly bring ruin to an entire planet on its own. A Doomsday Beast was probably comparable to Rex Lapis in his peak.

『Three! Even if we don't gain the upper hand, we'll fight for right』

『Four! Never care a rap for hindsight』

『Five! Let us light the night』

As the video continued to play, countless scenes that spread out throughout the original game were shown. However, as the video neared its final seconds, both Ganyu and Keqing felt their breaths forcefully taken away when a certain Aeon made its appearance.

Within what looked to be an endless void of pitch black hovered an entity of gigantic proportions, with a large open wound of illuminating golden blood flowing continuously. In front of this entity was the Trailblazer himself, standing tall with his fiery lance tightly gripped in his hand.

『Six! Even when there are wheels within wheels, go ahead!』

『Get it pulverized』

The video ended when the screen faded to show the Stellaron Hunter Kafka herself dropping a card to the ground, which joined and endless number of others that continued to rain from the sky. As this happened, Kafka slowly turned around before slowly walking away from the camera.

Even after the video ended, none of the two Liyue locals spoke or even moved for that matter. For the both of them, after they saw Nanook appear, that immeasurable pressure far surpassed that of Cocolia by an unbelievable margin.

It was only after a few seconds did they seem to somewhat recover.

"Th-That being..." Ganyu stuttered a bit as she seemed to shake her head while one of her hands were holding the side of her face. She then glanced back to look at Xingfu, who merely had his eyes closed and his arms crossed. "Who... what was it?"

"It reminds of when Rex Lapis, the oppression of a deity..." Keqing muttered under her breath, though her words could be heard clearly by the other two. "However... this form of oppression was much more suffocating. It felt... chaotic."

"That being was the Ruin Author, or more commonly known as Nanook." Xingfu slowly opened his eyes before answering. Uncrossing his arms, he let them fall to rest by his sides. "He is what you'd refer to as a stellar deity, or Aeon, a higher level existence beyond the gods of Teyvat."

"Beyond... the gods?"

"You remember how I told you that Teyvat is a speck of dust in an endless desert. Similar to that, gods like the Archons you're familiar with are just as small in the grand scheme of things. There are beings out there that would see the Archons no different as to how they see mortals."

Hearing this, both them of them had rather complicated thoughts.

For Ganyu, as far as she herself was aware, the Archons were the pinnacle of power in Teyvat. Rex Lapis was reverred as the strongest of the Archons, and for good reason as well. So, the words from Xingfu's mouth sounded nothing more than nonsense to her.

As for Keqing, she was similar in thought to Ganyu. The Archons were considered the most powerful beings in all of Teyvat, and that's a fact that everyone believed as far as she was aware. Although she may not agree with Rex Lapis's rule, that didn't mean she didn't recognise his power.

While they both may not want to agree with Xingfu's words, any kind of complaint or disagreement became stuck in their throats when they thought back to the immense pressure they felt after seeing Nanook. Xingfu honestly couldn't help but wonder what would happen to them should they ever witness Nanook in person instead of through a screen. 

"Whether you choose to believe my words is entirely up to you, your beliefs are your own after all." Xingfu chuckled slightly before placing both hands on his hips. "Well then, I'd like to ask how you both thought about that presentation? Was it to your liking?"

"Well... it was certainly interesting." Keqing was the person who opted to answer first. "Although there was a lot to process, a number of things did catch my attention. What exactly was that city near the start? I don't believe I recognise it..."

"That was Belobog, the City of Preservation."

"Belobog?" Ganyu blinked in confusion. "I can't say I've heard of it..."

"Not surprising, Belobog isn't in Teyvat." Xingfu responded casually. "Belobog is a city located on an entirely different planet. If you had known of Belobog, then I myself would've had a number of questions to ask."


"Ah, you don't know." Xingfu blinked before realising. It seemed that the term 'Planet' was not within Teyvat's vocabulary, though it was strange that 'stars' was. Then again, people here probably believe they're the only ones out there. "Think of Teyvat as planet, Belobog is located on another within the sea of stars. More specifically, a planet from another world."

"I think I understand." Keqing, along with Ganyu, seemed to trying to wrap their heads around what Xingfu was saying. "So, basically there are other continents like Teyvat out there?"

"Not exactly the correct terminology, but that would make it the easiest way for you to understand."

"Hold on..." Ganyu also seemed rather perplexed as she soon seemed to notice something, gaining Xingfu and Keqing's attention. "You referred to Teyvat as a planet and that there are others out there, but what do you mean a planet from another world? Wouldn't those planets be other worlds?"

"This gets confusing since we vary in regard to definitions. If I were to start explaining the finer details, we could be here for a very long time." Xingfu shook his head while crossing his arms. "Instead of that, I think we should get onto the more exciting things."

Confused, Keqing could only raise an eyebrow. "What does that mean?" 

"What if I told you that everything you saw in that video, every place and every one of those people that appeared, could be seen through your own eyes?" Xingfu grinned slightly as Ganyu and Keqing widened their eyes at this. "With some very special technology, I can let you live a simulated experience of the world beyond your imaginations."

Ganyu and Keqing couldn't lie, everything in that video certainly did pique their interests. If what Xingfu was saying was true, then possibly seeing places like that Belobog certainly did sound like an interesting experience.

In a way, this was another form in which they could investigate more about what who Xingfu was and what his origins were. From what they had seen and what they had heard, it was no exaggeration to say that the importance behind knowing Xingfu's origins and intentions reached top-priority.

"With everything that you've seen. What say you, my Teyvatian guests?"


After some contemplation, Ganyu and Keqing decided to accept Xingfu's offer as the male soon showed them to one of the many mechanical chairs within the room. It's design was very unique, and while they both weren't completely foreign to mechanical workings, these chairs did look rather unique compared to things like Ruin Guards and such.

They both watched curiously as Xingfu was tapping rapidly on a small holographic screen that was projected out from the hand-rest of the chair. This scene didn't last long though as Xingfu then swiped the screen as it flew over quickly before stopping in front of Keqing.

"You said you'll be going in first, correct?" Xingfu asked as Keqing gave a simple nod in response. "Please place your hand onto the screen. It's just the method used to give you authorization to utilise these machines."

"I see..." Although a bit unsure, Keqing did recall how she saw Xingfu do a similar action prior to entering the room. With a bit of hesitation, Keqing raised her hand before placing it fully open onto the screen. "It feels like glass, although on the warmer side."

"Just hold it still for a moment."

They all watched as the scan started, displaying as a solid line going up and down on the screen, a soft beeping sound occurring every now and then. The procedure soon finished as the panel flashed green before disappearing entirely.

"Alright, authorization is complete." Xingfu nodded as the panel reappeared in front of him. "If you ever decide to return, you'll now be able to access this room using the panel outside the door. With that out of the way, shall we begin? If you're ready, please take a seat."

"Be careful, Keqing."


Gulping slightly, Keqing slowly lowered herself to sit down on the chair. As soon as she did so, she couldn't help but praise how comfortable it was. Not only did the material feel breathable, it felt as if she was strangely floating in water. It was strange yet comfortable.

"This won't hurt Keqing at all, will it?" Ganyu couldn't help but be concerned. She herself wasn't at all too knowledgeable when it came to machines, especially to such alien-like technology. "From what you said, she'll most likely encounter hostile forces..."

Ganyu had decided to stay back and allow Keqing to enter this so-called simulated experience first, this was agreed upon by the both of them. While Keqing went into the experience, Ganyu would stay on the outside to make sure nothing goes wrong.

"Don't worry, it is just a simulated experience. While she may be injured within the simulation, her physical body here will remain untouched." Xingfu assured as he looked away from the panel. "Alright, Lady Keqing. Whenever you're ready, say the words 'Link Start' to begin."

"Okay... link start."

As soon as those words left Keqing mouth, the overhead arch lowered itself automatically before stopping right in front of Keqing. The arch then seemed to project a powerful light onto Keqing, and while it wasn't a blinding light, its light projected a shade of neon blue onto Keqing's form.

Keqing wasn't able to say anything as her eyes seemed to unconsciously close themselves before her consciousness seemed to fade away. Before her eyes fully closed though, she could see Ganyu giving her a nervous look while Xingfu was as casual as ever.

Everything in her vision was completely white, and this lasted for quite a number of seconds before that white light soon faded into black. It wasn't long after this occurred that unfamiliar voices seemed to immediately sound in her ear.


"Mr. Yang, she's awake!"

"Be careful, March. She may still be in a daze."

"I know, I'll go get Dan Heng and Himeko!"