

"We have a winner!!" Sasayuri shouted loudly. Aether was carrying Makoto princess style. He had already pulled the black katana out of her.

He was carrying her because he wanted to. The crowd slowly clapped their hands and cheered at them. They were still in shock. Their God had just been defeated by a mere mortal.

"This'll go down in the history books forever. No one will forget this." Chiyo muttered while arriving beside Aether. Saiguu who was behind her was silent.

There were some hecklers in the crowd.

" Who does he think he is? Carrying The Almighty Shogun like that? "

" She should just cut him down for disrespecting her."

" Cheers to that. "

Aether started walking back into the waiting room. The others followed her.

Once they were back in the room. Aether created chairs and a couch with his Geo Element.

He let Makoto stand on the ground. "Finally, the embarrassment is over—Kyaaa!!!!" Makoto barely had any time to rest as two hands snaked around her waist.

It was Aether's hands. He sat down on the couch and pulled Makoto with him. Makoto was sitting on his lap now.

Makoto's face was beet red. She was very embarrassed. Aether meanwhile didn't give a shit if she's an Archon, she's sitting on his lap and that's final.

"Now. Will you keep your promise and give me two wishes?" He whispered into her ears. Makoto nodded repeatedly wishing that this would all be over soon.

"Thank you. My first wish is that I want to be trained in everything by the strongest people in Inazuma for 6 years. I'm talking about clan heads, Sasayuri, Saiguu-chan, Chiyo-chan. And yes, that includes you as well. " Aether told her.

" What about us? Can we join? " Bosacius stepped up and asked him.

" The more the merrier. " Aether answered with a grin. Bosacius smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

"Can I ask why?" Guizhong asked curiously. Aether looked at her in the eyes.

Guizhong suddenly froze. It wasn't Aether who was hugging Makoto. It was Menogias her son. He was staring at her. That hallucination quickly disappeared as she saw Aether in front of her again.

"You know why." Aether answered mysteriously with seriousness in his voice. Guizhong sighed and nodded. The others were very curious as well but decided not to ask as they are more focused about Aether's second wish.

"The second wish is I want to have a meeting with her." Aether told her. Makoto looked at him with confusion evident in her eyes.

"With who? Can you be more specific?" She asked.

" You know? Her. The woman who lives in The Heavenly Palace who is also the ruler of Celestia. Surely you know her right?" Aether asked Makoto.

"Makoto? Makoto?" Aether called her but she didn't reply. The purple haired Goddess was staring at him with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. Actually, everyone was giving him that look.

"Shit. Did I say something wrong? I could change the wish if you want." Aether suggested. Makoto held her hand up to stop him.

"No, don't. I said that I will make any wish come true. And I will gladly keep my word. Please explain more." Makoto told him. Aether nodded and opened his mouth to speak.

" I want to meet her because she may have the power to let me go back down there again. " Aether explained. Sasayuri couldn't hold back any longer and stood up. He glared at him.

" This... This is stupid! Unbelievable! You might as well make plans to stay here forever! The act of reanimation is forbidden and disgusting!! " Sasayuri pointed at him accusingly.

" Sasayuri, you misunderstand. I think he's talking about bringing himself back. Not bringing others back to life. " Saiguu corrected him.

" But where will he go! Even if he successful revives himself his soul will have nowhere to go! His body is all but ash by now." Sasayuri told her. Aether raised his hand to speak.

" Actually Sasayuri. I've only just died. A year hasn't even passed yet." Aether added.

"Tha— Uhhh..... I'll let that slide. But why would you want to go back?" Sasayuri pressed on for more answers.

" I was in the middle of fighting Osial until one of it's heads which I thought was burned to a crisp came up behind me and shot me behind the back. Who would've thought it could be stealthy." Aether joked.

" Osial..... Isn't he the hydra that Morax sealed? " Saiguu asked him.

" Got unsealed again along with his wife Beisht." Aether answered simply. Sasayuri sighed and rubbed his head.

" So you want revenge." Sasayuri revealed bluntly.

" Not exactly. A second chance at life. I still have so much to do down there. Liyue is just the second nation I've visited. I also have a business down there as well which is racking in so much Mora." Aether gave his reasons.

"So that's why you want us to train you. You want extra firepower when you go back. Plus 6 years up here is a minute down there. You have an advantage. " Chiyo finally commented.

" Someone gets it. " Aether muttered to himself.

"So how hard do you want us to train you?" Bosacius asked. Aether deadpanned at him.

"You've known me for a while now, Bosacius. You already know how I like my training." Aether reminded him.

"So pure torture then." Bosacius replied to him.

"Oh hell naw!" Aether groped Makoto's boobs in his shock.

"Hyaaaaa!!!~" Makoto moaned in pleasure.

"The last time I asked for that she actually tortured me. She acted like a fucking torturer which I didn't ask for." Aether told him with fear in his eyes.

" 'She' you say. Hmmmmmmmm.." Bosacius looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Sus." Bonanus added. Indarias narrowed her eyes.

"The fuck did she do to you?" Indarias asked protectively.

"No. The question is what didn't she do to me." Aether corrected.

"Who was she?" Guizhong asked with a smug smirk.

"Venti. Otherwise known as Barbatos, The God of Freedom. " Aether replied. Guizhong looked at him.

" Pfffft!! " Bonanus slapped her hands on her mouth to prevent herself from laughing out loud.

" You.... You got trained by her??" Saiguu looked at him with an amused face.

"Yeah.... I'm not really proud of that moment." Aether dug his head in Makoto's shoulder. He let go of Makoto's soft boobs and put his hands on her thighs.

"The fact that he got trained by a God. A hot one at that.... That's something else." Bosacius muttered.

" Well. That's all of your wishes. We have to go outside again for you to receive your trophy. You did win the tournament after all....

To be trained....

Next chapter