

Paimon disappeared into Aether's mind.

"Please be careful....." She reminded Aether with a sad voice.

"I will." Aether replied smiling a little. He blurred and arrived in front of Diluc and the remaining knights.

"It's here." Aether said and Diluc nodded. Diluc then looked at Jean.

"Your orders." Aether said. Jean shook her head.

"No. I will not be giving orders. In this fight. I will not be your superior but your comrade in arms. I will fight with you." Jean replied seeing everyone looking at her.

"Alright then. I expect it to destroy the gates or towers anytime soon now." Aether said and unsheathed his swords.

Everyone else got ready for a fight. Suddenly, a giant shadow with the shape of a dragon flew over them. It was Stormterror and it charged towards the gate and destroyed it. It roared loudly.

"WRRROOOOOOAAAARR!!!!!" Its wings spread out as it roared. The ground rumbled. A bright blue ball was created in Stormterror's mouth. A beam shot out immediately and hit a row of buildings that were beside the knights.

The buildings got split in half. Debris flew everywhere. Aether created a rock wall to protect everyone by stomping his feet on the ground. Some debris hit the wall but it did not break from the impact.

After the beam destroyed the buildings. Nothing happened for a millisecond before this occurred.


The straight line that the beam created when destroying the buildings exploded into a straight line of fire.

"Melt it immediately!" Jean ordered. No one questioned her orders. Aether lowered the wall and the Cryo users blew ice from their mouths to the bright fire created from the explosion.

Aether looked at Stormterror who flew up again. It roared creating a shockwave. Everyone had to stab their weapons in the ground to stop themselves from flying away.

Stormterror slashed the air multiple times.

Claws made of Dark Wind appeared and was heading towards them.

Aether's sword was covered in black ashi Geo Element covered his swords. He ran towards the claws and leaped into the air. Fire wheels appeared on his feet and kept him floating. He slashed his swords and fire blades shot out and clashed with the wind claws.


The elements reacted and exploded. The last claw survived the explosions and shot towards Aether.

Aether swung his sword and clashed with the claw. " I can't change elements to my swords when I'm in this situation or else I might get sliced uo to pieces. " Aether thought before having an idea.

Behind Aether, a clone was created. Aether jumped away and the clone clashed his guandao with the claw. Aether dropped down to the ground and the clone got brighter by the second.


The clone exploded while clashing with the claw, cancelling the attack at the same time. Aether landed in front of the knights and turned to Stormterror immediately.

Stormterror was unfazed by the skill of Aether. It opened its mouth again and fired a few beams at Aether and everyone else. The beams were flying at them at high speeds. Everyone widened their eyes.

"Oh Crap!!! We have to dodge now!" Amber shouted in panic. Aether stepped to the front of the group.

" I got this. " A fierce and powerful aura was around him. The aura is red in color and it was expanding quickly. It got to the point where it was affecting other people around him.

But it looked like whatever he was about to do was too late. The beams hit them and exploded.

"Shit!!" Eula cursed before a bright light covered them.


Smoke cleared around them. Fischl opened her eyes and looked around.

"We're alive..... But how?" She asked loudly. Bennett looked around for a second before he froze.

"Guys.... Where did these hands come from?" He asked. Everyone was confused until they looked around. They froze in shock or in awe as there were six hands that looked like bones around them. There was also a ribcage protecting them.

They looked at Aether. He was breathing heavily and he looked back at them.

"It worked!" He shouted happily. Jean stepped up.

"Thank you Aether. We're all grateful for your help." Jean said and bowed a little. Aether smiled and petted her head.

"You don't have to thank me for this. We're comrades, we're supposed to protect each other's backs in battle." Aether said while smiling. Jean blushed a little and nodded.

" Right. How long can you hold this..... not so skeleton like thing up? I doubt you can hold something this big constantly this long. " Jean asked curiously. Aether nodded.

" I have trained with this technique a lot since I got my elements. Now, the most I can do is 45 minutes. After the time is up, two thirds of my elemental reserves are used up and I can't use that technique any longer." Aether explained. He turned towards Stormterror after that and grinned.

" Finally we have something that deals damage. " Diluc thought before putting his hand on his shoulder gaining Aether's attention again.

Aether looked at him. Diluc nodded at him. Aether furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Do you trust me?" Diluc asked. Aether, without hesitation nodded and smiled.

"I trust you Diluc. You're my comrade after all." Aether replied. Diluc nodded in understanding.

"Then let me help." Diluc said and Aether widened his eyes in shock.He felt something enter his body. It feels like fire is coursing through his veins. It was Diluc's pyro element.

"Aether! A pyro element is entering your body!" Paimon told Aether inside his mind. Aether nodded.

"I know. But it's not harming me. We'll see what happens next." Aether replied back. He looked at Diluc curiously.

"What are you thinking, Diluc?" Aether asked himself. Everyone else was watching the two curiously at what's about to happen.

"Have you gone farther than this before? " Diluc suddenly asked while pumping a lot of his pyro element into Aether's reserves. Aether nodded his head.

"I have. Though I always cough up blood when I hold it for even one second. " Aether explained smiling sheepishly. Diluc nodded.

" Try expanding this ribcage now." Diluc said. Aether raised his eyebrows and did what Diluc told him to. Aether's ribcage changed designs. Muscles now covered the six hands and now they had weapons made from fire on their hands.

On the first two hands, there were copies of Aether's two samurai swords and on one of the hands there was an exact copy of his guandao.

The other two hands were special. One had a round shield and the other had several flying fire rings floating on his hand. There were also two more hands but they were holding nothing at the moment.

The giant human also had a head now. Though it looked like a skeleton head. The aura around the giant human has condensed and there was a very heavy pressure around it. The color became dark red as it condensed.

Everyone including Aether was in awe at the change. Aether was in awe at how strong his technique had become. Diluc smirked at the change.

"What will you call this technique, Aether?" Diluc asked Aether who was looking around the giant human.

"I'll call it.... Deities of Protection. As there will be three heads on there when this giant human is complete. " Aether said proud of his cheesy naming sense. He then turned and looked at Stormterror who was now standing on the ground staring at this bigger human.

Aether smirked at it. He walked towards Stromterror. The Deity of Protection was shielding him when he walked.

Aether stopped after walking for a while. He put his hands together in a hand sign. He took a very deep breath. The Deity did the same with his two free hands. Aether looked at Stormterror in the eyes with a dark gaze.

"Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku!!!"

To be continued.....

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