
Finding A Home For A Cute Astrologist

"So you need a place to stay and you also need a place to do your research. I have what you need Mona. Just follow me." Aether said. Mona perked up and followed beside him.

They had just cleared up the misunderstanding with Klee. Mona now has the box which Klee buried alongside with her experimental clay bombs.

Aether made Klee use some of the clay bombs. The ground has all sorts of shapes now. Now, Klee and Qiqi were exploring Mondstadt and Liyue together.

Aether and Mona arrived in front of Aether's apartment in Mondstadt. "I rented this to people who wanted a place to stay. Now it's your turn to become a resident here. Do you want to check it out? " Aether asked the astrologist. Mona was interested and nodded her head.

" Ok. Take off your hat when you walk through the door. Don't want your hat to get hit off your head. Lisa had that problem with her witch hat as well. " Aether said and opened the door.

" Lisa? As in the librarian Lisa? The one with the Tempus Fugit constellation? " Mona asked curiously.

" Yes that Lisa. She somehow always forgets to take off her hat when she goes through that door. Always gets a good laugh out of me and a lightning bolt to the chest. " Aether chuckled.

" Sounds like you have a good relationship. Maybe too good for just friends... " Mona narrowed his eyes at him. Aether smiled.

" A story for another time, princess. So, what's your take on this place?" Aether asked her. Mona stayed quiet and looked around, she went into the bedroom, the bathroom, she opened the fridge and it was stocked with food.

"It's adequate. Do I have to stock the food myself?" Mona asked with fear in her voice. Aether smiled.

"Don't worry. Every week I put out a commission for adventurers to get me food and deliver it here. They buy the food with my money and followed a list that was written by the people who stayed here. " Aether explained. Mona nodded and smiled.

" I'll stay here. " Mona announced. Aether smiled and ruffled her hair gently.

"Good girl— I mean that's.... great..... Let's go to the laboratory." Aether put his hand on Mona's shoulder and they disappeared from the apartment and reappeared in front of a door that had a hydro symbol plastered on it.

"The story of how I got it is simple. I bought it for a very cheap price. 3500 Mora because the previous owner decided that this place is useless because you can't open the front door. The door is sealed with an elemental seal as you can see. Can you help me?" Aether asked Mona.

"What do I get out of this?" Mona asked while putting her witch hat back on.

"This laboratory will be rent free for six months. " Aether pointed at the house in front of him. Mona immediately went in front of the door and stretched out her hand. She chanted something and the hydro symbol disappeared.

"There. Done." Mona looked at Aether. Aether nodded.

"Okay. Rent free for six months as promised. I suggest you go find Alexia at the ICBT so that you could save up and invest that 20000 Mora that you have. " Aether suggested to her. Mona huffed.

" Astrologers have no need for physical objects. The stars will guide us. " Mona argued.

" Yeah, guide you to homelessness and poverty that is. If you want to at least have a place to stay and a bed to lie on hear me out and go find her. Give Alexia this letter, she'll know you're a friend of mine. " Aether gave Mona a letter that was from his pocket. Mona hesitated for a while before taking it.

"Good girl..... Shit...." Aether muttered while taking off her head and ruffled her hair. Mona blushed deeply and she was shaking uncontrollably.

"Uh.... I have to do my research on the stars now... Yeah! That's it! Give me my hat! And I wish you both safe travels!" Mona went in the laboratory and slammed the door shut.

" You think she'll starve of hunger while being isolated in there, Paimon? " Aether asked. Paimon appeared beside him and shrugged.

" We need someone to check up on her regularly. How about one of the knights from your division? " She suggested. Aether sighed.

" I'll do that. Better that than frequent visits from me. She'll think I'm a creep. Oh and also... " Aether looked at the door.

" I LOVE YOU MONA!!! " He shouted loudly.


Aether heard something dropping in the laboratory. He laughed and left the laboratory.

"Alright.... Let's visit Angel's Share. I miss that place." Aether muttered and appeared in front of the door to Angel's Share. The people beside him jumped in shock. Aether didn't care and opened the door to go inside.

"Charles! The usual!" He shouted. Charles the bartender looked up.

"Ah! Aether! Welcome back! Your wine will be ready shortly. " Charles went away to get the bottle of wine. Aether looked around.

"A shame Kaeya isn't here. He must be training my division. It was a good idea to give him something to do instead having him become an alcoholic." Aether muttered before sitting down on the barstool.

Charles came back with the bottle of wine and a wineglass and put them down in front of Aether.

" Your order, Aether. " Charles muttered. Aether smiled.

"Thanks Charles. Cheers, to your health and everyone that came here." Aether poured the wine and raised it to Charles. He nodded and smiled.

" Thank you, Aether. " Charles thanked. Aether drank the wine. He missed the taste of Mondstadt alcohol a lot.

"Aether, just now someone came by and asked for you. " Charles told Aether while he was drinking the wine.

" Is he still here? " Aether asked while pouring more wine into the glass. Charles pointed to a corner.

"He's sitting there quietly." Charles pointed out. Aether nodded.

"Thank you Charles. Here's the money, keep the change. Spend it well." Aether tossed Charles a small pouch of Mora and he caught it with greediness in his eyes. Aether took the wine bottle with him and sat in front of the quiet man.

"What's your name and what do you want from me?" Aether asked the man. The blonde haired man looked at Aether in the eyes.

" You look exactly like her." He muttered. Aether nodded.

"Don't swing that way. I'm getting out of here." Aether got up immediately but the man grabbed his hand.

" It's not that. It's something more important, I need your help with something important. " The man pleaded with him a little. Aether sat back grumbling.

"My name's Dainsleif. And I want to adventure with you....

To be continued.....

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