
Fighting Cloud Retainer

"Hello. Cloud Retainer." Aether arrived in front of her and knelt down.

"Stand up. Welcome back mortal. Please make yourselves at home. Don't go to any of the rooms except for the living room, training grounds and the kitchen. Got it?" Cloud Retainer asked while they went in her abode.

"Got it." Aether answered. Cloud Retainer nodded.

"How was training with those two? Do you feel stronger?" Cloud Retainer asked while they arrived in front of a table.

"It's not enough. I feel like all this, needs to be tested out even more." Aether said. Cloud Retainer summoned a teapot and some teacups.

Aether poured some tea into the teacups. "Tested out huh? Well, one has invented some sort of training robot while one was bored out of her mind. You could use it in that. " Cloud Retainer offered.

" But it's not real. I tried that with stone warriors the size of Stormterror and it still doesn't work. I want something that could fight back like a real person. How about.... " Aether pointed at her.

" I spar you?" Aether asked. Cloud Retainer giggled. The giggling turned to Cloud Retainer laughing loudly.

"That's.... That's so amusing! No one has dared to ask me that! Hahaha!!! Alright, sure why not!? I can use that to measure your strength." Cloud Retainer and Aether stood up and went to the training grounds. Aether looked around.

"It's endless. There's no border." Aether commented.

"Correct. Any attack you create will not destroy anything. So you can use your full power here. Though I suggest you don't since using all of your strength meaning you'll use all of your adeptal energy which will kill you in an instant. " Cloud Retainer warned him. Aether shook his head.

"I know the consequences. This time, I will be more careful and know my limits." Aether said and Cloud Retainer nodded.

"Then let us start now." Cloud Retainer decided and jumped away and landed far away from Aether.

Aether quickly got into fighting positions. He had a serious gaze on him. Meanwhile,Cloud Retainer looked bored out of her mind.

"Begin." She said and the fight started. Aether disappeared. Cloud Retainer looked to her right and saw him swinging his sword at her.

She jumped away and the slash missed. The ground in front of Aether cracked from the sword attack. Aether disappeared again and was above Cloud Retainer.

"Big Gold Circle." Aether muttered and slashed at her. The attack created a big golden fire circle and it cut through the ground.

Cloud Retainer was behind him. She flapped her wings lightly and Aether was blasted away. He recovered mid air and golden rings were created on the bottom of his feet. Aether stopped flying mid air and landed on the ground gracefully. Aether raised his left hand and behind him. Big chunks of rocks were torn from the ground and were floating behind him.

Aether swiped his left hand to the right and the big rocks flew towards Cloud Retainer. She took them head on and the rocks broke into a million pieces when crashing into her.

"Nice try." She commented. Aether shook his head. He raised Enma and held it with both hands. A intimidating purple aura was surrounding them and Aether's eyes glowed gold.

"Dragons Charge." He muttered and swung his sword. Just then, a purple dragon shot out of Enma and was charging quickly towards Cloud Retainer. The purple dragon was destroying the ground it was flying above. Cloud Retainer raised her wing.


The dragon was slapped away and it slammed into the ground meters away from her.


"No match for an adepti." Cloud Retainer mocked. Aether took a deep breath in and out.

A shockwave was created. Cloud Retainer raised her eyebrows. "Shockwave creation already? And you were the one who doesn't want to teach him anything. What a hypocrite you are, brother." Cloud Retainer smiled. Aether raised Enma again but suddenly dropped it and blinked-blurred away. Enma's blade was stuck to the ground.

He appeared in front of Cloud Retainer and was trying to land and uppercut to her beak. Cloud Retainer raised her wing to block it. Aether's uppercut punch hit her wing.


A big shockwave was created by the both of them. Cloud Retainer looked Aether in his eyes.

"My brother taught you well it seems." Cloud Retainer said. Aether smiled.

"He taught me a lot. History, the battles and a lot of techniques and skills. " Cloud Retainer nodded and looked at her wing. There was a small smoke coming from it.

"That may be true. But you're still very far from catching up to us." Cloud Retainer said but soon after widened her eyes and looked behind her. Enma was charging towards her.

Cloud Retainer jumped away after sensing the attack.


The smoke cleared a second after and Aether was massaging his fists a little. "What is your wing made out of? Cor Lapis?" He muttered. The Enma that was in front of him crumbled into pieces of rocks.

"Buying time for a sneak attack. An old one." Cloud Retainer muttered. Aether stretched his hands towards the real Enma The Enma that was far away from him suddenly jumped up and spun mid air towards his hands.

Aether caught it and wiped the small pebbles on it by swinging it. The ground on Aether's right cracked and a small crater was created on his feet.

"Time to turn it up a notch." He muttered. Adeptal energy flowed through his veins as Enma's turned bright gold.

"Just to amuse you. One will use her own weapon. " Cloud Retainer summoned a small battle fan and flapped it in front of her to get some air.

"Yes!" Aether muttered excitedly. He looked at her and grinned. His eyes glowed even brighter and a Golden aura surrounded him.

A minute ago....

Outside of the Cloud Retainer's abode. A woman that has white hair with some black hair at the end was standing in front of the door to the Cloud Retainer's abode.

"Huh? Where's master?" She asked herself. She shrugged and went in.

" Just to amuse you. One will use her own weapon." Shenhe heard Cloud Retainer's voice.

" Who is Master talking to? Her voice came from the training grounds. I'll go check. " She then went to said training grounds and what she saw shocked her.

" Who is that? " Shenhe asked herself. She saw a blonde man with golden eyes grinning in excitement at her master.

"Master is holding her weapon. Is he an old enemy that master never told me before? But looking at him again, he looks very weak." Shenhe muttered while looking at Aether.

" You won't regret it. " Aether told Cloud Retainer. She swiped her fan and a curved wind blade was flying towards him. Aether crouched to dodge it.

*SHING!..... BOOM!!!*

Aether looked behind him to see the ground sliced in a curvey shape. Aether looked back at Cloud Retainer.

He put Enma back into the scabbard and closed his eyes. He opened them and immediately took Enma out and slashing at the same time. Immediately a blade made of wind that is the shape of a half circle flew towards Cloud Retainer.

She shifted her body and let the half circle blade pass by. She looked at the attack. It looked like it did nothing for a second but after that.

Thousands of wind blades were slashing in a radius behind her. The ground under the radius attack was sliced open. It stopped after a while. She looked back to see Aether pointing Enma at her face. She looked to her left and right to find clones of Aether doing the same action as the original.

"There's one behind me." She thought.

"Homura Saki!" Aether muttered with a deeo voice. A giant flame beam shot out from the tip of their swords and collided with Cloud Retainer.

"Master!" Shenhe shouted at her and was about to take out her spear before this happened.

The clones who were looking at the smoke created by the four direction Homura Saki were sliced in half.

Aether widened his eyes and noticed three curved wind blades charging at him. Aether dodged the three of them skillfully.


The destructive curved wind blades sliced up the ground. The smoke cleared revealing Cloud Retainer flapping her fan and smirking.

"Nice try mortal." She said.

"But I think we should end our spar here. We have a spectator....

To be continued.....

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