
Genshin Impact, Alexander Runeguard

Alexander Runeguard finds himself inside the game he had played for 3 years. Now what will he do? What changes would he bring to the story? What is his goal? Watch him find himself through his journey all around Teyvat. -Cover photo was made by the artist Rilim IG: @rilim.tempest Twitter: @RilimT FB: RiLim Tempest

Kuroki_Shishiro · Video Games
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41 Chs

Chapter 35: A normal day, or so she thought

(Authors note:

So yeah, this is the first POV from a known Genshin character (Edited. I forgot about Eula and Albedo LMAO).

I am unsure whether I was able to deliver it well, kindly tell me your thoughts if my delivery of Hu Tao was written well.)

(Hu Tao POV)

Wangsheng Funeral Parlor serves as a solemn and respected establishment, providing funeral services and guidance for the deceased in the region.

It provides a platform for grieving families and individuals to mourn and commemorate departed souls.

Additionally, it plays a significant role in the cultural and spiritual life of Liyue, upholding traditions and rituals associated with death and the afterlife.

Inside that very same establishment, the 77th Director of the funeral parlor could be seen lounging lazily on a velvet-colored couch with feet propped up on the coffee table.

Papers and scrolls could be seen scattered around ignored in favor of a game of cards she was playing against herself.

A card was tossed into the air before skillfully catching it between her fingers with a mischievous grin.

"Another day, another thrilling adventure in the life of the 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. Oh, the excitement is just too much to handle!" The 77th Director Hu Tao said to herself as she rolled her eyes dramatically.

Fully aware of the irony in her words. A sudden idea seems to come inside her chaotic little mind, and she sits up with renewed energy, setting the cards aside.

"I know! I'll play a little prank on old Zongli while he's off on vacation. He always takes himself too seriously anyway." She jumps to her feet, pacing around the room as she plots her mischief.

"But what to do, what to do... Ah! I've got it!" With a mischievous giggle, she retrieves a nearby scroll and begins scribbling furiously, her excitement building with each stroke of the brush.

After a few moments, she holds up the finished product—a crude drawing of Zongli with exaggerated features and a comically oversized hat.

"Perfect! Now, to find the best place to display my masterpiece..." With cheerful steps, she tiptoed around the parlor with her eyes scanning for the ideal location.

Finally, she settles on a prominent spot above Zongli's desk, where the drawing can't be missed.

With mischievous laughter, she said, "This will teach him to leave me all alone with nothing to do!"

With a satisfied smirk, she pins the drawing in place and steps back to admire her handiwork.

Just then, her weapon which was stored inside her vision came out into the open as the Staff of Homa started to emit a faint light.

(Authors note: After a little bit of thinking, I decided to store the weapons of Vision holders inside the Vision so that they could summon and de-summon it like in the game. I did include spatial storages in the story but it would be easier if the weapons were inside the Visions.)

"Are? This is new, interesting, interesting." She said intrigued that she now has a way to pass her boredom.

While carefully examining the weapon, she sensed a strong amount of energy.

"Eh? Eh? Seriously?" As she blinked her flowery eyes, a look of confusion popped out of her cute face.

'This amount of aura, the one radiating it should be strong but why would he flare out his energy when he is on the land of the Geo Archon? I hope there will not be a fight inside the City.' A cold sweat came out of her forehead as she dreaded the idea of a fight between such beings inside the city.

As the head of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, she knew about the Adepti, God Remains, and a little history of the Archon Wars as they were recorded on a few scrolls only available to the Director.

She knew that not all the Gods who fought for the position of Archons died.

Some formed a contract to become guardians of Liyue the Adepti, most died after fighting the Geo Archon Rex Lapis, and some of them escaped towards the region outside called the Dark Sea.

'This is bad! The one flaring around his aura is a wielder of the Geo Element. Is it one of the defeated gods? Is it here to try and take the position of the Geo Archon?' With a flustered look, Hu Tao ran outside the Parlor after returning the Staff of Homa inside her Vision.

With hurried steps, she ran on the rooftops as she tracked the one radiating his aura.

An astonished look came to her cute little face when she saw the god radiating his aura shopping for Seafood and Clothing similar to what Zongli regularly wears on the market near the main entrance of the City.

"Eh? Eh? Eh? Why?" she mumbled, puzzled by the god's apparent cheerfulness as he exited the market after making his purchase.

Her curiosity piqued, and she watched as he approached an old lady to ask for directions.

Puzzled, she continued following him from above the buildings as she thought about how to approach him.

While she was mostly mischievous and seemed to not take things seriously, she was a very competent Director of the Funeral Parlor.

Even though she usually jokes around people asking if they want to purchase a coffin in advance, she would never want to see a fight between godly beings inside the city as it would result in mass casualties.

From what she saw from the random god, it seemed he was not here for a fight.

The joy and curiosity coming out of the random god's face was genuine or so she believed.

As her curiosity continued to spike, she continued following him as she thought of a way to approach him and directly ask for his purpose.

She was proud of being somewhat also a protector of Liyue by being the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor Director making her take the task of confronting him after she obtained a little bit more info on his behavior.

When the unknown god stopped outside the Feiyun Slope and saw Ms. Yun and the Dandy Guy from Snezhnaya, she saw him look at the guy maliciously.

'Well, I personally don't like that guy either anyway. People from Snezhnaya are always causing trouble no matter where they are.' She said to herself as he watched the unknown god make eye contact with the dandy guy.

After the short encounter, she saw the unknown god seemingly trying to calm himself as if annoyed and wanted to go beat up the dandy guy.

Then, after he seemingly calmed down, she went down as she approached him from behind before saying, "Arere~ What do we have here?"