
Genshin Impact, Alexander Runeguard

Alexander Runeguard finds himself inside the game he had played for 3 years. Now what will he do? What changes would he bring to the story? What is his goal? Watch him find himself through his journey all around Teyvat. -Cover photo was made by the artist Rilim IG: @rilim.tempest Twitter: @RilimT FB: RiLim Tempest

Kuroki_Shishiro · Video Games
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41 Chs

Chapter 22: The Crimson Witch of Flames

(Eula POV)


The malevolent roar resounded all over Dragonspine once again.

I momentarily froze as fear took over my body.

My instincts honed from constant combat were screaming, telling me to turn around and not stupidly continue forward.

A cold sweat could be seen dripping from my face as I took a deep breath before continuing to run toward whatever the being was that was making the malevolent roar.

"I am stupid aren't I," I muttered as a wry smile appeared on my face.

I'm scared, really scared.

Fear, pure primal fear.

I have not felt this kind of fear before. It's as if my very being is telling me to stop turn around and never look back. But I did so otherwise.

'As the captain of the knight's reconnaissance division, I cannot simply turn around and go back.' I said to myself as the sound of explosions, screams, and laughter became closer.

"For my vengeance" I muttered out loud in order to suppress my fear and to strengthen my shaking resolve as I remember the reason why I joined the knights in the first place.


(The Fair Lady POV)

'Mondstadt, oh, Mondstadt. How I wish to see you burn to the ground. Fucking Anemo Archon and his pet.' I thought to myself while remembering the past.

While I am well aware it was subject D and a bunch of monsters that invaded Mondstadt. The real reason my beloved died was because of the lazy Archon and his so-called "Freedom".

I gritted my teeth before calming myself out.

After a few deep breaths and a shake of my head, I continued traveling towards the cave where subject D was found. Using my full speed, it only took me a few hours before my eyes laid upon the Fatui camp stationed close to the valley.

'I know Dottore and his clones are in the middle of important work while my mission is still in the early phases giving me more free time but even so, it irks me that I need to run errands for that madman.' I clicked my tongue as I felt irritated to run errands for someone else besides the Tsaritsa.

'This would cost him a lot. This fair lady is not cheap and could be easily commanded.' With a hump, I entered the camp.

With a graceful and familiar step, I walked towards the tea table and took a seat. Two servants then arrived bringing me a piece of cake and a teapot containing newly brewed tea.

'Ah, this hits the spot. After this mission, I definitely need to take a break. Staying on Fontaine for a few weeks would be nice.' My mind pondered as I looked forward to a short break while I continued to partake in the Sunsetta Delux Shortcake and the special black tea imported from Fontaine.

After my wonderful tea time, I gave the lower agent kneeling before me permission to speak.

The agent arrived earlier while I was having my tea and kneeled silently.

'A good agent is an agent that knows their place.' I commented inside my mind.

"My fair lady your orders." He said while continuing to kneel as he stared at my feet.

'Ah great, another one of those kinds of perverts. Best to ignore it unless they are seeking death. Heck, even death as long as it came from me is a reward for this little shit.' I sighed internally as I pretended to not notice his gaze towards my feet.

"I need you to tak-"


A malevolent roar echoed interrupting my speech.

Fear, for the first time since the day I lost my beloved, I felt fear.

'ME FEELING FEAR?!' My mind woke up as I felt anger.

'This Fair Lady fears no one,' I said to myself as I stood up walking towards the cave where subject D should have been and where the roar originated from.

'Since the day I lost my beloved, this lady has nothing left to fear. Let's see what kind of imbecile was letting out those roars.' With grace and poise, I stood outside the cave only to find a gigantic monster laughing as it stomped and jumped around some guts and other organs spraying blood all around.

The monster then turned its head towards me as what I assumed would be his eyes and mine made contact.

"You imbeci-" My speech was once again interrupted as the monster instantly appeared a few meters in front of me.

I immediately activated my Cryo delusion forming layers of ice as I saw its massive fist tear through my defense as if it were paper. With not enough time to evade, I crossed my hands in front of my face in order to block the massive fist.

The fist connected and I felt my bones break as my body bent while I shot through the air because of the impact.




"FOR THE Lady!!!!!!!!!!"

As I slammed against the side of a mountain a few hundred meters from the entrance of the cave, I felt my entire body going numb. Most of my bones were broken as all the air left out of my lungs which knocked me out.


Another roar left the beast's mouth as I regained my senses.

I raised my head only to see most of the agents on the camp lying down in a pool of blood and guts were scattered all around.

My eyes went red as the memories of the past came into my mind.

I wasn't present when everything happened but I assume this would scenery would have been the same when subject D attacked Mondstadt in the past.

Death, Blood, and Corpses lying around.

A teardrop came out of my eye as I muttered the name of my beloved, "Rostam"

Filled with rage and grief, I discarded my Cryo Delusion. The same Delusion that was prolonging my life.

With a shriek capable of giving goosebumps to whoever heard it, I the Crimson Witch of Flames have returned.