
Genshin Impact, Alexander Runeguard

Alexander Runeguard finds himself inside the game he had played for 3 years. Now what will he do? What changes would he bring to the story? What is his goal? Watch him find himself through his journey all around Teyvat. -Cover photo was made by the artist Rilim IG: @rilim.tempest Twitter: @RilimT FB: RiLim Tempest

Kuroki_Shishiro · Video Games
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41 Chs

Chapter 20: Eat it

(Alexander POV)

With the clouds covering the moonlight, the snowy mountains of Dragonspine were plunged into darkness with only the occasional Crimson Agate and the heating totems, a relic of the past was providing a source of warmth and light.

As Yuna had already left for Mondstadt and with The Fair Lady now long gone. I am now going for phase two of my unlimited power plan.

In stories I have read, Dragons were always one of the strongest creatures. What does Dragonspine have that made me interested in going here? Durin's alive and beating heart.

A Dragon heart. Although not a natural dragon as he was only a creation by one of the witches belonging to Alice's group of friends, Durin was still a strong artificial being. And most powerful being's power source is their heart.

'I wonder what it tastes like.' I said to myself while I licked my lips in anticipation of my power-up.

Using my skill, Low – Presence Concealment, I venture around a particular area called Wyrmrest Valley.

Wyrmrest Valley was the region where Durin the Shadow Dragon fell after fighting Dvalin and Barbatos 500 years ago when the Shadow Dragon decided to invade Mondstadt for whatever reason he might have.

'On the game, Durin's heart should be below some mountains close to the skeletal rib. The Fatui should also be here so a place close to the skeletal rib with Fatui agents gathering would be quite easy to spot.' I thought while walking beside the gigantic bones sticking out from the snowy mountains.

As I blended completely into the dark, the Fatui Agents that had made camp in random spots of the valley were unable to detect me making my journey smooth and uneventful. As time flew by and after hours of searching for the entrance, I eventually found it.

Four Fatui agents were guarding the cave, a geo staff user, a hydro gunner, an electro hammer user, and a pyro agent.

'Not that hard to clear.' I said to myself but before attacking I activated another skill.

With the skill Low – Body Supremacy I got after muscle control merged with other body-related abilities I got using Reactive Adaptation my muscles started squirming.

Having complete control of my entire being, paired with my Low – Pain Immunity, and Reactive Adaptation my body started changing.

My height slowly turned to seven feet.

My already pale skin turned paler as if it lost all color turning me all white.

My somewhat muscular body bloated as the muscles became more defined

My head elongated as if a tail suddenly was attached to it.

Then four wing-like feelers appeared in my eyes.

I now look like a mini Mahoraga with only my slightly ripped pants equipped.

My size might be pitifully small compared to the real thing but this is the limit I can do with the skill still being Low-leveled and even if I do make myself into a 20 feet monster my status remains the same at least for now so no need to be overly massive, the visual alone is enough.

Holding the Dragon's Bane and Black Tassel covered with emerald gusts of wind on my hands, I jumped onto the Pyro and Electro Agents like a true Jujutsu Kaisen native.

Unprepared for the sudden attack my spears easily pierced through the hearts of the two agents. Blood squirted as my pure white body bathed in the blood of the Fatui scums.

The Hydro and Geo agent's faces turned pale as they froze after my presence concealment was deactivated.

What they saw was a monster.

A white monster filled with muscles smiling wickedly while bathing in the blood of their deceased comrades.

The Hydro gunner's knee went weak as he sat on the floor. A yellow puddle appeared from his pats accompanying a putrid fishy smell.

Quickly storing and re-summoning my spears in both hands, I easily beheaded the cowardly Hydro gunner leaving the Geo staff user alone.

As my head turned to gaze at the Geo staff user, he overcame his fear and instantly cast a geo barrier stabbing his spear onto the ground and trapping the both of us inside.

With a raspy, deep, and malevolent voice, I spoke, "What's this barrier supposed to be?"

The Geo agent's eyes went wide as he started shaking. Even with his mask on, I can literally see his face with a look that said 'Oh, GOD, I fucked up'.

'On the game Geo agents usually trap the player inside a barrier with other agents so they cannot escape. This has got to be a muscle memory at this point' I thought while intimidating the Geo agent.

"No, please, don't…." He said as he backed away while I slowly followed.

When his back was already on the geo shield, he started breaking down as he screamed the word "monster and no".

With a chuckle, I stabbed my spear straight to his head.

'Scums, Fatui scums.' I said to myself as my disgust and rage towards the Fatui came out.

"Reality is often disappointing" I said to myself as I destroyed the staff, freeing me from the barrier.


Truthfully when I was playing the game, I thought they were cool. An evil organization wanting to take over the world. They were cool and the Harbingers were top waifu/husbando material in the looks department.

Sadly, that was a game, a fictional work so it was fine.

But now? If they did their evil deeds on someone I do not know then it's fine.

I'm no hero, but it's their fault they messed with my people.

With a shrug, I started walking toward Durin's beating heart. As my eyes lay on the meaty pounding flesh, something inside of me was screaming.

The voice grew louder the closer I walked into the heart.

It was saying "EAT IT" over and over again.

My instincts, my soul, my whole being was telling me to eat it.

Standing in front of the massive mass of beating flesh, my smile grew wider before opening my mouth wide and taking a big bite.