
Genshin Gameshow System

WARNING: No Harem LOVE INTEREST: Barbara COVER: QuantumCypher ● If there was one thing in life that Nixon valued the most, it was the ability to enjoy it to the fullest. Which was why it was so unfortunate that his life had come to a stop so soon, he hadn't even graduated from high school... Fortunately, perhaps through the power of some omnipotent being, he finds himself thrown into a world he once knew only as fiction. On top of that, he was gifted a system, a very special one at that. With the ability to live stream across the nations of Teyvat, he's about to bring forth a whole new definition of fun to this backwards supernatural world! And it all starts in Mondstadt! 『Keep your eyes open, it's time to play Prop Hunt!』 『Never completely trust your friends, this is Among Us!』 『You want to hit it big? Welcome to The Wheel!』

WinterFlare · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Into A World Beyond

How many people can say they've been transported into a fictional world?

Very few, and that's a fact.

One Nixon was one of these few people, he had after all been transported into a world he had once always thought as fiction. It wasn't exactly hard to figure this out, all it took was for him to encounter the native monsters here and there we go, he knew exactly what world he was in.

At the present time, a young man no older than seventeen could be seen standing in front of what looked to be a large bridge made entirely of stone bricks. His pale-green eyes curiously blinking at the large gate ahead as his smooth straight brown hair flowed in the calm winds.

His clothing was what made him stand out amongst all of those that were either leaving or entering the city, said clothing consisting of a simple pair of sleek black long pants, white running shoes, as well as a simple bright green t-shirt. Looking closer, you could also see that he had a dark-grey hoodie tied around his waist.

This young man was none other than Nixon himself, and he had only just arrived here.

"So, this is Mondstadt in a flash..." Nixon muttered to himself as he continued staring. He was lucky that he was so close by, he was an ordinary human after all, those monsters out there in the wild were damn dangerous to people like him. 'Better not waste time.'

Without hesitation, Nixon began walking over the bridge as a few people gave him curious looks, though he ignored them in favour as observing the city beyond the gate. To his surprise, the guards at the front gave him a simple welcoming before allowing him inside.

While he wasn't going to complain, it probably wasn't safe for them to let just anyone come into the city, especially someone who looked rather out of the ordinary like himself. In any case, upon entering the city, Nixon's eyes widened slightly as his mouth curled up into a small open smile.

Unlike in the games, the City of Mondstadt was many times larger, which made perfect sense since making a realistically sized city in a game was extremely tedious work. Plus, it was a game, so as long as the city did its job, then all was good.

Looking around, Nixon watched a bit as the citizens were all walking around minding their own business. However, the one thing that really caught his attention were the stressful and downright depressed looks some people had on their faces.

'Considering the atmosphere, the city is most likely going through the events with Dvalin. But the question is, at what particular point in that period am I? Before the traveller arrived? Or after the traveller has already made it here?'

Nixon had many questions he wanted answers to, but he knew now was probably not the best time to be concerning himself with such thoughts. Now that he was here in the city, the first thing he needed to do was find a place to stay.

He wasn't sure if it was the works of whoever it was that sent him here into this world, but he was very much thankful as when he had woken up, he had found a bag of mora beside him. The bag wasn't too big, nor was it too small, it was just the right size to comfortable hang on the right side of his waist.

From what he had counted up, inside the bag was a total of 500,000 mora. While it sounded like quite a lot, it was definitely an amount he'd end up exhausting completely considering all of his necessary needs. Examples being a place to stay, food to eat, and more.

As Nixon began walking deeper into the city, he glanced discreetly towards the corner of his peripheral vision. When he did, he saw what looked to be a transparent GUI of sorts, everything was greyed out and only a percentage bar could be seen present.

『Gameshow System Status - 82%』

Nixon was well aware of the concept of system, to explain them as simply as possible, systems were the 'cheat code' that reincarnators such as himself were usually given to help them through their next lives. At least, that's what it was like in novels he's read in the past.

He had no idea what he was in for considering the apparent name of his system, being called 'The Gameshow System', but his curiosity was indeed piqued. At the very least, it didn't sound like it was going to be something boring, and that was honestly what he was hoping for.

"Alright, I better find an inn."


It took some time, but Nixon eventually managed to find a good place to stay, which he had managed to find thanks to some recommendations from the people he asked while on the search. This place was relatively cheap, but its conditions were pretty high, at least for this backwards world.

After renting out his room, the first thing Nixon decided to do was get himself into the shower they had here, he was seriously sweating after all of that walking out in the wild and searching here in the city. At this moment, Nixon walked back to his room while using a provided towel to dry his currently wet hair.

The people here at the inn apparently washed the customer's clothes for them, so he had handed those over as he walked back only in a pair of black boxers. From what he was told, they should be able to give back his clothes by tomorrow.

Which meant he was pretty much stuck here until tomorrow, he wasn't going to go out in only a pair of boxers, hell no.

『Gameshow System Status - 99%』

『Gameshow System Status - 100%』

『Gameshow System integration complete』

『Welcome to the system, user』

As Nixon walked back towards his bed, he heard the emotionless robotic voice of the system speak right after having sat down on the edge of the bed. Blinking, Nixon stopped drying his hair as he hung the towel around his neck.

"Oh, it's finally done!" Nixon whispered a shout as his face visibly shifted into an expression of both curiousness and anticipation. He really wanted to see just what this system had to offer. "Let's see here... oh, there we go."

After a bit of fiddling, Nixon managed to get the system to open up as he was greeted by a number of different holographic screens that projected in front of him. Looking at each of them curiously, the available menus were as follows: Games, Gacha Machines, Inventory, and Achievements.

The last two were pretty self-explanatory, and since he could see that nothing was present in the inventory, he ignored it for now as he focused on the first two. Games was a pretty vague title for the menu, but considering the name of the system, he had some guesses for its purpose.

Moving on, the Gacha Machines menu was without a doubt the most colourful and attractive at the moment. On the screen, two images of gacha machines could be seen within, along with a image label beneath the both of them.


『Gacha Machines』

● Games Gacha - [Tokens: 0] [Description: It's time to fill up the roster! After all, who can run a gameshow without any games to play?]

● Omniverse Gacha - [Tokens: 0] [Description: Looking to gain some new powers? Perhaps some new items? Go no further, this machine will provide you with what you need! Roll for anything that exists across the wide Omniverse!]


'How amusing, a gacha-like system inside of a gacha world.' Nixon scoffed in amusement, though he was rather disappointed since he didn't seem to have any tokens to spend. 'How do I get tokens though? There doesn't look to be any kind of quest function, maybe through an achievement?'

As if waiting for this very moment, a bell's ding sounded in his ears.


『Achievement Complete』

● Name: Chasing the Winds of Excitement!

● Requirements: Arrive and settle into Mondstadt, the City of Freedom


● Nation Audience Card: Mondstadt

● Games Gacha Token (Amount: 1)

● Omniverse Gacha Token (Amount: 1)


'What convenient timing this is...' Nixon thought to himself as a small grin rose up onto his face. Wasting no time, Nixon first went over to the Inventory to check what this card was. 'Let's see, oh I see. So, this card gives me permissions to broadcast the games to all of Mondstadt? Then that means this system had something to do with broadcasting?'

Although very curious, Nixon pushed it back for now as he switched over to the Gacha Machines menu, he'd be able to figure it out fully after he actually a game from the token. Plus, he was very curious to see just what he'd end up getting.

Once Nixon got to the menu, he immediately pressed for the Games Gacha to roll.

『Games Gacha Token consumed』


『You have received 'Prop Hunt'』

'Prop Hunt?' Nixon blinked in surprise upon seeing the result. 'Holy crap, the last time I ever even heard those two words together was back when I played GMod. So, does that mean I can turn into a lamp post or something if I choose this game?'

To explain the game as simply as possible, there were two teams: The Hunters and The Hiders

The job of the hiders was to basically transform into any kind of inanimate object in the environment and attempt to hide and avoid death by the hands of the hunters. It was basically hide and seek, but the hiders could transform into shit.

It was a simple but exciting game.

'Not bad, not bad!'

Nixon nodded in satisfaction as he then quickly clicked onto the roll button for the other gacha machine.

『Omniverse Gacha Token consumed』


『You have received 'Template Card: (Blank)'』

Blinking in confusion, Nixon didn't question to himself, instead immediately going back over to the Inventory to see its description. As he expected, this card was placed directly beneath where the audience card was present in the Inventory.



● Template Card: (Blank) - [Description: A blank template card. When used, it will randomly select a character from anywhere across the Omniverse. Using the integrated template card will then allow the user to temporarily adopt that character's strength, knowledge, skill, and powers]


After reading the description, Nixon was pretty surprised, this thing could both be good and bad. If he ended up getting a bad character, such as if he got just some normal civilian, then what was the point really? However, if he got someone insane like Akuto Sai, then holy shit.

Now that he was here in the Genshin Impact world, he needed a serious way to defend himself, so here's hoping to getting a character that could give him in the upper edge in a fight. Taking a deep beath, Nixon tapped and used the item.

『Template Card: (Blank) consumed』




『You have received 'Template Card: Koragg, the Knight Wolf'』

"..." Nixon wasn't sure how to react as he just stared blankly at the newest notification. Nixon then tilted his head, blinking a few times as he did so. After a few moments, his mind seemed to kick in. "Wait, Koragg? Isn't that a dude from Power Rangers?"

Nixon honestly couldn't remember how long it had been since he last even watched that show, he honestly wondered if it was even still airing. Despite his reaction right now, he was actually pretty damn happy, Koragg was one strong ass dude!

While it was certainly hard to compare since Power Rangers was a live-action series, if it were to be adapted into an animated show, the characters in the show would certainly be able to show just how fast and powerful they were truly.

For more information, Koragg was a villain turned hero in Power Rangers Mystic Force, probably one of his personal favourites of the Power Rangers franchise. Nixon had to admit, he was really damn tempted to use the card right now and check out that armour.



● Template Card: Koragg, the Knight Wolf - [Description: A template card holding the astral embodiment of Koragg himself. By using this card, you can gain the strength, knowledge, skill and powers of the Knight Wolf]


After receiving some confirmation from the description, Nixon had to say that he was very tempted to summon forth that horse of Koragg's. Being able to literally transform into a centaur and then into a mech was probably some hidden dream of many men.

"Too bad, perhaps I can test some of his powers out tomorrow in the wilderness?" Nixon nodded to himself. Although disappointed, he knew there was a time for everything, and now was not it. "Let's check out this game then, hmm..."



● Description: You can broadcast across multiple different nations here in the continent of Teyvat. By participating in the live stream, viewers can win different rewards set by the system based on the game settings set by the host. At the end of the streams, the host too will receive rewards decided by the system in regards to certain criteria

Available Audiences:

● Mondstadt

Available Games:

● Prop Hunt


"I see..." Nixon quickly read through the paragraph describing the purpose behind the whole system. It was literally just like a gameshow, the participants receive prizes based on their performance during the game. "I wonder how they're picked though, I guess by random?"

This was the most likely case, otherwise it'd be pretty unfair if he himself could choose who exactly it is that participated in the stream. It could totally be exploited if he could do that, and he doubted the system was shabby enough that it'd let such an obvious exploitation remain present.


『Prop Hunt』

● Description: Will you be the hunter or the hunted? Hiders better prepare themselves, transform and hide as best you can, the hunters are on the prowl!

● Rules and Conditions (Edit)

● Start Game


Tapping onto the Rules and Conditions, he saw that he could change many different things, such as how many people are on each team, the number of times the hiders can transform, the weapons that the hunters have, and many other things as well.

After taking a look through each of the available options to edit, Nixon adjusted everything he wanted to accordingly. From what he understood from a previous description, what he does here in the settings will in turn affect the quality of the rewards given by the system.

Once everything was set, Nixon smiled as he tapped the 'Start Game' button.

『Selected Game: Prop Hunt』

『Map Generated: Modern Household』

『Teleporting Host Now』


『Beginning Broadcast』