
Goodbye for eternity

Ever since I was a child, I always thought that emotions were just a mere refraction of what we trying to convey on a daily basis.

I was wrong. There was more than it looks.

Being an only child in a normal nuclear family, you would think that I am lucky since I Am the golden child.

Oh, how right you were. I was spoon-fed throughout my half-life without any care of the world.

Daily necessities were provided more than enough. Anything that I desire, shall be served on the silver plate.

Yes, I am indeed 'those' type of spoiled brat to bones. Minus the lack of manners. Life was great, nothing to be worried about.....until that day.

Both of my parents were great people that I looked up to. Generally speaking, they're what people call the 'parents all ones dream, to have' as I would say. Unfortunately, it seems I was the one that lack of virtue of 'perfect son' in their eyes.

Not wanting to dissapoint them, I studied since my secondary education until my eyes bleed and became valedictorian in my class, acheived greater results than any of my peers. I even managed to landed myself in one of the top 10 University in the country with those result.

Even after all of that, I'm still a disgrace to the eyes of my parents. I don't blame them, they gave me everything I needed, clothes from head to toes and anything I want to have. So of course, those expactation were in the . A fair transaction, isn't it?

My mundane tertiary education life was going smoothly until I decided to fucked it up. Well, let just say I flunked twice on my semester exams that caused me to get a warning letter of expulsion from the university boards.

I put them blame on a mobile gacha games that had been disrupting my studies. Yes, as you may guessed it, it is indeed Genshin Impact.

The game itself were not that 'fun', it just the whole idea of gambling hundreds of cash for the sake of a in-game character that was not real is really tempting.

Plus, with my personality of loving fiction stories, the game lore were honestly mind blowing and made me want to know more. Indeed my friend, instead of spending hours of studying for your upcoming exams lets study Genshin history instead for its satisfaction. Not recommendeed.

My first fanfiction! I welcome any criticism with open hands

Lifah_12creators' thoughts