
Genoarchal: Sprout

This is a tale of a expanding verse that starts out with a young girl with no purpose, but to save the one that wronged her. Although, after gathering several companions will she be able to get what she wants? Does she have to break the companionship in order to save that one she desire? Fighting against corrupted spirits known as wraiths that manifests in masks to prevent her goals and possibly other supernatural creatures with the most cruel of intentions. This story is a fantasy, adventure and action type story that dwells into power systems, plots, races, cultures and etc. Many things will be introduced without notification until further mentions in the story. This story is recommended to teenagers and adults alike due to the mentions of blood and death within it, while dwelling in the topics of supernatural and the paranormal. Fandom wiki Page: https://genoarchal.fandom.com/wiki/Genoarchal_Wiki

Driztyle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

3: The Fool

"Mazaeta?" Oenhi asked the jester wraith and herself.

"Which one was that again?" Oenhi continued.

"Yah know, Red hair, blue eyes and teeth. Always smiling." The jester described.

Oenhi's memory reconstructed, she remembered Mazaeta's appearance. To Oenhi he looked like the 'big bad' of the group, yet this information made her coil with frustration.

"You're lying! Grandpa would never lose to someone like that." Oenhi retaliated.

Mimya expressed sadness as well, and Sarahliza expressed aggression. Gibbit was afraid of the wraiths appearance.

"Believe what you will kiddo! Your grandpap did it to himself, just so Mazaeta wouldn't have taken yours." The jester giggled in the process.

"Enough." Sarahliza interrupted.

The woman revealed 4 crystals between her fingers, which began a dark pinkish colour. She then threw them at the jester who stood there in confusion.

"What're those?" She asked.

"Runecraft: Implosion", Sarahliza commanded.

This caused the crystals to explode in front of the jester, causing a gust of dirt to flare into the air.

Oenhi saw her glowing circle and thought; "So that is arcane?".

Once this occurred Sarahliza revealed more of these crystals from her hands. Then Sarahliza spoke

"Mimya take Oenhi ou-"

"I am not going anywhere, she knows where my grandpa is. I'm not leaving without him!" Oenhi opposed.

"Please, this is not the time for." Sarahliza's voice was interrupted once again.

She was hit in the stomach by a large blue like tentacle that extended from the gust of dirt.

"Why can't y'all make the kid shine?" The jester said, walking out of the polluted air.

Her clothing was torn, but she looked relatively fine. The tentacle came from her hair, which was made out of it.

"Liza!" Mimya placed her hand into a trigger finger and then she fired a green projectile from her hand, attempting to hit the jester.

The jester wraith, emerged another blue tentacle from its hair and blocked the green projectile from hitting her.

"Oooooh arcages!" The jester wraith concluded about the two females.

"So Oenhi, Mimya, Sarahliza.....and a guy. I don't remember his name, anyway I forgot to introduce myself. The name's Cecillet!" The jester wraith announced, revealing her name and concluding the name's of the others.

"Cecillet....sounds familiar." Mimya mentioned.

"Oh do yah?" Cecillet questioned, with a cheerful smile.

Her two tentacles retracted and shrinks in size back behind her head.

"What do you want?" Sarahliza asked, while holding onto her stomach.

" I was coming back for this body, I don't know why Ravanti wanted it thought. He always sending me to do stuff Cecillet answered, with an ounce of annoyance for the person.

"Ravanti? So he's apart of it too." Sarahliza said to herself.

Oenhi overheard this and questioned. "Who's that?"

"No one important." Sarahliza shunned her response.

"But! Why don't I just play with some arcages some more, it'll be lots of fun." The jester wraith hopped across the hill in excitement.

Mimya kept pointing her gun finger at her, saying. "Is this girl mad?"

"I think I should get outta this bowl of soup." Gibbit said, spacing himself out from the others.

Once this occurred, Cecillet leapt towards Sarahliza. Sarahliza prepared herself for this and managed to toss her crystals on the ground in front of her the moment she approached her range, the crystals imploded and hit the belly of Cecillet in the process.

Mimya followed this up by firing green energy projectiles from her fingers at the wraith, hitting her. But Cecillet responded by growing out on of her tentacles and sent it plummeting towards her.

Another green but bigger projectile fired towards the tentacle, hitting it in the side and resulting in it crashing off course.

"Oh?" Cecillet said.

This stronger projectile came from Sarahliza using her hand as a trigger finger as well, as smoke danced around her index finger tip.

Sarahliza then fired another that hit Cecillet in the shoulder, which proves to hurt the wraith. Another was fired from her, but Cecillet leapt out of its range. But smaller projectiles from Mimya followed suit, and soon both girls were bombarding the wraith with these attacks.

Mimya stopped first showing strain on her body, Sarahliza stopped once she noticed this.

"Aren't you guys a spammer?" Cecillet mentioned, while her body was covered on bruises.

But then she stood firmly, allowing two tentacles to appears on each side of her waist. She then gripped onto them with her arms, and squeezed onto them.

Sarahliza paused at this, wondering what she's doing. But then, the tentacles got bigger and thicker, then they fired huge gallons of water from heels appearing on their tips.

These waters were fired at a fast pace, resulting in Sarahliza to throw another crystal onto the ground. But then said.

"Runecraft: Vispi Shield"

The crystal exploded, but, not as a means to harm anyone. The crystal expanded and Sarahliza, Mimya and Oenhi were consumed into it, creating a crystallised barrier out of it.

Oenhi looked at the barrier in amusement.

The water shots crashed into the barrier shaking it, the pressure of the water jets began to break the barrier bit by bit.

"Mimya get ready." Sarahliza announced.

"Right now? Alright." Mimya emphasised.

Both of the girls brought their fingers together into trigger fingers, while the barrier began to break the barrier.

Once the water jets ploughed through the barrier, shattering it like glass. Both girls fingers fired off a combination of green energy that appeared like a massive beam.

"Configuration Cast: Rune Impulse" Sarahliza added.

This green beam pushed through the water jets, disrupting its workings. And slammed into surprised Cecillet.

Sending her into aback into the house ruins, but then the beam turned pink which then caused an explosion with crystal Patterns.

"I hope that got her." Mimya said

"Let's hope so." Sarahliza added

Oenhi looked at the powers they've done against this Wrath who also used amazing powers. She never felt fear once they started fighting against her, and yet. Her grandfather could use these powers.

"Arcane huh? How awesome!" Oenhi expressed.

Mimya smiled at her response, seeing that Oenhi looked invested in the mystical source.

Sarahliza on the other hand acknowledged this, but she was agitated that Oenhi was interesting in the mystical arts.

"So y'all got her?" Gibbit said, from the distance.

"Yes coward." Mimya replied under her breath.

"Hey I'm not a coward!" Gibbit responded.

"Yeah I think he is. Maybe I'll use em." Cecillet responded.

This shocked the four, as Cecillet leapt pass all girls. Surprising Sarahliza with such speed.

Cecillet gripped onto Gibbit's chest, while he shook in fear.

"G-guys a little help here-", Gibbit yelped.

Cecillet looked severely damaged, with wounds from crashing into the ruins and taking an explosion head on. But she wasn't leaking blood, rather darkish green fluids.

"You guys almost got me back there. But how about I add another to my squad, its unfair fighting two of y'all anyway." Cecillet commented.

She then snatched Gibbit's throat, as Sarahliza prepared to throw a crystal at her. Cecillet quickly responded to that and slammed a tentacle across her path, resulting in the woman to step back.

"Gu-guys help me please-", Gibbit pleased as he began to choke under the pressure of his neck being grabbed.

Oenhi saw this and felt fear, not for herself. But the fear of her not being able to do anything to help the man. She paused in trauma as she remembered the woman who once asked for help in the house that night.

Now she thought of it, the jester wraith looks exactly like her. Indicating that Cecillet was possessing this said woman.

Oenhi now felt useless for she couldn't save the two in front of her as they both are pawns by the same threat. She wanted to help, but her fear held her back.

"How about I feed him waja and make him just like me!" Cecillet said.

"Make him just like you?" Oenhi asked in confusion.