
Genius Summoner Turning the World Upside Down

A rare plant phantom summoner? Can practice both martial arts and magic? Can master six elements? The recognized master of the mysterious sacred book that holds every knowledge in every field and allow her to have a magical space? Once the Central heard she is the so called waste of the small kingdom of Long Dynasty and even her betrothed the crown prince cancel their contract of marriage, all of the powerful figures laughs. "If she is a waste then all of us are retarded okay!" "If she's no considered genius then who they can call genius?" "Small minded people from small Kingdom lead by small minded crown prince!"

justmeowing · History
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56 Chs

6. Spiritual Weapon

The crowd is still in silence as they look on Meixiang's back full of symapthy.

"This—" the king was too startled of the development of everything and even don't know what to said when everyone's gaze seems indifferent to his royal family. He calm himself and sigh. "If that's Meixiang wanted to, then this King can't reject. This is to pay respect to your late mother with a great contribution to this kingdom naturally this King has to satisfy Summoner Feihan's daughter's wish."

This is to calm everyone and make them realize this decision is by Meixiang and atleast to lessen the pushing the blame to the royal family of the cancellation of the marriage. 

"Thanking the royal highness"  Meixiang made a bow and said in an hesitant manner. "This. Meixiang  believes the banquet is now on its end part?"

Everyone just look at her and so with the king to allow her to continue what she wanted to say.

"This Su Meixiang would wanted to follow the princess in giving a present to the crown prince if allowed? Meixiang is not in a good state and only wanted to hand her humble present to the crown prince."

Silence. They almost forget this is a birthday banquet and not a banquet for cutting a contract marriage! They almost forgot that just a while ago she easily killed an almost tier six warlock and now covered with the warlock's blood.

The king gave a signal allowing her to do everything she wanted.

"This third young lady of the Su Manor, Su Meixiang, offering this humble present." the eunuch once again walks toward Meixiang as she carefully place the dagger covered with blood at the top of the red pillow.

"This little Meixiang would want to ask for forgiveness as my present to the crown prince is now tainted by the warlock's blood but rest assured the lethality of the weapon wouldn't be affected."

In a shy voice she said, "This. This is a treasure given by mother and said it is valuable and can help me in times of need. Crown Prince Long Jing is already talented but with this five holed spiritual weapon, crown prince will surely be undefeatable."

The petite nine years old girl covered with blood smiled innocently looking at the crown prince that makes everyone doubt if this girl is too dumb or too devoted to the kingdom. Once again their anger rose towards the royal family. 

Suddenly the royal adviser step forward among the crowd and bow his head towards the king.

"Your highness, allow this servant to ask the young miss some questions in front of the king."

The startled king who is still mesmerize to the five holed spiritual weapon recovered and signal the old man as he knows the adviser is doing this to subside the crowd from putting the blame to the royal family.

"Third young miss Su, allow this old man to ask you a question."

Meixiang just look at him with her clear innocent eyes.

"This present of yours to the crown prince, does the young lady of the Su knows how important this is?"

Meixiang just hesitantly nodded keep on acting her weak innocent white sheep image. "Very important. It was given by mother. Naturally it is very important."

Everyone sigh in their heart. So why are you giving it to that scumbag!

"Let this old man inform the young lady how and why valuable this so called spiritual weapon is. The weapons usually existing on our kingdom are just ordinary weapons. You think these weapons may be already lethal but with the existence of spiritual weapon, such normal weapons are just nothing. Now, spiritual weapon is already powerful but when placed with beast cores and spiritual crystals, the more powerful this weapon is. Now you said it is five holed weapon, it is indeed powerful with five beast cores and five spiritual crystals. The higher the level of these cores and crystals, the higher the lethality of the weapon. What is more tricky in creating this weapon is a person who can only allow to hole these crystals and cores to the spiritual weapon is at least a martial artist in his seventh stage who must also be an armament master. All in all, this present you are giving to the crown prince is priceless that it would become the most precious treasure of the kingdom."

Ofcourse this information is fully known by Meixiang. Too detailed that if she is now a seventh tier martial artist, it only takes time for her to be called an armament master. 

Meixiang nodded with her eyes full of amazement, "It is indeed too valuable."

"This old man once again wanted to ask, do Young Miss Su still wanted this five holed spiritual weapon to be given to the crown prince?" 

Without hesitation, Meixiang said in a clear and excited voice whom seems happy to help the crown prince more than she expected, "I, Su Meixiang, really wanted to give it to the crown prince."

Princess Qiaoran sneer and whispered, "And do you think older brother will like you because of this."

This whisper was heard by everyone, the hall was drop into an awkward silence once again.

"Fourth Princess Long Qiaoran!"

Princess Qiaoran was startled by his father's call. Aside from his tone, he also called her name as a princess indicating he is really enraged. This is the first time his royal father directed his anger to her. She's in panic to meet her mother's warning gaze and father's anger until the voice of Meixiang rang to the hall.

"This little Meixiang will lie if she said she didn't like her fiance---ex fiance, the crown prince." everyone was shock at the little girl's brave confession. "In the past ten years this is the first time Meixiang see his highness the crown prince in this distance as Meixiang never leaves her resident after mother died. Meixiang can only imagine, can only portray her betroth based on Sister Ruwan's stories."

Su Ruwan seems at loss when she heard her name mention out of no where.

"Even second sister is already tired from attending the royal events, second  sister will always find time for this younger sister to tell every detail of his royal highness the crown prince. Second sister will never miss a detail. With her stories this young lady slowly learn the crown prince's favorite food, favorite wine, favorite color, favorite incense, favorite petals on his b—" Meixiang stops talking and shyly look at her toes like she just realize that she just talk too much.

The crowd who is already scolding Su Ruwan on their mind how she boast her relationship to the crown prince's ex-fiancee while they are still betroth is now getting heated more. Incense? Petals of flower? The only reason Su Ruwan knowing these things is that the relationship of her and the crown prince is already in that level! Shameless! Such a shameless whore!

"That liking ended there and will no longer grow into something. Please accept this humble gift of this little Meixiang so can calm her heart atleast in this small way Meixiang  can contribute to the Long Dynasty."

Everyone don't know how to react. Again, the awkwardness of the hall once again rose.

The king cough loudly to make everyone's sense back. He signal his son as Prince Long Jing who is with mix feelings follow his father's command. He was about to lift the dagger from the pillow, a sudden pain runs toward him before even touching the weapon. The eunuch who is holding the pillow with the knife on top discarded it quickly in furious so he can aid the Prince Long Jing.

Everyone was startled and look at the crown prince and the dagger covered with blood who is now lying on the floor.

"This---" the royal adviser hesitently said. "There are some spiritual weapons---a High grade spiritual weapons, that can only used by their recognized owners. This---this dagger is must be a high grade spiritual weapon who already recognize an owner." he turn his head to Meixiang. A realization suddenly rose inside him and look at Meixiang in shock.

"Obviously third young lady Su Meixiang is already it's recognized owner." he again hesitantly stated. "This---this old man just remember. Martial artist can only activate spiritual weapons' spirituality. If used by an ordinary person, spiritual weapon would only be an ordinary weapon. But---- if this old man didn't see wrongly, there is no fluctuation of duo qi in third young lady's body while using the spiritual weapon. High grade spiritual weapon recognizing a non martial artist owner is already shocking. This---this old man can't explain this matter." he look at Meixiang like he was asking for explanation.

Meixiang only tilted her head then turn her head to look at the dagger on the floor frowning acting like she also can't explain what's happening, her face is plastered with her worry towards the now in pain crown prince.

"Young lady Meixiang obviously also didn't know the answer." the king's voice said and he look Meixiang kindly, "Please get back your dagger. It was given to you by your mother she surely use some means to recognize you its master from the start."

Meixiang acted like she didn't heard the king's kind persuasion and like she is deeply thinking something she looks toward the royal advisor and ask, "How can Meixiang transfer its ownership?"

"This—" he was taken aback by the little girl's question and hesitantly answered, "It can only recognize a new owner if it's master—died."

"This little Meixiang then wanted once de—"

"Third young miss Su Meixiang!" the King abruptly stops Meixiang words. "You are too young and impulsive. Your thoughtfulness is recognize by the palace. Having you and your mother be part of this kingdom already bring glory to this small Long Dynasty. This palace would be please if you get back the spiritual weapon. This palace is already thankful for the young lady's sincerity."

For the final act Meixiang nodded full of disappointment and slowly walks toward the dagger like she was too sad that she can't give it to her beloved. She hesitantly look at the dagger on the floor and to the crown prince who is still holding his hand in pain. With a look in her face full of reluctance, she gets back the spiritual weapon and hide it away.