
Genius Summoner Turning the World Upside Down

A rare plant phantom summoner? Can practice both martial arts and magic? Can master six elements? The recognized master of the mysterious sacred book that holds every knowledge in every field and allow her to have a magical space? Once the Central heard she is the so called waste of the small kingdom of Long Dynasty and even her betrothed the crown prince cancel their contract of marriage, all of the powerful figures laughs. "If she is a waste then all of us are retarded okay!" "If she's no considered genius then who they can call genius?" "Small minded people from small Kingdom lead by small minded crown prince!"

justmeowing · History
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50. The Unlocked Shelves

Title: The Peerless Mutant is the Apocalypse Goddess

_Sacred Clock

_Quona—Fruit Soul Summoner Mutant

_Post-Apocalypse Period, Cultivation World

Book 1- Ongoing


Thirty years passed after the apocalyptic period started.

The strongest reign.

Cultivators, Mutant Fruit Eaters, and Mutants, are the strong existence of the current era.

One person is impossible to become these three at a time.

Not in the case of a little girl, the abandoned 'waste' young miss of the powerful Yun Family.

She is the recognized owner of one of the mysterious sacred artifact, the Sacred Clock.


Chapter 1: The Abandoned Young Miss

When Earth faced a virus that made almost half of the population become zombies, the surviving people learned they are able to cultivate and control the basic elements; fire, earth, water, wood and metal, and the rare abilities are thunder, mental power, and healing.

With the existence of the immense danger brought by the zombies, people who are able to cultivate are at the peak of the hierchy, they are feared and respected.

A year had passed after the zombies existed when another strong existence during the apocalypse period had been discovered.


They possess a powerful abilities that is unique to one another. Mutants are unable to cultivate elements but they are also considered special existence as they have powerful abilities that is useful at the current era where strength and abilities are well recognized.

Fifteen years passed when another powerful existence was discovered, Mutant Fruits.

Once a Mutant died, their power will retain to the world invading three fruits. These ordinary fruits possessing the dead mutant's powers will be called Mutant Fruits.

Once a mutant fruit was eaten, the person will inherit the power of the dead mutant.

The existence of mutant fruits are discovered after a kid ate a mutant fruit that able to inherit the power of the infamous powerful mutant that just died of a mission. They then study the existence of mutant fruits and their specifications.

Once the Mutant died, his power will be retain to the world. The power will exist physically invading three fruits in an unknown different locations, once one of the three fruit was eaten, the power will be inherited by that person which he'll be called a Mutant Fruit User. A person unable to become a cultivator doesn't mean he can become a Mutant Fruit Eater. Decade passed, the existence and rules of mutant fruits are identified by the experts.

At the current era, the apocalypse period, Cultivators, Mutant Fruit Eaters, and Mutants are at the peak of the pyramid. At age ten of a child, he can already test his aptitude to know which ability he has among these three. These three existence are impossible to exist in one person until a little girl would soon break this so called 'impossible' phenomenon.

Thirty years passed since the apocalypse era started. Many bases are established and existed only for a few years. Just two months ago, one of the five major base at the country, the Wellian Base was destroyed when zombies completely penetrated the area.

Not far from the ruined Wellian Base is a small base called Venn Base. Most of the survivors with ordinary backgrounds from the ruined Wellian Base went to this small base. Among these survivors are five children that was rescued by a well known soldier called Jim, a man on his forties, a dual cultivator of thunder and water element.

Currently, these five children he rescued are at a round table currently having their breakfast.

"He isn't here yet."

"It's been a month."

The room is filled with silence.

"He's strong. Just eat, I will go out again to ask for an update of their mission."

The eldest among them sternly said, although calm outside, he is nervous himself. Uncle Jim saved them four even they are only stranger to him. After saving them five together with the little girl he's serving, they all went here at the Venn Base buying a residence to live. For them to survive the coming days, he went to a mission to earn points and crystal cores needed to pay for the rent and foods inside the base.

Although they are only with him for only less than two months and they didn't have much interaction with him, the five of them respected him more than anyone else. On his journey to a mission when Wellian Base is still existing, he saved them four in a life and death situation one after another. After succeeding the mission, he return to the base with them four but just a day inside the Wellian Base, the base was successfully penetrated by zombies.

"Little Quona, eat, hm? Don't worry, uncle will return."

The three boys hearing the eldest kid remembering the fragile little girl's existence, they tried their best to take back their past statements.

Although the five of them didn't know one another personally before, they are not stranger to the identity of the little girl Quona even before the Wellian Base was ruined.

She is the young miss of Yun Family, one of the powerful family at the ruined Wellian Base. She is well known not only inside the Wellian Base but to the other bases as the members of her family are all top notch talents and her as a waste who was tested a year ago that can't cultivate any element neither a mutant nor a mutant fruit eater, she is treated as a laughingstock by the outsiders and even her own family.

The whole Yun Clan was rescued while the Wellian Base is in commotion omitting her existence, she was left by her own family at their residence while zombies are invading the area. She was only alive today with Uncle Jim saving her together with them four. Uncle Jim is recruited by her family a year ago before Wellian base was destroyed. The moment he served the family, he accepted a mission outside the base where he encountered the four young men.

Them all five have been together for two months now, they all tried their best to make her comfortable but the efforts seems not appreciated by the young girl as she never speak a single word to them but all these are understood by the four, the little girl must be traumatized not only with the zombies sight but with the fact that her own family abandoned her while the base is being invaded.

When they saw the little girl is on her usual meek demeanor, they no longer push the matter and continue to eat.

Another boy carefully said after their breakfast,

"Uncle Jim said once he will not return in a span of a month, we must open his room...today...is that day."

The room is filled with silence once again.

That morning, the five children went infront of the door of the said room. The eldest kid lead and open the door.

Once the five of them entered the room, they noticed the equipment at the very middle of the room which is used in testing a child's aptitude. Their gazes then fell to the crystal cores and different items around the room.

The four boys are too immersed with the foreign and luxurious items around not noticing the little girl Quona who stopped on her track at the very entrance of the room. Her body is currently undergoing changes soon her soul was pulled to a dimension she had never been to.


Chapter 2: The Sacred Clock's Secret

The four young men are now looking at the note left by their saviour they called Uncle Jim. Mentioning Quona at the letter, they immediately look for the small stature of the little girl only to find out she's standing dumbly at the very entrance of the door.

Quona who had just woken up from being pulled to a different dimension met four pair of eyes looking at her worriedly. Her big deer eyes blink three times realizing where she is at-she's back inside the somehow familiar room meeting four familiar pair of eyes that she almost forget after the seems unending period inside a mysterious place.

Her soul was pulled to a massive empty room with ten unmoving  clocks at the wall. When one of the wall clock's hands started to move, the room instantly filled with different objects. An adult size puppet teach her everything she needs to know. Grasping or not the puppets teachings, the puppets started and ended their discussions one after another. Unknown time passed, she learned different things of ten different realm, including the current world she belong.

Unknown number of years inside the Sacred Clock but at the real world, it only took a few seconds. Now, she was pulled back to the room of the man called Jim meeting the young men's different gazes.

The eldest kid stride his way to Rana and asked worriedly what happened only to be startled by the unclouded clear big doe eyes looking at him like studying his face thoroughly, she nodded before saying she's okay.

The past few months, she was muddleheaded with the incident at the Wellian Base so was able to not appreciate the four young men's effort to ease and make her comfortable but that didn't mean she didn't saw their effort. After going thru different teachings inside the sacred clock, Rana was put at ease mentally and emotionally to see things clearly. She was able to no longer care for the 'unworthy' things and the abandonment of her family.

The man called Jim that she only saw a few times whom she had never talk to, even put his life at risk just to save her when her so called family left her while the base is being invaded by zombies. These four young men for the past few months even treated her better than the people she called family for the past few years.

The eldest among them who is now infront of her is called Allec. A talented young man with control of three elements of fire, earth and metal. He was leading them for the past few months even when Uncle Jim is still present. Among the four young men, he is with the most patient towards Quona on coaxing her for the past few days to open up to them.

"En." Allec after recovering with the first response he received from the little girl, he smiled and hesitantly pat the little head. When he saw she let him pet her, he smiled more and put his action gentlier. "Uncle left a note for Little Quona. Does Little Quona wanted it to see?"

Her big deer eyes blinked before she softly nodded. The young man smiled and offer his hand that Quona took after looking at it for a few seconds before the two strive their way to the other three young men.

The three seeing the scene was in disbelief.

They know among them four, Allec is the most patient to her. Although they didn't act indifferently towards her, Allec is the most gentle whom talks to her from time to time and whom always make sure she's not uncomfortable in any ways. Now, all his effort is not put in vain. One of the young man seeing the little girl responded at last to one of them, he took the will to approach her full of enthusiasm.

"Little Quona, are you okay? Big brother Klenz is extremely worried."

The other young man at the left side of the young boy called Klenz scoff to his shamelessness while the other young man just look at Quona calmly with an unreadable smile on his face.

Quona look at the other three young men calmly as she simply nodded to them.

The young man named Klenz is a water and wood cultivator. The two are named Sinn and Lexier. The latter is the youngest among the four, only fifteen same age as Klenz. Lexier is a rare thunder cultivator while Sinn, seventeen, a year younger than Allec, whom is the calmest among them is a rare mentalist.

These four are considered the most talented and with good aptitude among their peers, Rana is in doubt how that mysterious Uncle Jim met them by accident and save them on their lowest point of their lives. Even her, she was saved by him. He went back to the Wellian Base a day before the zombies completely infiltrate their area. Now thinking clearly, there is no such coincidence to that mysterious man.

She can still remember the first time she met him. That was the day before her tenth birthday. The stoic man just look at her and whispered few words before she flick her forehead with his index finger. The same day, she learned the Yun family accepted a double element cultivator with water and rare thunder element named Jim, the same man she met that day. The next day, she tested her aptitude and learned she was unable to cultivate element neither mutant nor mutant fruit eater. The very same day, the mysterious man called Jim accepted a grade S mission and started his journey but before he left, he announced to the Yun family his protection to her in behalf of his father scaring them with her father's unclear identity.

Quona after entering the Sacred Clock, she found the peculiarity of the man called Jim. The unknown words and the movement of his hands the first time he saw her was now clear to her—it is to lock her aptitude. Of what is his reason, it's still unclear. Although she know he didn't cause nor wanted to harm her, she can't help but wonder what's his connection to her and also to the Sacred Clock knowing such spell not from this realm. Of his made up reason of his connection to her father, she didn't buy it at all.

After the four assuring Quona is okay, they then proceed to read the note left for the little girl. When learned it's written in the letter that she have to take her aptitude test today right at this moment at the very room they are standing right now, the room is filled with awkward silence.

The four young men didn't know what to say. It's not a secret to anyone at the country that she tested a year ago with no aptitude of the three- cultivator, mutant fruit eater and mutant. They wanted to console her maybe Uncle Jim was only mistaken but before any words are said, the young girl already strive her way to the machine in testing a child's aptitude.

While the young men are hesitant at the sight, Quona is calmly looking at the machine infront of her.

After years of research, people on the current era able to detect a child's aptitude at the age of ten. When the apocalypse started, the technology's further development dropped and was put aside, researchers started to focus on different things related to mutation and cultivation to be able to cope up at the apocalypse era. When people was able to stabilize after few years, technology continue to exist but not the same as before. With a mix of the available resources, technology once again regarded as an essential at the current era.

Just like the machine infront of Rana right now, technology is evident to the current world. A monitor of a computer, connected to a vine of a mutant plant holding a zombie core.

Quona just like when she took her first aptitude test, she put her index finger on the zombie core where was prick by the vine. When a drop of her blood was extracted, she withdrew her hand  and calmly look at codes at the monitor. A light from the back of the monitor passing thru at the another zombie core, a hologram of images appeared.

The five youngsters are looking at the images slowly appearing one after another.



The young men are surprised at first then while the other images appeared one after another, their faces are no longer simply described as surprised.


Mental Power.


The four young men are no longer calm with what they are seeing even the young man Sinn who is always calm among them. She's with the rare three abilities, even the healing ability that is considered the rarest.

The images withdrew but the hologram didn't fade, another image appeared that even put the four more in disbelief.

Mutant Fruit Eater.

Lastly, a character of Mutant was reflected before the hologram disappeared completely.

There is a disturbing silence inside the room before the four young men was alerted. Alec in a fast speed pulled Quona away from the machine that was destructed the moment before the codes completely sent away.

"A—are you okay?"

The three young men's attention is to Quona while Sinn strive his way to inspect the now unrecognizable machine.

"It's with self destructed program. It must be set by Uncle Jim so the main base wouldn't discover Little Quona's location."

Sinn calmly said but was clearly thinking deeper of what just happened. It was all set by him again, this means he already knew her unusual aptitude result.

Among the four, Sinn followed the man called Jim not because he saved his life but because he already saw the peculiarity of the mysterious man. He was always able to read things without failure but not after he met the man called Jim. He's a young man full of curiosity and Jim is a man full of secrets, he naturally followed him and his 'group'. On their journey, he never leaves his attention to him observing every action to find hints. Although he discovered some secrets that he's unusual among the others, those hints didn't really give any direction of his real big secret.

Just now, Sinn after thinking deeper, he can't help but shook his head helplessly with a rare real smile on his face, a glim reflected to his wise eyes. He then realize what's happening.

Everything is deliberate.

The man called Jim had no negligence on his part letting him 'discover' his little secrets. He wanted to follow him and join this group in the very first place. Them five are pre arranged by that man called Jim to who knows why.

Alec, adopted son of a rich family whom was forced by his adopted family to marry a girl he thought his real sister.

Klenz, a son of a mistress of a businessman, an unfavor son bullied by his older brothers that gone overboard when they almost disfigure his face.

Lexier, an orphan whom was almost burn his whole body of a mission, left by his comrades in the mercenary group.

Him, Sinn, a bored young man from one of the powerful base, he almost died of boredom before he met a peculiar group of three young men following a mysterious man that he can't decipher.

A very interesting arrangement.

Sinn seeing Quona, he can't help but raise the side of his lips.

Last but not the least, an abandon little girl of one of the most powerful family of the country with an unbelievable aptitude that was tested a year ago as a waste.

And them five, an aloof mysterious man called Jim saved them all that they unknowingly followed up to this point.

Very interesting, indeed.

This arrangement, he may really follow it. He didn't like to be manipulated by anyone but this arrangement is just really too unpredictable and too interesting...it would be a waste not to follow it.

Sinn, striving his way to Quona, he lower his head and like talking to a small kid, he cooed her like a real big brother.

"Our Nana must be scared, Big Brother Sinn will bake cake for you en?"

'Our Nana'?

Klenz and Lexier's ears perked and slowly twist their head to look at Sinn hearing the unusual coaxing voice of the scary man. They shudder unconsciously.

When Quona agreed without a second thought, Sinn smiled and gently pat her little head before leaving the room with her that was followed by Allec.

The two are dumb with what they just saw and heard. Lexier who is the most hot tempered among them is more acceptable to coax the little girl but Sinn is just too unbelievably doing such act!

Although Sinn is always calm and with a smile on his face all the time, they all know by their hearts those smiles are not real at all...behind those smiles and calmness is with a cause full calculations!

Klenz who is the second most patient with Quona the past few days throw this matter aside remembering Sinn whom with the least effort on reaching out with Quona is the second person able to pat her cute little head! With a frown, he followed the three to the kitchen.

Far from Venn Base, a beautiful woman on her comfortable position is drinking tea with a lot of delicacies at the table that she calmly eats while watching the big monitor.

"Ehh? Why did you not unlock completely her abilities?", a young man three steps away from her nonchalantly said while also looking at the monitor.

The woman acted she didn't hear anything focusing on the foods infront of her until one of the plate emptied in just a second. Blinking her eyes at the now empty plate, her attention diverted to the young man who was now eating the stolen cookie that if she's not mistaken, it's the last piece from her stockroom.

"En, you made me realize things. To compensate the weak little girl, what about compensate her something, en?"

The young man didn't realize the danger of the situation until he saw how the woman look at his hands that is holding the half cookie that if he's not mistaken, it's her least favorite flavor. The frighteningly calmness of the woman made the man hardly swallow the last bite of the cookie.

The young man's face collapsed. "You—!"

The woman's dangerous silence made the young man's knee weaken.

"No! You're right! The kid is still weak, unlocking the three elements would give her focus to cultivate the other—" he stopped talking when he saw the woman's frighteningly calmer eyes towards him.

"Did you just called her 'weak'?"

"You—! You also called her weak!"

The woman raised her right eyebrow with a challenging gaze.

The young man's face collapsed when he realized how ridiculous his situation is right now.

The people around the two are looking at the young man full of pity. Among these people are three kids who are identical to one another. With the woman's instruction, one of the kid was taken by a thin man with glasses, the two disappeared out of thin air.


Chapter 3: Waste Mutant Fruits

Klenz whom wanted to pat Quona's cute little head after arriving at the kitchen was pulled by Sinn with a reason of his water ability.

While the two are busy on making dessert, Allec and Lexier are at the small counter nearby giving Quona a brief introduction on how to cultivate her elements. Her unusual unbelievable aptitude test was completely thrown at the back of their heads focusing on the important matters, her cultivation.

Allec is patiently discussing how to absorb the essence of the zombie core to level up the ability which is actually not needed for Quona as she already learned different things inside the Sacred Clock not to mention these basic information.

Different from the cultivation world of the other realm, cultivators at the apocalypse era are not to sit in a certain position while absorbing qi of heaven and earth but to absorb the essence of zombie cores to upgrade their abilities. After the essence was absorbed by the body, cultivators have to practice their abilities at an actual combat in-order for the power to settle in dantian to upgrade the level of their abilities.

Absorbing the zombie core is a cruel process while completely settling the power to the dantian took a cultivator's time and effort.

"Does Nana wanted to try?"

Allec unconsciously called her what Sinn named her that she didn't mind at all, she nodded while looking intently at the zombie core handed to her.

Although she already know these things beforehand, this would be her first zombie core to absorb. Concentrating at the core on her hand, the symbol of water inside slowly faded until the red color completely dissolves without leaving any trace in just a few seconds.

Allec who is carefully explaining to her that it would be hard at the first attempt abruptly stops talking when the zombie core is nowhere to found inside Quona's palm. Lexier who is nonchalant at the sideline almost fell from his seat.

"D—do you feel any discomfort?"

Quona shook her head then she look at the other zombie cores on the table like wanting to devour them all.

"Our Nana's absorbing zombie core is top notch." Sinn suddenly said who was observing from the very start.

Klenz abandon on refilling the water tank and wisely explain further.

"To be able to settle the power of the zombie core, you have to have an actual battle. Big brother Klenz will help our Nana."

"En, it took months for the essence to completely settle but you have us as your Big Brothers, we will guide you in every step."

Suddenly, black slimy liquid resurface from Quona's skin. It is the impurities of the zombie cores...it also means the power that she just absorb a while ago was now completely settled inside her dantian.

Quona's big eyes blink three times.

The four young men who just taught her the cultivation world using the standard of the mundane, "..."

"I'll go upstairs first to take a bath."

The four nodded dumbly.

"Can I have some beast core?"

Allec nodded blankly offering her all zombie cores on hand.

Quona left the room leaving the four in an awkward silence.

The rationale behind how the essence of the core settled in just a short time inside her is not only with Quona's special physique but also the impurities inside her body was long gone removed inside the Sacred Clock. She also had undergone training that her physique is able to settle the essence of the zombie core until she reach her first level of her elements and abilities without actual combat training. With this reason, Quona ask for more zombie cores to absorb before leaving, this is to reach the first level of her elements before taking a bath.

The four recovered and helplessly accept everything smoothly even their pride and dignity as Cultivators are ruthlessly wounded, she was tested as a Cultivator, Eater and a Mutant, absorbing a zombie core in just a few seconds should no longer surprise them, right?

No! Wrong! She's with unusual aptitude of both the three so cultivating each of her elements and abilities must take longer time, more effort and greater resources using the rule studied and tested, proven by the experts.

"Our Nana is too amazing, right?"

"She's tested with five elements, absorbing a zombie core in an instant is a good thing."

"With her aptitude, she needs a lot of zombie cores to breakthrough. We have to harvest as much as zombie cores as we can."

The better a person's aptitude, the more zombie cores needed to breakthrough. A person with single element needs less cores to absorb to breakthrough his element than a person with two elements to upgrade one of its element. Thereby, when they saw Quona's aptitude, although she is able to cultivate multiple elements, the bitterness of this unbelievable result was that her progress to each of her abilities would took a long time and great resources, but seeing how she easily absorb the essence of the core and even settle it inside her body for just a few seconds, they realize their worry at first is nonsensical. Thus, Rana's ability to absorb the zombie core's essence isn't the problem but the lacking of zombie cores.

Cultivators need less zombie cores to upgrade their abilities compared to Mutant Fruit Users while Mutants needs to consume great numbers of cores compared to the Element Cultivators and Mutant Fruit Users. Rana as a multi-elemental cultivator, adding she's also both an Eater and a Mutant, she needs a lot of zombie cores just to upgrade one of her element or ability.

Thus, when Quona went down after taking a bath, the four almost tripped of themselves when they saw she's at first level of her elements and ability.

Although they already accepted her quick progress, they didn't expect it to be just as quick as baking cookies and cake!

Sinn is the first to recover placing the first slice of the newly bake cake on her plate.

"Our Nana is really amazing. Our Nana deserves the first slice for her reward."

Although she's not smiling, Quona's eyes are twinkling looking at the sweets in front of her that she didn't hesitate to eat after meekly saying her thank you.

The four are smiling at the little girl who is focusing on eating that is oblivious of how cute she is.

"Cough..." Lexier was first to recover after noticing how much he wanted to pinch her bulging cheeks, he took one of the delicacy stuffing it inside his mouth. "Nana is also a mutant fruit eater, that means she can be a user someday."

Unknowingly to them, they started to call her 'Nana', an intimate way addressing her like she's their little sister.

What Lexier mention is the ability to inherit the power of mutant fruit. Once a Mutant Fruit Eater eats a mutant fruit possessing the mutant's ability, he'll be called a Mutant Fruit User.

Sinn and Klenz nodded with Lexier's sudden statement realizing zombie cores is not the sole problem here but also mutant fruit that is suitable for their little sister.

"En, although mutant fruits are scarce and probably hidden by strong organizations, we will find the way to look for the best mutant fruit for our Nana."

Mutant Fruits are rare existence especially today, decades already passed since the existence of mutant fruits are discovered by humanity.

Mutants are with peculiar ability that is unique from cultivators and even to the other mutants.

Once a mutant died, their power will remain to the world and invade THREE ordinary fruits, these fruits that temporarily possessed the mutant's power are called Mutant Fruits. 

Mutant Fruits are with special existence with a reason of once a person ate mutant fruit, he will possess the power of the dead mutant, this can only happen meeting two conditions.

First, the person have to be a Mutant Fruit Eater. This existence although not as rare as Mutants, it is rarer than an Element Cultivators. Once a Mutant Fruit Eater inherit the mutant's power, he will be called a Mutant Fruit User.

Second condition to be met, the mutant fruit eater have to eat the first Mutant Fruit of the three the same fruit. Once the mutant died, his power will be temporarily invade three ordinary fruits, whoever Mutant Fruit Eater ate first any of these three fruits will possess the mutant ability. The other two mutant fruits left even eaten by a Mutant Fruit Eater can't possess the mutant's power and worst scenario, the eater will die.

The other two uneaten Mutant Fruits may be useless but they are still treasured especially by the Mutant Fruit User who ate the first fruit. This is with a reason a User's ability can be stolen once he died...intentionally killed in most cases.

Although there are three similar mutant fruits possessing the same power, the first eater will be the only one who will and can use the mutant's ability. In-order to possess the Mutant's ability, the Mutant Fruit User have to die first. With the era of strongest rules, coveting the mutant's ability is not unacceptable. This is the reason even the Mutant Fruit's ability was already possessed by a User, the other two mutant fruits are still kept treasured either by the User himself or outsider. Mutant Fruit Users usually hide their ability and which fruit they ate while hunting for the remaining two similar mutant fruits for their ability to not took interest by other Mutant Fruit Eaters.

While the three are discussing of the possible mutant fruits suited for Quona, Allec is helpless at the cute sight and from time to time he will gently wipe the residue of the cake at the side of Quona's lips.

"Nana, eat slowly."

"Nana, don't eat too much. Your teeth is still growing."

"Nana, don't forget to drink water."

The little girl after finishing the first slice, she look at him blinking her big doe eyes then look at the cake on his side, not talking but her eyes are asking for another slice of cake.

Allec is helpless with the pleading eyes.

"En, drink water first."

While Allec is busy pouring a water for her, Quona's attention was diverted to the three when she heard they are talking about Mutant Fruits.

"There are a lot of mutant fruits just outside the residence."

The four look at the little girl whom initiated to talk this time. They tried to process her words when they realize what she's talking about.

Waste Mutant Fruits.

Yes, Mutant Fruits are indeed not an ordinary sight but the existence of what they labelled 'Waste Mutant Fruits', even ordinary people had seen a mutant fruit.

Breaking the basic rule of Mutant Fruits, Waste Mutant Fruits are not only three in number. Everywhere even inside every bases, Waste Mutant Fruits are growing in an inexplicable number. Because they are an ordinary sight to ordinary people, their existence is not as important as the other mutant fruits.

"I want two dozen of them."

When the four realize Quona's words, they inform her that it would be better not to waste her talent with an ordinary mutant fruit as they will find the best and the most powerful mutant fruit for her.

Quona shook her head, "My mutant ability is connected to Mutant Fruits."

"Our Nana means...?"

"How is it connected to Mutant Fruit?"

"What is our Nana's mutant ability?"

The little girl's little face frown a little like she didn't know how to explain. Suddenly, a chubby little girl that seems five years old appeared out of nowhere.

The four are taken aback at the new little girl, smaller than their Rana. Like it's her smaller and chubbier version but just the hair and eyes are in different color. Allec look down when a small hand clutch at the hem of his shirt weakly pulling it to call for his attention, Quona using her big doe eyes, she's asking for her another slice of cake after completely drinking the water. Allec helplessly give him the second slice of cake.

"Why am I summoned?"

The five years old chubby little girl helplessly sigh realizing the reason why is she summoned, she then quietly observed the four new faces studying them.

The four on the other hand already have an idea of the chubby little girl's identity.

A Guide Soul.

Mutant are with special existence with a reason of their Guides. A mutant once breakthrough her first level, her Guide will appear to be able—from their names— to 'guide' the Mutant, their master, of their mutant's ability.

Although Mutant Fruit Users can possess the dead Mutant's ability, Users can not summon their Guide Soul, this is one of the reason of the advantage of Mutants.

"My mutant ability."

Rana simply said like talking too much would hurt her. The little girl Guide Soul sigh helplessly when she confirmed she was indeed summoned just to explain things.

"Firstly, I am named Caomei."

The four nodded their heads then carefully introduced themselves.

"En. Now that I saw my meek master is with four big brothers, the heavy burden when I saw her at first was slightly lifted."

"Now now, let me discuss you the human's so called 'Waste' Mutant Fruits and why they don't deserve to be labelled 'waste'."

Caomei then patiently discussed from the very bottom.

Mutant Fruits are easily distinguished from ordinary fruits with the similar peculiar patterns on their outer layer. Mutant Fruits are distinguished from one another with their sizes, shapes, textures, and smell.

"The very basic rule of mutant fruits are they only exist in a limited number of three. This is the main reason you humans disregard these mutant fruits and even labelled them as Waste Mutant Fruits."

The usual number of only three numbers of each mutant fruit was broken by Waste Mutant Fruits. These fruits just like mentioned earlier, they are tantamount everywhere. They are ordinary sight to everyone even those people whom never left their bases, this is also the reason they are considered worthless to mutant fruit eaters and even to ordinary people, it is simply because they are just ordinary view to see...this is the only one of many reasons why they are labelled 'Waste'.

"You must know that there are three kinds of Waste Mutant Fruits?"

The four young men nodded seriously while the little girl Quona is seriously focusing on munching the cake.

Waste Mutant Fruits are in three kinds. Space Mutant Fruit gave the user to possess a space. Transformation Mutant Fruit allows the user to deform his own self. Lastly, the Radar Mutant Fruit that can detect the existence of other mutant fruits.  

"The special existence of these fruits are with a reason they are able to break the rules of Mutant Fruits."

The very first and the very basic rule of Mutant Fruits, a Mutant Fruit Eater can only eat one Mutant Fruit and possess its ability.

The four frown with this basic knowledge.

Lexier immediately refuted but still carefully said considering the little girl's identity, "But these three fruits are with no defensive attacks."

"With Nana's five elements, defensive attacks can be disregarded." Klenz replied.

"En. That is indeed correct. But the main reason for choosing waste mutant fruits as her mutant fruits is their power themselves. First, once possessed her own space, it would not only be convenient for her but also convenient to your group."

They can't disagree to that.

"Second, just look at her."

The four's eyes diverted to the cute scene where Quona whose focus is on eating the big cookie held by both of her small hands.

This is...too cute.

Noticing their focus was not in line with her point, Caomei almost do the very human gesture of palming her face. She can't even scold the four young men as she needs their manpower for the progress of her master.

"Her hair and eyes."

The four nodded when realized what is the Guide Soul Caomei trying to say.

Quona is with natural deep red hair and emerald green eyes that is too eye catching not to mention it's apocalyptic era. With the transformation mutant fruit, she can change the color of her exquisite extraordinary features of her hair and eyes.

"Lastly, Radar Mutant Fruits can detect the location of Mutant Fruits."

Klenz added, "Plus, if our Nana's mutant fruit is these three, she will not be harmed by others with a reason of coveting her mutant fruit."

Sinn is with different concern on the other hand. Yes, these three once possessed by Quina, it would be beneficial not only to her but also to the whole group but there is a hole to this idea.

"Although possessing these three abilities are tempting, once a User intake the same mutant fruit he already ate and possess, he will die."

This is one of the rule of mutant fruits. The Mutant Fruit User who ate the second the same mutant fruit he already possessed will die. Once the Eater ate his first mutant fruit, he will possess the mutant's ability. Once he ate the second the same mutant fruit, he will die.

So why is this a problem to Waste Mutant Fruits?

It is because Space, Transformation, and Radar Mutant Fruits or the so called Waste Mutant Fruits can't be distinguish to one another.

Mutant Fruits can easily distinguish from ordinary fruit with the unique patterns at the outer layer of the fruits. Mutant Fruits can be distinguish from one another according to their shapes, texture, smell and sizes.

With a rule 'User will die once ate the second mutant fruit of the same fruit he's possessing' adding Waste Mutant Fruits are indistinguishable to one another, possessing the three abilities of Space, Transformation, and Radar is with a great risk.

Once the Eater intake the same kind of Waste Mutant Fruit, he will die.

"This is where her Mutant's ability enters."

The three look at Caomei with undeniably curiousity and full of anticipation. Allec on the other hand although listening to the words of Caomei, his attention is at attending the little girl Quona whose focus is still on munching the cookies. 

"It is to summon Mutant Fruit's Guide Spirit."

When the words of the Guide Soul Caomei was heard, the young men around need to process things slowly and thoroughly.


Sample scene from Book 1:

Quona's almost closing eyes look up to his Big Brother Allec.


The young man smiled patting the little head while asking if he wanted to go home but the little head shook her head knowing they need to observe their opponents abilities.

"Then Nana can just rest at big brother's shoulder."

The little sleepy head obliged.

Sinn, Lexier, and Klenz can only envy from the sideline. When the three noticed a deathly glare of their Nana's blood related brothers not far from their seats, the three slowly turn their heads to their direction, with a smirk, the three raised their chin higher provoking the four young foreigners.

The four young men not far away seeing their little sister being stolen at their very eyes can't even kill the four fake big brothers of their little sister, they can only envy from afar.

The three young foreigners are annoyed at the self-proclaimed big brothers of their little sister but they can only accept the fruit of their past actions. They just allowed their adopted sister bully her and even almost injured her—but that's before they learned she's their little sister! The three can only have sigh of relief knowing their little sister doesn't hated them unlike their eldest brother.

Well...unlike them, even after seeing their little sister's eyes, they didn't recognized her but their great Eldest Brother just seeing her eyes knew she was their little sister. It's just unlucky to him he met one of their little sister's fake brother before her. Well...he just almost killed the young man named Allec later to find out he's their little sister's favorite big brother!

That's the first time the always stoic little girl frown not hiding her dislike to a person and that very person is their Eldest Brother, her blood related brother!

Even knowing they are connected by blood, she didn't care and chose the fake four big brothers over them! They can't even go back to their country asking a help from their family announcing at last their family after three generations of waiting is now with a little sister as first things first, there are 3 old men, 11 uncles and 34 brothers to compete with their little sister's attention, that's not even including the the old ladies and aunties! If they can't fix their relationship to her before the 'competitors' knew her existence, they would never had a chance to her attention in any future!

They are indeed dissatisfied with their current situation not to mention their Eldest Brother' whom always calm and collected, his gloomy aura is radiating.

On the other hand, the spectators from the sideline seeing the cute scene of the infamous 'Bloody Loli' being doted by her big brothers can't help can only smile wryly.

She is the same little girl whom killed two Green Level Zombies before entering the Garrion Base...right? She is the same little girl whom compete with against the famous young master with thunder attribute from one of major families right? Why is she acting so delicate and cute right now?