
Genius Summoner Turning the World Upside Down

A rare plant phantom summoner? Can practice both martial arts and magic? Can master six elements? The recognized master of the mysterious sacred book that holds every knowledge in every field and allow her to have a magical space? Once the Central heard she is the so called waste of the small kingdom of Long Dynasty and even her betrothed the crown prince cancel their contract of marriage, all of the powerful figures laughs. "If she is a waste then all of us are retarded okay!" "If she's no considered genius then who they can call genius?" "Small minded people from small Kingdom lead by small minded crown prince!"

justmeowing · History
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56 Chs

34. Painting

Meixiang, Tian Ling, Tian Feng, Ping Chunhua, and Little Qin arrived at the center of the Central where the academies are located. Although the the Central Academy is distance away from where they came from, it's not impossible to arrive in a short span of time with the transportation array.

The Central is with total of five transportion array station located at the five territories of the five powerhouses. Although it's not owned by these powerhouses, they also profited by collecting taxes from the owner of these transportation arrays.

Meixiang and the others check in an inn near the Central Academy. Meixiang instructed Tian Feng and Ping Chunhua to cultivate, and Tian Ling to read prescriptions while she and the little tourguide Qin went out that day.

"You said yesterday Vian Din Pavilion's auction house is located here. I wanted to go there."

Vian Din Pavilion have quarters to each of the five territories of the five powerhouses. Their main base where their auction house is located is at the center which is the territory of the Central Academy.

Little Qin nodded and lead the way to Vian Din Pavilion's base.

Because auctions are held at night, the auction house is not yet open when the two arrived. The closed auction house is with a big signage outside of their grand auction tonight. This is the same information in one of the poster Meixiang saw when they stroll at the plaza yesterday. This is also the reason she decided to go here in advance.

This grand auction only takes place when a unique item is to be auction. This is the reason Meixiang was looking forward to this.

Although the auction house is still close, their base is open. This is where Vian Din Pavilion receives missions, accomodate their clients, and also where they sell their items.

Meixiang entered and her little tourguide follows. One of the employee accomodate them explaining them everything.

The first floor is where they display their current available items. There is also lists of other items available to their other branches ready to be delivered anytime. From weapons to scepters, elixirs, martial artist scrolls, books of techniques, they indeed have it. The second floor is where the slaves are displayed and on the third floor is where they accept requests and special services. This special services are in high sky prices.

Meixiang said, "I'm interested in one of the VIP rooms for the tonight's grand auction."

The employee smiled and with apologetic tone he said, "Apologize to the young miss. The VIP rooms are long gone booked and even the ordinary seats are already taken."

Meixiang already expected this. She calmly said, "You must have special rooms for your special clients?"


"I have a rare item here and wanted to auction it."

The employee seeing the serious demeanor of the little girl, he straighten his back and respectfully lead the way to the fourth floor.

Meixiang was taken to a large room full of apparatus on the walls. Looking at these, Meixiang already know the functions of these equipments.

She was greeted by an old man in pure white robe. When seated, Meixiang put down a small bottle to the tray provided.

The appraiser wore his white gloves and carefully examine the small bottle with water inside.

"The spirituality of this water is indeed abundant. This thing---you obtain it from the Neiron Mountain?"

Meixiang was a little dumb with the old man's words. She already formulated a lie where did she get the spiritual water but the old man suddenly mention the Neiron Mountain. Ofcourse, Meixiang knows that Neiron Mountain the old man is talking about but she can't tell why this old man connects it to the spiritual water of the phantom world.

Meixiang then change her direction and asked, "I don't know how the senior knows?"

The old man was shocked when the little girl confirmed the origin of the item, "Everyone knows the Neiron Mountain is with a cave at the very center where at night, a drop of spiritual water will descend almost the same existing in phantom world's spiritual water. This drop of water contains the accumulated spirituality of the whole Neiron Mountain."

Meixiang nodded understanding what is happening.

She read about the Neiron Mountain before naturally she knows almost everything about it. Neiron contains five peaks and these peaks sorrounding a forest that this old man and other's believe where the spiritual water descends. This is the reason Meixiang is ignorant with this issue because the books inside the sacred book contains only facts and not gossips.

Meixiang look at the old man almost worshipping the bottle of water in front of him.

If Meixiang's subordinates saw how the old man almost worship this spiritual water they casually drink and sometimes use to bath, they will spit a mouthful of blood.

"Seeing the perfect spirituality of this, I can only say the news about it seems unreliable. It's not almost the same as the phantom world's spiritual water but I can say it's the same." the old man appraiser said seriously.

Meixiang is indeed with the greatest mental power for keeping that stoic face in such situation.

"I'm just curious, the Neiron Mountain is protected by a powerful beast, how can you possess the spiritual water only seen at the very center of the mountain?"

True to the old man's words, Neiron Mountain is guarded by a powerful beast that even Meixiang can't tell what beast it is as the sacred book concealed it.

Meixiang's eyes reflects sadness and said, "Our group is powerful ready to confront the beast but didn't expect contains that kind of power. Most of our subordinates died and we who are still alive barely survived. This drop of spiritual water, I want to auction it to forget the painful journey of our team and also to not put our subordinate's deaths in vain."

The old man understood. "Seeing the hardship your group confronted, this old man will request to the higher ups to only get 5% of the profit."

Meixiang nodded still her eyes reflects sadness.

"Do you have any request for this item?"

Meixiang shook her head. They then signed the papers and about to lead Meixiang out the room when a playful thoughts appear on Meixiang's mind. She stopped and look at the old man in an hesitant manner, she said

"This---if the transaction went well, I will persuade my subordinates to also auction the spiritual water they possess in the same auction house."

The old man was startled. "You--you mean you still have more of the spiritual water?"

Meixiang nodded weakly.

The show was done and with all the important figures of Vian Din Pavilion currently present, escorted Meixiang out of the premises full of respect.

The little Qin following Meixiang restrain himself from asking of what item Meixiang offered to the Vian Din Pavilion.

Before it gets dark, Meixiang together with Tian Ling, Ping Chunhua, Tian Feng, and Little Qin, arrived outside the Vian Din Pavilion's auction house.

The parking area is full of grandiose carriages with different emblems stating which clan or organization they belong.

There is only a single space available. The carriage where Meixiang and the others rented was about to accomodate that space when another carriage was with the same plan. The both carriages stops.

When the commotion was heard, Meixiang stops from her track and look back only to see the coachman of their rented carriage was talking to a driver of another carriage. An employee of Vian Din Pavilion meddling in between suddenly a man in aristocratic attire appeared. Meixiang and the rest went near where the commotion is. When Meixiang's team appeared, the employee once again explained what is happening.

"The space is prearranged beforehand. It is according to the seats and rooms booked by the costumers. This servant wanted to see the two parties' tickets."

Even the appearance of the two carriages are in obviously heaven and earth difference, the employee don't want to take the risk of offending anyone. This is a lesson a smart employee knows while working in the land full of deception, a lot of lowkey are around the corner and being rich is not at the top of the pyramid.

A pale young man appeared and walks toward the man in an aristocratic attire.

The man in aristocratic attire respectfully said, "Young master. This matter is yet to be solve. Please enter the VIP room first without this confidant."

The pale young man didn't mind his confidant's plea and showed his ticket to the employee of the Vian Din Pavilion.

The employee confirmed the authencity of the ticket and politely inform Meixiang's side.

Meixiang didn't receive such ticket when she's having a transaction with the old man earlier. She then casually showed the token jade the old man gave her after they sign the papers.

The employee was buffled when he recognized the jade. He then bowed his head respectfully and carefully said, "The distinct guest arrives. The employee apologize from not recognizing the jade member of the Vian Din Pavilion."

The employee is calm outside but his heart is in turmoil sighing in relief inwardly. Good thing he didn't offend them even with such ordinary carriage.

The employee signaled the other employees around to guide the rented carriage of Meixiang to the locked parking space.

Meixiang nodded. She then look at the pale young man and his confidant, "It's this little girl's mistake for not giving a notice to her servant."

The pale young man who is observing Meixiang's face thoroughly replied, "This young man doesn't mind."

Meixiang nodded and was lead by the employee of the Vian Din Pavilion on their way to their exclusive room.

When Meixiang's back was no longer in view, the pale young man curve his lips still looking at the entrance of the auction house.

"She's way better looking than that scumbag's painting."

"Crown Prince?"

"Let's go inside."
