
Genius Summoner Turning the World Upside Down

A rare plant phantom summoner? Can practice both martial arts and magic? Can master six elements? The recognized master of the mysterious sacred book that holds every knowledge in every field and allow her to have a magical space? Once the Central heard she is the so called waste of the small kingdom of Long Dynasty and even her betrothed the crown prince cancel their contract of marriage, all of the powerful figures laughs. "If she is a waste then all of us are retarded okay!" "If she's no considered genius then who they can call genius?" "Small minded people from small Kingdom lead by small minded crown prince!"

justmeowing · History
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56 Chs

30. To the Central

The news about the powerful majestic ancient beast born in the Wei Kingdom descended from the sky landed inside the inner layer of the White Forest was spread to the whole Wei Kingdom and to their neighboring kingdoms and soon this news was received by the powerful figures of the central.

The so called powerful majestic ancient beast in the sensational topic in the whole cultivation world is now being cute and rubbing their round hairy body to their masters' cheeks.

A week had already passed and they are already used to this view. Tian Ling on the other side of the carriage is still with complicated emotions. He can't accept Meixiang's explanation that these ancient beasts will choose their masters whom with greatest luck. Thus that mean his luck is something can't compared with her mother and Old Leng?

He can't cultivate but with Meixiang's help he can now become a heavenly doctor and now soon to be a tier three heavenly doctor. Is this luck not enough? Then he found out the hole of this plot.

Meixiang. His Little Xiang!

They are all lucky because of Meixiang. Then the two are the luckiest because Meixiang favor them more!

Even the ancient beasts is wise enough and can sense Little Xiang's favoritism!

But why not directly contract Meixiang if they can detect luck? This is one of Meixiang's thought this past few days. Not being narcissistic, among them she herself Meixiang is the luckiest possessing the sacred book alone can tell in one sight. So why not her? Although happy for Old Leng and Auntie Tian, Meixiang can't help but become curious. She can only wait to unlock that part of library and find out the truth.

Tian Ling was in depressed mood the whole journey. He can't become completely happy about his father who contracted a Gann Wooly Cheetah and her mother contracting an ancient beasts as he is still thinking of his Little Xiang favoring Old Leng more than him, her brother slash her childhood friend.

Is he no longer the best in the whole world in her little sister's eyes? Did she chose Old Leng over him because of those machines he builds? Did he chose the wrong field and should follow Old Leng on his workshop?

The carriage stopped when they are far enough to the boundaries of any kingdoms.

"We'll build our camp here and travel thru air tomorrow. Brother Ling, come inside my carriage."

Tian Ling weakly walks toward Meixiang's carriage and entered.

"Little Xiang?"

Meixiang gave a piece of cloth to Tian Ling. Tiang Ling opens it and saw a ring, a green crystal and two small white pearls.

Meixiang explained "It's an interspatial ring already full of beast cores and crystals. The two small pearls are where your puppets can be recharge and be summon back when not needed. The green crystal is with my breath inside. Break this when you're in immense danger, this will not only alarm me but also alarm the opponent when felt my pressure. Central is a dangerous place but with a great opportunity. Once you reach the pharmacist level, we'll find the best refining furnace for Brother Ling."

Tian Ling's eyes brighten. He left the carriage with full spirit and was about to boast his interspatial ring to the others when he saw them all wearing their own interspatial ring! His high spirit didn't fade away thinking of the best refining furnace his Little Xiang mentioned.

The best refining furnace for the best person in her eyes right? Hmp you are Little Xiang's favorite but in his Little Xiang's eyes, he's the best okay!

He walks toward his father and was startled when he saw a little boy.

"Who--who is that kid?"

Bai Zihan laughs at Tian Ling's reaction and explained, "Good thing Little Ling's mood got better and can already notice Uncle Tian's contract beast."

"F---father's contract beast???"

Uncle Tian can only sigh with his son. They are together inside a one carriage in that whole week and didn't even see this child eating his wife's cooked meals most of the time inside the carriage.

Ping Chunhua then explained, "Brother Ji and XiangXiang already explained. Gann Wooly Cheetah are with wind attribute and once born their rank is already in eighth stage. The warlock is talented and with fast cultivation and was promoted to ninth stage middle level. This explains when transform to his human form, he's in a child appearance."

Although still young, his beast form is already large in par with the Aard Striped Hyena's adult beast form as it's kind is with much higher cultivation and larger size.

The child Gann Wooly Cheetah didn't care he's the topic of their conversation and continue chewing the jerky Autie Tian prepared.

Bai Zihan added, "We didn't even name it so you can give it a name."

"Little Meat."

Bai Zihan's eyebrow twitch. Is this naming too fast? Did he not needed to think of it first? What Little Meat? What's that name? Is that even a name?

Ping Chunhua on the sideline pitifully look at the now Little Meat. She somehow was relieved when she thinks of naming Keai herself. She then rubs the big head of Keai who is sitting obediently on her side.

Uncle Tian cough. "Little Meat then." he then stiffly patted the pitiful child's head and added more jerky to his plate for a silent apology.

Another two child appeared on Tian Ling's sight and was eating happily not far away from them.

Without waiting for Tian Ling's question, Bai Zihan answered, "Those are Auntie Tian and Old Leng's" cough "contracted ancient beast. The little girl is Auntie Tian's beast named Little White while the the little boy is Old Leng's beast named Little Bao."

Tian Ling frown. "Why not Little Black?"

Bai Zihan expected this question. "Auntie also suggested this name but Old Leng didn't follow and named it Bao himself."

A deep frustration was visible on Tian Ling's face. Bai Zihan almost choke.

Uncle Tian when saw Little Meat's jerky was almost gone, he bring him to where the two ancient beast are eating and went to his wife to ask for more jerky.

The three powerful beast on their human appearance, three children are eating obediently without talking while the people around them can't help but watch them once in a while.

Their harvest on their journey inside the White Forest is considered great. Their cultivation risen and their skills gteatly improved. They earn beast cores, spiritual crystals, and black mione metal that they used to create their weapons and scepters still leaving them a large amount to be spend when reach the Central. They also contracted spiritual beasts and ancient beasts. Not only that, black deon gopher family and five phantoms are also added to their family.

With this, not to mention passing the mercenery test but also winning the upcoming mercenery tournament is an easy task.

The next day, they travelled thru air in Shi Jinhai's back. They will stop by a nearby forest at night and set to leave early morning. Their travel from Wei Kingdom took them three weeks to completely arrive at the gate of the Central.